Module vipy.image
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import os
import PIL
import PIL.Image
import PIL.ImageFilter
import platform
import dill
import vipy.globals
from vipy.globals import print
from vipy.util import isnumpy, isurl, isimageurl, \
fileext, tempimage, mat2gray, imwrite, imwritegray, \
tempjpg, filetail, isimagefile, remkdir, hasextension, \
try_import, tolist, islistoflists, istupleoftuples, isstring, \
istuple, islist, isnumber, isnumpyarray, string_to_pil_interpolation, toextension, iswebp
from vipy.geometry import BoundingBox, imagebox
import vipy.object
from vipy.object import greedy_assignment
import vipy.downloader
import urllib.request
import urllib.error
import urllib.parse
import http.client as httplib
import copy
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import shutil
import io
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings
import base64
import types
import hashlib
import time
import math
import torch # pre-import
pass # lazy load on demand
import ujson as json # faster
except ImportError:
import json
class Image(object):
"""vipy.image.Image class
The vipy image class provides a fluent, lazy interface for representing, transforming and visualizing images.
The following constructors are supported:
im = vipy.image.Image(filename="/path/to/image.ext")
All image file formats that are readable by PIL are supported here.
im = vipy.image.Image(url="")
The image will be downloaded from the provided url and saved to a temporary filename.
The environment variable VIPY_CACHE controls the location of the directory used for saving images, otherwise this will be saved to the system temp directory.
im = vipy.image.Image(url="", filename="/path/to/new/image.ext")
The image will be downloaded from the provided url and saved to the provided filename.
The url() method provides optional basic authentication set for username and password
im = vipy.image.Image(array=img, colorspace='rgb')
The image will be constructed from a provided numpy array 'img', with an associated colorspace. The numpy array and colorspace can be one of the following combinations:
- 'rgb': uint8, three channel (red, green, blue)
- 'rgba': uint8, four channel (rgb + alpha)
- 'bgr': uint8, three channel (blue, green, red), such as is returned from cv2.imread()
- 'bgra': uint8, four channel
- 'hsv': uint8, three channel (hue, saturation, value)
- 'lum;: uint8, one channel, luminance (8 bit grey level)
- 'grey': float32, one channel in range [0,1] (32 bit intensity)
- 'float': float32, any channel in range [-inf, +inf]
The most general colorspace is 'float' which is used to manipulate images prior to network encoding, such as applying bias.
filename: a path to an image file that is readable by PIL
url: a url string to an image file that is readable by PIL
array: a numpy array of type uint8 or float32 of shape HxWxC=height x width x channels
colorspace: a string in ['rgb', 'rgba', 'bgr', 'bgra', 'hsv', 'float', 'grey', 'lum']
attributes: a python dictionary that is passed by reference to the image. This is useful for encoding metadata about the image. Accessible as im.attributes
A `vipy.image.Image` object
def __init__(self, filename=None, url=None, array=None, colorspace=None, attributes=None):
# Private attributes
self._ignoreErrors = False # ignore errors during fetch (broken links)
self._urluser = None # basic authentication set with url() method
self._urlpassword = None # basic authentication set with url() method
self._urlsha1 = None # file hash if known
self._filename = None # Local filename
self._url = None # URL to download
self._loader = None # lambda function to load an image, set with loader() method
self._array = None
self._colorspace = None
# Initialization
self._filename = filename
if url is not None:
assert isurl(url), 'Invalid URL'
self._url = url
if array is not None:
assert isnumpy(array), 'Invalid Array - Type "%s" must be np.array()' % (str(type(array)))
self.array(array) # shallow copy
# Guess RGB colorspace if three channel uint8 if colorspace is not provided
colorspace = 'rgb' if (self.isloaded() and self.channels() == 3 and self._array.dtype == np.uint8 and colorspace is None) else colorspace
# Guess float colorspace if array is float32 and colorspace is not provided
colorspace = 'float' if (self.isloaded() and self._array.dtype == np.float32 and colorspace is None) else colorspace
# Public attributes: passed in as a dictionary
self.attributes = {}
if attributes is not None:
assert isinstance(attributes, dict), "Attributes must be dictionary"
self.attributes = attributes
def cast(cls, im):
"""Typecast the conformal vipy.image object im as `vipy.image.Image`.
This is useful for downcasting `vipy.image.Scene` or `vipy.image.ImageDetection` down to an image.
ims = vipy.image.RandomScene()
im = vipy.image.Image.cast(im)
assert isinstance(im, vipy.image.Image), "Invalid input - must derive from vipy.image.Image"
im.__class__ = vipy.image.Image
return im
def from_dict(cls, d):
d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in d.items()} # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes)
return cls(filename=d['filename'],
array=np.array(d['array'], dtype=np.uint8) if d['array'] is not None else None,
def from_json(cls, s):
"""Import the JSON string s as an `vipy.image.Image` object.
encoded [bool]: If False, assume that the input is a native JSON object, and has not been encoded to a string
This will perform a round trip such that im1 == im2
im1 = vupy.image.RandomImage()
im2 = vipy.image.Image.from_json(im1.json())
assert im1 == im2
return cls.from_dict(json.loads(s))
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Images are equivalent if they have the same filename, url and array"""
return isinstance(other, Image) and other.filename()==self.filename() and other.url()==self.url() and np.all(other.array() == self.array())
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def __iter__(self):
"""Yield single image for consistency with videos"""
yield self
def __len__(self):
"""Images have length 1 always"""
return 1
def __array__(self):
"""Called on np.array(self) for custom array container, (requires numpy >=1.16)"""
return self.numpy()
def __repr__(self):
strlist = []
if self.isloaded():
strlist.append("height=%d, width=%d, color=%s" % (self._array.shape[0], self._array.shape[1], self.colorspace()))
if self.colorspace() == 'float':
strlist.append('channels=%d' % self.channels())
if self.filename() is not None:
strlist.append('filename="%s"' % (self.filename() if self.hasfilename() else '<NOTFOUND>%s</NOTFOUND>' % self.filename()))
if self.hasurl():
strlist.append('url="%s"' % self.url())
return str('<vipy.image: %s>' % (', '.join(strlist)))
def sanitize(self):
"""Remove all private keys from the attributes dictionary.
The attributes dictionary is useful storage for arbitrary (key,value) pairs. However, this storage may contain sensitive information that should be scrubbed from the media before serialization. As a general rule, any key that is of the form '__keyname' prepended by two underscores is a private key. This is analogous to private or reserved attributes in the python lanugage. Users should reserve these keynames for those keys that should be sanitized and removed before any serialization of this object.
assert self.setattribute('__mykey', 1).sanitize().hasattribute('__mykey') == False
self.attributes = {k:v for (k,v) in self.attributes.items() if not k.startswith('__')} if isinstance(self.atttributes, dict) else self.attributes
return self
def print(self, prefix='', verbose=True, sleep=None):
"""Print the representation of the image and return self with an optional sleep=n seconds
Useful for debugging in long fluent chains.
if verbose:
if sleep is not None:
assert isinstance(sleep, int) and sleep > 0, "Sleep must be a non-negative integer number of seconds"
return self
def exif(self, extended=False):
"""Return the EXIF meta-data in filename as a dictionary. Included non-base EXIF data if extended=True. Returns empty dictionary if no EXIF exists. Triggers download."""
d = {}
exif =
if exif is not None:
d = {PIL.ExifTags.TAGS[k]:v for (k,v) in exif.items() if k in PIL.ExifTags.TAGS}
if extended:
for ifd_id in PIL.ExifTags.IFD:
ifd = exif.get_ifd(ifd_id)
if ifd_id == PIL.ExifTags.IFD.GPSInfo:
resolve = PIL.ExifTags.GPSTAGS
resolve = PIL.ExifTags.TAGS
for k, v in ifd.items():
tag = resolve.get(k, k)
d[tag] = v
except KeyError:
return d
def tile(self, tilewidth, tileheight, overlaprows=0, overlapcols=0):
"""Generate an image tiling.
A tiling is a decomposition of an image into overlapping or non-overlapping rectangular regions.
tilewidth: [int] the image width of each tile
tileheight: [int] the image height of each tile
overlaprows: [int] the number of overlapping rows (height) for each tile
overlapcols: [int] the number of overlapping width (width) for each tile
A list of `vipy.image.Image` objects such that each image is a single tile and the set of these tiles forms the original image
Each image in the returned list contains the 'tile' attribute which encodes the crop used to create the tile.
.. note::
- `vipy.image.Image.tile` can be undone using `vipy.image.Image.untile`
- The identity tiling is im.tile(im.widht(), im.height(), overlaprows=0, overlapcols=0)
- Ragged tiles outside the image boundary are zero padded
- All annotations are updated properly for each tile, when the source image is `vipy.image.Scene`
assert tilewidth > 0 and tileheight > 0 and overlaprows >= 0 and overlapcols >= 0, "Invalid input"
assert self.width() >= tilewidth-overlapcols and self.height() >= tileheight-overlaprows, "Invalid input"
bboxes = [BoundingBox(xmin=i, ymin=j, width=min(tilewidth, self.width()-i), height=min(tileheight, self.height()-j)) for i in range(0, self.width()-overlapcols, tilewidth-overlapcols) for j in range(0, self.height()-overlaprows, tileheight-overlaprows)]
return [self.clone(shallow=True, attributes=True).setattribute('tile', {'crop':bb, 'shape':self.shape()}).crop(bb) for bb in bboxes]
def union(self, other):
"""No-op for `vipy.image.Image`"""
return self
def untile(cls, imlist):
"""Undo an image tiling and recreate the original image.
tiles = im.tile(im.width()/2, im.height()/2, 0, 0)
imdst = vipy.image.Image.untile(tiles)
assert imdst == im
imlist: this must be the output of `vipy.image.Image.tile`
A new `vipy.image.Image` object reconstructed from the tiling, such that this is equivalent to the input to vipy.image.Image.tile`
.. note:: All annotations are updated properly for each tile, when the source image is `vipy.image.Scene`
assert all([isinstance(im, vipy.image.Image) and im.hasattribute('tile') for im in imlist]), "invalid image tile list"
imc = None
for im in imlist:
if imc is None:
imc = im.clone(shallow=True).array(np.zeros( (im.attributes['tile']['shape'][0], im.attributes['tile']['shape'][1], im.channels()), dtype=np.uint8))
imc = imc.splat(im.array(im.attributes['tile']['crop'].clone().to_origin().int().crop(im.array())), im.attributes['tile']['crop'])
if hasattr(im, 'objectmap'):
im.objectmap(lambda o: o.set_origin(im.attributes['tile']['crop'])) # FIXME: only for Scene()
imc = imc.union(im)
return imc
def uncrop(self, bb, shape):
"""Uncrop using provided bounding box and zeropad to shape=(Height, Width).
An uncrop is the inverse operation for a crop, which preserves the cropped portion of the image in the correct location and replaces the rest with zeros out to shape.
im = vipy.image.RandomImage(128, 128)
bb = vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(xmin=0, ymin=0, width=64, height=64)
uncrop = im.crop(bb).uncrop(bb, shape=(128,128))
bb: [`vipy.geometry.BoundingBox`] the bounding box used to crop the image in self
shape: [tuple] (height, width) of the uncropped image
this `vipy.image.Image` object with the pixels uncropped.
.. note:: NOT idempotent. This will generate different results if run more than once.
((x,y,w,h), (H,W)) = (bb.xywh(), shape)
((dyb, dya), (dxb, dxa)) = ((int(y), int(H-(y+h))), (int(x), int(W-(x+w))))
self._array = np.pad(self.load().array(),
((dyb, dya), (dxb, dxa), (0, 0)) if
self.load().array().ndim == 3 else ((dyb, dya), (dxb, dxa)),
return self
def splat(self, im, bb):
"""Replace pixels within boundingbox in self with pixels in im"""
assert isinstance(im, vipy.image.Image), "invalid image"
assert (im.width() == bb.width() and im.height() == bb.height()) or bb.isinterior(im.width(), im.height()) and bb.isinterior(self.width(), self.height()), "Invalid bounding box '%s'" % str(bb)
(x,y,w,h) = bb.xywh()
self._array[int(y):int(y+h), int(x):int(x+w)] = im.array() if (im.width() == bb.width() and im.height() == bb.height()) else im.array()[int(y):int(y+h), int(x):int(x+w)]
return self
def store(self):
"""Store the current image file as an attribute of this object. Useful for archiving an object to be fully self contained without any external references.
-Remove this stored image using unstore()
-Unpack this stored image and set up the filename using restore()
-This method is more efficient than load() followed by pkl(), as it stores the encoded image as a byte string.
-Useful for creating a single self contained object for distributed processing.
v ==
assert self.hasfilename(), "Image file not found"
with open(self.filename(), 'rb') as f:
self.attributes['__image__'] =
return self
def unstore(self):
"""Delete the currently stored image from store()"""
return self.delattribute('__image__')
def restore(self, filename):
"""Save the currently stored image to filename, and set up filename"""
assert self.hasattribute('__image__'), "Image not stored"
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
return self.filename(filename)
def abspath(self):
"""Change the path of the filename from a relative path to an absolute path (not relocatable)"""
return self.filename(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(self.filename()))))
def relpath(self, parent=None):
"""Replace the filename with a relative path to parent (or current working directory if none)"""
parent = parent if parent is not None else os.getcwd()
assert parent in os.path.expanduser(self.filename()), "Parent path '%s' not found in abspath '%s'" % (parent, self.filename())
return self.filename(PurePath(os.path.expanduser(self.filename())).relative_to(parent))
def canload(self):
"""Return True if the image can be loaded successfully, useful for filtering bad links or corrupt images"""
if not self.isloaded():
self.load() # try to load
return True
return False
return True
def dict(self):
"""Return a python dictionary containing the relevant serialized attributes suitable for JSON encoding"""
return self.json(s=None, encode=False)
def json(self, s=None, encode=True):
if s is None:
d = {'filename':self._filename,
'array':self._array.tolist() if self._array is not None else None,
return json.dumps(d) if encode else d
d = json.loads(s)
d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in d.items()} # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes)
self._filename = d['filename']
self._url = d['url']
self._loader = d['loader']
self._array = np.array(d['array'], dtype=np.uint8) if d['array'] is not None else None
self._colorspace = d['colorspace']
self.attributes = d['attributes']
return self
def loader(self, f):
"""Lambda function to load an unsupported image filename to a numpy array.
This lambda function will be executed during load and the result will be stored in self._array
self._loader = f
return self
def load(self, ignoreErrors=False, verbose=False):
"""Load image to cached private '_array' attribute.
ignoreErrors: [bool] If true, ignore any exceptions thrown during load and print the corresponding error messages. This is useful for loading images distributed without throwing exceptions when some images may be corrupted. In this case, the _array attribute will be None and `vipy.image.Image.isloaded` will return false to determine if the image is loaded, which can be used to filter out corrupted images gracefully.
verbose: [bool] If true, show additional useful printed output
This `vipy.image.Image` object with the pixels loaded in self._array as a numpy array.
.. note:: This loader supports any image file format supported by PIL. A custom loader can be added using `vipy.image.Image.loader`.
# Return if previously loaded image
if self._array is not None:
return self
# Download URL to filename
if self._url is not None:, verbose=verbose)
# Load filename to numpy array
if self._loader is not None:
self._array = self._loader(self._filename).astype(np.float32) # forcing float32
elif isimagefile(self._filename):
self._array = np.array( # RGB order!
if self.istransparent():
self.colorspace('rgba') # must be before iscolor()
elif self.iscolor():
elif self.isgrey():
elif self.isluminance():
warnings.warn('unknown colorspace for image "%s" - attempting to coerce to colorspace=float' % str(self._filename))
self._array = np.float32(self._array)
elif iswebp(self._filename):
elif hasextension(self._filename):
raise ValueError('Non-standard image extensions require a custom loader')
# Attempting to open it anyway, may be an image file without an extension. Cross your fingers ...
self._array = np.array( # RGB order!
except IOError:
if self._ignoreErrors or ignoreErrors:
if verbose is True:
warnings.warn('[vipy.image][WARNING]: IO error "%s" -> "%s" - Ignoring. ' % (self.url(), self.filename()))
self._array = None
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception:
if self._ignoreErrors or ignoreErrors:
if verbose is True:
warnings.warn('[vipy.image][WARNING]: Load error for image "%s" - Ignoring' % self.filename())
self._array = None
return self
def download(self, ignoreErrors=False, timeout=10, verbose=False):
"""Download URL to filename provided by constructor, or to temp filename.
ignoreErrors: [bool] If true, do not throw an exception if the download of the URL fails for some reason. Instead, print out a reason and return this image object. The function `vipy.image.Image.hasfilename` will return false if the downloaded file does not exist and can be used to filter these failed downloads gracefully.
timeout: [int] The timeout in seconds for an http or https connection attempt. See also [urllib.request.urlopen](
verbose: [bool] If true, output more helpful message.
This `vipy.image.Image` object with the URL downloaded to `vipy.image.Image.filename` or to a `vipy.util.tempimage` filename which can be retrieved with `vipy.image.Image.filename`.
if self._url is None and self._filename is not None:
return self
if self._url is None or not isurl(str(self._url)):
raise ValueError('[][ERROR]: '
'Invalid URL "%s" ' % self._url)
if self._filename is None:
if vipy.globals.cache() is not None:
self._filename = os.path.join(remkdir(vipy.globals.cache()), filetail(self._url))
elif isimageurl(self._url):
self._filename = tempimage(fileext(self._url))
self._filename = tempjpg() # guess JPG for URLs with no file extension
url_scheme = urllib.parse.urlparse(self._url)[0]
if url_scheme in ['http', 'https']:,
elif url_scheme == 'file':
shutil.copyfile(self._url, self._filename)
elif url_scheme == 's3':
raise NotImplementedError('S3 support is in development')
raise NotImplementedError(
'Invalid URL scheme "%s" for URL "%s"' %
(url_scheme, self._url))
except (httplib.BadStatusLine,
if self._ignoreErrors or ignoreErrors:
if verbose is True:
warnings.warn('[vipy.image][WARNING]: download failed - Ignoring image')
self._array = None
except IOError:
if self._ignoreErrors or ignoreErrors:
if verbose:
warnings.warn('[vipy.image][WARNING]: IO error downloading "%s" -> "%s" - Ignoring' % (self.url(), self.filename()))
self._array = None
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception:
if self._ignoreErrors or ignoreErrors:
if verbose:
warnings.warn('[vipy.image][WARNING]: load error for image "%s"' % self.filename())
return self
def reload(self):
"""Flush the image buffer to force reloading from file or URL"""
return self.clone(flush=True).load()
def isloaded(self):
"""Return True if `vipy.image.Image.load` was successful in reading the image, or if the pixels are present in `vipy.image.Image.array`."""
return self._array is not None
def channels(self):
"""Return integer number of color channels"""
return 1 if self.load().array().ndim == 2 else self.load().array().shape[2]
def iscolor(self):
"""Color images are three channel or four channel with transparency, float32 or uint8"""
return self.channels() == 3 or self.channels() == 4
def istransparent(self):
"""Transparent images are four channel color images with transparency, float32 or uint8. Return true if this image contains an alpha transparency channel"""
return self.channels() == 4
def isgrey(self):
"""Grey images are one channel, float32"""
return self.channels() == 1 and self.array().dtype == np.float32
def isluminance(self):
"""Luninance images are one channel, uint8"""
return self.channels() == 1 and self.array().dtype == np.uint8
def filesize(self):
"""Return size of underlying image file, requires fetching metadata from filesystem"""
assert self.hasfilename(), 'Invalid image filename'
return os.path.getsize(self._filename)
def width(self):
"""Return the width (columns) of the image in integer pixels.
.. note:: This triggers a `vipy.image.Image.load` if the image is not already loaded.
return self.load().array().shape[1]
def height(self):
"""Return the height (rows) of the image in integer pixels.
.. note:: This triggers a `vipy.image.Image.load` if the image is not already loaded.
return self.load().array().shape[0]
def shape(self):
"""Return the (height, width) or equivalently (rows, cols) of the image.
A tuple (height=int, width=int) of the image.
.. note:: This triggers a `vipy.image.Image.load` if the image is not already loaded.
return (self.load().height(), self.width())
def aspectratio(self):
"""Return the aspect ratio of the image as (width/height) ratio.
A float equivalent to (`vipy.image.Image.width` / `vipy.image.Image.height`)
.. note:: This triggers a `vipy.image.Image.load` if the image is not already loaded.
return self.load().width() / float(self.height())
def area(self):
"""Return the area of the image as (width * height).
An integer equivalent to (`vipy.image.Image.width` * `vipy.image.Image.height`)
.. note:: This triggers a `vipy.image.Image.load` if the image is not already loaded.
return self.width()*self.height()
def centroid(self):
"""Return the real valued center pixel coordinates of the image (col=x,row=y).
The centroid is equivalent to half the `vipy.image.Image.shape`.
A tuple (column, row) of the floating point center of the image.
return (self.load().width() / 2.0, self.height() / 2.0)
def centerpixel(self):
"""Return the integer valued center pixel coordinates of the image (col=i,row=j)
The centerpixel is equivalent to half the `vipy.image.Image.shape` floored to the nearest integer pixel coordinate.
A tuple (int(column), int(row)) of the integer center of the image.
c = np.round(self.centroid())
return (int(c[0]), int(c[1]))
def array(self, np_array=None, copy=False):
"""Replace self._array with provided numpy array
np_array: [numpy array] A new array to use as the pixel buffer for this image.
copy: [bool] If true, copy the buffer using np.copy(), else use a reference to this buffer.
- If np_array is not None, return the `vipy.image.Image` object such that this object points to the provided numpy array as the pixel buffer
- If np_array is None, then return the numpy array.
.. notes::
- If copy=False, then this `vipy.image.Image` object will share the pixel buffer with the owner of np_array. Changes to pixels in this buffer will be shared.
- If copy=True, then this will significantly slow down processing for large images. Use referneces wherevery possible.
if np_array is None:
return self._array if copy is False else np.copy(self._array)
elif isnumpyarray(np_array):
self._array = np.copy(np_array) if copy else np_array # reference or copy
assert self._array.dtype == np.float32 or self._array.dtype == np.uint8, "Invalid input - array() must be type uint8 or float32 and not type='%s'" % (str(self._array.dtype))
self.colorspace(None) # must be set with colorspace() after array() but before _convert()
return self
raise ValueError('Invalid input - array() must be numpy array and not "%s"' % (str(type(np_array))))
def fromarray(self, data):
"""Alias for `vipy.image.Image.array` with copy=True. This will set new numpy array as the pixel buffer with a numpy array copy"""
return self.array(data, copy=True)
def tonumpy(self):
"""Alias for `vipy.image.Image.numpy"""
return self.numpy()
def numpy(self):
"""Return a mutable numpy array for this `vipy.image.Image`.
.. notes::
- This will always return a writeable array with the 'WRITEABLE' numpy flag set. This is useful for returning a mutable numpy array as needed while keeping the original non-mutable numpy array (e.g. loaded from a video or PIL) as the underlying pixel buffer for efficiency reasons.
- Triggers a `vipy.image.Image.load` if the pixel buffer has not been loaded
- This will trigger a copy if the ['WRITEABLE' flag]( is not set.
self._array = np.copy(self._array) if not self._array.flags['WRITEABLE'] else self._array # triggers copy
return self._array
def channel(self, k=None):
"""Return a cloned Image() object for the kth channel, or return an iterator over channels if k=None.
Iterate over channels as single channel luminance images:
for c in
Return the kth channel as a single channel luminance image:
c =
if k is None:
return [ for j in range(0, self.channels())]
elif k == 0 and self.channels() == 1:
return self
assert k < self.channels() and k>=0, "Requested channel=%d must be within valid channels=%d" % (k, self.channels())
im = self.clone().load()
im._array = im._array[:,:,k]
im._colorspace = 'lum'
return im
def red(self):
"""Return red channel as a cloned single channel `vipy.image.Image` object.
These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'rgb' or 'rgba':
```python ==
These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'bgr' or 'bgra':
```python ==
.. note:: OpenCV returns images in BGR colorspace. Use this method to always return the desired channel by color.
assert self.channels() >= 3, "Must be color image"
if self.colorspace() in ['rgb', 'rgba']:
elif self.colorspace() in ['bgr', 'bgra']:
raise ValueError('Invalid colorspace "%s" does not contain red channel' % self.colorspace())
def green(self):
"""Return green channel as a cloned single channel `vipy.image.Image` object.
These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'rgb' or 'rgba':
```python ==
These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'bgr' or 'bgra':
```python ==
.. note:: OpenCV returns images in BGR colorspace. Use this method to always return the desired channel by color.
assert self.channels() >= 3, "Must be three channel color image"
if self.colorspace() in ['rgb', 'rgba']:
elif self.colorspace() in ['bgr', 'bgra']:
raise ValueError('Invalid colorspace "%s" does not contain red channel' % self.colorspace())
def blue(self):
"""Return blue channel as a cloned single channel `vipy.image.Image` object.
These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'rgb' or 'rgba':
self.vlue() ==
These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'bgr' or 'bgra':
```python ==
.. note:: OpenCV returns images in BGR colorspace. Use this method to always return the desired channel by color.
assert self.channels() >= 3, "Must be three channel color image"
if self.colorspace() in ['rgb', 'rgba']:
elif self.colorspace() in ['bgr', 'bgra']:
raise ValueError('Invalid colorspace "%s" does not contain red channel' % self.colorspace())
def alpha(self):
"""Return alpha (transparency) channel as a cloned single channel `vipy.image.Image` object"""
assert self.channels() == 4 and self.colorspace() in ['rgba', 'bgra'], "Must be four channnel color image"
def zeros(self):
"""Set the pixel buffer to all zeros of the same shape and datatype as this `vipy.image.Image` object.
These are equivalent operations for the resulting buffer shape:
import numpy as np
np.zeros( (self.width(), self.height(), self.channels()) ) == self.zeros().array()
This `vipy.image.Image` object.
.. note:: Triggers load() if the pixel buffer has not been loaded yet.
self._array = 0*self.load()._array
return self
def pil(self):
"""Convert vipy.image.Image to PIL Image.
A [PIL image]( object, that shares the pixel buffer by reference
if self.isloaded():
assert self.channels() in [1,3,4] and (self.channels() == 1 or self.colorspace() != 'float'), "Incompatible with PIL"
return PIL.Image.fromarray(self.numpy(), mode='RGB' if self.colorspace()=='rgb' else None) # FIXME: mode='RGB' triggers slow tobytes() conversion, need RGBA or RGBX
elif self.hasfilename():
return None
def blur(self, sigma=3):
"""Apply a Gaussian blur with Gaussian kernel radius=sigma to the pixel buffer.
sigma: [float >=0] The gaussian blur kernel radius.
This `vipy.image.Image` object with the pixel buffer blurred in place.
assert sigma >= 0
return self.array(np.array(self.pil().filter(PIL.ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=sigma)))) if sigma>0 else self
def torch(self, order='CHW'):
"""Convert the batch of 1 HxWxC images to a CxHxW torch tensor.
order: ['CHW', 'HWC', 'NCHW', 'NHWC']. The axis order of the torch tensor (channels, height, width) or (height, width, channels) or (1, channels, height, width) or (1, height, width, channels)
A CxHxW or HxWxC or 1xCxHxW or 1xHxWxC [torch tensor]( that shares the pixel buffer of this image object by reference.
try_import('torch'); import torch
assert order.lower() in ['chw', 'hwc', 'nchw', 'nhwc']
img = self.numpy() if self.numpy().ndim == 3 else np.expand_dims(self.numpy(), 2) # HxW -> HxWx1, HxWxC -> HxWxC (unchanged)
img = img.transpose(2,0,1) if order.lower() in ['chw', 'nchw'] else img # HxWxC or CxHxW
img = np.expand_dims(img,0) if order.lower() in ['nhwc', 'nchw'] else img # HxWxC -> 1xHxWxC
return torch.from_numpy(img)
def fromtorch(x, order='CHW'):
"""Convert a 1xCxHxW or CxHxW torch tensor (or numpy array with torch channel order) to HxWxC numpy array, returns new `vipy.image.Image` with inferred colorspace corresponding to data type in x"""
try_import('torch'); import torch
assert isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) or isinstance(x, np.ndarray), "Invalid input type '%s'- must be torch.Tensor" % (str(type(x)))
assert (x.ndim == 4 and x.shape[0] == 1) or x.ndim == 3, "Torch tensor must be shape 1xCxHxW or CxHxW"
x = x.squeeze(0) if (x.ndim == 4 and x.shape[0] == 1) else x
img = np.copy(x.permute(1,2,0).cpu().detach().numpy() if torch.is_tensor(x) else x.transpose(1,2,0)) # CxHxW -> HxWxC, copied
colorspace = 'float' if img.dtype == np.float32 else None
colorspace = 'rgb' if img.dtype == np.uint8 and img.shape[2] == 3 else colorspace # assumed
colorspace = 'lum' if img.dtype == np.uint8 and img.shape[2] == 1 else colorspace
return Image(array=img, colorspace=colorspace)
def nofilename(self):
self._filename = None
return self
def filename(self, newfile=None):
"""Return or set image filename"""
if newfile is None:
return self._filename
self._filename = newfile
return self
def nourl(self):
self._url = None
return self
def url(self, url=None, username=None, password=None, sha1=None, ignoreUrlErrors=None):
"""Image URL and URL download properties"""
if url is not None:
self._url = url # this does not change anything else (e.g. the associated filename), better to use constructor
if username is not None:
self._urluser = username # basic authentication
if password is not None:
self._urlpassword = password # basic authentication
if sha1 is not None:
self._urlsha1 = sha1 # file integrity
if ignoreUrlErrors is not None:
self._ignoreErrors = ignoreUrlErrors
if url is None and username is None and password is None and sha1 is None and ignoreUrlErrors is None:
return self._url
return self
def colorspace(self, colorspace=None):
"""Return or set the colorspace as ['rgb', 'rgba', 'bgr', 'bgra', 'hsv', 'float', 'grey', 'lum']"""
if colorspace is None:
return self._colorspace
assert str(colorspace).lower() in ['rgb', 'rgba', 'bgr', 'bgra', 'hsv', 'float', 'grey', 'gray', 'lum'], "Invalid colorspace '%s'. Allowable is ['rgb', 'rgba', 'bgr', 'bgra', 'hsv', 'float', 'grey', 'gray', 'lum']" % colorspace
img = self.array()
if self.isloaded():
colorspace = str(colorspace).lower()
if self.array().dtype == np.float32:
assert colorspace in ['float', 'grey', 'gray'], "Invalid colorspace '%s' for float32 array()" % colorspace
elif self.array().dtype == np.uint8:
assert colorspace in ['rgb', 'rgba', 'bgr', 'bgra', 'hsv', 'lum'], "Invalid colorspace '%s' for uint8 array(). Allowable is ['rgb', 'rgba', 'bgr', 'bgra', 'hsv', 'lum']" % colorspace
raise ValueError('unupported array() datatype "%s". Allowable is [np.float32, np.uint8]' % colorspace) # should never get here as long as array() is used to set _array
if self.channels() == 1:
assert colorspace in ['float', 'grey', 'gray', 'lum'], "Invalid colorspace '%s; for single channel array. Allowable is ['float', 'grey', 'gray', 'lum']" % colorspace
elif self.channels() == 3:
assert colorspace in ['float', 'rgb', 'bgr', 'hsv'], "Invalid colorspace '%s; for three channel array. Allowable is ['float', 'rgb', 'bgr', 'hsv']" % colorspace
elif self.channels() == 4:
assert colorspace in ['float', 'rgba', 'bgra'], "Invalid colorspace '%s; for four channel array. Allowable is ['float', 'rgba', 'bgra']" % colorspace
elif colorspace != 'float':
raise ValueError("Invalid colorspace '%s' for image channels=%d, type=%s" % (colorspace, self.channels(), str(self.array().dtype)))
if colorspace in ['grey', 'gray']:
assert self.max() <= 1 and self.min() >= 0, "Colorspace 'grey' image must be np.float32 in range [0,1]. Use colorspace 'lum' for np.uint8 in range [0,255], or colorspace 'float' for unconstrained np.float32 [-inf, +inf]"
colorspace = 'grey' # standardize
self._colorspace = str(colorspace).lower()
return self
def uri(self):
"""Return the URI of the image object, either the URL or the filename, raise exception if neither defined"""
if self.hasurl():
return self.url()
elif self.hasfilename():
return self.filename()
raise ValueError('No URI defined')
def setattribute(self, key, value):
"""Set element self.attributes[key]=value"""
if self.attributes is None:
self.attributes = {key: value}
self.attributes[key] = value
return self
def setattributes(self, newattr):
"""Set many attributes at once by providing a dictionary to be merged with current attributes"""
assert isinstance(newattr, dict), "New attributes must be dictionary"
return self
def getattribute(self, k):
"""Return the key k in the attributes dictionary (self.attributes) if present, else None"""
return self.attributes[k] if k in self.attributes else None
def hasattribute(self, key):
return self.attributes is not None and key in self.attributes
def delattribute(self, k):
if k in self.attributes:
return self
def metadata(self, k=None):
"""Return metadata associated with this image, stored in the attributes dictionary"""
return self.attributes if k is None else self.getattribute(k)
def hasurl(self):
return self._url is not None and isurl(self._url)
def hasfilename(self):
return self._filename is not None and os.path.exists(self._filename)
def clone(self, flushforward=False, flushbackward=False, flush=False, shallow=False, attributes=False):
"""Create deep copy of object, flushing the original buffer if requested and returning the cloned object.
Flushing is useful for distributed memory management to free the buffer from this object, and pass along a cloned
object which can be used for encoding and will be garbage collected.
* flushforward: copy the object, and set the cloned object array() to None. This flushes the video buffer for the clone, not the object
* flushbackward: copy the object, and set the object array() to None. This flushes the video buffer for the object, not the clone.
* flush: set the object array() to None and clone the object. This flushes the video buffer for both the clone and the object.
if flush or (flushforward and flushbackward):
self._array = None # flushes buffer on object and clone
im = copy.deepcopy(self) # object and clone are flushed
elif flushbackward:
im = copy.deepcopy(self) # propagates _array to clone
self._array = None # object flushed, clone not flushed
elif flushforward:
array = self._array;
self._array = None
im = copy.deepcopy(self) # does not propagate _array to clone
self._array = array # object not flushed
im._array = None # clone flushed
elif shallow:
im = copy.copy(self) # shallow copy
im._array = np.asarray(self._array) if self._array is not None else None # shared pixels
im = copy.deepcopy(self)
if attributes:
im.attributes = copy.deepcopy(self.attributes)
return im
def flush(self):
"""Alias for clone(flush=True), returns self not clone"""
self._array = None # flushes buffer on object and clone
return self
# Spatial transformations
def resize(self, cols=None, rows=None, width=None, height=None, interp='bilinear', fast=False):
"""Resize the image buffer to (rows x cols) with bilinear interpolation. If rows or cols is provided, rescale image maintaining aspect ratio"""
assert not (cols is not None and width is not None), "Define either width or cols"
assert not (rows is not None and height is not None), "Define either height or rows"
rows = rows if height is None else height
cols = cols if width is None else width
if cols is None or rows is None:
if cols is None:
scale = float(rows) / float(self.height())
scale = float(cols) / float(self.width())
elif rows == self.height() and cols == self.width():
return self
elif self.colorspace() == 'float':
self._array = np.dstack([np.array(im.pil().resize((cols, rows), string_to_pil_interpolation(interp))) for im in])
self._array = np.asarray(self.load().pil().resize((cols, rows), string_to_pil_interpolation(interp), reducing_gap=2 if fast else None))
return self
def resize_like(self, im, interp='bilinear'):
"""Resize image buffer to be the same size as the provided vipy.image.Image()"""
assert isinstance(im, Image), "Invalid input - Must be vipy.image.Image"
return self.resize(im.width(), im.height(), interp=interp)
def rescale(self, scale=1, interp='bilinear', fast=False):
"""Scale the image buffer by the given factor - NOT idempotent"""
(height, width) = self.load().shape()
if scale == 1:
return self
elif self.colorspace() == 'float':
self._array = np.dstack([np.asarray(im.pil().resize((int(np.round(scale * width)), int(np.round(scale * height))), string_to_pil_interpolation(interp))) for im in])
self._array = np.asarray(self.pil().resize((int(np.round(scale * width)), int(np.round(scale * height))), string_to_pil_interpolation(interp), reducing_gap=2 if fast else None))
return self
def maxdim(self, dim=None, interp='bilinear'):
"""Resize image preserving aspect ratio so that maximum dimension of image = dim, or return maxdim()"""
return self.rescale(float(dim) / float(np.maximum(self.height(), self.width())), interp=interp) if dim is not None else max(self.shape())
def mindim(self, dim=None, interp='bilinear'):
"""Resize image preserving aspect ratio so that minimum dimension of image = dim, or return mindim()"""
if dim is None:
return np.minimum(self.height(), self.width())
s = float(dim) / float(np.minimum(self.height(), self.width()))
return self.rescale(s, interp=interp) if dim is not None else min(self.shape())
def mindimn(self, dim=None):
"""Frequently used shortcut for mindim(dim, interp='nearest')"""
return self.mindim(dim, interp='nearest')
def _pad(self, dx, dy, mode='edge'):
"""Pad image using np.pad mode, dx=padwidth, dy=padheight, thin wrapper for numpy.pad"""
self._array = np.pad(self.load().array(),
((dy, dy), (dx, dx), (0, 0)) if
self.load().array().ndim == 3 else ((dy, dy), (dx, dx)),
return self
def zeropad(self, padwidth, padheight):
"""Pad image using np.pad constant by adding padwidth on both left and right , or padwidth=(left,right) for different pre/postpadding,, and padheight on top and bottom or padheight=(top,bottom) for different pre/post padding"""
if not isinstance(padwidth, tuple):
padwidth = (padwidth, padwidth)
if not isinstance(padheight, tuple):
padheight = (padheight, padheight)
if self.iscolor():
pad_shape = (padheight, padwidth, (0, 0))
pad_shape = (padheight, padwidth)
assert all([x>=0 for x in padheight]) and all([x>=0 for x in padwidth]), "padding must be positive"
if padwidth[0]>0 or padwidth[1]>0 or padheight[0]>0 or padheight[1]>0:
self._array = np.pad(self.load().array(), pad_width=pad_shape, mode='constant', constant_values=0) # this is still slow due to the required copy, but fast-ish in np >= 1.17
return self
def zeropadlike(self, width, height):
"""Zero pad the image balancing the border so that the resulting image size is (width, height)"""
assert width >= self.width() and height >= self.height(), "Invalid input - final (width=%d, height=%d) must be greater than current image size (width=%d, height=%d)" % (width, height, self.width(), self.height())
return self.zeropad( (int(np.floor((width - self.width())/2)), int(np.ceil((width - self.width())/2))),
(int(np.floor((height - self.height())/2)), int(np.ceil((height - self.height())/2))))
def meanpad(self, padwidth, padheight, mu=None):
"""Pad image using np.pad constant=image mean by adding padwidth on both left and right , or padwidth=(left,right) for different pre/postpadding,, and padheight on top and bottom or padheight=(top,bottom) for different pre/post padding"""
if not isinstance(padwidth, tuple):
padwidth = (padwidth, padwidth)
if not isinstance(padheight, tuple):
padheight = (padheight, padheight)
assert all([x>=0 for x in padheight]) and all([x>=0 for x in padwidth]), "padding must be positive"
mu = self.meanchannel() if mu is None else mu
self._array = np.squeeze(np.dstack([np.pad(img,
constant_values=c) for (img,c) in zip(, mu)]))
return self
def alphapad(self, padwidth, padheight):
"""Pad image using alpha transparency by adding padwidth on both left and right , or padwidth=(left,right) for different pre/postpadding,, and padheight on top and bottom or padheight=(top,bottom) for different pre/post padding"""
assert self.colorspace() == 'rgba', "Colorspace must be RGBA for padding with transparency"
return self.meanpad(padwidth, padheight, mu=np.array([0,0,0,0]))
def minsquare(self):
"""Crop image of size (HxW) to (min(H,W), min(H,W)), keeping upper left corner constant"""
S = np.min(self.load().shape())
return self._crop(BoundingBox(xmin=0, ymin=0, width=int(S), height=int(S)))
def maxsquare(self, S=None):
"""Crop image of size (HxW) to (max(H,W), max(H,W)) with zeropadding or (S,S) if provided, keeping upper left corner constant"""
S = np.max(self.load().shape()) if S is None else int(S)
(H, W) = self.shape()
(dW, dH) = (max(0, S - W), max(0, S - H))
if S != W or S != H:
self._crop(BoundingBox(0, 0, width=min(W, S), height=min(H, S)))
if (dW > 0 or dH > 0):
self.zeropad((0,dW), (0,dH)) # crop then zeropad
return self
def maxmatte(self):
"""Crop image of size (HxW) to (max(H,W), max(H,W)) with balanced zeropadding forming a letterbox with top/bottom matte or pillarbox with left/right matte"""
S = np.max(self.load().shape())
dW = S - self.width()
dH = S - self.height()
return self.zeropad((int(np.floor(dW//2)), int(np.ceil(dW//2))), (int(np.floor(dH//2)), int(np.ceil(dH//2))))._crop(BoundingBox(0, 0, width=int(S), height=int(S)))
def centersquare(self):
"""Crop image of size (NxN) in the center, such that N=min(width,height), keeping the image centroid constant"""
N = int(np.min(self.shape()))
return self._crop(BoundingBox(xcentroid=float(self.width() / 2.0), ycentroid=float(self.height() / 2.0), width=N, height=N))
def centercrop(self, height, width):
"""Crop image of size (height x width) in the center, keeping the image centroid constant"""
return self._crop(BoundingBox(xcentroid=float(self.width() / 2.0), ycentroid=float(self.height() / 2.0), width=int(width), height=int(height)))
def cornercrop(self, height, width):
"""Crop image of size (height x width) from the upper left corner"""
return self._crop(BoundingBox(xmin=0, ymin=0, width=int(width), height=int(height)))
def _crop(self, bbox):
"""Crop the image buffer using the supplied bounding box object, clipping the box to the image rectangle"""
assert isinstance(bbox, BoundingBox) and bbox.valid(), "Invalid input - Must be vipy.geometry.BoundingBox not '%s'" % (str(type(bbox)))
if not bbox.isdegenerate() and bbox.hasoverlap(self.load().array()):
bbox = bbox.imclip(self.load().array()).int()
self._array = self.array()[bbox.ymin():bbox.ymax(),
warnings.warn('BoundingBox for crop() does not intersect image rectangle - Ignoring')
return self
def crop(self, bbox):
return self._crop(bbox)
def fliplr(self):
"""Mirror the image buffer about the vertical axis - Not idempotent"""
self._array = np.fliplr(self.load().array())
return self
def flipud(self):
"""Mirror the image buffer about the horizontal axis - Not idempotent"""
self._array = np.flipud(self.load().array())
return self
def imagebox(self):
"""Return the bounding box for the image rectangle"""
return BoundingBox(xmin=0, ymin=0, width=int(self.width()), height=int(self.height()))
def border_mask(self, pad):
"""Return a binary uint8 image the same size as self, with a border of pad pixels in width or height around the edge"""
img = np.zeros( (self.height(), self.width()), dtype=np.uint8)
img[0:pad,:] = 1
img[-pad:,:] = 1
img[:,0:pad] = 1
img[:,-pad:] = 1
return img
# Color conversion
def _convert(self, to):
"""Supported colorspaces are rgb, rgbab, bgr, bgra, hsv, grey, lum, float"""
to = to if to != 'gray' else 'grey' # standardize 'gray' -> 'grey' internally
if self.colorspace() == to:
return self
elif to == 'float':
img = self.load().array() # any type
self._array = np.array(img).astype(np.float32) # typecast to float32
elif self.colorspace() == 'lum':
img = self.load().array() # single channel, uint8 [0,255]
assert img.dtype == np.uint8
img = np.squeeze(img, axis=2) if img.ndim == 3 and img.shape[2] == 1 else img # remove singleton channel
self._array = np.array(PIL.Image.fromarray(img, mode='L').convert('RGB')) # uint8 luminance [0,255] -> uint8 RGB
elif self.colorspace() in ['gray', 'grey']:
img = self.load().array() # single channel float32 [0,1]
img = np.squeeze(img, axis=2) if img.ndim == 3 and img.shape[2] == 1 else img # remove singleton channel
self._array = np.array(PIL.Image.fromarray(255.0 * img, mode='F').convert('RGB')) # float32 gray [0,1] -> float32 gray [0,255] -> uint8 RGB
elif self.colorspace() == 'rgba':
img = self.load().array() # uint8 RGBA
if to == 'bgra':
self._array = np.array(img)[:,:,::-1] # uint8 RGBA -> uint8 ABGR
self._array = self._array[:,:,[1,2,3,0]] # uint8 ABGR -> uint8 BGRA
elif to == 'rgb':
self._array = self._array[:,:,0:-1] # uint8 RGBA -> uint8 RGB
self._array = self._array[:,:,0:-1] # uint8 RGBA -> uint8 RGB
elif self.colorspace() == 'rgb':
img = self.load().array() # uint8 RGB
if to in ['grey', 'gray']:
self._array = (1.0 / 255.0) * np.array(PIL.Image.fromarray(img).convert('L')).astype(np.float32) # uint8 RGB -> float32 Grey [0,255] -> float32 Grey [0,1]
elif to == 'bgr':
self._array = np.array(img)[:,:,::-1] # uint8 RGB -> uint8 BGR
elif to == 'hsv':
self._array = np.array(PIL.Image.fromarray(img).convert('HSV')) # uint8 RGB -> uint8 HSV
elif to == 'lum':
self._array = np.array(PIL.Image.fromarray(img).convert('L')) # uint8 RGB -> uint8 Luminance (integer grey)
elif to == 'rgba':
self._array = np.dstack((img, 255*np.ones((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8)))
elif to == 'bgra':
self._array = np.array(img)[:,:,::-1] # uint8 RGB -> uint8 BGR
self._array = np.dstack((self._array, np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8))) # uint8 BGR -> uint8 BGRA
elif self.colorspace() == 'bgr':
img = self.load().array() # uint8 BGR
self._array = np.array(img)[:,:,::-1] # uint8 BGR -> uint8 RGB
elif self.colorspace() == 'bgra':
img = self.load().array() # uint8 BGRA
self._array = np.array(img)[:,:,::-1] # uint8 BGRA -> uint8 ARGB
self._array = self._array[:,:,[1,2,3,0]] # uint8 ARGB -> uint8 RGBA
elif self.colorspace() == 'hsv':
img = self.load().array() # uint8 HSV
self._array = np.array(PIL.Image.fromarray(img, mode='HSV').convert('RGB')) # uint8 HSV -> uint8 RGB
elif self.colorspace() == 'float':
img = self.load().array() # float32
if np.max(img) > 1 or np.min(img) < 0:
warnings.warn('Converting float image to "%s" will be rescaled with self.mat2gray() into the range float32 [0,1]' % to)
img = self.mat2gray().array()
if not self.channels() in [1,2,3]:
raise ValueError('Float image must be single channel or three channel RGB in the range float32 [0,1] prior to conversion')
if self.channels() == 3: # assumed RGB
self._array = np.uint8(255 * self.array()) # float32 RGB [0,1] -> uint8 RGB [0,255]
self._array = (1.0 / 255.0) * np.array(PIL.Image.fromarray(np.uint8(255 * np.squeeze(self.array()))).convert('L')).astype(np.float32) # float32 RGB [0,1] -> float32 gray [0,1]
elif self.colorspace() is None:
raise ValueError('Colorspace must be initialized by constructor or colorspace() to allow for colorspace conversion')
raise ValueError('unsupported colorspace "%s"' % self.colorspace())
return self
def affine_transform(self, A, border='zero'):
"""Apply a 3x3 affine geometric transformation to the image.
- A [np.ndarray]: 3x3 affine geometric transform from `vipy.geometry.affine_transform`
- border [str]: 'zero' or 'replicate' to handle elements outside the image rectangle after transformation
- This object with only the array transformed
.. note:: The image will be loaded and converted to float() prior to applying the affine transformation.
.. note:: This will transform only the pixels
assert isnumpy(A) or isinstance(img, vipy.image.Image), "invalid input"
assert A.shape == (3,3), "The affine transformation matrix should be the output of vipy.geometry.affine_transformation"
self._array = vipy.geometry.imtransform(self.load().float().array(), A.astype(np.float32), border=border)
return self
def rotate(self, r):
"""Apply a rotation in radians to the pixels, with origin in upper left """
return self.affine_transform(vipy.geometry.affine_transform(r=r))
def rotate_by_exif(self):
"""Apply a rotation as specified in the 'Orientation' field EXIF metadata"""
exif = self.exif()
orientation = exif['Orientation'] if 'Orientation' in exif else None
if orientation is None or orientation == 1:
return self
elif orientation == 2:
return self.fliplr()
elif orientation == 3:
return self.flipud().fliplr()
elif orientation == 4:
return self.flipud()
elif orientation == 5:
return self.rot90cw().fliplr()
elif orientation == 6:
return self.rot90cw()
elif orientation == 7:
return self.rot90ccw().fliplr()
elif orientation == 8:
return self.rot90ccw()
raise ValueError
def rgb(self):
"""Convert the image buffer to three channel RGB uint8 colorspace"""
return self._convert('rgb')
def color_transform(self, colorspace):
"""Transform the image buffer from the current `vipy.image.Image.colorspace` to the provided colorspace"""
return self._convert(colorspace)
def colorspace_like(self, im):
"""Convert the image buffer to have the same colorspace as the provided image"""
assert isinstance(im, vipy.image.Image)
return self._convert(im.colorspace())
def rgba(self):
"""Convert the image buffer to four channel RGBA uint8 colorspace"""
return self._convert('rgba')
def hsv(self):
"""Convert the image buffer to three channel HSV uint8 colorspace"""
return self._convert('hsv')
def bgr(self):
"""Convert the image buffer to three channel BGR uint8 colorspace"""
return self._convert('bgr')
def bgra(self):
"""Convert the image buffer to four channel BGR uint8 colorspace"""
return self._convert('bgra')
def float(self):
"""Convert the image buffer to float32"""
return self._convert('float')
def greyscale(self):
"""Convert the image buffer to single channel grayscale float32 in range [0,1]"""
return self._convert('gray')
def grayscale(self):
"""Alias for greyscale()"""
return self.greyscale()
def grey(self):
"""Alias for greyscale()"""
return self.greyscale()
def gray(self):
"""Alias for greyscale()"""
return self.greyscale()
def luminance(self):
"""Convert the image buffer to single channel uint8 in range [0,255] corresponding to the luminance component"""
return self._convert('lum')
def lum(self):
"""Alias for luminance()"""
return self._convert('lum')
def _apply_colormap(self, cm):
"""Convert an image to greyscale, then convert to RGB image with matplotlib colormap"""
cm = plt.get_cmap(cm)
img = self.grey().numpy()
self._array = np.uint8(255 * cm(img)[:,:,:3])
return self
def jet(self):
"""Apply jet colormap to greyscale image and save as RGB"""
return self._apply_colormap('jet')
def rainbow(self):
"""Apply rainbow colormap to greyscale image and convert to RGB"""
return self._apply_colormap('gist_rainbow')
def hot(self):
"""Apply hot colormap to greyscale image and convert to RGB"""
return self._apply_colormap('hot')
def bone(self):
"""Apply bone colormap to greyscale image and convert to RGB"""
return self._apply_colormap('bone')
def saturate(self, min, max):
"""Saturate the image buffer to be clipped between [min,max], types of min/max are specified by _array type"""
return self.array(np.minimum(np.maximum(self.load().array(), min), max))
def intensity(self):
"""Convert image to float32 with [min,max] to range [0,1], force colormap to be 'float'. Equivalent to self.mat2gray()"""
self.array((self.load().float().array()) - float(self.min()) / float(self.max() - self.min()))
return self.colorspace('float')
def mat2gray(self, min=None, max=None):
"""Convert the image buffer so that [min,max] -> [0,1], forces conversion to 'float' colorspace. This does not change the number of color channels"""
self.array(mat2gray(np.float32(self.load().float().array()), min, max))
return self.colorspace('float')
return self
def probability(self):
"""Return float image in the range [0,1] such that all elements sum to one"""
return self.gain(1.0/self.mat2gray().sum())
def gain(self, g):
"""Elementwise multiply gain to image array, Gain should be broadcastable to array(). This forces the colospace to 'float'"""
return self.array(np.multiply(self.load().float().array(), g)).colorspace('float') if g != 1 else self
def bias(self, b):
"""Add a bias to the image array. Bias should be broadcastable to array(). This forces the colorspace to 'float'"""
self.array(self.load().float().array() + b)
return self.colorspace('float')
def normalize(self, gain, bias):
"""Apply a multiplicative gain g and additive bias b, such that self.array() == gain*self.array() + bias.
This is useful for applying a normalization of an image prior to calling `vipy.image.Image.torch`.
The following operations are equivalent.
im = vipy.image.RandomImage()
im.normalize(1/255.0, 0.5) == im.gain(1/255.0).bias(-0.5)
.. note:: This will force the colorspace to 'float'
self.array(gain*self.load().float().array() + bias)
return self.colorspace('float')
def additive_noise(self, hue=(-15,15), saturation=(-15,15), brightness=(-15,15)):
"""Apply uniform random additive noise in the given range to the given HSV color channels. Image will be converted to HSV prior to applying noise."""
assert isinstance(hue, tuple) and len(hue) == 2 and hue[1]>=hue[0]
assert isinstance(saturation, tuple) and len(saturation) == 2 and saturation[1]>=saturation[0]
assert isinstance(brightness, tuple) and len(brightness) == 2 and brightness[1]>=brightness[0]
(H,W,C) = (self.height(), self.width(), self.channels())
noise = np.dstack(((hue[1]-hue[0])*np.random.rand(H,W)+hue[0],
return self.array( np.minimum(np.maximum(self.hsv().array() + noise, 0), 255).astype(np.uint8) )
# Image statistics
def stats(self):
print(' Channels: %d' % self.channels())
print(' Shape: %s' % str(self.shape()))
print(' min: %s' % str(self.min()))
print(' max: %s' % str(self.max()))
print(' mean: %s' % str(self.mean()))
print(' channel mean: %s' % str(self.meanchannel()))
def min(self):
return self.minpixel()
def minpixel(self):
return np.min(self.load().array().flatten())
def max(self):
return self.maxpixel()
def maxpixel(self):
return np.max(self.load().array().flatten())
def mean(self):
"""Mean over all pixels"""
return np.mean(self.load().array().flatten())
def meanchannel(self, k=None):
"""Mean per channel over all pixels. If channel k is provided, return just the mean for that channel"""
C = np.mean(self.load().array(), axis=(0, 1)).flatten()
return C[k] if k is not None else C
def sum(self):
return np.sum(self.load().array().flatten())
# Image visualization
def closeall(self):
"""Close all open figure windows"""
return self
def close(self, fignum=None):
"""Close the requested figure number, or close all of fignum=None"""
if fignum is None:
return self.closeall()
return self
def show(self, figure=1, nowindow=False, timestamp=None, timestampfacecolor='white', timestampcolor='black', mutator=None):
"""Display image on screen in provided figure number (clone and convert to RGB colorspace to show), return object"""
assert self.load().isloaded(), 'Image not loaded'
im = self.clone() if not mutator else mutator(self.clone()), fignum=figure, nowindow=nowindow, timestamp=timestamp, timestampfacecolor=timestampfacecolor, flush=True, timestampcolor=timestampcolor)
return self
def save(self, filename):
"""Save the current image to a new filename and return the image object"""
assert filename is not None, "Invalid filename - must be path to new image filename"
return self.filename(self.saveas(filename))
# Image export
def pkl(self, pklfile=None):
"""save the object to a pickle file and return the object, useful for intermediate saving in long fluent chains"""
pklfile = pklfile if pklfile is not None else toextension(self.filename(), '.pkl')
remkdir(filepath(pklfile)), pklfile)
return self
def pklif(self, b, pklfile=None):
"""Save the object to the provided pickle file only if b=True. Uuseful for conditional intermediate saving in long fluent chains"""
assert isinstance(b, bool)
return self.pkl(pklfile) if b else self
def saveas(self, filename=None, writeas=None):
"""Save current buffer (not including drawing overlays) to new filename and return filename. If filename is not provided, use a temporary JPEG filename."""
filename = tempjpg() if filename is None else filename
if self.colorspace() in ['gray']:
imwritegray(self.grayscale()._array, filename)
elif self.colorspace() != 'float':
imwrite(self.load().array(), filename, writeas=writeas)
raise ValueError('Convert float image to RGB or gray first. Try self.mat2gray()')
return filename
def saveastmp(self):
"""Save current buffer to temp JPEG filename and return filename. Alias for savetmp()"""
return self.saveas(tempjpg())
def savetmp(self):
"""Save current buffer to temp JPEG filename and return filename. Alias for saveastmp()"""
return self.saveastmp()
def tocache(self):
"""Save current buffer to temp JPEG filename in the VIPY cache and return filename."""
return self.saveas(vipy.util.tocache(tempjpg()))
def base64(self):
"""Export a base64 encoding of the image suitable for embedding in an html page"""
buf = io.BytesIO()
self.clone().rgb().pil().save(buf, format='JPEG')
return base64.b64encode(buf.getvalue())
def ascii(self):
"""Export a base64 ascii encoding of the image suitable for embedding in an <img> tag"""
return self.base64().decode('ascii')
def html(self, alt=None, id=None, attributes={'loading':'lazy'}):
"""Export a base64 encoding of the image suitable for embedding in an html page, enclosed in <img> tag
-string: <img src="data:image/jpeg;charset=utf-8;base64,%s" alt="%s" loading="lazy"> containing base64 encoded JPEG and alt text with lazy loading
assert isinstance(attributes, dict)
b = self.base64().decode('ascii')
alt_text = alt if alt is not None else self.filename()
id = id if id is not None else self.filename()
attr = ' '.join(['%s="%s"' % (str(k),str(v)) for (k,v) in attributes.items()])
return '<img %ssrc="data:image/jpeg;charset=utf-8;base64,%s" alt="%s" %s>' % (('id="%s" ' % id) if id is not None else '', b, str(alt_text), attr)
def annotate(self, timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor='white', mutator=None):
"""Change pixels of this image to include rendered annotation and return an image object"""
# FIXME: for k in range(0,10): self.annotate().show(figure=k), this will result in cumulative figures
return self.array(self.savefig(timestamp=timestamp, timestampcolor=timestampcolor, timestampfacecolor=timestampfacecolor, mutator=mutator, fontsize=fontsize).rgb().array()).downcast()
def savefig(self, filename=None, figure=1, timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor='white', mutator=None):
"""Save last figure output from with drawing overlays to provided filename and return filename""", nowindow=True, timestamp=timestamp, timestampcolor=timestampcolor, timestampfacecolor=timestampfacecolor, mutator=mutator) # sets figure dimensions, does not display window
(W,H) = plt.figure(figure).canvas.get_width_height() # fast
buf = io.BytesIO()
plt.figure(1).canvas.print_raw(buf) # fast
img = np.frombuffer(buf.getbuffer(), dtype=np.uint8).reshape((H, W, 4)) # RGBA
t = vipy.image.Image(array=img, colorspace='rgba')
if filename is not None:
return t
def map(self, func):
"""Apply lambda function to our numpy array img, such that newimg=f(img), then replace newimg -> self.array(). The output of this lambda function must be a numpy array and if the channels or dtype changes, the colorspace is set to 'float'"""
assert isinstance(func, types.LambdaType), "Input must be lambda function (e.g. f = lambda img: 255.0-img)"
oldimg = self.array() # reference
newimg = func(self.array()) # in-place
assert isnumpy(newimg), "Lambda function output must be numpy array"
self.array(newimg) # reference
if newimg.dtype != oldimg.dtype or newimg.shape != oldimg.shape:
self.colorspace('float') # unknown colorspace after transformation, set generic
return self
def downcast(self):
"""Cast the class to the base class (vipy.image.Image)"""
self.__class__ = vipy.image.Image
return self
def perceptualhash(self, bits=128, asbinary=False, asbytes=False):
"""Perceptual differential hash function
This function converts to greyscale, resizes with linear interpolation to small image based on desired bit encoding, compute vertical and horizontal gradient signs.
bits: [int] longer hashes have lower TAR (true accept rate, some near dupes are missed), but lower FAR (false accept rate), shorter hashes have higher TAR (fewer near-dupes are missed) but higher FAR (more non-dupes are declared as dupes).
asbinary: [bool] If true, return a binary array
asbytes: [bool] if true return a byte array
A hash string encoding the perceptual hash such that `vipy.image.Image.perceptualhash_distance` can be used to compute a hash distance
asbytes: a bytes array
asbinary: a numpy binary array
.. notes::
- Can be used for near duplicate detection by unpacking the returned hex string to binary and computing hamming distance, or performing hamming based nearest neighbor indexing. Equivalently, `vipy.image.Image.perceptualhash_distance`.
- The default packed hex output can be converted to binary as: np.unpackbits(bytearray().fromhex(h)
allowablebits = [2*k*k for k in range(2, 17)]
assert bits in allowablebits, "Bits must be in %s" % str(allowablebits)
sq = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(bits/2.0)))
im = self.clone()
b = (np.dstack(np.gradient(im.resize(cols=sq+1, rows=sq+1).greyscale().numpy()))[0:-1, 0:-1] > 0).flatten()
return bytes(np.packbits(b)).hex() if not (asbytes or asbinary) else bytes(np.packbits(b)) if asbytes else b
def perceptualhash_distance(h1, h2):
"""Hamming distance between two perceptual hashes"""
assert len(h1) == len(h2)
return np.sum(np.unpackbits(bytearray().fromhex(h1)) != np.unpackbits(bytearray().fromhex(h2)))
def rot90cw(self):
"""Rotate the scene 90 degrees clockwise"""
self.array(np.rot90(self.numpy(), 3))
return self
def rot90ccw(self):
"""Rotate the scene 90 degrees counterclockwise"""
self.array(np.rot90(self.numpy(), 1))
return self
def face_detection(self, mindim=256, union=False, conf=0.2):
"""Detect faces in the scene, add as objects, return new scene with just faces
mindim [int]: The minimum dimension for downsampling the image for face detection. Will be upsampled back to native resolution prior to return
union [bool]: Whether to return a scene with just faces or the union of the existing scene and the new faces
A `vipy.image.Scene` object with all detected faces or the union of faces and all objects in self
.. note:: This method uses a CPU-only pretrained face detector. This is convenient, but slow. See the heyvi package for optimized GPU batch processing for faster operation.
try_import('heyvi'); import heyvi # >heyvi-0.2.28 for minconf
im = heyvi.detection.FaceDetector()(Scene.cast(self.clone()).mindim(mindim)).mindim(self.mindim())
return Scene.cast(self).union(im) if union else im
def person_detection(self, mindim=256, union=False, conf=0.2):
"""Detect only people in the scene, add as objects, return new scene with just people
mindim [int]: The minimum dimension for downsampling the image for person detection. Will be upsampled back to native resolution prior to return
union [bool]: Whether to return a scene with just people or the union of the existing scene and the new people
conf [float]: A real value between [0,1] of the minimum confidence for person detection
A `vipy.image.Scene` object with all detected people or the union of people and all objects in self
.. note:: This method uses a CPU-only pretrained person detector. This is convenient, but slow. See the heyvi package for optimized GPU batch processing for faster operation.
try_import('heyvi'); import heyvi
im = heyvi.detection.ObjectDetector()(Scene.cast(self.clone()).mindim(mindim), conf=conf, objects=['person']).mindim(self.mindim())
return Scene.cast(self).union(im) if union else im
def faceblur(self, radius=4, mindim=256):
"""Replace pixels for all detected faces with `vipy.image.Scene.blurmask`, add locations of detected faces into attributes.
radius [int]: The radius of pixels for `vipy.image.Scene.blurmask`
mindim [int]: The minimum dimension for downsampling the image for face detection. Will be upsampled prior to pixelize.
A `vipy.image.Image` object with a pixel buffer with all faces pixelized, with faceblur attribute set in `vipy.image.Image.metadata` showing the locations of the blurred faces.
.. notes::
- This method uses a CPU-only pretrained torch network for face detection from the heyvi visual analytics package, which is re-initialized on each call to this method.
- For batch operations on many images, it is preferred to set up the detection network once, then calling many images sequentially.
- To retain boxes, use self.face_detection().blurmask()
im = self.face_detection(mindim=mindim, union=False) # only faces
return im.setattribute('faceblur', [ for o in im.objects()]).blurmask(radius=radius).downcast()
def facepixelize(self, radius=7, mindim=256):
"""Replace pixels for all detected faces with `vipy.image.Scene.pixelize`, add locations of detected faces into attributes.
radius [int]: The radius of pixels for `vipy.image.Scene.radius`
mindim [int]: The minimum dimension for downsampling the image for face detection. Will be upsampled prior to pixelize.
A `vipy.image.Image` object with a pixel buffer with all faces pixelized, with facepixelize attribute set in `vipy.image.Image.metadata` showing the locations of the blurred faces.
.. notes::
- This method uses a CPU-only pretrained torch network for face detection from the heyvi visual analytics package, which is re-initialized on each call to this method.
- For batch operations on many images, it is preferred to set up the detection network once, then calling many images sequentially.
- To retain boxes, use self.face_detection().pixelize()
im = self.face_detection(mindim=mindim, union=False)
return im.setattribute('facepixelize', [ for o in im.objects()]).pixelize(radius=radius).downcast()
class ImageCategory(Image):
"""vipy ImageCategory class
This class provides a representation of a vipy.image.Image with a category.
Valid constructors include all provided by vipy.image.Image with the additional kwarg 'category' (or alias 'label')
im = vipy.image.ImageCategory(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog')
im = vipy.image.ImageCategory(url='http://path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog')
im = vipy.image.ImageCategory(array=dog_img, colorspace='rgb', category='dog')
def __init__(self, filename=None, url=None, category=None, label=None, attributes=None, array=None, colorspace=None):
# Image class inheritance
assert not (category is not None and label is not None), "Define either category or label kwarg, not both"
self._category = category if category is not None else label
def cast(cls, im, flush=False):
assert isinstance(im, vipy.image.Image)
im.__class__ = vipy.image.ImageCategory
im._category = None if flush or not hasattr(im, '_category') else str(im._category)
return im
def from_json(obj, s):
im = super().from_json(s)
d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in json.loads(s).items()} # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes)
im._category = d['category']
return im
def json(self, s=None, encode=True):
if s is None:
d = json.loads(super().json())
d['category'] = self._category if not isinstance(self._category, set) else list(self._category)
return json.dumps(d) if encode else d
d = json.loads(s)
self._category = d['category']
return self
def __repr__(self):
strlist = []
if self.isloaded():
strlist.append("height=%d, width=%d, color=%s" % (self.height(), self.width(), self.colorspace()))
if self.filename() is not None:
strlist.append('filename="%s"' % (self.filename() if self.hasfilename() else '<NOTFOUND>%s</NOTFOUND>' % self.filename()))
if self.hasurl():
strlist.append('url="%s"' % self.url())
if self.category() is not None and len(self.category())>0:
strlist.append('category=%s' % self.category())
return str('<vipy.image.ImageCategory: %s>' % (', '.join(strlist)))
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._category == other._category if isinstance(other, ImageCategory) else False
def __ne__(self, other):
return self._category != other._category
def is_(self, other):
return self.__eq__(other)
def is_not(self, other):
return self.__ne__(other)
def nocategory(self):
self._category = None
return self
def category(self, newcategory=None):
"""Return or update the category"""
if newcategory is None:
return self._category
self._category = newcategory
return self
def label(self, newlabel=None):
"""Alias for category"""
return self.category(newlabel)
def score(self, newscore=None):
"""Real valued score for categorization, larger is better"""
if newscore is None:
return self.getattribute('score')
self.setattribute('score', newscore)
return self
def probability(self, newprob=None):
"""Real valued probability for categorization, [0,1]"""
if newprob is None:
return self.getattribute('probability')
self.setattribute('probability', newprob)
self.setattribute('RawDetectionProbability', newprob)
return self
class ImageCategories(ImageCategory):
"""vipy ImageCategories class
This class provides a representation of a vipy.image.ImageCategory with a multi-element category set.
Valid constructors include all provided by vipy.image.ImageCategory with category as set or string
im = vipy.image.ImageCategories(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category={'dog','canine'})
im = vipy.image.ImageCategories(array=dog_img, colorspace='rgb', category='dog')
def __init__(self, filename=None, url=None, category=None, label=None, attributes=None, array=None, colorspace=None):
category=category, label=label)
assert category is None or isinstance(category, set) or isinstance(category, list) or isinstance(category, str) or isinstance(category, tuple)
self._category = vipy.util.toset(self.category()) if self.category() is not None else set({})
self._score = {}
def cast(cls, im, flush=False):
assert isinstance(im, vipy.image.Image)
im.__class__ = vipy.image.ImageCategories
im._category = set({}) if flush or not hasattr(im, '_category') else vipy.util.toset(im._category)
im._score = {} if flush or not hasattr(im, '_score') else im._score
return im
def from_json(obj, s):
im = super().from_json(s)
d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in json.loads(s).items()} # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes)
im._category = vipy.util.toset(d['category'])
return im
def json(self, s=None, encode=True):
if s is None:
d = json.loads(super().json())
d['category'] = list(self._category)
return json.dumps(d) if encode else d
d = json.loads(s)
self._category = vipy.util.toset(d['category'])
return self
def probability(self, newprob=None):
raise NotImplementedError
def score(self, category, score=None):
"""Real valued score for categorization, larger is better"""
if score is not None:
self._score[category] = score
return self
return self._score[category] if category in self._score else None
def nocategory(self):
self._category = set({})
self._score = {}
return self
def categories(self, categories=None, scored=False):
"""Add list [category1, category2, ...] or scored list [(category1, score1), (category2, score2), ...] as multi-categories"""
if categories is not None:
(C,S) = zip(*categories) if scored else categories
for (k,c) in enumerate(C):
self.category(add=c).score(c,S[k] if scored else None)
return self
return self.category()
def add_category(self, c, score=None):
if c is not None:
if score is not None:
self._score[c] = score
return self
def remove_category(self, c):
if c is not None:
self._score.pop(c, None)
return self
def category(self, newcategory=None, add=None, remove=None, score=None):
if newcategory is not None:
self._category = vipy.util.toset(newcategory)
self.score(newcategory, score)
return self
if add is not None or remove is not None:
self.add_category(add, score)
return self
return self._category
def ranked_categories(self):
"""Returned a ranked list of categories in order of decreasing score. Unscored categories are appended, highest score at index 0"""
return sorted(list(self.category()), key=lambda c: self.score(c) or -math.inf, reverse=True)
def scored_categories(self):
return [(self.score(r), r) for r in self.ranked_categories()]
def category_scores(self):
return [(r, self.score(r)) for r in self.ranked_categories()]
def has_category(self, c):
return c in self._category
def __repr__(self):
strlist = []
if self.isloaded():
strlist.append("height=%d, width=%d, color=%s" % (self.height(), self.width(), self.colorspace()))
if self.filename() is not None:
strlist.append('filename="%s"' % (self.filename() if self.hasfilename() else '<NOTFOUND>%s</NOTFOUND>' % self.filename()))
if self.hasurl():
strlist.append('url="%s"' % self.url())
if self.category() is not None and len(self.category())>0:
strlist.append('categories=%s' % ':'.join(self.ranked_categories()))
return str('<vipy.image.ImageCategories: %s>' % ', '.join(strlist))
class Scene(ImageCategory):
"""vipy.image.Scene class
This class provides a representation of a vipy.image.ImageCategory with one or more vipy.object.Detections. The goal of this class is to provide a unified representation for all objects in a scene.
Valid constructors include all provided by vipy.image.Image() and vipy.image.ImageCategory() with the additional kwarg 'objects', which is a list of vipy.object.Detections()
im = vipy.image.Scene(filename='/path/to/city_image.ext', category='city', objects=[vipy.object.Detection(category='vehicle', xmin=0, ymin=0, width=100, height=100)])
im = vipy.image.Scene(filename='/path/to/city_image.ext', category='city').objects([vipy.object.Detection(category='vehicle', xmin=0, ymin=0, width=100, height=100)])
im = vipy.image.Scene(filename='/path/to/city_image.ext', category='office', boxlabels='face', xywh=[0,0,100,100])
im = vipy.image.Scene(filename='/path/to/city_image.ext', category='office', boxlabels='face', xywh=[[0,0,100,100], [100,100,200,200]])
im = vipy.image.Scene(filename='/path/to/city_image.ext', category='office', boxlabels=['face', 'desk'] xywh=[[0,0,100,100], [200,200,300,300]])
def __init__(self, filename=None, url=None, category=None, attributes=None, objects=None, xywh=None, boxlabels=None, array=None, colorspace=None):
super().__init__(filename=filename, url=url, attributes=attributes, category=category, array=array, colorspace=colorspace) # ImageCategory class inheritance
self._objectlist = []
if objects is not None:
if not (isinstance(objects, list) and all([isinstance(bb, vipy.object.Detection) for bb in objects])):
raise ValueError("Invalid object list - Input must be [vipy.object.Detection(), ...]")
self._objectlist = objects
detlist = []
if xywh is not None:
if (islistoflists(xywh) or istupleoftuples(xywh)) and all([len(bb)==4 for bb in xywh]):
detlist = [vipy.object.Detection(category=None, xywh=bb) for bb in xywh]
elif (islist(xywh) or istuple(xywh)) and len(xywh)==4 and all([isnumber(bb) for bb in xywh]):
detlist = [vipy.object.Detection(category=None, xywh=xywh)]
raise ValueError("Invalid xywh list - Input must be [[x1,y1,w1,h1], ...")
if boxlabels is not None:
if isstring(boxlabels):
label = boxlabels
detlist = [d.category(label) for d in detlist]
elif (istuple(boxlabels) or islist(boxlabels)) and len(boxlabels) == len(xywh):
detlist = [d.category(label) for (d,label) in zip(detlist, boxlabels)]
raise ValueError("Invalid boxlabels list - len(boxlabels) must be len(xywh) with corresponding labels for each xywh box [label1, label2, ...]")
self._objectlist = self._objectlist + detlist
def cast(cls, im):
assert isinstance(im, vipy.image.Image), "Invalid input - must be derived from vipy.image.Image"
if im.__class__ != vipy.image.Scene:
im.__class__ = vipy.image.Scene
im._category = None if not hasattr(im, '_category') else im._category
im._objectlist = [] if not hasattr(im, '_objectlist') else im._objectlist
return im
def from_json(obj, s):
im = super().from_json(s)
d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in json.loads(s).items()} # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes)
im._objectlist = [vipy.object.Detection.from_json(s) for s in d['objectlist']]
return im
def __json__(self):
"""Serialization method for json package"""
return self.json(encode=True)
def json(self, s=None, encode=True):
if s is None:
d = json.loads(super().json())
d['objectlist'] = [bb.json(encode=False) for bb in self._objectlist]
return json.dumps(d) if encode else d
d = json.loads(s)
self._objectlist = [vipy.object.Detection.from_json(s) for s in d['objectlist']]
return self
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Scene equality requires equality of all objects in the scene, assumes a total order of objects"""
return isinstance(other, Scene) and len(self)==len(other) and all([obj1 == obj2 for (obj1, obj2) in zip(self, other)])
def __repr__(self):
strlist = []
if self.isloaded():
strlist.append("height=%d, width=%d, color=%s" % (self.height(), self.width(), self.colorspace()))
if self.filename() is not None:
strlist.append('filename="%s"' % (self.filename() if self.hasfilename() else '<NOTFOUND>%s</NOTFOUND>' % self.filename()))
if self.hasurl():
strlist.append('url=%s' % self.url())
if self.category() is not None:
strlist.append('category="%s"' % self.category())
if len(self.objects()) > 0:
strlist.append('objects=%d' % len(self.objects()))
return str('<vipy.image.scene: %s>' % (', '.join(strlist)))
def __len__(self):
"""The length of a scene is equal to the number of objects present in the scene"""
return len(self._objectlist)
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterate over each ImageDetection() in the scene"""
for (k, im) in enumerate(self._objectlist):
yield self.__getitem__(k)
def __getitem__(self, k):
"""Return the kth object in the scene as a `vipy.image.ImageDetection` object """
assert isinstance(k, int), "Indexing by object in scene must be integer"
obj = self._objectlist[k].clone()
return ImageDetection(array=self.array(), filename=self.filename(), url=self.url(), colorspace=self.colorspace(), xmin=obj.xmin(), ymin=obj.ymin(), width=obj.width(), height=obj.height(), category=obj.category(), attributes=obj.attributes,
def split(self):
"""Split a scene with K objects into a list of K `vipy.image.ImageDetection` objects, each with one object in the scene.
.. note:: The pixel buffer is shared between each split. Use [im.clone() for im in self.split()] for an explicit copy.
return list(self)
def append(self, imdet):
"""Append the provided vipy.object.Detection object to the scene object list"""
assert isinstance(imdet, vipy.object.Detection), "Invalid input"
return self
def add(self, imdet):
"""Alias for append"""
return self.append(imdet)
def objects(self, objectlist=None):
if objectlist is None:
return self._objectlist
assert isinstance(objectlist, list) and (len(objectlist) == 0 or all([isinstance(bb, vipy.object.Detection) for bb in objectlist])), "Invalid object list"
self._objectlist = objectlist
return self
def objectmap(self, f):
"""Apply lambda function f to each object. If f is a list of lambda, apply one to one with the objects"""
assert callable(f)
self._objectlist = [f(obj) for obj in self._objectlist] if not isinstance(f, list) else [g(obj) for (g,obj) in zip(f, self._objectlist)]
assert all([isinstance(a, vipy.object.Detection) for a in self.objects()]), "Lambda function must return vipy.object.Detection"
return self
def objectfilter(self, f):
"""Apply lambda function f to each object and keep if filter is True"""
assert callable(f)
self._objectlist = [obj for obj in self._objectlist if f(obj) is True]
return self
def nms(self, conf, iou, cover=0.8):
"""Non-maximum supporession of objects() by category based on confidence and spatial IoU and cover thresholds"""
return self.objects( vipy.object.non_maximum_suppression(self.objects(), conf=conf, iou=iou, cover=cover, bycategory=True) )
def intersection(self, other, miniou, bycategory=True):
"""Return a Scene() containing the objects in both self and other, that overlap by miniou with greedy assignment"""
assert isinstance(other, Scene), "Invalid input"
v = self.clone()
v._objectlist = [v._objectlist[k] for (k,d) in enumerate(greedy_assignment(v.objects(), other.objects(), miniou, bycategory=bycategory)) if d is not None]
return v
def difference(self, other, miniou):
"""Return a Scene() containing the objects in self but not other, that overlap by miniou with greedy assignment"""
assert isinstance(other, Scene), "Invalid input"
v = self.clone()
v._objectlist = [v._objectlist[k] for (k,d) in enumerate(greedy_assignment(self.objects(), other.objects(), miniou, bycategory=True)) if d is None]
return v
def union(self, other, miniou=None):
"""Combine the objects of the scene with other and self with no duplicate checking unless miniou is not None"""
if isinstance(other, Scene):
return self
def uncrop(self, bb, shape):
"""Uncrop a previous crop(bb) called with the supplied bb=BoundingBox(), and zeropad to shape=(H,W)"""
super().uncrop(bb, shape)
return self.objectmap(lambda o: o.translate(bb.xmin(), bb.ymin()))
def clear(self):
"""Remove all objects from this scene."""
return self.objects([])
def boundingbox(self):
"""The boundingbox of a scene is the union of all object bounding boxes, or None if there are no objects"""
boxes = self.objects()
bb = boxes[0].clone() if len(boxes) >= 1 else None
return bb.union(boxes[1:]) if len(boxes) >= 2 else bb
def categories(self):
"""Return list of unique object categories in scene"""
return list(set([obj.category() for obj in self._objectlist]))
# Spatial transformation
def imclip(self):
"""Clip all bounding boxes to the image rectangle, silently rejecting those boxes that are degenerate or outside the image"""
self._objectlist = [bb.imclip(self.numpy()) for bb in self._objectlist if bb.hasoverlap(self.numpy())]
return self
def rescale(self, scale=1, interp='bilinear'):
"""Rescale image buffer and all bounding boxes - Not idempotent"""
self = super().rescale(scale, interp=interp)
self._objectlist = [bb.rescale(scale) for bb in self._objectlist]
return self
def resize(self, cols=None, rows=None, height=None, width=None, interp='bilinear'):
"""Resize image buffer to (height=rows, width=cols) and transform all bounding boxes accordingly. If cols or rows is None, then scale isotropically"""
assert not (cols is not None and width is not None), "Define either width or cols"
assert not (rows is not None and height is not None), "Define either height or rows"
rows = rows if height is None else height
cols = cols if width is None else width
assert cols is not None or rows is not None, "Invalid input"
sx = (float(cols) / self.width()) if cols is not None else None
sy = (float(rows) / self.height()) if rows is not None else None
sx = sy if sx is None else sx
sy = sx if sy is None else sy
self._objectlist = [bb.scalex(sx).scaley(sy) for bb in self._objectlist]
if sx == sy:
self = super().rescale(sx, interp=interp) # FIXME: if we call resize here, inheritance is screweed up
self = super().resize(cols, rows, interp=interp)
return self
def centersquare(self):
"""Crop the image of size (H,W) to be centersquare (min(H,W), min(H,W)) preserving center, and update bounding boxes"""
(H,W) = self.shape()
self = super().centersquare()
(dy, dx) = ((H - self.height())/2.0, (W - self.width())/2.0)
self._objectlist = [bb.translate(-dx, -dy) for bb in self._objectlist]
return self
def fliplr(self):
"""Mirror buffer and all bounding box around vertical axis"""
self._objectlist = [bb.fliplr(self.numpy()) for bb in self._objectlist]
self = super().fliplr()
return self
def flipud(self):
"""Mirror buffer and all bounding box around vertical axis"""
self._objectlist = [bb.flipud(self.numpy()) for bb in self._objectlist]
self = super().flipud()
return self
def dilate(self, s):
"""Dilate all bounding boxes by scale factor, dilated boxes may be outside image rectangle"""
self._objectlist = [bb.dilate(s) for bb in self._objectlist]
return self
def zeropad(self, padwidth, padheight):
"""Zero pad image with padwidth cols before and after and padheight rows before and after, then update bounding box offsets"""
self = super().zeropad(padwidth, padheight)
dx = padwidth[0] if isinstance(padwidth, tuple) and len(padwidth) == 2 else padwidth
dy = padheight[0] if isinstance(padheight, tuple) and len(padheight) == 2 else padheight
self._objectlist = [bb.translate(dx, dy) for bb in self._objectlist]
return self
def meanpad(self, padwidth, padheight, mu=None):
"""Mean pad (image color mean) image with padwidth cols before and after and padheight rows before and after, then update bounding box offsets"""
self = super().meanpad(padwidth, padheight, mu=mu)
dx = padwidth[0] if isinstance(padwidth, tuple) and len(padwidth) == 2 else padwidth
dy = padheight[0] if isinstance(padheight, tuple) and len(padheight) == 2 else padheight
self._objectlist = [bb.translate(dx, dy) for bb in self._objectlist]
return self
def rot90cw(self):
"""Rotate the scene 90 degrees clockwise, and update objects"""
(H,W) = self.shape()
self.array(np.rot90(self.numpy(), 3))
self._objectlist = [bb.rot90cw(H, W) for bb in self._objectlist]
return self
def rot90ccw(self):
"""Rotate the scene 90 degrees counterclockwise, and update objects"""
(H,W) = self.shape()
self.array(np.rot90(self.numpy(), 1))
self._objectlist = [bb.rot90ccw(H, W) for bb in self._objectlist]
return self
def maxdim(self, dim=None, interp='bilinear'):
"""Resize scene preserving aspect ratio so that maximum dimension of image = dim, update all objects"""
return super().maxdim(dim, interp=interp) if dim is not None else max(self.shape()) # will call self.rescale() which will update boxes
def mindim(self, dim=None, interp='bilinear'):
"""Resize scene preserving aspect ratio so that minimum dimension of image = dim, update all objects"""
return super().mindim(dim, interp=interp) if dim is not None else min(self.shape()) # will call self.rescale() which will update boxes
def crop(self, bbox=None):
"""Crop the image buffer using the supplied bounding box object (or the only object if bbox=None), clipping the box to the image rectangle, update all scene objects"""
assert bbox is not None or (len(self) == 1), "Bounding box must be provided if number of objects != 1"
bbox = bbox if bbox is not None else self._objectlist[0]
self = super()._crop(bbox)
(dx, dy) = (bbox.xmin(), bbox.ymin())
self._objectlist = [bb.translate(-dx, -dy) for bb in self._objectlist]
return self
def objectcrop(self, dilate=1.0, maxsquare=False):
"""Crop image using the `vipy.image.Scene.boundingbox` with dilation factor, setting to maxsquare prior to crop as requested. Crop will be zeropadded if outside the image rectangle."""
bb = self.boundingbox()
return self.padcrop(bb.dilate(dilate).maxsquareif(maxsquare)) if bb is not None else self
def centercrop(self, height, width):
"""Crop image of size (height x width) in the center, keeping the image centroid constant"""
return self.crop(BoundingBox(xcentroid=float(self.width() / 2.0), ycentroid=float(self.height() / 2.0), width=int(width), height=int(height)))
def cornercrop(self, height, width):
"""Crop image of size (height x width) from the upper left corner, returning valid pixels only"""
return self.crop(BoundingBox(xmin=0, ymin=0, width=int(width), height=int(height)))
def padcrop(self, bbox):
"""Crop the image buffer using the supplied bounding box object, zero padding if box is outside image rectangle, update all scene objects"""
self.zeropad(, # FIXME: this is inefficient
(dx, dy) = (bbox.width(), bbox.height())
bbox = bbox.translate(dx, dy)
self._objectlist = [bb.translate(-dx, -dy) for bb in self._objectlist]
self = super()._crop(bbox)
(dx, dy) = (bbox.xmin(), bbox.ymin())
return self
def cornerpadcrop(self, height, width):
"""Crop image of size (height x width) from the upper left corner, returning zero padded result out to (height, width)"""
return self.padcrop(BoundingBox(xmin=0, ymin=0, width=width, height=height))
# Image export
def rectangular_mask(self, W=None, H=None):
"""Return a binary array of the same size as the image (or using the
provided image width and height (W,H) size to avoid an image load),
with ones inside the bounding box"""
if (W is None or H is None):
(H, W) = (int(np.round(self.height())),
immask = np.zeros((H, W)).astype(np.uint8)
for bb in self._objectlist:
if bb.hasoverlap(immask):
bbm = bb.clone().imclip(self.numpy()).int()
immask[bbm.ymin():bbm.ymax(), bbm.xmin():bbm.xmax()] = 1
return immask
def binarymask(self):
"""Alias for rectangular_mask with in-place update"""
mask = self.rectangular_mask() if self.channels() == 1 else np.expand_dims(self.rectangular_mask(), axis=2)
img = self.numpy()
img[:] = mask[:] # in-place update
return self
def bgmask(self):
"""Set all pixels outside the bounding box to zero"""
mask = self.rectangular_mask() if self.channels() == 1 else np.expand_dims(self.rectangular_mask(), axis=2)
img = self.numpy()
img[:] = np.multiply(img, mask) # in-place update
return self
def fgmask(self):
"""Set all pixels inside the bounding box to zero"""
mask = self.rectangular_mask() if self.channels() == 1 else np.expand_dims(self.rectangular_mask(), axis=2)
img = self.numpy()
img[:] = np.multiply(img, 1.0-mask) # in-place update
return self
def setzero(self):
return self.fgmask()
def pixelmask(self, pixelsize=8):
"""Replace pixels within all foreground objects with a privacy preserving pixelated foreground with larger pixels (e.g. like privacy glass)"""
assert pixelsize > 1, "Pixelsize is a scale factor such that pixels within the foreground are pixelsize times larger than the background"
(img, mask) = (self.numpy(), self.rectangular_mask()) # force writeable
img[mask > 0] = self.clone().rescale(1.0/pixelsize, interp='nearest').resize_like(self, interp='nearest').numpy()[mask > 0] # in-place update
return self
def pixelize(self, radius=16):
"""Alias for pixelmask"""
return self.pixelmask(pixelsize=radius)
def pixelate(self, radius=16):
"""Alias for pixelmask"""
return self.pixelmask(pixelsize=radius)
def blurmask(self, radius=7):
"""Replace pixels within all foreground objects with a privacy preserving blurred foreground"""
assert radius > 1, "Pixelsize is a scale factor such that pixels within the foreground are pixelsize times larger than the background"
(img, mask) = (self.numpy(), self.rectangular_mask()) # force writeable
img[mask > 0] = self.clone().blur(radius).numpy()[mask > 0] # in-place update
return self
def replace(self, newim, broadcast=False):
"""Set all image values within the bounding box equal to the provided img, triggers load() and imclip()"""
assert isinstance(newim, vipy.image.Image), "Invalid replacement image - Must be vipy.image.Image"
img = self.numpy()
newimg = newim.array()
for d in self._objectlist:
int(d.xmin()):int(d.xmax())] = newimg[int(d.ymin()):int(d.ymax()),
int(d.xmin()):int(d.xmax())] if not broadcast else newim.clone().resize(int(d.width()), int(d.height())).array()
return self
def meanmask(self):
"""Replace pixels within the foreground objects with the mean pixel color"""
img = self.numpy() # force writeable
img[self.rectangular_mask() > 0] = self.meanchannel() # in-place update
return self
def perceptualhash(self, bits=128, asbinary=False, asbytes=False, objmask=False):
"""Perceptual differential hash function.
This function sets foreground objects to mean color, convert to greyscale, resize with linear interpolation to small image based on desired bit encoding, compute vertical and horizontal gradient signs.
bits: [int] longer hashes have lower TAR (true accept rate, some near dupes are missed), but lower FAR (false accept rate), shorter hashes have higher TAR (fewer near-dupes are missed) but higher FAR (more non-dupes are declared as dupes).
objmask: [bool] if true, replace the foreground object masks with the mean color prior to computing
asbinary: [bool] If true, return a binary array
asbytes: [bool] if true return a byte array
A hash string encoding the perceptual hash such that `vipy.image.Image.perceptualhash_distance` can be used to compute a hash distance
asbytes: a bytes array
asbinary: a numpy binary array
.. notes::
- Can be used for near duplicate detection of background scenes by unpacking the returned hex string to binary and computing hamming distance, or performing hamming based nearest neighbor indexing. Equivalently, `vipy.image.Image.perceptualhash_distance`.
- The default packed hex output can be converted to binary as: np.unpackbits(bytearray().fromhex( bghash() )) which is equivalent to perceptualhash(asbinary=True)
allowablebits = [2*k*k for k in range(2, 17)]
assert bits in allowablebits, "Bits must be in %s" % str(allowablebits)
sq = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(bits/2.0)))
im = self.clone() if not objmask else self.clone().meanmask()
b = (np.dstack(np.gradient(im.resize(cols=sq+1, rows=sq+1).greyscale().numpy()))[0:-1, 0:-1] > 0).flatten()
return bytes(np.packbits(b)).hex() if not (asbytes or asbinary) else bytes(np.packbits(b)) if asbytes else b
def fghash(self, bits=8, asbinary=False, asbytes=False):
"""Perceptual differential hash function, computed for each foreground region independently"""
return [im.crop().perceptualhash(bits=bits, asbinary=asbinary, asbytes=asbytes, objmask=False) for im in self]
def bghash(self, bits=128, asbinary=False, asbytes=False):
"""Percetual differential hash function, masking out foreground regions"""
return self.clone().greyscale().perceptualhash(bits=bits, asbinary=asbinary, asbytes=asbytes, objmask=True)
def isduplicate(self, im, threshold, bits=128):
"""Background hash near duplicate detection, returns true if self and im are near duplicate images using bghash"""
assert isinstance(im, Image), "Invalid input"
return vipy.image.Image.perceptualhash_distance(self.bghash(bits=bits), im.bghash(bits=bits)) < threshold
def show(self, categories=None, figure=1, nocaption=False, nocaption_withstring=[], fontsize=10, boxalpha=0.25, d_category2color={'Person':'green', 'Vehicle':'blue', 'Object':'red'}, captionoffset=(0,0), nowindow=False, textfacecolor='white', textfacealpha=1.0, shortlabel=True, timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor='white', mutator=None, timestampoffset=(0,0)):
"""Show scene detection
- categories: [list] List of category (or shortlabel) names in the scene to show
- fontsize: [int] or [str]: Size of the font, fontsize=int for points, fontsize='NN:scaled' to scale the font relative to the image size
- figure: [int] Figure number, show the image in the provided figure=int numbered window
- nocaption: [bool] Show or do not show the text caption in the upper left of the box
- nocaption_withstring: [list]: Do not show captions for those detection categories (or shortlabels) containing any of the strings in the provided list
- boxalpha (float, [0,1]): Set the text box background to be semi-transparent with an alpha
- d_category2color (dict): Define a dictionary of required mapping of specific category() to box colors. Non-specified categories are assigned a random named color from
- caption_offset (int, int): The relative position of the caption to the upper right corner of the box.
- nowindow (bool): Display or not display the image
- textfacecolor (str): One of the named colors from for the color of the textbox background
- textfacealpha (float, [0,1]): The textbox background transparency
- shortlabel (bool): Whether to show the shortlabel or the full category name in the caption
- mutator (lambda): A lambda function with signature lambda im: f(im) which will modify this image prior to show. Useful for changing labels on the fly
- timestampoffset (tuple): (x,y) coordinate offsets to shift the upper left corner timestamp
colors =
im = self.clone() if not mutator else mutator(self.clone())
valid_detections = [obj.clone() for obj in im._objectlist if categories is None or obj.category() in tolist(categories)] # Detections with valid category
valid_detections = [obj.imclip(self.numpy()) for obj in valid_detections if obj.hasoverlap(self.numpy())] # Detections within image rectangle
valid_detections = [obj.category(obj.shortlabel()) if obj.shortlabel() is not None else obj for obj in valid_detections] if shortlabel else valid_detections # Display name as shortlabel?
d_categories2color = {d.category():colors[int(hashlib.sha1(d.category().split(' ')[-1].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 16) % len(colors)] for d in valid_detections} # consistent color mapping by category suffix (space separated)
d_categories2color.update(d_category2color) # requested color mapping
detection_color = [d_categories2color[d.category()] for d in valid_detections]
valid_detections = [d if not any([c in d.category() for c in tolist(nocaption_withstring)]) else d.nocategory() for d in valid_detections] # Detections requested to show without caption
imdisplay = self.clone().rgb() if self.colorspace() != 'rgb' else self # convert to RGB for show() if necessary
fontsize_scaled = float(fontsize.split(':')[0])*(min(imdisplay.shape())/640.0) if isstring(fontsize) else fontsize
imdisplay = mutator(imdisplay) if mutator is not None else imdisplay, valid_detections, bboxcolor=detection_color, textcolor=detection_color, fignum=figure, do_caption=(nocaption==False), facealpha=boxalpha, fontsize=fontsize_scaled,
captionoffset=captionoffset, nowindow=nowindow, textfacecolor=textfacecolor, textfacealpha=textfacealpha, timestamp=timestamp, timestampcolor=timestampcolor, timestampfacecolor=timestampfacecolor, timestampoffset=timestampoffset)
return self
def annotate(self, outfile=None, categories=None, figure=1, nocaption=False, fontsize=10, boxalpha=0.25, d_category2color={'person':'green', 'vehicle':'blue', 'object':'red'}, captionoffset=(0,0), dpi=200, textfacecolor='white', textfacealpha=1.0, shortlabel=True, nocaption_withstring=[], timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor='white', mutator=None, timestampoffset=(0,0)):
"""Alias for savefig"""
return self.savefig(outfile=outfile,
def savefig(self, outfile=None, categories=None, figure=1, nocaption=False, fontsize=10, boxalpha=0.25, d_category2color={'person':'green', 'vehicle':'blue', 'object':'red'}, captionoffset=(0,0), dpi=200, textfacecolor='white', textfacealpha=1.0, shortlabel=True, nocaption_withstring=[], timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor='white', mutator=None, timestampoffset=(0,0)):
"""Save show() output to given file or return buffer without popping up a window"""
fignum = figure if figure is not None else 1, figure=fignum, nocaption=nocaption, fontsize=fontsize, boxalpha=boxalpha,
d_category2color=d_category2color, captionoffset=captionoffset, nowindow=True, textfacecolor=textfacecolor,
textfacealpha=textfacealpha, shortlabel=shortlabel, nocaption_withstring=nocaption_withstring, timestamp=timestamp, timestampcolor=timestampcolor, timestampfacecolor=timestampfacecolor, mutator=mutator, timestampoffset=timestampoffset)
if outfile is None:
buf = io.BytesIO()
(W,H) = plt.figure(num=fignum).canvas.get_width_height() # fast(ish)
plt.figure(num=fignum).canvas.print_raw(buf) # fast(ish)
img = np.frombuffer(buf.getbuffer(), dtype=np.uint8).reshape((H, W, 4))
if figure is None: # memory cleanup (useful for video annotation on last frame)
return vipy.image.Image(array=img, colorspace='rgba')
else:, figure, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
return outfile
class ImageDetection(Image, vipy.object.Detection):
"""vipy.image.ImageDetection class
This class provides a representation of a `vipy.image.Image` with a single `vipy.object.Detection`. This is useful for direct bounding box manipulations.
This class inherits all methods of `vipy.image.Image` and `vipy.object.Detection` (and therefore `vipy.geometry.BoundingBox`).
Inheritance priority is for Image. Overloaded methods such as rescale() or width() will transform or return values for the Image.
Valid constructors include all provided by vipy.image.Image and BoundingBox coordinates
im = vipy.image.ImageDetection(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog', xmin=0, ymin=0, width=100, height=100)
im = vipy.image.ImageDetection(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog', xmin=0, ymin=0, xmax=100, ymax=100)
im = vipy.image.ImageDetection(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog', xcentroid=50, ycentroid=50, width=100, height=100)
.. notes::
- The inheritance resolution order will prefer the subclass methods for `vipy.image.Image`. For example, the shape() method will return the image shape.
- Use `vipy.image.DetectionImage` or `vipy.image.ImageDetection.detectionimage` cast if you prefer overloaded methods to resolve to bounding box manipulation..
- All methods in this class will transform the pixels or the box independently. The use case for this class is to manipulate boxes relative to the image for refinement (e.g. data augmentation).
- If you want the pixels to be transformed along with the boxes, use the `vipy.image.ImageDetection.scene` method to cast this to a `vipy.image.Scene` object.
def __init__(self, filename=None, url=None, attributes=None, colorspace=None, array=None,
xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, width=None, height=None,
xcentroid=None, ycentroid=None, category=None, xywh=None, bbox=None, id=True):
# vipy.image.Image class inheritance
# vipy.object.Detection inheritance
xywh=xywh if xywh is not None else (bbox.xywh() if isinstance(bbox, BoundingBox) else None),
def __repr__(self):
return str('<vipy.image.imagedetection: %s, %s>' % (Image.__repr__(self), vipy.object.Detection.__repr__(self)))
def __eq__(self, other):
"""ImageDetection equality is defined as equivalent categories and boxes (not pixels)"""
return self.boundingbox() == other.boundingbox() if isinstance(other, ImageDetection) else False
def boundingbox(self):
"""Cast this object to a cloned `vipy.object.Detection` object"""
return vipy.object.Detection.cast(self.clone())
def scene(self):
"""Cast this object to a cloned `vipy.image.Scene` object"""
return vipy.image.Scene.cast(self.clone()).objects([self.boundingbox()])
def crop(self):
"""Crop the image using the bounding box and return a `vipy.image.Image` for the cropped pixels"""
return vipy.image.Image.cast(self.clone())._crop(self.boundingbox())
def show(self):
"""Show this object by casting to `vipy.image.Scene`"""
return self
def clone(self):
"""Clone the object, for finer control over clone, cast to `vipy.image.ImageDetection.scene`"""
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def detectionimage(self):
"""Cast the class to the base class vipy.image.DetectionImage so that bounding box methods have inheritance priority"""
self.__class__ = vipy.image.DetectionImage
return self
def isinterior(self):
"""is the bounding box fully within the provided image?"""
return super().isinterior(self.width(), self.height())
class DetectionImage(vipy.object.Detection, Image):
"""vipy.image.DetectionImage class
This class provides a representation of a `vipy.image.Image` with a single `vipy.object.Detection` This is useful for direct bounding box manipulations.
This class inherits all methods of `vipy.image.Image` and `vipy.object.Detection` (and therefore `vipy.geometry.BoundingBox`).
Inheritance priority is for vipy.object.Detection. Overloaded methods such as rescale() or width() will return values for the bounding box.
Valid constructors include all provided by vipy.image.Image and BoundingBox coordinates
im = vipy.image.ImageDetection(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog', xmin=0, ymin=0, width=100, height=100)
im = vipy.image.ImageDetection(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog', xmin=0, ymin=0, xmax=100, ymax=100)
im = vipy.image.ImageDetection(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog', xcentroid=50, ycentroid=50, width=100, height=100)
.. notes::
- The inheritance resolution order will prefer the subclass methods for `vipy.object.Detection`. For example, the shape() method will return the bounding box shape.
- Use `vipy.image.ImageDetection` or `vipy.image.DetectionImage.imagedetection` cast if you prefer overloaded methods to resolve to image manipulation.
- All methods in this class will transform the pixels or the box independently. The use case for this class is to manipulate boxes relative to the image for refinement (e.g. data augmentation).
- If you want the pixels to be transformed along with the boxes, use the `vipy.image.DetectionImage.scene` method to cast this to a `vipy.image.Scene` object.
def __init__(self, filename=None, url=None, attributes=None, colorspace=None, array=None,
xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, width=None, height=None,
xcentroid=None, ycentroid=None, category=None, xywh=None, bbox=None, id=True):
# vipy.image.Image class inheritance
# vipy.object.Detection inheritance
xywh=xywh if xywh is not None else (bbox.xywh() if isinstance(bbox, BoundingBox) else None),
def __repr__(self):
return str('<vipy.image.detectionimage: %s, %s>' % (vipy.object.Detection.__repr__(self), Image.__repr__(self)))
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Equality is defined as equivalent categories and boxes (not pixels)"""
return self.boundingbox() == other.boundingbox() if isinstance(other, ImageDetection) else False
def boundingbox(self):
"""Cast this object to a cloned `vipy.object.Detection` object"""
return vipy.object.Detection.cast(self.clone())
def scene(self):
"""Cast this object to a cloned `vipy.image.Scene` object"""
return vipy.image.Scene.cast(self.clone()).objects([self.boundingbox()])
def crop(self):
"""Crop the image using the bounding box and return a `vipy.image.Image` for the cropped pixels"""
return vipy.image.Image.cast(self.clone())._crop(self.boundingbox())
def show(self):
"""Show this object by casting to `vipy.image.Scene`"""
return self
def clone(self):
"""Clone the object, for finer control over clone, cast to `vipy.image.ImageDetection.scene`"""
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def imagedetection(self):
"""Cast the class to the base class vipy.image.ImageDetection so that image methods have inheritance priority"""
self.__class__ = vipy.image.ImageDetection
return self
def isinterior(self):
"""is the bounding box fully within the provided image?"""
return super().isinterior(Image.width(self), Image.height(self))
def mutator_show_trackid(n_digits_in_trackid=5):
"""Mutate the image to show track ID with a fixed number of digits appended to the shortlabel as (####)"""
return lambda im, k=None: (im.objectmap(lambda o: o.shortlabel('%s (%s)' % (o.shortlabel(), o.attributes['__trackid'][0:n_digits_in_trackid]))
if o.hasattribute('__trackid') else o))
def mutator_show_jointlabel():
return mutator_capitalize()
def mutator_show_trackindex():
"""Mutate the image to show track index appended to the shortlabel as (####)"""
return lambda im, k=None: (im.objectmap(lambda o: o.shortlabel('%s (%d)' % (o.shortlabel(), int(o.attributes['__trackindex']))) if o.hasattribute('__trackindex') else o))
def mutator_show_trackonly():
"""Mutate the image to show track as a consistently colored box with no shortlabels"""
f = mutator_show_trackindex()
return lambda im, k=None, f=f: f(im).objectmap(lambda o: o.shortlabel('__%s' % o.shortlabel())) # prepending __shortlabel will not show it, but will color boxes correctly
def mutator_show_userstring(strlist):
"""Mutate the image to show user supplied strings in the shortlabel. The list be the same length oas the number of objects in the image. This is not checked. This is passed to show()"""
assert isinstance(strlist, list), "Invalid input"
return lambda im, k=None, strlist=strlist: im.objectmap([lambda o,s=s: o.shortlabel(s) for s in strlist])
def mutator_show_noun_only(nocaption=False):
"""Mutate the image to show the noun only.
nocaption: [bool] If true, then do not display the caption, only consistently colored boxes for the noun.
..note:: To color boxes by track rather than noun, use `vipy.image.mutator_show_trackonly`
return lambda im, k=None: (im.objectmap(lambda o: o.shortlabel('\n'.join([('__'+n if nocaption else n) for (n,v) in o.attributes['__noun verb']])) if o.hasattribute('__noun verb') else o))
def mutator_show_nounonly(nocaption=False):
"""Alias for `vipy.image.mutator_show_noun_only`"""
return mutator_show_noun_only(nocaption=nocaption)
def mutator_show_verb_only():
"""Mutate the image to show the verb only"""
return lambda im, k=None: (im.objectmap(lambda o: o.shortlabel('\n'.join([v for (n,v) in o.attributes['__noun verb']])) if o.hasattribute('__noun verb') else o))
def mutator_show_noun_or_verb():
"""Mutate the image to show the verb only if it is non-zero else noun"""
return lambda im: (im.objectmap(lambda o: o.shortlabel('\n'.join([v if len(v)>0 else n for (n,v) in o.attributes['__noun verb']])) if o.hasattribute('__noun verb') else o))
def mutator_capitalize():
"""Mutate the image to show the shortlabel as 'Noun Verb1\nNoun Verb2'"""
return lambda im, k=None: (im.objectmap(lambda o: o.shortlabel('\n'.join(['%s %s' % (n.capitalize(), v.capitalize()) for (n,v) in o.attributes['__noun verb']])) if o.hasattribute('__noun verb') else o))
def mutator_show_activityonly():
return lambda im, k=None: im.objectmap(lambda o: o.shortlabel('') if (len(o.attributes['__noun verb']) == 1 and len(o.attributes['__noun verb'][0][1]) == 0) else o)
def mutator_show_trackindex_activityonly():
"""Mutate the image to show boxes colored by track index, and only show 'noun verb' captions"""
f = mutator_show_trackindex()
return lambda im, k=None, f=f: f(im).objectmap(lambda o: o.shortlabel('__%s' % o.shortlabel()) if (len(o.attributes['__noun verb']) == 1 and len(o.attributes['__noun verb'][0][1]) == 0) else o)
def mutator_show_trackindex_verbonly(confidence=True, significant_digits=2):
"""Mutate the image to show boxes colored by track index, and only show 'verb' captions with activity confidence, sorted in decreasing order"""
f = mutator_show_trackindex()
return lambda im, k=None, f=f: f(im).objectmap(lambda o: o.shortlabel('__%s' % o.shortlabel()) if (len(o.attributes['__noun verb']) == 1 and len(o.attributes['__noun verb'][0][1]) == 0) else o.shortlabel('\n'.join(['%s %s' % (v, ('(%1.2f)'%float(c)) if (confidence is True and c is not None) else '') for ((n,v),c) in sorted(zip(o.attributes['__noun verb'], o.attributes['__activityconf']), key=lambda x: float(x[1]), reverse=True)])))
def RandomImage(rows=None, cols=None):
"""Return a uniform random color `vipy.image.Image` of size (rows, cols)"""
rows = np.random.randint(128, 1024) if rows is None else rows
cols = np.random.randint(128, 1024) if cols is None else cols
return Image(array=np.uint8(255 * np.random.rand(rows, cols, 3)), colorspace='rgb')
def RandomImageDetection(rows=None, cols=None):
"""Return a uniform random color `vipy.image.ImageDetection` of size (rows, cols) with a random bounding box"""
rows = np.random.randint(128, 1024) if rows is None else rows
cols = np.random.randint(128, 1024) if cols is None else cols
return ImageDetection(array=np.uint8(255 * np.random.rand(rows, cols, 3)), colorspace='rgb', category='RandomImageDetection',
xmin=np.random.randint(0,cols - 16), ymin=np.random.randint(0,rows - 16),
width=np.random.randint(16,cols), height=np.random.randint(16,rows))
def RandomScene(rows=None, cols=None, num_objects=16, url=None):
"""Return a uniform random color `vipy.image.Scene` of size (rows, cols) with a specified number of vipy.object.Detection` objects"""
im = RandomImage(rows, cols) if url is None else Image(url=url)
(rows, cols) = im.shape()
ims = Scene(array=im.array(), colorspace='rgb', category='scene', objects=[vipy.object.Detection('obj%d' % k, xmin=np.random.randint(0,cols - 16), ymin=np.random.randint(0,rows - 16),
width=np.random.randint(16,cols), height=np.random.randint(16,rows))
for k in range(0,num_objects)])
return ims
def owl():
"""Return a superb owl image for testing"""
return Scene(url='',
objects=[vipy.object.Detection('Great Horned Owl', xmin=93, ymin=85, width=373, height=560)])
def squareowl():
"""Return a superb owl with no objects, cropped square at 512x512 resolution"""
return owl().clear().centersquare().mindim(512)
def Owl():
"""Return superb owl centersquare, mindim=512"""
return owl().centersquare().mindim(512)
def vehicles():
"""Return a highway scene with the four highest confidence vehicle detections for testing"""
return Scene(url='',
objects=[vipy.object.Detection(category="car", xywh=(473.0, 592.2, 92.4, 73.4)),
vipy.object.Detection(category="car", xywh=(1410.0, 756.1, 175.2, 147.3)),
vipy.object.Detection(category="car", xywh=(316.9, 640.1, 119.4, 119.5)),
vipy.object.Detection(category="car", xywh=(886.9, 892.9, 223.8, 196.6))]).mindim(512)
def people():
"""Return a crowd scene with the four highest confidence person detections for testing"""
return Scene(url='',
objects=[vipy.object.Detection(category="person", xywh=(1.8, 1178.7, 574.1, 548.0)),
vipy.object.Detection(category="person", xywh=(1589.4, 828.3, 363.0, 887.7)),
vipy.object.Detection(category="person", xywh=(1902.9, 783.1, 250.8, 825.8)),
vipy.object.Detection(category="person", xywh=(228.2, 948.7, 546.8, 688.5))]).mindim(512)
def show(img, mindim=512, figure=1):
"""Fast visualization of a numpy array img
im =,16,3))
assert isnumpy(img)
return vipy.image.Image(array=np.array(img).astype(np.float32), colorspace='float').mindim(mindim, interp='nearest').show(figure=figure)
def Owl()
Return superb owl centersquare, mindim=512
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def Owl(): """Return superb owl centersquare, mindim=512""" return owl().centersquare().mindim(512)
def RandomImage(rows=None, cols=None)
Return a uniform random color
of size (rows, cols)Expand source code Browse git
def RandomImage(rows=None, cols=None): """Return a uniform random color `vipy.image.Image` of size (rows, cols)""" rows = np.random.randint(128, 1024) if rows is None else rows cols = np.random.randint(128, 1024) if cols is None else cols return Image(array=np.uint8(255 * np.random.rand(rows, cols, 3)), colorspace='rgb')
def RandomImageDetection(rows=None, cols=None)
Return a uniform random color
of size (rows, cols) with a random bounding boxExpand source code Browse git
def RandomImageDetection(rows=None, cols=None): """Return a uniform random color `vipy.image.ImageDetection` of size (rows, cols) with a random bounding box""" rows = np.random.randint(128, 1024) if rows is None else rows cols = np.random.randint(128, 1024) if cols is None else cols return ImageDetection(array=np.uint8(255 * np.random.rand(rows, cols, 3)), colorspace='rgb', category='RandomImageDetection', xmin=np.random.randint(0,cols - 16), ymin=np.random.randint(0,rows - 16), width=np.random.randint(16,cols), height=np.random.randint(16,rows))
def RandomScene(rows=None, cols=None, num_objects=16, url=None)
Return a uniform random color
of size (rows, cols) with a specified number of vipy.object.Detection` objectsExpand source code Browse git
def RandomScene(rows=None, cols=None, num_objects=16, url=None): """Return a uniform random color `vipy.image.Scene` of size (rows, cols) with a specified number of vipy.object.Detection` objects""" im = RandomImage(rows, cols) if url is None else Image(url=url) (rows, cols) = im.shape() ims = Scene(array=im.array(), colorspace='rgb', category='scene', objects=[vipy.object.Detection('obj%d' % k, xmin=np.random.randint(0,cols - 16), ymin=np.random.randint(0,rows - 16), width=np.random.randint(16,cols), height=np.random.randint(16,rows)) for k in range(0,num_objects)]) return ims
def mutator_capitalize()
Mutate the image to show the shortlabel as 'Noun Verb1 Noun Verb2'
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def mutator_capitalize(): """Mutate the image to show the shortlabel as 'Noun Verb1\nNoun Verb2'""" return lambda im, k=None: (im.objectmap(lambda o: o.shortlabel('\n'.join(['%s %s' % (n.capitalize(), v.capitalize()) for (n,v) in o.attributes['__noun verb']])) if o.hasattribute('__noun verb') else o))
def mutator_show_activityonly()
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def mutator_show_activityonly(): return lambda im, k=None: im.objectmap(lambda o: o.shortlabel('') if (len(o.attributes['__noun verb']) == 1 and len(o.attributes['__noun verb'][0][1]) == 0) else o)
def mutator_show_jointlabel()
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def mutator_show_jointlabel(): """Deprecated""" return mutator_capitalize()
def mutator_show_noun_only(nocaption=False)
Mutate the image to show the noun only.
- [bool] If true, then do not display the caption, only consistently colored boxes for the noun.
Note: To color boxes by track rather than noun, use
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def mutator_show_noun_only(nocaption=False): """Mutate the image to show the noun only. Args: nocaption: [bool] If true, then do not display the caption, only consistently colored boxes for the noun. ..note:: To color boxes by track rather than noun, use `vipy.image.mutator_show_trackonly` """ return lambda im, k=None: (im.objectmap(lambda o: o.shortlabel('\n'.join([('__'+n if nocaption else n) for (n,v) in o.attributes['__noun verb']])) if o.hasattribute('__noun verb') else o))
def mutator_show_noun_or_verb()
Mutate the image to show the verb only if it is non-zero else noun
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def mutator_show_noun_or_verb(): """Mutate the image to show the verb only if it is non-zero else noun""" return lambda im: (im.objectmap(lambda o: o.shortlabel('\n'.join([v if len(v)>0 else n for (n,v) in o.attributes['__noun verb']])) if o.hasattribute('__noun verb') else o))
def mutator_show_nounonly(nocaption=False)
Alias for
Expand source code Browse git
def mutator_show_nounonly(nocaption=False): """Alias for `vipy.image.mutator_show_noun_only`""" return mutator_show_noun_only(nocaption=nocaption)
def mutator_show_trackid(n_digits_in_trackid=5)
Mutate the image to show track ID with a fixed number of digits appended to the shortlabel as (####)
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def mutator_show_trackid(n_digits_in_trackid=5): """Mutate the image to show track ID with a fixed number of digits appended to the shortlabel as (####)""" return lambda im, k=None: (im.objectmap(lambda o: o.shortlabel('%s (%s)' % (o.shortlabel(), o.attributes['__trackid'][0:n_digits_in_trackid])) if o.hasattribute('__trackid') else o))
def mutator_show_trackindex()
Mutate the image to show track index appended to the shortlabel as (####)
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def mutator_show_trackindex(): """Mutate the image to show track index appended to the shortlabel as (####)""" return lambda im, k=None: (im.objectmap(lambda o: o.shortlabel('%s (%d)' % (o.shortlabel(), int(o.attributes['__trackindex']))) if o.hasattribute('__trackindex') else o))
def mutator_show_trackindex_activityonly()
Mutate the image to show boxes colored by track index, and only show 'noun verb' captions
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def mutator_show_trackindex_activityonly(): """Mutate the image to show boxes colored by track index, and only show 'noun verb' captions""" f = mutator_show_trackindex() return lambda im, k=None, f=f: f(im).objectmap(lambda o: o.shortlabel('__%s' % o.shortlabel()) if (len(o.attributes['__noun verb']) == 1 and len(o.attributes['__noun verb'][0][1]) == 0) else o)
def mutator_show_trackindex_verbonly(confidence=True, significant_digits=2)
Mutate the image to show boxes colored by track index, and only show 'verb' captions with activity confidence, sorted in decreasing order
Expand source code Browse git
def mutator_show_trackindex_verbonly(confidence=True, significant_digits=2): """Mutate the image to show boxes colored by track index, and only show 'verb' captions with activity confidence, sorted in decreasing order""" f = mutator_show_trackindex() return lambda im, k=None, f=f: f(im).objectmap(lambda o: o.shortlabel('__%s' % o.shortlabel()) if (len(o.attributes['__noun verb']) == 1 and len(o.attributes['__noun verb'][0][1]) == 0) else o.shortlabel('\n'.join(['%s %s' % (v, ('(%1.2f)'%float(c)) if (confidence is True and c is not None) else '') for ((n,v),c) in sorted(zip(o.attributes['__noun verb'], o.attributes['__activityconf']), key=lambda x: float(x[1]), reverse=True)])))
def mutator_show_trackonly()
Mutate the image to show track as a consistently colored box with no shortlabels
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def mutator_show_trackonly(): """Mutate the image to show track as a consistently colored box with no shortlabels""" f = mutator_show_trackindex() return lambda im, k=None, f=f: f(im).objectmap(lambda o: o.shortlabel('__%s' % o.shortlabel())) # prepending __shortlabel will not show it, but will color boxes correctly
def mutator_show_userstring(strlist)
Mutate the image to show user supplied strings in the shortlabel. The list be the same length oas the number of objects in the image. This is not checked. This is passed to show()
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def mutator_show_userstring(strlist): """Mutate the image to show user supplied strings in the shortlabel. The list be the same length oas the number of objects in the image. This is not checked. This is passed to show()""" assert isinstance(strlist, list), "Invalid input" return lambda im, k=None, strlist=strlist: im.objectmap([lambda o,s=s: o.shortlabel(s) for s in strlist])
def mutator_show_verb_only()
Mutate the image to show the verb only
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def mutator_show_verb_only(): """Mutate the image to show the verb only""" return lambda im, k=None: (im.objectmap(lambda o: o.shortlabel('\n'.join([v for (n,v) in o.attributes['__noun verb']])) if o.hasattribute('__noun verb') else o))
def owl()
Return a superb owl image for testing
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def owl(): """Return a superb owl image for testing""" return Scene(url='', category='Nature', objects=[vipy.object.Detection('Great Horned Owl', xmin=93, ymin=85, width=373, height=560)])
def people()
Return a crowd scene with the four highest confidence person detections for testing
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def people(): """Return a crowd scene with the four highest confidence person detections for testing""" return Scene(url='', category='crowd', objects=[vipy.object.Detection(category="person", xywh=(1.8, 1178.7, 574.1, 548.0)), vipy.object.Detection(category="person", xywh=(1589.4, 828.3, 363.0, 887.7)), vipy.object.Detection(category="person", xywh=(1902.9, 783.1, 250.8, 825.8)), vipy.object.Detection(category="person", xywh=(228.2, 948.7, 546.8, 688.5))]).mindim(512)
def show(img, mindim=512, figure=1)
Fast visualization of a numpy array img
im =,16,3))
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def show(img, mindim=512, figure=1): """Fast visualization of a numpy array img ```python im =,16,3)) ``` """ assert isnumpy(img) return vipy.image.Image(array=np.array(img).astype(np.float32), colorspace='float').mindim(mindim, interp='nearest').show(figure=figure)
def squareowl()
Return a superb owl with no objects, cropped square at 512x512 resolution
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def squareowl(): """Return a superb owl with no objects, cropped square at 512x512 resolution""" return owl().clear().centersquare().mindim(512)
def vehicles()
Return a highway scene with the four highest confidence vehicle detections for testing
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def vehicles(): """Return a highway scene with the four highest confidence vehicle detections for testing""" return Scene(url='', category='Highway', objects=[vipy.object.Detection(category="car", xywh=(473.0, 592.2, 92.4, 73.4)), vipy.object.Detection(category="car", xywh=(1410.0, 756.1, 175.2, 147.3)), vipy.object.Detection(category="car", xywh=(316.9, 640.1, 119.4, 119.5)), vipy.object.Detection(category="car", xywh=(886.9, 892.9, 223.8, 196.6))]).mindim(512)
class DetectionImage (filename=None, url=None, attributes=None, colorspace=None, array=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, width=None, height=None, xcentroid=None, ycentroid=None, category=None, xywh=None, bbox=None, id=True)
vipy.image.DetectionImage class
This class provides a representation of a
with a singleDetection
This is useful for direct bounding box manipulations.This class inherits all methods of
(and thereforeBoundingBox
).Inheritance priority is for vipy.object.Detection. Overloaded methods such as rescale() or width() will return values for the bounding box.
Valid constructors include all provided by vipy.image.Image and BoundingBox coordinates
im = vipy.image.ImageDetection(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog', xmin=0, ymin=0, width=100, height=100) im = vipy.image.ImageDetection(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog', xmin=0, ymin=0, xmax=100, ymax=100) im = vipy.image.ImageDetection(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog', xcentroid=50, ycentroid=50, width=100, height=100)
- The inheritance resolution order will prefer the subclass methods for
. For example, the shape() method will return the bounding box shape. - Use
cast if you prefer overloaded methods to resolve to image manipulation. - All methods in this class will transform the pixels or the box independently. The use case for this class is to manipulate boxes relative to the image for refinement (e.g. data augmentation).
- If you want the pixels to be transformed along with the boxes, use the
method to cast this to aScene
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class DetectionImage(vipy.object.Detection, Image): """vipy.image.DetectionImage class This class provides a representation of a `vipy.image.Image` with a single `vipy.object.Detection` This is useful for direct bounding box manipulations. This class inherits all methods of `vipy.image.Image` and `vipy.object.Detection` (and therefore `vipy.geometry.BoundingBox`). Inheritance priority is for vipy.object.Detection. Overloaded methods such as rescale() or width() will return values for the bounding box. Valid constructors include all provided by vipy.image.Image and BoundingBox coordinates ```python im = vipy.image.ImageDetection(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog', xmin=0, ymin=0, width=100, height=100) im = vipy.image.ImageDetection(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog', xmin=0, ymin=0, xmax=100, ymax=100) im = vipy.image.ImageDetection(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog', xcentroid=50, ycentroid=50, width=100, height=100) ``` .. notes:: - The inheritance resolution order will prefer the subclass methods for `vipy.object.Detection`. For example, the shape() method will return the bounding box shape. - Use `vipy.image.ImageDetection` or `vipy.image.DetectionImage.imagedetection` cast if you prefer overloaded methods to resolve to image manipulation. - All methods in this class will transform the pixels or the box independently. The use case for this class is to manipulate boxes relative to the image for refinement (e.g. data augmentation). - If you want the pixels to be transformed along with the boxes, use the `vipy.image.DetectionImage.scene` method to cast this to a `vipy.image.Scene` object. """ def __init__(self, filename=None, url=None, attributes=None, colorspace=None, array=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, width=None, height=None, xcentroid=None, ycentroid=None, category=None, xywh=None, bbox=None, id=True): # vipy.image.Image class inheritance Image.__init__(self, filename=filename, url=url, attributes=attributes, array=array, colorspace=colorspace) # vipy.object.Detection inheritance vipy.object.Detection.__init__(self, xmin=xmin, ymin=ymin, width=width, height=height, xmax=xmax, ymax=ymax, xcentroid=xcentroid, ycentroid=ycentroid, xywh=xywh if xywh is not None else (bbox.xywh() if isinstance(bbox, BoundingBox) else None), category=category, id=id) def __repr__(self): return str('<vipy.image.detectionimage: %s, %s>' % (vipy.object.Detection.__repr__(self), Image.__repr__(self))) def __eq__(self, other): """Equality is defined as equivalent categories and boxes (not pixels)""" return self.boundingbox() == other.boundingbox() if isinstance(other, ImageDetection) else False def boundingbox(self): """Cast this object to a cloned `vipy.object.Detection` object""" return vipy.object.Detection.cast(self.clone()) def scene(self): """Cast this object to a cloned `vipy.image.Scene` object""" return vipy.image.Scene.cast(self.clone()).objects([self.boundingbox()]) def crop(self): """Crop the image using the bounding box and return a `vipy.image.Image` for the cropped pixels""" return vipy.image.Image.cast(self.clone())._crop(self.boundingbox()) def show(self): """Show this object by casting to `vipy.image.Scene`""" self.scene().show() return self def clone(self): """Clone the object, for finer control over clone, cast to `vipy.image.ImageDetection.scene`""" return copy.deepcopy(self) def imagedetection(self): """Cast the class to the base class vipy.image.ImageDetection so that image methods have inheritance priority""" self.__class__ = vipy.image.ImageDetection return self def isinterior(self): """is the bounding box fully within the provided image?""" return super().isinterior(Image.width(self), Image.height(self))
def boundingbox(self)
Cast this object to a cloned
objectExpand source code Browse git
def boundingbox(self): """Cast this object to a cloned `vipy.object.Detection` object""" return vipy.object.Detection.cast(self.clone())
def clone(self)
Clone the object, for finer control over clone, cast to
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def clone(self): """Clone the object, for finer control over clone, cast to `vipy.image.ImageDetection.scene`""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
def crop(self)
Crop the image using the bounding box and return a
for the cropped pixelsExpand source code Browse git
def crop(self): """Crop the image using the bounding box and return a `vipy.image.Image` for the cropped pixels""" return vipy.image.Image.cast(self.clone())._crop(self.boundingbox())
def imagedetection(self)
Cast the class to the base class vipy.image.ImageDetection so that image methods have inheritance priority
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def imagedetection(self): """Cast the class to the base class vipy.image.ImageDetection so that image methods have inheritance priority""" self.__class__ = vipy.image.ImageDetection return self
def isinterior(self)
is the bounding box fully within the provided image?
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def isinterior(self): """is the bounding box fully within the provided image?""" return super().isinterior(Image.width(self), Image.height(self))
def scene(self)
Cast this object to a cloned
objectExpand source code Browse git
def scene(self): """Cast this object to a cloned `vipy.image.Scene` object""" return vipy.image.Scene.cast(self.clone()).objects([self.boundingbox()])
def show(self)
Show this object by casting to
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def show(self): """Show this object by casting to `vipy.image.Scene`""" self.scene().show() return self
Inherited members
- The inheritance resolution order will prefer the subclass methods for
class Image (filename=None, url=None, array=None, colorspace=None, attributes=None)
vipy.image.Image class
The vipy image class provides a fluent, lazy interface for representing, transforming and visualizing images. The following constructors are supported:
im = vipy.image.Image(filename="/path/to/image.ext")
All image file formats that are readable by PIL are supported here.
im = vipy.image.Image(url="")
The image will be downloaded from the provided url and saved to a temporary filename. The environment variable VIPY_CACHE controls the location of the directory used for saving images, otherwise this will be saved to the system temp directory.
im = vipy.image.Image(url="", filename="/path/to/new/image.ext")
The image will be downloaded from the provided url and saved to the provided filename. The url() method provides optional basic authentication set for username and password
im = vipy.image.Image(array=img, colorspace='rgb')
The image will be constructed from a provided numpy array 'img', with an associated colorspace. The numpy array and colorspace can be one of the following combinations:
- 'rgb': uint8, three channel (red, green, blue)
- 'rgba': uint8, four channel (rgb + alpha)
- 'bgr': uint8, three channel (blue, green, red), such as is returned from cv2.imread()
- 'bgra': uint8, four channel
- 'hsv': uint8, three channel (hue, saturation, value)
- 'lum;: uint8, one channel, luminance (8 bit grey level)
- 'grey': float32, one channel in range [0,1] (32 bit intensity)
- 'float': float32, any channel in range [-inf, +inf]
The most general colorspace is 'float' which is used to manipulate images prior to network encoding, such as applying bias.
- a path to an image file that is readable by PIL
- a url string to an image file that is readable by PIL
- a numpy array of type uint8 or float32 of shape HxWxC=height x width x channels
- a string in ['rgb', 'rgba', 'bgr', 'bgra', 'hsv', 'float', 'grey', 'lum']
- a python dictionary that is passed by reference to the image. This is useful for encoding metadata about the image. Accessible as im.attributes
objectExpand source code Browse git
class Image(object): """vipy.image.Image class The vipy image class provides a fluent, lazy interface for representing, transforming and visualizing images. The following constructors are supported: ```python im = vipy.image.Image(filename="/path/to/image.ext") ``` All image file formats that are readable by PIL are supported here. ```python im = vipy.image.Image(url="") ``` The image will be downloaded from the provided url and saved to a temporary filename. The environment variable VIPY_CACHE controls the location of the directory used for saving images, otherwise this will be saved to the system temp directory. ```python im = vipy.image.Image(url="", filename="/path/to/new/image.ext") ``` The image will be downloaded from the provided url and saved to the provided filename. The url() method provides optional basic authentication set for username and password ```python im = vipy.image.Image(array=img, colorspace='rgb') ``` The image will be constructed from a provided numpy array 'img', with an associated colorspace. The numpy array and colorspace can be one of the following combinations: - 'rgb': uint8, three channel (red, green, blue) - 'rgba': uint8, four channel (rgb + alpha) - 'bgr': uint8, three channel (blue, green, red), such as is returned from cv2.imread() - 'bgra': uint8, four channel - 'hsv': uint8, three channel (hue, saturation, value) - 'lum;: uint8, one channel, luminance (8 bit grey level) - 'grey': float32, one channel in range [0,1] (32 bit intensity) - 'float': float32, any channel in range [-inf, +inf] The most general colorspace is 'float' which is used to manipulate images prior to network encoding, such as applying bias. Args: filename: a path to an image file that is readable by PIL url: a url string to an image file that is readable by PIL array: a numpy array of type uint8 or float32 of shape HxWxC=height x width x channels colorspace: a string in ['rgb', 'rgba', 'bgr', 'bgra', 'hsv', 'float', 'grey', 'lum'] attributes: a python dictionary that is passed by reference to the image. This is useful for encoding metadata about the image. Accessible as im.attributes Returns: A `vipy.image.Image` object """ def __init__(self, filename=None, url=None, array=None, colorspace=None, attributes=None): # Private attributes self._ignoreErrors = False # ignore errors during fetch (broken links) self._urluser = None # basic authentication set with url() method self._urlpassword = None # basic authentication set with url() method self._urlsha1 = None # file hash if known self._filename = None # Local filename self._url = None # URL to download self._loader = None # lambda function to load an image, set with loader() method self._array = None self._colorspace = None # Initialization self._filename = filename if url is not None: assert isurl(url), 'Invalid URL' self._url = url if array is not None: assert isnumpy(array), 'Invalid Array - Type "%s" must be np.array()' % (str(type(array))) self.array(array) # shallow copy # Guess RGB colorspace if three channel uint8 if colorspace is not provided colorspace = 'rgb' if (self.isloaded() and self.channels() == 3 and self._array.dtype == np.uint8 and colorspace is None) else colorspace # Guess float colorspace if array is float32 and colorspace is not provided colorspace = 'float' if (self.isloaded() and self._array.dtype == np.float32 and colorspace is None) else colorspace self.colorspace(colorspace) # Public attributes: passed in as a dictionary self.attributes = {} if attributes is not None: assert isinstance(attributes, dict), "Attributes must be dictionary" self.attributes = attributes @classmethod def cast(cls, im): """Typecast the conformal vipy.image object im as `vipy.image.Image`. This is useful for downcasting `vipy.image.Scene` or `vipy.image.ImageDetection` down to an image. ```python ims = vipy.image.RandomScene() im = vipy.image.Image.cast(im) ``` """ assert isinstance(im, vipy.image.Image), "Invalid input - must derive from vipy.image.Image" im.__class__ = vipy.image.Image return im @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in d.items()} # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes) return cls(filename=d['filename'], url=d['url'], array=np.array(d['array'], dtype=np.uint8) if d['array'] is not None else None, colorspace=d['colorspace'], attributes=d['attributes']) @classmethod def from_json(cls, s): """Import the JSON string s as an `vipy.image.Image` object. Args: encoded [bool]: If False, assume that the input is a native JSON object, and has not been encoded to a string This will perform a round trip such that im1 == im2 ```python im1 = vupy.image.RandomImage() im2 = vipy.image.Image.from_json(im1.json()) assert im1 == im2 ``` """ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(s)) def __eq__(self, other): """Images are equivalent if they have the same filename, url and array""" return isinstance(other, Image) and other.filename()==self.filename() and other.url()==self.url() and np.all(other.array() == self.array()) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __iter__(self): """Yield single image for consistency with videos""" yield self def __len__(self): """Images have length 1 always""" return 1 def __array__(self): """Called on np.array(self) for custom array container, (requires numpy >=1.16)""" return self.numpy() def __repr__(self): strlist = [] if self.isloaded(): strlist.append("height=%d, width=%d, color=%s" % (self._array.shape[0], self._array.shape[1], self.colorspace())) if self.colorspace() == 'float': strlist.append('channels=%d' % self.channels()) if self.filename() is not None: strlist.append('filename="%s"' % (self.filename() if self.hasfilename() else '<NOTFOUND>%s</NOTFOUND>' % self.filename())) if self.hasurl(): strlist.append('url="%s"' % self.url()) return str('<vipy.image: %s>' % (', '.join(strlist))) def sanitize(self): """Remove all private keys from the attributes dictionary. The attributes dictionary is useful storage for arbitrary (key,value) pairs. However, this storage may contain sensitive information that should be scrubbed from the media before serialization. As a general rule, any key that is of the form '__keyname' prepended by two underscores is a private key. This is analogous to private or reserved attributes in the python lanugage. Users should reserve these keynames for those keys that should be sanitized and removed before any serialization of this object. ```python assert self.setattribute('__mykey', 1).sanitize().hasattribute('__mykey') == False ``` """ self.attributes = {k:v for (k,v) in self.attributes.items() if not k.startswith('__')} if isinstance(self.atttributes, dict) else self.attributes return self def print(self, prefix='', verbose=True, sleep=None): """Print the representation of the image and return self with an optional sleep=n seconds Useful for debugging in long fluent chains. """ if verbose: print(prefix+self.__repr__()) if sleep is not None: assert isinstance(sleep, int) and sleep > 0, "Sleep must be a non-negative integer number of seconds" time.sleep(sleep) return self def exif(self, extended=False): """Return the EXIF meta-data in filename as a dictionary. Included non-base EXIF data if extended=True. Returns empty dictionary if no EXIF exists. Triggers download.""" d = {} if exif = if exif is not None: d = {PIL.ExifTags.TAGS[k]:v for (k,v) in exif.items() if k in PIL.ExifTags.TAGS} if extended: for ifd_id in PIL.ExifTags.IFD: try: ifd = exif.get_ifd(ifd_id) if ifd_id == PIL.ExifTags.IFD.GPSInfo: resolve = PIL.ExifTags.GPSTAGS else: resolve = PIL.ExifTags.TAGS for k, v in ifd.items(): tag = resolve.get(k, k) d[tag] = v except KeyError: pass return d def tile(self, tilewidth, tileheight, overlaprows=0, overlapcols=0): """Generate an image tiling. A tiling is a decomposition of an image into overlapping or non-overlapping rectangular regions. Args: tilewidth: [int] the image width of each tile tileheight: [int] the image height of each tile overlaprows: [int] the number of overlapping rows (height) for each tile overlapcols: [int] the number of overlapping width (width) for each tile Returns: A list of `vipy.image.Image` objects such that each image is a single tile and the set of these tiles forms the original image Each image in the returned list contains the 'tile' attribute which encodes the crop used to create the tile. .. note:: - `vipy.image.Image.tile` can be undone using `vipy.image.Image.untile` - The identity tiling is im.tile(im.widht(), im.height(), overlaprows=0, overlapcols=0) - Ragged tiles outside the image boundary are zero padded - All annotations are updated properly for each tile, when the source image is `vipy.image.Scene` """ assert tilewidth > 0 and tileheight > 0 and overlaprows >= 0 and overlapcols >= 0, "Invalid input" assert self.width() >= tilewidth-overlapcols and self.height() >= tileheight-overlaprows, "Invalid input" bboxes = [BoundingBox(xmin=i, ymin=j, width=min(tilewidth, self.width()-i), height=min(tileheight, self.height()-j)) for i in range(0, self.width()-overlapcols, tilewidth-overlapcols) for j in range(0, self.height()-overlaprows, tileheight-overlaprows)] return [self.clone(shallow=True, attributes=True).setattribute('tile', {'crop':bb, 'shape':self.shape()}).crop(bb) for bb in bboxes] def union(self, other): """No-op for `vipy.image.Image`""" return self @classmethod def untile(cls, imlist): """Undo an image tiling and recreate the original image. ```python tiles = im.tile(im.width()/2, im.height()/2, 0, 0) imdst = vipy.image.Image.untile(tiles) assert imdst == im ``` Args: imlist: this must be the output of `vipy.image.Image.tile` Returns: A new `vipy.image.Image` object reconstructed from the tiling, such that this is equivalent to the input to vipy.image.Image.tile` .. note:: All annotations are updated properly for each tile, when the source image is `vipy.image.Scene` """ assert all([isinstance(im, vipy.image.Image) and im.hasattribute('tile') for im in imlist]), "invalid image tile list" imc = None for im in imlist: if imc is None: imc = im.clone(shallow=True).array(np.zeros( (im.attributes['tile']['shape'][0], im.attributes['tile']['shape'][1], im.channels()), dtype=np.uint8)) imc = imc.splat(im.array(im.attributes['tile']['crop'].clone().to_origin().int().crop(im.array())), im.attributes['tile']['crop']) if hasattr(im, 'objectmap'): im.objectmap(lambda o: o.set_origin(im.attributes['tile']['crop'])) # FIXME: only for Scene() imc = imc.union(im) return imc def uncrop(self, bb, shape): """Uncrop using provided bounding box and zeropad to shape=(Height, Width). An uncrop is the inverse operation for a crop, which preserves the cropped portion of the image in the correct location and replaces the rest with zeros out to shape. ```python im = vipy.image.RandomImage(128, 128) bb = vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(xmin=0, ymin=0, width=64, height=64) uncrop = im.crop(bb).uncrop(bb, shape=(128,128)) ``` Args: bb: [`vipy.geometry.BoundingBox`] the bounding box used to crop the image in self shape: [tuple] (height, width) of the uncropped image Returns: this `vipy.image.Image` object with the pixels uncropped. .. note:: NOT idempotent. This will generate different results if run more than once. """ ((x,y,w,h), (H,W)) = (bb.xywh(), shape) ((dyb, dya), (dxb, dxa)) = ((int(y), int(H-(y+h))), (int(x), int(W-(x+w)))) self._array = np.pad(self.load().array(), ((dyb, dya), (dxb, dxa), (0, 0)) if self.load().array().ndim == 3 else ((dyb, dya), (dxb, dxa)), mode='constant') return self def splat(self, im, bb): """Replace pixels within boundingbox in self with pixels in im""" assert isinstance(im, vipy.image.Image), "invalid image" assert (im.width() == bb.width() and im.height() == bb.height()) or bb.isinterior(im.width(), im.height()) and bb.isinterior(self.width(), self.height()), "Invalid bounding box '%s'" % str(bb) (x,y,w,h) = bb.xywh() self._array[int(y):int(y+h), int(x):int(x+w)] = im.array() if (im.width() == bb.width() and im.height() == bb.height()) else im.array()[int(y):int(y+h), int(x):int(x+w)] return self def store(self): """Store the current image file as an attribute of this object. Useful for archiving an object to be fully self contained without any external references. -Remove this stored image using unstore() -Unpack this stored image and set up the filename using restore() -This method is more efficient than load() followed by pkl(), as it stores the encoded image as a byte string. -Useful for creating a single self contained object for distributed processing. ```python v == ``` """ assert self.hasfilename(), "Image file not found" with open(self.filename(), 'rb') as f: self.attributes['__image__'] = return self def unstore(self): """Delete the currently stored image from store()""" return self.delattribute('__image__') def restore(self, filename): """Save the currently stored image to filename, and set up filename""" assert self.hasattribute('__image__'), "Image not stored" with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(self.attributes['__image__']) return self.filename(filename) def abspath(self): """Change the path of the filename from a relative path to an absolute path (not relocatable)""" return self.filename(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(self.filename())))) def relpath(self, parent=None): """Replace the filename with a relative path to parent (or current working directory if none)""" parent = parent if parent is not None else os.getcwd() assert parent in os.path.expanduser(self.filename()), "Parent path '%s' not found in abspath '%s'" % (parent, self.filename()) return self.filename(PurePath(os.path.expanduser(self.filename())).relative_to(parent)) def canload(self): """Return True if the image can be loaded successfully, useful for filtering bad links or corrupt images""" if not self.isloaded(): try: self.load() # try to load return True except: return False else: return True def dict(self): """Return a python dictionary containing the relevant serialized attributes suitable for JSON encoding""" return self.json(s=None, encode=False) def json(self, s=None, encode=True): if s is None: d = {'filename':self._filename, 'url':self._url, 'loader':self._loader, 'array':self._array.tolist() if self._array is not None else None, 'colorspace':self._colorspace, 'attributes':self.attributes} return json.dumps(d) if encode else d else: d = json.loads(s) d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in d.items()} # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes) self._filename = d['filename'] self._url = d['url'] self._loader = d['loader'] self._array = np.array(d['array'], dtype=np.uint8) if d['array'] is not None else None self._colorspace = d['colorspace'] self.attributes = d['attributes'] return self def loader(self, f): """Lambda function to load an unsupported image filename to a numpy array. This lambda function will be executed during load and the result will be stored in self._array """ self._loader = f return self def load(self, ignoreErrors=False, verbose=False): """Load image to cached private '_array' attribute. Args: ignoreErrors: [bool] If true, ignore any exceptions thrown during load and print the corresponding error messages. This is useful for loading images distributed without throwing exceptions when some images may be corrupted. In this case, the _array attribute will be None and `vipy.image.Image.isloaded` will return false to determine if the image is loaded, which can be used to filter out corrupted images gracefully. verbose: [bool] If true, show additional useful printed output Returns: This `vipy.image.Image` object with the pixels loaded in self._array as a numpy array. .. note:: This loader supports any image file format supported by PIL. A custom loader can be added using `vipy.image.Image.loader`. """ try: # Return if previously loaded image if self._array is not None: return self # Download URL to filename if self._url is not None:, verbose=verbose) # Load filename to numpy array if self._loader is not None: self._array = self._loader(self._filename).astype(np.float32) # forcing float32 self.colorspace('float') elif isimagefile(self._filename): self._array = np.array( # RGB order! if self.istransparent(): self.colorspace('rgba') # must be before iscolor() elif self.iscolor(): self.colorspace('rgb') elif self.isgrey(): self.colorspace('grey') elif self.isluminance(): self.colorspace('lum') else: warnings.warn('unknown colorspace for image "%s" - attempting to coerce to colorspace=float' % str(self._filename)) self._array = np.float32(self._array) self.colorspace('float') elif iswebp(self._filename): import return elif hasextension(self._filename): raise ValueError('Non-standard image extensions require a custom loader') else: # Attempting to open it anyway, may be an image file without an extension. Cross your fingers ... self._array = np.array( # RGB order! except IOError: if self._ignoreErrors or ignoreErrors: if verbose is True: warnings.warn('[vipy.image][WARNING]: IO error "%s" -> "%s" - Ignoring. ' % (self.url(), self.filename())) self._array = None else: raise except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception: if self._ignoreErrors or ignoreErrors: if verbose is True: warnings.warn('[vipy.image][WARNING]: Load error for image "%s" - Ignoring' % self.filename()) self._array = None else: raise return self def download(self, ignoreErrors=False, timeout=10, verbose=False): """Download URL to filename provided by constructor, or to temp filename. Args: ignoreErrors: [bool] If true, do not throw an exception if the download of the URL fails for some reason. Instead, print out a reason and return this image object. The function `vipy.image.Image.hasfilename` will return false if the downloaded file does not exist and can be used to filter these failed downloads gracefully. timeout: [int] The timeout in seconds for an http or https connection attempt. See also [urllib.request.urlopen]( verbose: [bool] If true, output more helpful message. Returns: This `vipy.image.Image` object with the URL downloaded to `vipy.image.Image.filename` or to a `vipy.util.tempimage` filename which can be retrieved with `vipy.image.Image.filename`. """ if self._url is None and self._filename is not None: return self if self._url is None or not isurl(str(self._url)): raise ValueError('[][ERROR]: ' 'Invalid URL "%s" ' % self._url) if self._filename is None: if vipy.globals.cache() is not None: self._filename = os.path.join(remkdir(vipy.globals.cache()), filetail(self._url)) elif isimageurl(self._url): self._filename = tempimage(fileext(self._url)) else: self._filename = tempjpg() # guess JPG for URLs with no file extension try: url_scheme = urllib.parse.urlparse(self._url)[0] if url_scheme in ['http', 'https']:, self._filename, verbose=verbose, timeout=timeout, sha1=self._urlsha1, username=self._urluser, password=self._urlpassword) elif url_scheme == 'file': shutil.copyfile(self._url, self._filename) elif url_scheme == 's3': raise NotImplementedError('S3 support is in development') else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Invalid URL scheme "%s" for URL "%s"' % (url_scheme, self._url)) except (httplib.BadStatusLine, urllib.error.URLError, urllib.error.HTTPError): if self._ignoreErrors or ignoreErrors: if verbose is True: warnings.warn('[vipy.image][WARNING]: download failed - Ignoring image') self._array = None else: raise except IOError: if self._ignoreErrors or ignoreErrors: if verbose: warnings.warn('[vipy.image][WARNING]: IO error downloading "%s" -> "%s" - Ignoring' % (self.url(), self.filename())) self._array = None else: raise except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception: if self._ignoreErrors or ignoreErrors: if verbose: warnings.warn('[vipy.image][WARNING]: load error for image "%s"' % self.filename()) else: raise return self def reload(self): """Flush the image buffer to force reloading from file or URL""" return self.clone(flush=True).load() def isloaded(self): """Return True if `vipy.image.Image.load` was successful in reading the image, or if the pixels are present in `vipy.image.Image.array`.""" return self._array is not None def channels(self): """Return integer number of color channels""" return 1 if self.load().array().ndim == 2 else self.load().array().shape[2] def iscolor(self): """Color images are three channel or four channel with transparency, float32 or uint8""" return self.channels() == 3 or self.channels() == 4 def istransparent(self): """Transparent images are four channel color images with transparency, float32 or uint8. Return true if this image contains an alpha transparency channel""" return self.channels() == 4 def isgrey(self): """Grey images are one channel, float32""" return self.channels() == 1 and self.array().dtype == np.float32 def isluminance(self): """Luninance images are one channel, uint8""" return self.channels() == 1 and self.array().dtype == np.uint8 def filesize(self): """Return size of underlying image file, requires fetching metadata from filesystem""" assert self.hasfilename(), 'Invalid image filename' return os.path.getsize(self._filename) def width(self): """Return the width (columns) of the image in integer pixels. .. note:: This triggers a `vipy.image.Image.load` if the image is not already loaded. """ return self.load().array().shape[1] def height(self): """Return the height (rows) of the image in integer pixels. .. note:: This triggers a `vipy.image.Image.load` if the image is not already loaded. """ return self.load().array().shape[0] def shape(self): """Return the (height, width) or equivalently (rows, cols) of the image. Returns: A tuple (height=int, width=int) of the image. .. note:: This triggers a `vipy.image.Image.load` if the image is not already loaded. """ return (self.load().height(), self.width()) def aspectratio(self): """Return the aspect ratio of the image as (width/height) ratio. Returns: A float equivalent to (`vipy.image.Image.width` / `vipy.image.Image.height`) .. note:: This triggers a `vipy.image.Image.load` if the image is not already loaded. """ return self.load().width() / float(self.height()) def area(self): """Return the area of the image as (width * height). Returns: An integer equivalent to (`vipy.image.Image.width` * `vipy.image.Image.height`) .. note:: This triggers a `vipy.image.Image.load` if the image is not already loaded. """ return self.width()*self.height() def centroid(self): """Return the real valued center pixel coordinates of the image (col=x,row=y). The centroid is equivalent to half the `vipy.image.Image.shape`. Returns: A tuple (column, row) of the floating point center of the image. """ return (self.load().width() / 2.0, self.height() / 2.0) def centerpixel(self): """Return the integer valued center pixel coordinates of the image (col=i,row=j) The centerpixel is equivalent to half the `vipy.image.Image.shape` floored to the nearest integer pixel coordinate. Returns: A tuple (int(column), int(row)) of the integer center of the image. """ c = np.round(self.centroid()) return (int(c[0]), int(c[1])) def array(self, np_array=None, copy=False): """Replace self._array with provided numpy array Args: np_array: [numpy array] A new array to use as the pixel buffer for this image. copy: [bool] If true, copy the buffer using np.copy(), else use a reference to this buffer. Returns: - If np_array is not None, return the `vipy.image.Image` object such that this object points to the provided numpy array as the pixel buffer - If np_array is None, then return the numpy array. .. notes:: - If copy=False, then this `vipy.image.Image` object will share the pixel buffer with the owner of np_array. Changes to pixels in this buffer will be shared. - If copy=True, then this will significantly slow down processing for large images. Use referneces wherevery possible. """ if np_array is None: return self._array if copy is False else np.copy(self._array) elif isnumpyarray(np_array): self._array = np.copy(np_array) if copy else np_array # reference or copy assert self._array.dtype == np.float32 or self._array.dtype == np.uint8, "Invalid input - array() must be type uint8 or float32 and not type='%s'" % (str(self._array.dtype)) self.colorspace(None) # must be set with colorspace() after array() but before _convert() return self else: raise ValueError('Invalid input - array() must be numpy array and not "%s"' % (str(type(np_array)))) def fromarray(self, data): """Alias for `vipy.image.Image.array` with copy=True. This will set new numpy array as the pixel buffer with a numpy array copy""" return self.array(data, copy=True) def tonumpy(self): """Alias for `vipy.image.Image.numpy""" return self.numpy() def numpy(self): """Return a mutable numpy array for this `vipy.image.Image`. .. notes:: - This will always return a writeable array with the 'WRITEABLE' numpy flag set. This is useful for returning a mutable numpy array as needed while keeping the original non-mutable numpy array (e.g. loaded from a video or PIL) as the underlying pixel buffer for efficiency reasons. - Triggers a `vipy.image.Image.load` if the pixel buffer has not been loaded - This will trigger a copy if the ['WRITEABLE' flag]( is not set. """ self.load() self._array = np.copy(self._array) if not self._array.flags['WRITEABLE'] else self._array # triggers copy return self._array def channel(self, k=None): """Return a cloned Image() object for the kth channel, or return an iterator over channels if k=None. Iterate over channels as single channel luminance images: ```python for c in print(c) ``` Return the kth channel as a single channel luminance image: ```python c = ``` """ if k is None: return [ for j in range(0, self.channels())] elif k == 0 and self.channels() == 1: return self else: assert k < self.channels() and k>=0, "Requested channel=%d must be within valid channels=%d" % (k, self.channels()) im = self.clone().load() im._array = im._array[:,:,k] im._colorspace = 'lum' return im def red(self): """Return red channel as a cloned single channel `vipy.image.Image` object. These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'rgb' or 'rgba': ```python == ``` These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'bgr' or 'bgra': ```python == ``` .. note:: OpenCV returns images in BGR colorspace. Use this method to always return the desired channel by color. """ assert self.channels() >= 3, "Must be color image" if self.colorspace() in ['rgb', 'rgba']: return elif self.colorspace() in ['bgr', 'bgra']: return else: raise ValueError('Invalid colorspace "%s" does not contain red channel' % self.colorspace()) def green(self): """Return green channel as a cloned single channel `vipy.image.Image` object. These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'rgb' or 'rgba': ```python == ``` These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'bgr' or 'bgra': ```python == ``` .. note:: OpenCV returns images in BGR colorspace. Use this method to always return the desired channel by color. """ assert self.channels() >= 3, "Must be three channel color image" if self.colorspace() in ['rgb', 'rgba']: return elif self.colorspace() in ['bgr', 'bgra']: return else: raise ValueError('Invalid colorspace "%s" does not contain red channel' % self.colorspace()) def blue(self): """Return blue channel as a cloned single channel `vipy.image.Image` object. These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'rgb' or 'rgba': ```python self.vlue() == ``` These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'bgr' or 'bgra': ```python == ``` .. note:: OpenCV returns images in BGR colorspace. Use this method to always return the desired channel by color. """ assert self.channels() >= 3, "Must be three channel color image" if self.colorspace() in ['rgb', 'rgba']: return elif self.colorspace() in ['bgr', 'bgra']: return else: raise ValueError('Invalid colorspace "%s" does not contain red channel' % self.colorspace()) def alpha(self): """Return alpha (transparency) channel as a cloned single channel `vipy.image.Image` object""" assert self.channels() == 4 and self.colorspace() in ['rgba', 'bgra'], "Must be four channnel color image" return def zeros(self): """Set the pixel buffer to all zeros of the same shape and datatype as this `vipy.image.Image` object. These are equivalent operations for the resulting buffer shape: ```python import numpy as np np.zeros( (self.width(), self.height(), self.channels()) ) == self.zeros().array() ``` Returns: This `vipy.image.Image` object. .. note:: Triggers load() if the pixel buffer has not been loaded yet. """ self._array = 0*self.load()._array return self def pil(self): """Convert vipy.image.Image to PIL Image. Returns: A [PIL image]( object, that shares the pixel buffer by reference """ if self.isloaded(): assert self.channels() in [1,3,4] and (self.channels() == 1 or self.colorspace() != 'float'), "Incompatible with PIL" return PIL.Image.fromarray(self.numpy(), mode='RGB' if self.colorspace()=='rgb' else None) # FIXME: mode='RGB' triggers slow tobytes() conversion, need RGBA or RGBX elif self.hasfilename(): return else: return None def blur(self, sigma=3): """Apply a Gaussian blur with Gaussian kernel radius=sigma to the pixel buffer. Args: sigma: [float >=0] The gaussian blur kernel radius. Returns: This `vipy.image.Image` object with the pixel buffer blurred in place. """ assert sigma >= 0 return self.array(np.array(self.pil().filter(PIL.ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=sigma)))) if sigma>0 else self def torch(self, order='CHW'): """Convert the batch of 1 HxWxC images to a CxHxW torch tensor. Args: order: ['CHW', 'HWC', 'NCHW', 'NHWC']. The axis order of the torch tensor (channels, height, width) or (height, width, channels) or (1, channels, height, width) or (1, height, width, channels) Returns: A CxHxW or HxWxC or 1xCxHxW or 1xHxWxC [torch tensor]( that shares the pixel buffer of this image object by reference. """ try_import('torch'); import torch assert order.lower() in ['chw', 'hwc', 'nchw', 'nhwc'] img = self.numpy() if self.numpy().ndim == 3 else np.expand_dims(self.numpy(), 2) # HxW -> HxWx1, HxWxC -> HxWxC (unchanged) img = img.transpose(2,0,1) if order.lower() in ['chw', 'nchw'] else img # HxWxC or CxHxW img = np.expand_dims(img,0) if order.lower() in ['nhwc', 'nchw'] else img # HxWxC -> 1xHxWxC return torch.from_numpy(img) @staticmethod def fromtorch(x, order='CHW'): """Convert a 1xCxHxW or CxHxW torch tensor (or numpy array with torch channel order) to HxWxC numpy array, returns new `vipy.image.Image` with inferred colorspace corresponding to data type in x""" try_import('torch'); import torch assert isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) or isinstance(x, np.ndarray), "Invalid input type '%s'- must be torch.Tensor" % (str(type(x))) assert (x.ndim == 4 and x.shape[0] == 1) or x.ndim == 3, "Torch tensor must be shape 1xCxHxW or CxHxW" x = x.squeeze(0) if (x.ndim == 4 and x.shape[0] == 1) else x img = np.copy(x.permute(1,2,0).cpu().detach().numpy() if torch.is_tensor(x) else x.transpose(1,2,0)) # CxHxW -> HxWxC, copied colorspace = 'float' if img.dtype == np.float32 else None colorspace = 'rgb' if img.dtype == np.uint8 and img.shape[2] == 3 else colorspace # assumed colorspace = 'lum' if img.dtype == np.uint8 and img.shape[2] == 1 else colorspace return Image(array=img, colorspace=colorspace) def nofilename(self): self._filename = None return self def filename(self, newfile=None): """Return or set image filename""" if newfile is None: return self._filename else: self._filename = newfile return self def nourl(self): self._url = None return self def url(self, url=None, username=None, password=None, sha1=None, ignoreUrlErrors=None): """Image URL and URL download properties""" if url is not None: self._url = url # this does not change anything else (e.g. the associated filename), better to use constructor if username is not None: self._urluser = username # basic authentication if password is not None: self._urlpassword = password # basic authentication if sha1 is not None: self._urlsha1 = sha1 # file integrity if ignoreUrlErrors is not None: self._ignoreErrors = ignoreUrlErrors if url is None and username is None and password is None and sha1 is None and ignoreUrlErrors is None: return self._url else: return self def colorspace(self, colorspace=None): """Return or set the colorspace as ['rgb', 'rgba', 'bgr', 'bgra', 'hsv', 'float', 'grey', 'lum']""" if colorspace is None: return self._colorspace else: assert str(colorspace).lower() in ['rgb', 'rgba', 'bgr', 'bgra', 'hsv', 'float', 'grey', 'gray', 'lum'], "Invalid colorspace '%s'. Allowable is ['rgb', 'rgba', 'bgr', 'bgra', 'hsv', 'float', 'grey', 'gray', 'lum']" % colorspace img = self.array() if self.isloaded(): colorspace = str(colorspace).lower() if self.array().dtype == np.float32: assert colorspace in ['float', 'grey', 'gray'], "Invalid colorspace '%s' for float32 array()" % colorspace elif self.array().dtype == np.uint8: assert colorspace in ['rgb', 'rgba', 'bgr', 'bgra', 'hsv', 'lum'], "Invalid colorspace '%s' for uint8 array(). Allowable is ['rgb', 'rgba', 'bgr', 'bgra', 'hsv', 'lum']" % colorspace else: raise ValueError('unupported array() datatype "%s". Allowable is [np.float32, np.uint8]' % colorspace) # should never get here as long as array() is used to set _array if self.channels() == 1: assert colorspace in ['float', 'grey', 'gray', 'lum'], "Invalid colorspace '%s; for single channel array. Allowable is ['float', 'grey', 'gray', 'lum']" % colorspace elif self.channels() == 3: assert colorspace in ['float', 'rgb', 'bgr', 'hsv'], "Invalid colorspace '%s; for three channel array. Allowable is ['float', 'rgb', 'bgr', 'hsv']" % colorspace elif self.channels() == 4: assert colorspace in ['float', 'rgba', 'bgra'], "Invalid colorspace '%s; for four channel array. Allowable is ['float', 'rgba', 'bgra']" % colorspace elif colorspace != 'float': raise ValueError("Invalid colorspace '%s' for image channels=%d, type=%s" % (colorspace, self.channels(), str(self.array().dtype))) if colorspace in ['grey', 'gray']: assert self.max() <= 1 and self.min() >= 0, "Colorspace 'grey' image must be np.float32 in range [0,1]. Use colorspace 'lum' for np.uint8 in range [0,255], or colorspace 'float' for unconstrained np.float32 [-inf, +inf]" colorspace = 'grey' # standardize self._colorspace = str(colorspace).lower() return self def uri(self): """Return the URI of the image object, either the URL or the filename, raise exception if neither defined""" if self.hasurl(): return self.url() elif self.hasfilename(): return self.filename() else: raise ValueError('No URI defined') def setattribute(self, key, value): """Set element self.attributes[key]=value""" if self.attributes is None: self.attributes = {key: value} else: self.attributes[key] = value return self def setattributes(self, newattr): """Set many attributes at once by providing a dictionary to be merged with current attributes""" assert isinstance(newattr, dict), "New attributes must be dictionary" self.attributes.update(newattr) return self def getattribute(self, k): """Return the key k in the attributes dictionary (self.attributes) if present, else None""" return self.attributes[k] if k in self.attributes else None def hasattribute(self, key): return self.attributes is not None and key in self.attributes def delattribute(self, k): if k in self.attributes: self.attributes.pop(k) return self def metadata(self, k=None): """Return metadata associated with this image, stored in the attributes dictionary""" return self.attributes if k is None else self.getattribute(k) def hasurl(self): return self._url is not None and isurl(self._url) def hasfilename(self): return self._filename is not None and os.path.exists(self._filename) def clone(self, flushforward=False, flushbackward=False, flush=False, shallow=False, attributes=False): """Create deep copy of object, flushing the original buffer if requested and returning the cloned object. Flushing is useful for distributed memory management to free the buffer from this object, and pass along a cloned object which can be used for encoding and will be garbage collected. * flushforward: copy the object, and set the cloned object array() to None. This flushes the video buffer for the clone, not the object * flushbackward: copy the object, and set the object array() to None. This flushes the video buffer for the object, not the clone. * flush: set the object array() to None and clone the object. This flushes the video buffer for both the clone and the object. """ if flush or (flushforward and flushbackward): self._array = None # flushes buffer on object and clone im = copy.deepcopy(self) # object and clone are flushed elif flushbackward: im = copy.deepcopy(self) # propagates _array to clone self._array = None # object flushed, clone not flushed elif flushforward: array = self._array; self._array = None im = copy.deepcopy(self) # does not propagate _array to clone self._array = array # object not flushed im._array = None # clone flushed elif shallow: im = copy.copy(self) # shallow copy im._array = np.asarray(self._array) if self._array is not None else None # shared pixels else: im = copy.deepcopy(self) if attributes: im.attributes = copy.deepcopy(self.attributes) return im def flush(self): """Alias for clone(flush=True), returns self not clone""" self._array = None # flushes buffer on object and clone return self # Spatial transformations def resize(self, cols=None, rows=None, width=None, height=None, interp='bilinear', fast=False): """Resize the image buffer to (rows x cols) with bilinear interpolation. If rows or cols is provided, rescale image maintaining aspect ratio""" assert not (cols is not None and width is not None), "Define either width or cols" assert not (rows is not None and height is not None), "Define either height or rows" rows = rows if height is None else height cols = cols if width is None else width if cols is None or rows is None: if cols is None: scale = float(rows) / float(self.height()) else: scale = float(cols) / float(self.width()) self.rescale(scale) elif rows == self.height() and cols == self.width(): return self elif self.colorspace() == 'float': self._array = np.dstack([np.array(im.pil().resize((cols, rows), string_to_pil_interpolation(interp))) for im in]) else: self._array = np.asarray(self.load().pil().resize((cols, rows), string_to_pil_interpolation(interp), reducing_gap=2 if fast else None)) return self def resize_like(self, im, interp='bilinear'): """Resize image buffer to be the same size as the provided vipy.image.Image()""" assert isinstance(im, Image), "Invalid input - Must be vipy.image.Image" return self.resize(im.width(), im.height(), interp=interp) def rescale(self, scale=1, interp='bilinear', fast=False): """Scale the image buffer by the given factor - NOT idempotent""" (height, width) = self.load().shape() if scale == 1: return self elif self.colorspace() == 'float': self._array = np.dstack([np.asarray(im.pil().resize((int(np.round(scale * width)), int(np.round(scale * height))), string_to_pil_interpolation(interp))) for im in]) else: self._array = np.asarray(self.pil().resize((int(np.round(scale * width)), int(np.round(scale * height))), string_to_pil_interpolation(interp), reducing_gap=2 if fast else None)) return self def maxdim(self, dim=None, interp='bilinear'): """Resize image preserving aspect ratio so that maximum dimension of image = dim, or return maxdim()""" return self.rescale(float(dim) / float(np.maximum(self.height(), self.width())), interp=interp) if dim is not None else max(self.shape()) def mindim(self, dim=None, interp='bilinear'): """Resize image preserving aspect ratio so that minimum dimension of image = dim, or return mindim()""" if dim is None: return np.minimum(self.height(), self.width()) else: s = float(dim) / float(np.minimum(self.height(), self.width())) return self.rescale(s, interp=interp) if dim is not None else min(self.shape()) def mindimn(self, dim=None): """Frequently used shortcut for mindim(dim, interp='nearest')""" return self.mindim(dim, interp='nearest') def _pad(self, dx, dy, mode='edge'): """Pad image using np.pad mode, dx=padwidth, dy=padheight, thin wrapper for numpy.pad""" self._array = np.pad(self.load().array(), ((dy, dy), (dx, dx), (0, 0)) if self.load().array().ndim == 3 else ((dy, dy), (dx, dx)), mode=mode) return self def zeropad(self, padwidth, padheight): """Pad image using np.pad constant by adding padwidth on both left and right , or padwidth=(left,right) for different pre/postpadding,, and padheight on top and bottom or padheight=(top,bottom) for different pre/post padding""" if not isinstance(padwidth, tuple): padwidth = (padwidth, padwidth) if not isinstance(padheight, tuple): padheight = (padheight, padheight) if self.iscolor(): pad_shape = (padheight, padwidth, (0, 0)) else: pad_shape = (padheight, padwidth) assert all([x>=0 for x in padheight]) and all([x>=0 for x in padwidth]), "padding must be positive" if padwidth[0]>0 or padwidth[1]>0 or padheight[0]>0 or padheight[1]>0: self._array = np.pad(self.load().array(), pad_width=pad_shape, mode='constant', constant_values=0) # this is still slow due to the required copy, but fast-ish in np >= 1.17 return self def zeropadlike(self, width, height): """Zero pad the image balancing the border so that the resulting image size is (width, height)""" assert width >= self.width() and height >= self.height(), "Invalid input - final (width=%d, height=%d) must be greater than current image size (width=%d, height=%d)" % (width, height, self.width(), self.height()) return self.zeropad( (int(np.floor((width - self.width())/2)), int(np.ceil((width - self.width())/2))), (int(np.floor((height - self.height())/2)), int(np.ceil((height - self.height())/2)))) def meanpad(self, padwidth, padheight, mu=None): """Pad image using np.pad constant=image mean by adding padwidth on both left and right , or padwidth=(left,right) for different pre/postpadding,, and padheight on top and bottom or padheight=(top,bottom) for different pre/post padding""" if not isinstance(padwidth, tuple): padwidth = (padwidth, padwidth) if not isinstance(padheight, tuple): padheight = (padheight, padheight) assert all([x>=0 for x in padheight]) and all([x>=0 for x in padwidth]), "padding must be positive" mu = self.meanchannel() if mu is None else mu self._array = np.squeeze(np.dstack([np.pad(img, pad_width=(padheight,padwidth), mode='constant', constant_values=c) for (img,c) in zip(, mu)])) return self def alphapad(self, padwidth, padheight): """Pad image using alpha transparency by adding padwidth on both left and right , or padwidth=(left,right) for different pre/postpadding,, and padheight on top and bottom or padheight=(top,bottom) for different pre/post padding""" assert self.colorspace() == 'rgba', "Colorspace must be RGBA for padding with transparency" return self.meanpad(padwidth, padheight, mu=np.array([0,0,0,0])) def minsquare(self): """Crop image of size (HxW) to (min(H,W), min(H,W)), keeping upper left corner constant""" S = np.min(self.load().shape()) return self._crop(BoundingBox(xmin=0, ymin=0, width=int(S), height=int(S))) def maxsquare(self, S=None): """Crop image of size (HxW) to (max(H,W), max(H,W)) with zeropadding or (S,S) if provided, keeping upper left corner constant""" S = np.max(self.load().shape()) if S is None else int(S) (H, W) = self.shape() (dW, dH) = (max(0, S - W), max(0, S - H)) if S != W or S != H: self._crop(BoundingBox(0, 0, width=min(W, S), height=min(H, S))) if (dW > 0 or dH > 0): self.zeropad((0,dW), (0,dH)) # crop then zeropad return self def maxmatte(self): """Crop image of size (HxW) to (max(H,W), max(H,W)) with balanced zeropadding forming a letterbox with top/bottom matte or pillarbox with left/right matte""" S = np.max(self.load().shape()) dW = S - self.width() dH = S - self.height() return self.zeropad((int(np.floor(dW//2)), int(np.ceil(dW//2))), (int(np.floor(dH//2)), int(np.ceil(dH//2))))._crop(BoundingBox(0, 0, width=int(S), height=int(S))) def centersquare(self): """Crop image of size (NxN) in the center, such that N=min(width,height), keeping the image centroid constant""" N = int(np.min(self.shape())) return self._crop(BoundingBox(xcentroid=float(self.width() / 2.0), ycentroid=float(self.height() / 2.0), width=N, height=N)) def centercrop(self, height, width): """Crop image of size (height x width) in the center, keeping the image centroid constant""" return self._crop(BoundingBox(xcentroid=float(self.width() / 2.0), ycentroid=float(self.height() / 2.0), width=int(width), height=int(height))) def cornercrop(self, height, width): """Crop image of size (height x width) from the upper left corner""" return self._crop(BoundingBox(xmin=0, ymin=0, width=int(width), height=int(height))) def _crop(self, bbox): """Crop the image buffer using the supplied bounding box object, clipping the box to the image rectangle""" assert isinstance(bbox, BoundingBox) and bbox.valid(), "Invalid input - Must be vipy.geometry.BoundingBox not '%s'" % (str(type(bbox))) if not bbox.isdegenerate() and bbox.hasoverlap(self.load().array()): bbox = bbox.imclip(self.load().array()).int() self._array = self.array()[bbox.ymin():bbox.ymax(), bbox.xmin():bbox.xmax()] else: warnings.warn('BoundingBox for crop() does not intersect image rectangle - Ignoring') return self def crop(self, bbox): return self._crop(bbox) def fliplr(self): """Mirror the image buffer about the vertical axis - Not idempotent""" self._array = np.fliplr(self.load().array()) return self def flipud(self): """Mirror the image buffer about the horizontal axis - Not idempotent""" self._array = np.flipud(self.load().array()) return self def imagebox(self): """Return the bounding box for the image rectangle""" return BoundingBox(xmin=0, ymin=0, width=int(self.width()), height=int(self.height())) def border_mask(self, pad): """Return a binary uint8 image the same size as self, with a border of pad pixels in width or height around the edge""" img = np.zeros( (self.height(), self.width()), dtype=np.uint8) img[0:pad,:] = 1 img[-pad:,:] = 1 img[:,0:pad] = 1 img[:,-pad:] = 1 return img # Color conversion def _convert(self, to): """Supported colorspaces are rgb, rgbab, bgr, bgra, hsv, grey, lum, float""" to = to if to != 'gray' else 'grey' # standardize 'gray' -> 'grey' internally self.load() if self.colorspace() == to: return self elif to == 'float': img = self.load().array() # any type self._array = np.array(img).astype(np.float32) # typecast to float32 elif self.colorspace() == 'lum': img = self.load().array() # single channel, uint8 [0,255] assert img.dtype == np.uint8 img = np.squeeze(img, axis=2) if img.ndim == 3 and img.shape[2] == 1 else img # remove singleton channel self._array = np.array(PIL.Image.fromarray(img, mode='L').convert('RGB')) # uint8 luminance [0,255] -> uint8 RGB self.colorspace('rgb') self._convert(to) elif self.colorspace() in ['gray', 'grey']: img = self.load().array() # single channel float32 [0,1] img = np.squeeze(img, axis=2) if img.ndim == 3 and img.shape[2] == 1 else img # remove singleton channel self._array = np.array(PIL.Image.fromarray(255.0 * img, mode='F').convert('RGB')) # float32 gray [0,1] -> float32 gray [0,255] -> uint8 RGB self.colorspace('rgb') self._convert(to) elif self.colorspace() == 'rgba': img = self.load().array() # uint8 RGBA if to == 'bgra': self._array = np.array(img)[:,:,::-1] # uint8 RGBA -> uint8 ABGR self._array = self._array[:,:,[1,2,3,0]] # uint8 ABGR -> uint8 BGRA elif to == 'rgb': self._array = self._array[:,:,0:-1] # uint8 RGBA -> uint8 RGB else: self._array = self._array[:,:,0:-1] # uint8 RGBA -> uint8 RGB self.colorspace('rgb') self._convert(to) elif self.colorspace() == 'rgb': img = self.load().array() # uint8 RGB if to in ['grey', 'gray']: self._array = (1.0 / 255.0) * np.array(PIL.Image.fromarray(img).convert('L')).astype(np.float32) # uint8 RGB -> float32 Grey [0,255] -> float32 Grey [0,1] elif to == 'bgr': self._array = np.array(img)[:,:,::-1] # uint8 RGB -> uint8 BGR elif to == 'hsv': self._array = np.array(PIL.Image.fromarray(img).convert('HSV')) # uint8 RGB -> uint8 HSV elif to == 'lum': self._array = np.array(PIL.Image.fromarray(img).convert('L')) # uint8 RGB -> uint8 Luminance (integer grey) elif to == 'rgba': self._array = np.dstack((img, 255*np.ones((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8))) elif to == 'bgra': self._array = np.array(img)[:,:,::-1] # uint8 RGB -> uint8 BGR self._array = np.dstack((self._array, np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8))) # uint8 BGR -> uint8 BGRA elif self.colorspace() == 'bgr': img = self.load().array() # uint8 BGR self._array = np.array(img)[:,:,::-1] # uint8 BGR -> uint8 RGB self.colorspace('rgb') self._convert(to) elif self.colorspace() == 'bgra': img = self.load().array() # uint8 BGRA self._array = np.array(img)[:,:,::-1] # uint8 BGRA -> uint8 ARGB self._array = self._array[:,:,[1,2,3,0]] # uint8 ARGB -> uint8 RGBA self.colorspace('rgba') self._convert(to) elif self.colorspace() == 'hsv': img = self.load().array() # uint8 HSV self._array = np.array(PIL.Image.fromarray(img, mode='HSV').convert('RGB')) # uint8 HSV -> uint8 RGB self.colorspace('rgb') self._convert(to) elif self.colorspace() == 'float': img = self.load().array() # float32 if np.max(img) > 1 or np.min(img) < 0: warnings.warn('Converting float image to "%s" will be rescaled with self.mat2gray() into the range float32 [0,1]' % to) img = self.mat2gray().array() if not self.channels() in [1,2,3]: raise ValueError('Float image must be single channel or three channel RGB in the range float32 [0,1] prior to conversion') if self.channels() == 3: # assumed RGB self._array = np.uint8(255 * self.array()) # float32 RGB [0,1] -> uint8 RGB [0,255] self.colorspace('rgb') else: self._array = (1.0 / 255.0) * np.array(PIL.Image.fromarray(np.uint8(255 * np.squeeze(self.array()))).convert('L')).astype(np.float32) # float32 RGB [0,1] -> float32 gray [0,1] self.colorspace('grey') self._convert(to) elif self.colorspace() is None: raise ValueError('Colorspace must be initialized by constructor or colorspace() to allow for colorspace conversion') else: raise ValueError('unsupported colorspace "%s"' % self.colorspace()) self.colorspace(to) return self def affine_transform(self, A, border='zero'): """Apply a 3x3 affine geometric transformation to the image. Args: - A [np.ndarray]: 3x3 affine geometric transform from `vipy.geometry.affine_transform` - border [str]: 'zero' or 'replicate' to handle elements outside the image rectangle after transformation Returns: - This object with only the array transformed .. note:: The image will be loaded and converted to float() prior to applying the affine transformation. .. note:: This will transform only the pixels """ assert isnumpy(A) or isinstance(img, vipy.image.Image), "invalid input" assert A.shape == (3,3), "The affine transformation matrix should be the output of vipy.geometry.affine_transformation" self._array = vipy.geometry.imtransform(self.load().float().array(), A.astype(np.float32), border=border) return self def rotate(self, r): """Apply a rotation in radians to the pixels, with origin in upper left """ return self.affine_transform(vipy.geometry.affine_transform(r=r)) def rotate_by_exif(self): """Apply a rotation as specified in the 'Orientation' field EXIF metadata""" exif = self.exif() orientation = exif['Orientation'] if 'Orientation' in exif else None if orientation is None or orientation == 1: return self elif orientation == 2: return self.fliplr() elif orientation == 3: return self.flipud().fliplr() elif orientation == 4: return self.flipud() elif orientation == 5: return self.rot90cw().fliplr() elif orientation == 6: return self.rot90cw() elif orientation == 7: return self.rot90ccw().fliplr() elif orientation == 8: return self.rot90ccw() else: raise ValueError def rgb(self): """Convert the image buffer to three channel RGB uint8 colorspace""" return self._convert('rgb') def color_transform(self, colorspace): """Transform the image buffer from the current `vipy.image.Image.colorspace` to the provided colorspace""" return self._convert(colorspace) def colorspace_like(self, im): """Convert the image buffer to have the same colorspace as the provided image""" assert isinstance(im, vipy.image.Image) return self._convert(im.colorspace()) def rgba(self): """Convert the image buffer to four channel RGBA uint8 colorspace""" return self._convert('rgba') def hsv(self): """Convert the image buffer to three channel HSV uint8 colorspace""" return self._convert('hsv') def bgr(self): """Convert the image buffer to three channel BGR uint8 colorspace""" return self._convert('bgr') def bgra(self): """Convert the image buffer to four channel BGR uint8 colorspace""" return self._convert('bgra') def float(self): """Convert the image buffer to float32""" return self._convert('float') def greyscale(self): """Convert the image buffer to single channel grayscale float32 in range [0,1]""" return self._convert('gray') def grayscale(self): """Alias for greyscale()""" return self.greyscale() def grey(self): """Alias for greyscale()""" return self.greyscale() def gray(self): """Alias for greyscale()""" return self.greyscale() def luminance(self): """Convert the image buffer to single channel uint8 in range [0,255] corresponding to the luminance component""" return self._convert('lum') def lum(self): """Alias for luminance()""" return self._convert('lum') def _apply_colormap(self, cm): """Convert an image to greyscale, then convert to RGB image with matplotlib colormap""" """""" cm = plt.get_cmap(cm) img = self.grey().numpy() self._array = np.uint8(255 * cm(img)[:,:,:3]) self.colorspace('rgb') return self def jet(self): """Apply jet colormap to greyscale image and save as RGB""" return self._apply_colormap('jet') def rainbow(self): """Apply rainbow colormap to greyscale image and convert to RGB""" return self._apply_colormap('gist_rainbow') def hot(self): """Apply hot colormap to greyscale image and convert to RGB""" return self._apply_colormap('hot') def bone(self): """Apply bone colormap to greyscale image and convert to RGB""" return self._apply_colormap('bone') def saturate(self, min, max): """Saturate the image buffer to be clipped between [min,max], types of min/max are specified by _array type""" return self.array(np.minimum(np.maximum(self.load().array(), min), max)) def intensity(self): """Convert image to float32 with [min,max] to range [0,1], force colormap to be 'float'. Equivalent to self.mat2gray()""" self.array((self.load().float().array()) - float(self.min()) / float(self.max() - self.min())) return self.colorspace('float') def mat2gray(self, min=None, max=None): """Convert the image buffer so that [min,max] -> [0,1], forces conversion to 'float' colorspace. This does not change the number of color channels""" self.array(mat2gray(np.float32(self.load().float().array()), min, max)) return self.colorspace('float') return self def probability(self): """Return float image in the range [0,1] such that all elements sum to one""" return self.gain(1.0/self.mat2gray().sum()) def gain(self, g): """Elementwise multiply gain to image array, Gain should be broadcastable to array(). This forces the colospace to 'float'""" return self.array(np.multiply(self.load().float().array(), g)).colorspace('float') if g != 1 else self def bias(self, b): """Add a bias to the image array. Bias should be broadcastable to array(). This forces the colorspace to 'float'""" self.array(self.load().float().array() + b) return self.colorspace('float') def normalize(self, gain, bias): """Apply a multiplicative gain g and additive bias b, such that self.array() == gain*self.array() + bias. This is useful for applying a normalization of an image prior to calling `vipy.image.Image.torch`. The following operations are equivalent. ```python im = vipy.image.RandomImage() im.normalize(1/255.0, 0.5) == im.gain(1/255.0).bias(-0.5) ``` .. note:: This will force the colorspace to 'float' """ self.array(gain*self.load().float().array() + bias) return self.colorspace('float') def additive_noise(self, hue=(-15,15), saturation=(-15,15), brightness=(-15,15)): """Apply uniform random additive noise in the given range to the given HSV color channels. Image will be converted to HSV prior to applying noise.""" assert isinstance(hue, tuple) and len(hue) == 2 and hue[1]>=hue[0] assert isinstance(saturation, tuple) and len(saturation) == 2 and saturation[1]>=saturation[0] assert isinstance(brightness, tuple) and len(brightness) == 2 and brightness[1]>=brightness[0] (H,W,C) = (self.height(), self.width(), self.channels()) noise = np.dstack(((hue[1]-hue[0])*np.random.rand(H,W)+hue[0], (saturation[1]-saturation[0])*np.random.rand(H,W)+saturation[0], (brightness[1]-brightness[0])*np.random.rand(H,W)+brightness[0])) return self.array( np.minimum(np.maximum(self.hsv().array() + noise, 0), 255).astype(np.uint8) ) # Image statistics def stats(self): print(self) print(' Channels: %d' % self.channels()) print(' Shape: %s' % str(self.shape())) print(' min: %s' % str(self.min())) print(' max: %s' % str(self.max())) print(' mean: %s' % str(self.mean())) print(' channel mean: %s' % str(self.meanchannel())) def min(self): return self.minpixel() def minpixel(self): return np.min(self.load().array().flatten()) def max(self): return self.maxpixel() def maxpixel(self): return np.max(self.load().array().flatten()) def mean(self): """Mean over all pixels""" return np.mean(self.load().array().flatten()) def meanchannel(self, k=None): """Mean per channel over all pixels. If channel k is provided, return just the mean for that channel""" C = np.mean(self.load().array(), axis=(0, 1)).flatten() return C[k] if k is not None else C def sum(self): return np.sum(self.load().array().flatten()) # Image visualization def closeall(self): """Close all open figure windows""" return self def close(self, fignum=None): """Close the requested figure number, or close all of fignum=None""" if fignum is None: return self.closeall() else: return self def show(self, figure=1, nowindow=False, timestamp=None, timestampfacecolor='white', timestampcolor='black', mutator=None): """Display image on screen in provided figure number (clone and convert to RGB colorspace to show), return object""" assert self.load().isloaded(), 'Image not loaded' im = self.clone() if not mutator else mutator(self.clone()), fignum=figure, nowindow=nowindow, timestamp=timestamp, timestampfacecolor=timestampfacecolor, flush=True, timestampcolor=timestampcolor) return self def save(self, filename): """Save the current image to a new filename and return the image object""" assert filename is not None, "Invalid filename - must be path to new image filename" return self.filename(self.saveas(filename)) # Image export def pkl(self, pklfile=None): """save the object to a pickle file and return the object, useful for intermediate saving in long fluent chains""" pklfile = pklfile if pklfile is not None else toextension(self.filename(), '.pkl') remkdir(filepath(pklfile)), pklfile) return self def pklif(self, b, pklfile=None): """Save the object to the provided pickle file only if b=True. Uuseful for conditional intermediate saving in long fluent chains""" assert isinstance(b, bool) return self.pkl(pklfile) if b else self def saveas(self, filename=None, writeas=None): """Save current buffer (not including drawing overlays) to new filename and return filename. If filename is not provided, use a temporary JPEG filename.""" filename = tempjpg() if filename is None else filename if self.colorspace() in ['gray']: imwritegray(self.grayscale()._array, filename) elif self.colorspace() != 'float': imwrite(self.load().array(), filename, writeas=writeas) else: raise ValueError('Convert float image to RGB or gray first. Try self.mat2gray()') return filename def saveastmp(self): """Save current buffer to temp JPEG filename and return filename. Alias for savetmp()""" return self.saveas(tempjpg()) def savetmp(self): """Save current buffer to temp JPEG filename and return filename. Alias for saveastmp()""" return self.saveastmp() def tocache(self): """Save current buffer to temp JPEG filename in the VIPY cache and return filename.""" return self.saveas(vipy.util.tocache(tempjpg())) def base64(self): """Export a base64 encoding of the image suitable for embedding in an html page""" buf = io.BytesIO() self.clone().rgb().pil().save(buf, format='JPEG') return base64.b64encode(buf.getvalue()) def ascii(self): """Export a base64 ascii encoding of the image suitable for embedding in an <img> tag""" return self.base64().decode('ascii') def html(self, alt=None, id=None, attributes={'loading':'lazy'}): """Export a base64 encoding of the image suitable for embedding in an html page, enclosed in <img> tag Returns: -string: <img src="data:image/jpeg;charset=utf-8;base64,%s" alt="%s" loading="lazy"> containing base64 encoded JPEG and alt text with lazy loading """ assert isinstance(attributes, dict) b = self.base64().decode('ascii') alt_text = alt if alt is not None else self.filename() id = id if id is not None else self.filename() attr = ' '.join(['%s="%s"' % (str(k),str(v)) for (k,v) in attributes.items()]) return '<img %ssrc="data:image/jpeg;charset=utf-8;base64,%s" alt="%s" %s>' % (('id="%s" ' % id) if id is not None else '', b, str(alt_text), attr) def annotate(self, timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor='white', mutator=None): """Change pixels of this image to include rendered annotation and return an image object""" # FIXME: for k in range(0,10): self.annotate().show(figure=k), this will result in cumulative figures return self.array(self.savefig(timestamp=timestamp, timestampcolor=timestampcolor, timestampfacecolor=timestampfacecolor, mutator=mutator, fontsize=fontsize).rgb().array()).downcast() def savefig(self, filename=None, figure=1, timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor='white', mutator=None): """Save last figure output from with drawing overlays to provided filename and return filename""", nowindow=True, timestamp=timestamp, timestampcolor=timestampcolor, timestampfacecolor=timestampfacecolor, mutator=mutator) # sets figure dimensions, does not display window (W,H) = plt.figure(figure).canvas.get_width_height() # fast buf = io.BytesIO() plt.figure(1).canvas.print_raw(buf) # fast img = np.frombuffer(buf.getbuffer(), dtype=np.uint8).reshape((H, W, 4)) # RGBA t = vipy.image.Image(array=img, colorspace='rgba') if filename is not None: t.rgb().saveas(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(filename))) return t def map(self, func): """Apply lambda function to our numpy array img, such that newimg=f(img), then replace newimg -> self.array(). The output of this lambda function must be a numpy array and if the channels or dtype changes, the colorspace is set to 'float'""" assert isinstance(func, types.LambdaType), "Input must be lambda function (e.g. f = lambda img: 255.0-img)" oldimg = self.array() # reference newimg = func(self.array()) # in-place assert isnumpy(newimg), "Lambda function output must be numpy array" self.array(newimg) # reference if newimg.dtype != oldimg.dtype or newimg.shape != oldimg.shape: self.colorspace('float') # unknown colorspace after transformation, set generic return self def downcast(self): """Cast the class to the base class (vipy.image.Image)""" self.__class__ = vipy.image.Image return self def perceptualhash(self, bits=128, asbinary=False, asbytes=False): """Perceptual differential hash function This function converts to greyscale, resizes with linear interpolation to small image based on desired bit encoding, compute vertical and horizontal gradient signs. Args: bits: [int] longer hashes have lower TAR (true accept rate, some near dupes are missed), but lower FAR (false accept rate), shorter hashes have higher TAR (fewer near-dupes are missed) but higher FAR (more non-dupes are declared as dupes). asbinary: [bool] If true, return a binary array asbytes: [bool] if true return a byte array Returns: A hash string encoding the perceptual hash such that `vipy.image.Image.perceptualhash_distance` can be used to compute a hash distance asbytes: a bytes array asbinary: a numpy binary array .. notes:: - Can be used for near duplicate detection by unpacking the returned hex string to binary and computing hamming distance, or performing hamming based nearest neighbor indexing. Equivalently, `vipy.image.Image.perceptualhash_distance`. - The default packed hex output can be converted to binary as: np.unpackbits(bytearray().fromhex(h) """ allowablebits = [2*k*k for k in range(2, 17)] assert bits in allowablebits, "Bits must be in %s" % str(allowablebits) sq = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(bits/2.0))) im = self.clone() b = (np.dstack(np.gradient(im.resize(cols=sq+1, rows=sq+1).greyscale().numpy()))[0:-1, 0:-1] > 0).flatten() return bytes(np.packbits(b)).hex() if not (asbytes or asbinary) else bytes(np.packbits(b)) if asbytes else b @staticmethod def perceptualhash_distance(h1, h2): """Hamming distance between two perceptual hashes""" assert len(h1) == len(h2) return np.sum(np.unpackbits(bytearray().fromhex(h1)) != np.unpackbits(bytearray().fromhex(h2))) def rot90cw(self): """Rotate the scene 90 degrees clockwise""" self.array(np.rot90(self.numpy(), 3)) return self def rot90ccw(self): """Rotate the scene 90 degrees counterclockwise""" self.array(np.rot90(self.numpy(), 1)) return self def face_detection(self, mindim=256, union=False, conf=0.2): """Detect faces in the scene, add as objects, return new scene with just faces Args: mindim [int]: The minimum dimension for downsampling the image for face detection. Will be upsampled back to native resolution prior to return union [bool]: Whether to return a scene with just faces or the union of the existing scene and the new faces Returns A `vipy.image.Scene` object with all detected faces or the union of faces and all objects in self .. note:: This method uses a CPU-only pretrained face detector. This is convenient, but slow. See the heyvi package for optimized GPU batch processing for faster operation. """ try_import('heyvi'); import heyvi # >heyvi-0.2.28 for minconf im = heyvi.detection.FaceDetector()(Scene.cast(self.clone()).mindim(mindim)).mindim(self.mindim()) return Scene.cast(self).union(im) if union else im def person_detection(self, mindim=256, union=False, conf=0.2): """Detect only people in the scene, add as objects, return new scene with just people Args: mindim [int]: The minimum dimension for downsampling the image for person detection. Will be upsampled back to native resolution prior to return union [bool]: Whether to return a scene with just people or the union of the existing scene and the new people conf [float]: A real value between [0,1] of the minimum confidence for person detection Returns A `vipy.image.Scene` object with all detected people or the union of people and all objects in self .. note:: This method uses a CPU-only pretrained person detector. This is convenient, but slow. See the heyvi package for optimized GPU batch processing for faster operation. """ try_import('heyvi'); import heyvi im = heyvi.detection.ObjectDetector()(Scene.cast(self.clone()).mindim(mindim), conf=conf, objects=['person']).mindim(self.mindim()) return Scene.cast(self).union(im) if union else im def faceblur(self, radius=4, mindim=256): """Replace pixels for all detected faces with `vipy.image.Scene.blurmask`, add locations of detected faces into attributes. Args: radius [int]: The radius of pixels for `vipy.image.Scene.blurmask` mindim [int]: The minimum dimension for downsampling the image for face detection. Will be upsampled prior to pixelize. Returns: A `vipy.image.Image` object with a pixel buffer with all faces pixelized, with faceblur attribute set in `vipy.image.Image.metadata` showing the locations of the blurred faces. .. notes:: - This method uses a CPU-only pretrained torch network for face detection from the heyvi visual analytics package, which is re-initialized on each call to this method. - For batch operations on many images, it is preferred to set up the detection network once, then calling many images sequentially. - To retain boxes, use self.face_detection().blurmask() """ im = self.face_detection(mindim=mindim, union=False) # only faces return im.setattribute('faceblur', [ for o in im.objects()]).blurmask(radius=radius).downcast() def facepixelize(self, radius=7, mindim=256): """Replace pixels for all detected faces with `vipy.image.Scene.pixelize`, add locations of detected faces into attributes. Args: radius [int]: The radius of pixels for `vipy.image.Scene.radius` mindim [int]: The minimum dimension for downsampling the image for face detection. Will be upsampled prior to pixelize. Returns: A `vipy.image.Image` object with a pixel buffer with all faces pixelized, with facepixelize attribute set in `vipy.image.Image.metadata` showing the locations of the blurred faces. .. notes:: - This method uses a CPU-only pretrained torch network for face detection from the heyvi visual analytics package, which is re-initialized on each call to this method. - For batch operations on many images, it is preferred to set up the detection network once, then calling many images sequentially. - To retain boxes, use self.face_detection().pixelize() """ im = self.face_detection(mindim=mindim, union=False) return im.setattribute('facepixelize', [ for o in im.objects()]).pixelize(radius=radius).downcast()
Static methods
def cast(im)
Typecast the conformal vipy.image object im as
.This is useful for downcasting
down to an image.ims = vipy.image.RandomScene() im = vipy.image.Image.cast(im)
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@classmethod def cast(cls, im): """Typecast the conformal vipy.image object im as `vipy.image.Image`. This is useful for downcasting `vipy.image.Scene` or `vipy.image.ImageDetection` down to an image. ```python ims = vipy.image.RandomScene() im = vipy.image.Image.cast(im) ``` """ assert isinstance(im, vipy.image.Image), "Invalid input - must derive from vipy.image.Image" im.__class__ = vipy.image.Image return im
def from_dict(d)
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@classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in d.items()} # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes) return cls(filename=d['filename'], url=d['url'], array=np.array(d['array'], dtype=np.uint8) if d['array'] is not None else None, colorspace=d['colorspace'], attributes=d['attributes'])
def from_json(s)
Import the JSON string s as an
encoded [bool]: If False, assume that the input is a native JSON object, and has not been encoded to a string This will perform a round trip such that im1 == im2
im1 = vupy.image.RandomImage() im2 = vipy.image.Image.from_json(im1.json()) assert im1 == im2
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@classmethod def from_json(cls, s): """Import the JSON string s as an `vipy.image.Image` object. Args: encoded [bool]: If False, assume that the input is a native JSON object, and has not been encoded to a string This will perform a round trip such that im1 == im2 ```python im1 = vupy.image.RandomImage() im2 = vipy.image.Image.from_json(im1.json()) assert im1 == im2 ``` """ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(s))
def fromtorch(x, order='CHW')
Convert a 1xCxHxW or CxHxW torch tensor (or numpy array with torch channel order) to HxWxC numpy array, returns new
with inferred colorspace corresponding to data type in xExpand source code Browse git
@staticmethod def fromtorch(x, order='CHW'): """Convert a 1xCxHxW or CxHxW torch tensor (or numpy array with torch channel order) to HxWxC numpy array, returns new `vipy.image.Image` with inferred colorspace corresponding to data type in x""" try_import('torch'); import torch assert isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) or isinstance(x, np.ndarray), "Invalid input type '%s'- must be torch.Tensor" % (str(type(x))) assert (x.ndim == 4 and x.shape[0] == 1) or x.ndim == 3, "Torch tensor must be shape 1xCxHxW or CxHxW" x = x.squeeze(0) if (x.ndim == 4 and x.shape[0] == 1) else x img = np.copy(x.permute(1,2,0).cpu().detach().numpy() if torch.is_tensor(x) else x.transpose(1,2,0)) # CxHxW -> HxWxC, copied colorspace = 'float' if img.dtype == np.float32 else None colorspace = 'rgb' if img.dtype == np.uint8 and img.shape[2] == 3 else colorspace # assumed colorspace = 'lum' if img.dtype == np.uint8 and img.shape[2] == 1 else colorspace return Image(array=img, colorspace=colorspace)
def perceptualhash_distance(h1, h2)
Hamming distance between two perceptual hashes
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@staticmethod def perceptualhash_distance(h1, h2): """Hamming distance between two perceptual hashes""" assert len(h1) == len(h2) return np.sum(np.unpackbits(bytearray().fromhex(h1)) != np.unpackbits(bytearray().fromhex(h2)))
def untile(imlist)
Undo an image tiling and recreate the original image.
tiles = im.tile(im.width()/2, im.height()/2, 0, 0) imdst = vipy.image.Image.untile(tiles) assert imdst == im
- this must be the output of
A new
object reconstructed from the tiling, such that this is equivalent to the input to vipy.image.Image.tile`Note: All annotations are updated properly for each tile, when the source image is
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@classmethod def untile(cls, imlist): """Undo an image tiling and recreate the original image. ```python tiles = im.tile(im.width()/2, im.height()/2, 0, 0) imdst = vipy.image.Image.untile(tiles) assert imdst == im ``` Args: imlist: this must be the output of `vipy.image.Image.tile` Returns: A new `vipy.image.Image` object reconstructed from the tiling, such that this is equivalent to the input to vipy.image.Image.tile` .. note:: All annotations are updated properly for each tile, when the source image is `vipy.image.Scene` """ assert all([isinstance(im, vipy.image.Image) and im.hasattribute('tile') for im in imlist]), "invalid image tile list" imc = None for im in imlist: if imc is None: imc = im.clone(shallow=True).array(np.zeros( (im.attributes['tile']['shape'][0], im.attributes['tile']['shape'][1], im.channels()), dtype=np.uint8)) imc = imc.splat(im.array(im.attributes['tile']['crop'].clone().to_origin().int().crop(im.array())), im.attributes['tile']['crop']) if hasattr(im, 'objectmap'): im.objectmap(lambda o: o.set_origin(im.attributes['tile']['crop'])) # FIXME: only for Scene() imc = imc.union(im) return imc
def abspath(self)
Change the path of the filename from a relative path to an absolute path (not relocatable)
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def abspath(self): """Change the path of the filename from a relative path to an absolute path (not relocatable)""" return self.filename(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(self.filename()))))
def additive_noise(self, hue=(-15, 15), saturation=(-15, 15), brightness=(-15, 15))
Apply uniform random additive noise in the given range to the given HSV color channels. Image will be converted to HSV prior to applying noise.
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def additive_noise(self, hue=(-15,15), saturation=(-15,15), brightness=(-15,15)): """Apply uniform random additive noise in the given range to the given HSV color channels. Image will be converted to HSV prior to applying noise.""" assert isinstance(hue, tuple) and len(hue) == 2 and hue[1]>=hue[0] assert isinstance(saturation, tuple) and len(saturation) == 2 and saturation[1]>=saturation[0] assert isinstance(brightness, tuple) and len(brightness) == 2 and brightness[1]>=brightness[0] (H,W,C) = (self.height(), self.width(), self.channels()) noise = np.dstack(((hue[1]-hue[0])*np.random.rand(H,W)+hue[0], (saturation[1]-saturation[0])*np.random.rand(H,W)+saturation[0], (brightness[1]-brightness[0])*np.random.rand(H,W)+brightness[0])) return self.array( np.minimum(np.maximum(self.hsv().array() + noise, 0), 255).astype(np.uint8) )
def affine_transform(self, A, border='zero')
Apply a 3x3 affine geometric transformation to the image.
- A [np.ndarray]: 3x3 affine geometric transform fromaffine_transform()
- border [str]: 'zero' or 'replicate' to handle elements outside the image rectangle after transformationReturns
- This object with only the array transformed
Note: The image will be loaded and converted to float() prior to applying the affine transformation.
Note: This will transform only the pixels
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def affine_transform(self, A, border='zero'): """Apply a 3x3 affine geometric transformation to the image. Args: - A [np.ndarray]: 3x3 affine geometric transform from `vipy.geometry.affine_transform` - border [str]: 'zero' or 'replicate' to handle elements outside the image rectangle after transformation Returns: - This object with only the array transformed .. note:: The image will be loaded and converted to float() prior to applying the affine transformation. .. note:: This will transform only the pixels """ assert isnumpy(A) or isinstance(img, vipy.image.Image), "invalid input" assert A.shape == (3,3), "The affine transformation matrix should be the output of vipy.geometry.affine_transformation" self._array = vipy.geometry.imtransform(self.load().float().array(), A.astype(np.float32), border=border) return self
def alpha(self)
Return alpha (transparency) channel as a cloned single channel
objectExpand source code Browse git
def alpha(self): """Return alpha (transparency) channel as a cloned single channel `vipy.image.Image` object""" assert self.channels() == 4 and self.colorspace() in ['rgba', 'bgra'], "Must be four channnel color image" return
def alphapad(self, padwidth, padheight)
Pad image using alpha transparency by adding padwidth on both left and right , or padwidth=(left,right) for different pre/postpadding,, and padheight on top and bottom or padheight=(top,bottom) for different pre/post padding
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def alphapad(self, padwidth, padheight): """Pad image using alpha transparency by adding padwidth on both left and right , or padwidth=(left,right) for different pre/postpadding,, and padheight on top and bottom or padheight=(top,bottom) for different pre/post padding""" assert self.colorspace() == 'rgba', "Colorspace must be RGBA for padding with transparency" return self.meanpad(padwidth, padheight, mu=np.array([0,0,0,0]))
def annotate(self, timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor='white', mutator=None)
Change pixels of this image to include rendered annotation and return an image object
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def annotate(self, timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor='white', mutator=None): """Change pixels of this image to include rendered annotation and return an image object""" # FIXME: for k in range(0,10): self.annotate().show(figure=k), this will result in cumulative figures return self.array(self.savefig(timestamp=timestamp, timestampcolor=timestampcolor, timestampfacecolor=timestampfacecolor, mutator=mutator, fontsize=fontsize).rgb().array()).downcast()
def area(self)
Return the area of the image as (width * height).
An integer equivalent to (
)Note: This triggers a
if the image is not already loaded.Expand source code Browse git
def area(self): """Return the area of the image as (width * height). Returns: An integer equivalent to (`vipy.image.Image.width` * `vipy.image.Image.height`) .. note:: This triggers a `vipy.image.Image.load` if the image is not already loaded. """ return self.width()*self.height()
def array(self, np_array=None, copy=False)
Replace self._array with provided numpy array
- [numpy array] A new array to use as the pixel buffer for this image.
- [bool] If true, copy the buffer using np.copy(), else use a reference to this buffer.
- If np_array is not None, return the
object such that this object points to the provided numpy array as the pixel buffer - If np_array is None, then return the numpy array.
- If copy=False, then this
object will share the pixel buffer with the owner of np_array. Changes to pixels in this buffer will be shared. - If copy=True, then this will significantly slow down processing for large images. Use referneces wherevery possible.
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def array(self, np_array=None, copy=False): """Replace self._array with provided numpy array Args: np_array: [numpy array] A new array to use as the pixel buffer for this image. copy: [bool] If true, copy the buffer using np.copy(), else use a reference to this buffer. Returns: - If np_array is not None, return the `vipy.image.Image` object such that this object points to the provided numpy array as the pixel buffer - If np_array is None, then return the numpy array. .. notes:: - If copy=False, then this `vipy.image.Image` object will share the pixel buffer with the owner of np_array. Changes to pixels in this buffer will be shared. - If copy=True, then this will significantly slow down processing for large images. Use referneces wherevery possible. """ if np_array is None: return self._array if copy is False else np.copy(self._array) elif isnumpyarray(np_array): self._array = np.copy(np_array) if copy else np_array # reference or copy assert self._array.dtype == np.float32 or self._array.dtype == np.uint8, "Invalid input - array() must be type uint8 or float32 and not type='%s'" % (str(self._array.dtype)) self.colorspace(None) # must be set with colorspace() after array() but before _convert() return self else: raise ValueError('Invalid input - array() must be numpy array and not "%s"' % (str(type(np_array))))
def ascii(self)
Export a base64 ascii encoding of the image suitable for embedding in an
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def ascii(self): """Export a base64 ascii encoding of the image suitable for embedding in an <img> tag""" return self.base64().decode('ascii')
def aspectratio(self)
Return the aspect ratio of the image as (width/height) ratio.
A float equivalent to (
)Note: This triggers a
if the image is not already loaded.Expand source code Browse git
def aspectratio(self): """Return the aspect ratio of the image as (width/height) ratio. Returns: A float equivalent to (`vipy.image.Image.width` / `vipy.image.Image.height`) .. note:: This triggers a `vipy.image.Image.load` if the image is not already loaded. """ return self.load().width() / float(self.height())
def base64(self)
Export a base64 encoding of the image suitable for embedding in an html page
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def base64(self): """Export a base64 encoding of the image suitable for embedding in an html page""" buf = io.BytesIO() self.clone().rgb().pil().save(buf, format='JPEG') return base64.b64encode(buf.getvalue())
def bgr(self)
Convert the image buffer to three channel BGR uint8 colorspace
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def bgr(self): """Convert the image buffer to three channel BGR uint8 colorspace""" return self._convert('bgr')
def bgra(self)
Convert the image buffer to four channel BGR uint8 colorspace
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def bgra(self): """Convert the image buffer to four channel BGR uint8 colorspace""" return self._convert('bgra')
def bias(self, b)
Add a bias to the image array. Bias should be broadcastable to array(). This forces the colorspace to 'float'
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def bias(self, b): """Add a bias to the image array. Bias should be broadcastable to array(). This forces the colorspace to 'float'""" self.array(self.load().float().array() + b) return self.colorspace('float')
def blue(self)
Return blue channel as a cloned single channel
object.These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'rgb' or 'rgba':
self.vlue() ==
These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'bgr' or 'bgra': ==
Note: OpenCV returns images in BGR colorspace. Use this method to always return the desired channel by color.
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def blue(self): """Return blue channel as a cloned single channel `vipy.image.Image` object. These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'rgb' or 'rgba': ```python self.vlue() == ``` These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'bgr' or 'bgra': ```python == ``` .. note:: OpenCV returns images in BGR colorspace. Use this method to always return the desired channel by color. """ assert self.channels() >= 3, "Must be three channel color image" if self.colorspace() in ['rgb', 'rgba']: return elif self.colorspace() in ['bgr', 'bgra']: return else: raise ValueError('Invalid colorspace "%s" does not contain red channel' % self.colorspace())
def blur(self, sigma=3)
Apply a Gaussian blur with Gaussian kernel radius=sigma to the pixel buffer.
- [float >=0] The gaussian blur kernel radius.
object with the pixel buffer blurred in place.Expand source code Browse git
def blur(self, sigma=3): """Apply a Gaussian blur with Gaussian kernel radius=sigma to the pixel buffer. Args: sigma: [float >=0] The gaussian blur kernel radius. Returns: This `vipy.image.Image` object with the pixel buffer blurred in place. """ assert sigma >= 0 return self.array(np.array(self.pil().filter(PIL.ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=sigma)))) if sigma>0 else self
def bone(self)
Apply bone colormap to greyscale image and convert to RGB
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def bone(self): """Apply bone colormap to greyscale image and convert to RGB""" return self._apply_colormap('bone')
def border_mask(self, pad)
Return a binary uint8 image the same size as self, with a border of pad pixels in width or height around the edge
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def border_mask(self, pad): """Return a binary uint8 image the same size as self, with a border of pad pixels in width or height around the edge""" img = np.zeros( (self.height(), self.width()), dtype=np.uint8) img[0:pad,:] = 1 img[-pad:,:] = 1 img[:,0:pad] = 1 img[:,-pad:] = 1 return img
def canload(self)
Return True if the image can be loaded successfully, useful for filtering bad links or corrupt images
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def canload(self): """Return True if the image can be loaded successfully, useful for filtering bad links or corrupt images""" if not self.isloaded(): try: self.load() # try to load return True except: return False else: return True
def centercrop(self, height, width)
Crop image of size (height x width) in the center, keeping the image centroid constant
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def centercrop(self, height, width): """Crop image of size (height x width) in the center, keeping the image centroid constant""" return self._crop(BoundingBox(xcentroid=float(self.width() / 2.0), ycentroid=float(self.height() / 2.0), width=int(width), height=int(height)))
def centerpixel(self)
Return the integer valued center pixel coordinates of the image (col=i,row=j)
The centerpixel is equivalent to half the
floored to the nearest integer pixel coordinate.Returns
A tuple (int(column), int(row)) of the integer center of the image.
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def centerpixel(self): """Return the integer valued center pixel coordinates of the image (col=i,row=j) The centerpixel is equivalent to half the `vipy.image.Image.shape` floored to the nearest integer pixel coordinate. Returns: A tuple (int(column), int(row)) of the integer center of the image. """ c = np.round(self.centroid()) return (int(c[0]), int(c[1]))
def centersquare(self)
Crop image of size (NxN) in the center, such that N=min(width,height), keeping the image centroid constant
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def centersquare(self): """Crop image of size (NxN) in the center, such that N=min(width,height), keeping the image centroid constant""" N = int(np.min(self.shape())) return self._crop(BoundingBox(xcentroid=float(self.width() / 2.0), ycentroid=float(self.height() / 2.0), width=N, height=N))
def centroid(self)
Return the real valued center pixel coordinates of the image (col=x,row=y).
The centroid is equivalent to half the
A tuple (column, row) of the floating point center of the image.
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def centroid(self): """Return the real valued center pixel coordinates of the image (col=x,row=y). The centroid is equivalent to half the `vipy.image.Image.shape`. Returns: A tuple (column, row) of the floating point center of the image. """ return (self.load().width() / 2.0, self.height() / 2.0)
def channel(self, k=None)
Return a cloned Image() object for the kth channel, or return an iterator over channels if k=None.
Iterate over channels as single channel luminance images:
for c in print(c)
Return the kth channel as a single channel luminance image:
c =
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def channel(self, k=None): """Return a cloned Image() object for the kth channel, or return an iterator over channels if k=None. Iterate over channels as single channel luminance images: ```python for c in print(c) ``` Return the kth channel as a single channel luminance image: ```python c = ``` """ if k is None: return [ for j in range(0, self.channels())] elif k == 0 and self.channels() == 1: return self else: assert k < self.channels() and k>=0, "Requested channel=%d must be within valid channels=%d" % (k, self.channels()) im = self.clone().load() im._array = im._array[:,:,k] im._colorspace = 'lum' return im
def channels(self)
Return integer number of color channels
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def channels(self): """Return integer number of color channels""" return 1 if self.load().array().ndim == 2 else self.load().array().shape[2]
def clone(self, flushforward=False, flushbackward=False, flush=False, shallow=False, attributes=False)
Create deep copy of object, flushing the original buffer if requested and returning the cloned object. Flushing is useful for distributed memory management to free the buffer from this object, and pass along a cloned object which can be used for encoding and will be garbage collected.
* flushforward: copy the object, and set the cloned object array() to None. This flushes the video buffer for the clone, not the object * flushbackward: copy the object, and set the object array() to None. This flushes the video buffer for the object, not the clone. * flush: set the object array() to None and clone the object. This flushes the video buffer for both the clone and the object.
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def clone(self, flushforward=False, flushbackward=False, flush=False, shallow=False, attributes=False): """Create deep copy of object, flushing the original buffer if requested and returning the cloned object. Flushing is useful for distributed memory management to free the buffer from this object, and pass along a cloned object which can be used for encoding and will be garbage collected. * flushforward: copy the object, and set the cloned object array() to None. This flushes the video buffer for the clone, not the object * flushbackward: copy the object, and set the object array() to None. This flushes the video buffer for the object, not the clone. * flush: set the object array() to None and clone the object. This flushes the video buffer for both the clone and the object. """ if flush or (flushforward and flushbackward): self._array = None # flushes buffer on object and clone im = copy.deepcopy(self) # object and clone are flushed elif flushbackward: im = copy.deepcopy(self) # propagates _array to clone self._array = None # object flushed, clone not flushed elif flushforward: array = self._array; self._array = None im = copy.deepcopy(self) # does not propagate _array to clone self._array = array # object not flushed im._array = None # clone flushed elif shallow: im = copy.copy(self) # shallow copy im._array = np.asarray(self._array) if self._array is not None else None # shared pixels else: im = copy.deepcopy(self) if attributes: im.attributes = copy.deepcopy(self.attributes) return im
def close(self, fignum=None)
Close the requested figure number, or close all of fignum=None
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def close(self, fignum=None): """Close the requested figure number, or close all of fignum=None""" if fignum is None: return self.closeall() else: return self
def closeall(self)
Close all open figure windows
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def closeall(self): """Close all open figure windows""" return self
def color_transform(self, colorspace)
Transform the image buffer from the current
to the provided colorspaceExpand source code Browse git
def color_transform(self, colorspace): """Transform the image buffer from the current `vipy.image.Image.colorspace` to the provided colorspace""" return self._convert(colorspace)
def colorspace(self, colorspace=None)
Return or set the colorspace as ['rgb', 'rgba', 'bgr', 'bgra', 'hsv', 'float', 'grey', 'lum']
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def colorspace(self, colorspace=None): """Return or set the colorspace as ['rgb', 'rgba', 'bgr', 'bgra', 'hsv', 'float', 'grey', 'lum']""" if colorspace is None: return self._colorspace else: assert str(colorspace).lower() in ['rgb', 'rgba', 'bgr', 'bgra', 'hsv', 'float', 'grey', 'gray', 'lum'], "Invalid colorspace '%s'. Allowable is ['rgb', 'rgba', 'bgr', 'bgra', 'hsv', 'float', 'grey', 'gray', 'lum']" % colorspace img = self.array() if self.isloaded(): colorspace = str(colorspace).lower() if self.array().dtype == np.float32: assert colorspace in ['float', 'grey', 'gray'], "Invalid colorspace '%s' for float32 array()" % colorspace elif self.array().dtype == np.uint8: assert colorspace in ['rgb', 'rgba', 'bgr', 'bgra', 'hsv', 'lum'], "Invalid colorspace '%s' for uint8 array(). Allowable is ['rgb', 'rgba', 'bgr', 'bgra', 'hsv', 'lum']" % colorspace else: raise ValueError('unupported array() datatype "%s". Allowable is [np.float32, np.uint8]' % colorspace) # should never get here as long as array() is used to set _array if self.channels() == 1: assert colorspace in ['float', 'grey', 'gray', 'lum'], "Invalid colorspace '%s; for single channel array. Allowable is ['float', 'grey', 'gray', 'lum']" % colorspace elif self.channels() == 3: assert colorspace in ['float', 'rgb', 'bgr', 'hsv'], "Invalid colorspace '%s; for three channel array. Allowable is ['float', 'rgb', 'bgr', 'hsv']" % colorspace elif self.channels() == 4: assert colorspace in ['float', 'rgba', 'bgra'], "Invalid colorspace '%s; for four channel array. Allowable is ['float', 'rgba', 'bgra']" % colorspace elif colorspace != 'float': raise ValueError("Invalid colorspace '%s' for image channels=%d, type=%s" % (colorspace, self.channels(), str(self.array().dtype))) if colorspace in ['grey', 'gray']: assert self.max() <= 1 and self.min() >= 0, "Colorspace 'grey' image must be np.float32 in range [0,1]. Use colorspace 'lum' for np.uint8 in range [0,255], or colorspace 'float' for unconstrained np.float32 [-inf, +inf]" colorspace = 'grey' # standardize self._colorspace = str(colorspace).lower() return self
def colorspace_like(self, im)
Convert the image buffer to have the same colorspace as the provided image
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def colorspace_like(self, im): """Convert the image buffer to have the same colorspace as the provided image""" assert isinstance(im, vipy.image.Image) return self._convert(im.colorspace())
def cornercrop(self, height, width)
Crop image of size (height x width) from the upper left corner
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def cornercrop(self, height, width): """Crop image of size (height x width) from the upper left corner""" return self._crop(BoundingBox(xmin=0, ymin=0, width=int(width), height=int(height)))
def crop(self, bbox)
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def crop(self, bbox): return self._crop(bbox)
def delattribute(self, k)
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def delattribute(self, k): if k in self.attributes: self.attributes.pop(k) return self
def dict(self)
Return a python dictionary containing the relevant serialized attributes suitable for JSON encoding
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def dict(self): """Return a python dictionary containing the relevant serialized attributes suitable for JSON encoding""" return self.json(s=None, encode=False)
def downcast(self)
Cast the class to the base class (vipy.image.Image)
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def downcast(self): """Cast the class to the base class (vipy.image.Image)""" self.__class__ = vipy.image.Image return self
def download(self, ignoreErrors=False, timeout=10, verbose=False)
Download URL to filename provided by constructor, or to temp filename.
- [bool] If true, do not throw an exception if the download of the URL fails for some reason.
Instead, print out a reason and return this image object.
The function
will return false if the downloaded file does not exist and can be used to filter these failed downloads gracefully. timeout
- [int] The timeout in seconds for an http or https connection attempt. See also urllib.request.urlopen.
- [bool] If true, output more helpful message.
object with the URL downloaded toImage.filename()
or to atempimage()
filename which can be retrieved withImage.filename()
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def download(self, ignoreErrors=False, timeout=10, verbose=False): """Download URL to filename provided by constructor, or to temp filename. Args: ignoreErrors: [bool] If true, do not throw an exception if the download of the URL fails for some reason. Instead, print out a reason and return this image object. The function `vipy.image.Image.hasfilename` will return false if the downloaded file does not exist and can be used to filter these failed downloads gracefully. timeout: [int] The timeout in seconds for an http or https connection attempt. See also [urllib.request.urlopen]( verbose: [bool] If true, output more helpful message. Returns: This `vipy.image.Image` object with the URL downloaded to `vipy.image.Image.filename` or to a `vipy.util.tempimage` filename which can be retrieved with `vipy.image.Image.filename`. """ if self._url is None and self._filename is not None: return self if self._url is None or not isurl(str(self._url)): raise ValueError('[][ERROR]: ' 'Invalid URL "%s" ' % self._url) if self._filename is None: if vipy.globals.cache() is not None: self._filename = os.path.join(remkdir(vipy.globals.cache()), filetail(self._url)) elif isimageurl(self._url): self._filename = tempimage(fileext(self._url)) else: self._filename = tempjpg() # guess JPG for URLs with no file extension try: url_scheme = urllib.parse.urlparse(self._url)[0] if url_scheme in ['http', 'https']:, self._filename, verbose=verbose, timeout=timeout, sha1=self._urlsha1, username=self._urluser, password=self._urlpassword) elif url_scheme == 'file': shutil.copyfile(self._url, self._filename) elif url_scheme == 's3': raise NotImplementedError('S3 support is in development') else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Invalid URL scheme "%s" for URL "%s"' % (url_scheme, self._url)) except (httplib.BadStatusLine, urllib.error.URLError, urllib.error.HTTPError): if self._ignoreErrors or ignoreErrors: if verbose is True: warnings.warn('[vipy.image][WARNING]: download failed - Ignoring image') self._array = None else: raise except IOError: if self._ignoreErrors or ignoreErrors: if verbose: warnings.warn('[vipy.image][WARNING]: IO error downloading "%s" -> "%s" - Ignoring' % (self.url(), self.filename())) self._array = None else: raise except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception: if self._ignoreErrors or ignoreErrors: if verbose: warnings.warn('[vipy.image][WARNING]: load error for image "%s"' % self.filename()) else: raise return self
def exif(self, extended=False)
Return the EXIF meta-data in filename as a dictionary. Included non-base EXIF data if extended=True. Returns empty dictionary if no EXIF exists. Triggers download.
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def exif(self, extended=False): """Return the EXIF meta-data in filename as a dictionary. Included non-base EXIF data if extended=True. Returns empty dictionary if no EXIF exists. Triggers download.""" d = {} if exif = if exif is not None: d = {PIL.ExifTags.TAGS[k]:v for (k,v) in exif.items() if k in PIL.ExifTags.TAGS} if extended: for ifd_id in PIL.ExifTags.IFD: try: ifd = exif.get_ifd(ifd_id) if ifd_id == PIL.ExifTags.IFD.GPSInfo: resolve = PIL.ExifTags.GPSTAGS else: resolve = PIL.ExifTags.TAGS for k, v in ifd.items(): tag = resolve.get(k, k) d[tag] = v except KeyError: pass return d
def face_detection(self, mindim=256, union=False, conf=0.2)
Detect faces in the scene, add as objects, return new scene with just faces
mindim [int]: The minimum dimension for downsampling the image for face detection. Will be upsampled back to native resolution prior to return union [bool]: Whether to return a scene with just faces or the union of the existing scene and the new faces Returns A
object with all detected faces or the union of faces and all objects in selfNote: This method uses a CPU-only pretrained face detector. This is convenient, but slow. See the heyvi package for optimized GPU batch processing for faster operation.
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def face_detection(self, mindim=256, union=False, conf=0.2): """Detect faces in the scene, add as objects, return new scene with just faces Args: mindim [int]: The minimum dimension for downsampling the image for face detection. Will be upsampled back to native resolution prior to return union [bool]: Whether to return a scene with just faces or the union of the existing scene and the new faces Returns A `vipy.image.Scene` object with all detected faces or the union of faces and all objects in self .. note:: This method uses a CPU-only pretrained face detector. This is convenient, but slow. See the heyvi package for optimized GPU batch processing for faster operation. """ try_import('heyvi'); import heyvi # >heyvi-0.2.28 for minconf im = heyvi.detection.FaceDetector()(Scene.cast(self.clone()).mindim(mindim)).mindim(self.mindim()) return Scene.cast(self).union(im) if union else im
def faceblur(self, radius=4, mindim=256)
Replace pixels for all detected faces with
, add locations of detected faces into attributes.Args
radius [int]: The radius of pixels for
mindim [int]: The minimum dimension for downsampling the image for face detection. Will be upsampled prior to pixelize.Returns
object with a pixel buffer with all faces pixelized, with faceblur attribute set inImage.metadata()
showing the locations of the blurred faces.Notes
- This method uses a CPU-only pretrained torch network for face detection from the heyvi visual analytics package, which is re-initialized on each call to this method.
- For batch operations on many images, it is preferred to set up the detection network once, then calling many images sequentially.
- To retain boxes, use self.face_detection().blurmask()
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def faceblur(self, radius=4, mindim=256): """Replace pixels for all detected faces with `vipy.image.Scene.blurmask`, add locations of detected faces into attributes. Args: radius [int]: The radius of pixels for `vipy.image.Scene.blurmask` mindim [int]: The minimum dimension for downsampling the image for face detection. Will be upsampled prior to pixelize. Returns: A `vipy.image.Image` object with a pixel buffer with all faces pixelized, with faceblur attribute set in `vipy.image.Image.metadata` showing the locations of the blurred faces. .. notes:: - This method uses a CPU-only pretrained torch network for face detection from the heyvi visual analytics package, which is re-initialized on each call to this method. - For batch operations on many images, it is preferred to set up the detection network once, then calling many images sequentially. - To retain boxes, use self.face_detection().blurmask() """ im = self.face_detection(mindim=mindim, union=False) # only faces return im.setattribute('faceblur', [ for o in im.objects()]).blurmask(radius=radius).downcast()
def facepixelize(self, radius=7, mindim=256)
Replace pixels for all detected faces with
, add locations of detected faces into attributes.Args
radius [int]: The radius of pixels for
mindim [int]: The minimum dimension for downsampling the image for face detection. Will be upsampled prior to pixelize.Returns
object with a pixel buffer with all faces pixelized, with facepixelize attribute set inImage.metadata()
showing the locations of the blurred faces.Notes
- This method uses a CPU-only pretrained torch network for face detection from the heyvi visual analytics package, which is re-initialized on each call to this method.
- For batch operations on many images, it is preferred to set up the detection network once, then calling many images sequentially.
- To retain boxes, use self.face_detection().pixelize()
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def facepixelize(self, radius=7, mindim=256): """Replace pixels for all detected faces with `vipy.image.Scene.pixelize`, add locations of detected faces into attributes. Args: radius [int]: The radius of pixels for `vipy.image.Scene.radius` mindim [int]: The minimum dimension for downsampling the image for face detection. Will be upsampled prior to pixelize. Returns: A `vipy.image.Image` object with a pixel buffer with all faces pixelized, with facepixelize attribute set in `vipy.image.Image.metadata` showing the locations of the blurred faces. .. notes:: - This method uses a CPU-only pretrained torch network for face detection from the heyvi visual analytics package, which is re-initialized on each call to this method. - For batch operations on many images, it is preferred to set up the detection network once, then calling many images sequentially. - To retain boxes, use self.face_detection().pixelize() """ im = self.face_detection(mindim=mindim, union=False) return im.setattribute('facepixelize', [ for o in im.objects()]).pixelize(radius=radius).downcast()
def filename(self, newfile=None)
Return or set image filename
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def filename(self, newfile=None): """Return or set image filename""" if newfile is None: return self._filename else: self._filename = newfile return self
def filesize(self)
Return size of underlying image file, requires fetching metadata from filesystem
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def filesize(self): """Return size of underlying image file, requires fetching metadata from filesystem""" assert self.hasfilename(), 'Invalid image filename' return os.path.getsize(self._filename)
def fliplr(self)
Mirror the image buffer about the vertical axis - Not idempotent
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def fliplr(self): """Mirror the image buffer about the vertical axis - Not idempotent""" self._array = np.fliplr(self.load().array()) return self
def flipud(self)
Mirror the image buffer about the horizontal axis - Not idempotent
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def flipud(self): """Mirror the image buffer about the horizontal axis - Not idempotent""" self._array = np.flipud(self.load().array()) return self
def float(self)
Convert the image buffer to float32
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def float(self): """Convert the image buffer to float32""" return self._convert('float')
def flush(self)
Alias for clone(flush=True), returns self not clone
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def flush(self): """Alias for clone(flush=True), returns self not clone""" self._array = None # flushes buffer on object and clone return self
def fromarray(self, data)
Alias for
with copy=True. This will set new numpy array as the pixel buffer with a numpy array copyExpand source code Browse git
def fromarray(self, data): """Alias for `vipy.image.Image.array` with copy=True. This will set new numpy array as the pixel buffer with a numpy array copy""" return self.array(data, copy=True)
def gain(self, g)
Elementwise multiply gain to image array, Gain should be broadcastable to array(). This forces the colospace to 'float'
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def gain(self, g): """Elementwise multiply gain to image array, Gain should be broadcastable to array(). This forces the colospace to 'float'""" return self.array(np.multiply(self.load().float().array(), g)).colorspace('float') if g != 1 else self
def getattribute(self, k)
Return the key k in the attributes dictionary (self.attributes) if present, else None
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def getattribute(self, k): """Return the key k in the attributes dictionary (self.attributes) if present, else None""" return self.attributes[k] if k in self.attributes else None
def gray(self)
Alias for greyscale()
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def gray(self): """Alias for greyscale()""" return self.greyscale()
def grayscale(self)
Alias for greyscale()
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def grayscale(self): """Alias for greyscale()""" return self.greyscale()
def green(self)
Return green channel as a cloned single channel
object.These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'rgb' or 'rgba': ==
These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'bgr' or 'bgra': ==
Note: OpenCV returns images in BGR colorspace. Use this method to always return the desired channel by color.
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def green(self): """Return green channel as a cloned single channel `vipy.image.Image` object. These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'rgb' or 'rgba': ```python == ``` These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'bgr' or 'bgra': ```python == ``` .. note:: OpenCV returns images in BGR colorspace. Use this method to always return the desired channel by color. """ assert self.channels() >= 3, "Must be three channel color image" if self.colorspace() in ['rgb', 'rgba']: return elif self.colorspace() in ['bgr', 'bgra']: return else: raise ValueError('Invalid colorspace "%s" does not contain red channel' % self.colorspace())
def grey(self)
Alias for greyscale()
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def grey(self): """Alias for greyscale()""" return self.greyscale()
def greyscale(self)
Convert the image buffer to single channel grayscale float32 in range [0,1]
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def greyscale(self): """Convert the image buffer to single channel grayscale float32 in range [0,1]""" return self._convert('gray')
def hasattribute(self, key)
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def hasattribute(self, key): return self.attributes is not None and key in self.attributes
def hasfilename(self)
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def hasfilename(self): return self._filename is not None and os.path.exists(self._filename)
def hasurl(self)
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def hasurl(self): return self._url is not None and isurl(self._url)
def height(self)
Return the height (rows) of the image in integer pixels.
Note: This triggers a
if the image is not already loaded.Expand source code Browse git
def height(self): """Return the height (rows) of the image in integer pixels. .. note:: This triggers a `vipy.image.Image.load` if the image is not already loaded. """ return self.load().array().shape[0]
def hot(self)
Apply hot colormap to greyscale image and convert to RGB
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def hot(self): """Apply hot colormap to greyscale image and convert to RGB""" return self._apply_colormap('hot')
def hsv(self)
Convert the image buffer to three channel HSV uint8 colorspace
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def hsv(self): """Convert the image buffer to three channel HSV uint8 colorspace""" return self._convert('hsv')
def html(self, alt=None, id=None, attributes={'loading': 'lazy'})
Export a base64 encoding of the image suitable for embedding in an html page, enclosed in
containing base64 encoded JPEG and alt text with lazy loading
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def html(self, alt=None, id=None, attributes={'loading':'lazy'}): """Export a base64 encoding of the image suitable for embedding in an html page, enclosed in <img> tag Returns: -string: <img src="data:image/jpeg;charset=utf-8;base64,%s" alt="%s" loading="lazy"> containing base64 encoded JPEG and alt text with lazy loading """ assert isinstance(attributes, dict) b = self.base64().decode('ascii') alt_text = alt if alt is not None else self.filename() id = id if id is not None else self.filename() attr = ' '.join(['%s="%s"' % (str(k),str(v)) for (k,v) in attributes.items()]) return '<img %ssrc="data:image/jpeg;charset=utf-8;base64,%s" alt="%s" %s>' % (('id="%s" ' % id) if id is not None else '', b, str(alt_text), attr)
def imagebox(self)
Return the bounding box for the image rectangle
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def imagebox(self): """Return the bounding box for the image rectangle""" return BoundingBox(xmin=0, ymin=0, width=int(self.width()), height=int(self.height()))
def intensity(self)
Convert image to float32 with [min,max] to range [0,1], force colormap to be 'float'. Equivalent to self.mat2gray()
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def intensity(self): """Convert image to float32 with [min,max] to range [0,1], force colormap to be 'float'. Equivalent to self.mat2gray()""" self.array((self.load().float().array()) - float(self.min()) / float(self.max() - self.min())) return self.colorspace('float')
def iscolor(self)
Color images are three channel or four channel with transparency, float32 or uint8
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def iscolor(self): """Color images are three channel or four channel with transparency, float32 or uint8""" return self.channels() == 3 or self.channels() == 4
def isgrey(self)
Grey images are one channel, float32
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def isgrey(self): """Grey images are one channel, float32""" return self.channels() == 1 and self.array().dtype == np.float32
def isloaded(self)
Return True if
was successful in reading the image, or if the pixels are present inImage.array()
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def isloaded(self): """Return True if `vipy.image.Image.load` was successful in reading the image, or if the pixels are present in `vipy.image.Image.array`.""" return self._array is not None
def isluminance(self)
Luninance images are one channel, uint8
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def isluminance(self): """Luninance images are one channel, uint8""" return self.channels() == 1 and self.array().dtype == np.uint8
def istransparent(self)
Transparent images are four channel color images with transparency, float32 or uint8. Return true if this image contains an alpha transparency channel
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def istransparent(self): """Transparent images are four channel color images with transparency, float32 or uint8. Return true if this image contains an alpha transparency channel""" return self.channels() == 4
def jet(self)
Apply jet colormap to greyscale image and save as RGB
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def jet(self): """Apply jet colormap to greyscale image and save as RGB""" return self._apply_colormap('jet')
def json(self, s=None, encode=True)
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def json(self, s=None, encode=True): if s is None: d = {'filename':self._filename, 'url':self._url, 'loader':self._loader, 'array':self._array.tolist() if self._array is not None else None, 'colorspace':self._colorspace, 'attributes':self.attributes} return json.dumps(d) if encode else d else: d = json.loads(s) d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in d.items()} # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes) self._filename = d['filename'] self._url = d['url'] self._loader = d['loader'] self._array = np.array(d['array'], dtype=np.uint8) if d['array'] is not None else None self._colorspace = d['colorspace'] self.attributes = d['attributes'] return self
def load(self, ignoreErrors=False, verbose=False)
Load image to cached private '_array' attribute.
- [bool] If true, ignore any exceptions thrown during load and print the corresponding error messages.
This is useful for loading images distributed without throwing exceptions when some images may be corrupted.
In this case, the _array attribute will be None and
will return false to determine if the image is loaded, which can be used to filter out corrupted images gracefully. verbose
- [bool] If true, show additional useful printed output
object with the pixels loaded in self._array as a numpy array.Note: This loader supports any image file format supported by PIL. A custom loader can be added using
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def load(self, ignoreErrors=False, verbose=False): """Load image to cached private '_array' attribute. Args: ignoreErrors: [bool] If true, ignore any exceptions thrown during load and print the corresponding error messages. This is useful for loading images distributed without throwing exceptions when some images may be corrupted. In this case, the _array attribute will be None and `vipy.image.Image.isloaded` will return false to determine if the image is loaded, which can be used to filter out corrupted images gracefully. verbose: [bool] If true, show additional useful printed output Returns: This `vipy.image.Image` object with the pixels loaded in self._array as a numpy array. .. note:: This loader supports any image file format supported by PIL. A custom loader can be added using `vipy.image.Image.loader`. """ try: # Return if previously loaded image if self._array is not None: return self # Download URL to filename if self._url is not None:, verbose=verbose) # Load filename to numpy array if self._loader is not None: self._array = self._loader(self._filename).astype(np.float32) # forcing float32 self.colorspace('float') elif isimagefile(self._filename): self._array = np.array( # RGB order! if self.istransparent(): self.colorspace('rgba') # must be before iscolor() elif self.iscolor(): self.colorspace('rgb') elif self.isgrey(): self.colorspace('grey') elif self.isluminance(): self.colorspace('lum') else: warnings.warn('unknown colorspace for image "%s" - attempting to coerce to colorspace=float' % str(self._filename)) self._array = np.float32(self._array) self.colorspace('float') elif iswebp(self._filename): import return elif hasextension(self._filename): raise ValueError('Non-standard image extensions require a custom loader') else: # Attempting to open it anyway, may be an image file without an extension. Cross your fingers ... self._array = np.array( # RGB order! except IOError: if self._ignoreErrors or ignoreErrors: if verbose is True: warnings.warn('[vipy.image][WARNING]: IO error "%s" -> "%s" - Ignoring. ' % (self.url(), self.filename())) self._array = None else: raise except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception: if self._ignoreErrors or ignoreErrors: if verbose is True: warnings.warn('[vipy.image][WARNING]: Load error for image "%s" - Ignoring' % self.filename()) self._array = None else: raise return self
def loader(self, f)
Lambda function to load an unsupported image filename to a numpy array.
This lambda function will be executed during load and the result will be stored in self._array
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def loader(self, f): """Lambda function to load an unsupported image filename to a numpy array. This lambda function will be executed during load and the result will be stored in self._array """ self._loader = f return self
def lum(self)
Alias for luminance()
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def lum(self): """Alias for luminance()""" return self._convert('lum')
def luminance(self)
Convert the image buffer to single channel uint8 in range [0,255] corresponding to the luminance component
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def luminance(self): """Convert the image buffer to single channel uint8 in range [0,255] corresponding to the luminance component""" return self._convert('lum')
def map(self, func)
Apply lambda function to our numpy array img, such that newimg=f(img), then replace newimg -> self.array(). The output of this lambda function must be a numpy array and if the channels or dtype changes, the colorspace is set to 'float'
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def map(self, func): """Apply lambda function to our numpy array img, such that newimg=f(img), then replace newimg -> self.array(). The output of this lambda function must be a numpy array and if the channels or dtype changes, the colorspace is set to 'float'""" assert isinstance(func, types.LambdaType), "Input must be lambda function (e.g. f = lambda img: 255.0-img)" oldimg = self.array() # reference newimg = func(self.array()) # in-place assert isnumpy(newimg), "Lambda function output must be numpy array" self.array(newimg) # reference if newimg.dtype != oldimg.dtype or newimg.shape != oldimg.shape: self.colorspace('float') # unknown colorspace after transformation, set generic return self
def mat2gray(self, min=None, max=None)
Convert the image buffer so that [min,max] -> [0,1], forces conversion to 'float' colorspace. This does not change the number of color channels
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def mat2gray(self, min=None, max=None): """Convert the image buffer so that [min,max] -> [0,1], forces conversion to 'float' colorspace. This does not change the number of color channels""" self.array(mat2gray(np.float32(self.load().float().array()), min, max)) return self.colorspace('float') return self
def max(self)
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def max(self): return self.maxpixel()
def maxdim(self, dim=None, interp='bilinear')
Resize image preserving aspect ratio so that maximum dimension of image = dim, or return maxdim()
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def maxdim(self, dim=None, interp='bilinear'): """Resize image preserving aspect ratio so that maximum dimension of image = dim, or return maxdim()""" return self.rescale(float(dim) / float(np.maximum(self.height(), self.width())), interp=interp) if dim is not None else max(self.shape())
def maxmatte(self)
Crop image of size (HxW) to (max(H,W), max(H,W)) with balanced zeropadding forming a letterbox with top/bottom matte or pillarbox with left/right matte
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def maxmatte(self): """Crop image of size (HxW) to (max(H,W), max(H,W)) with balanced zeropadding forming a letterbox with top/bottom matte or pillarbox with left/right matte""" S = np.max(self.load().shape()) dW = S - self.width() dH = S - self.height() return self.zeropad((int(np.floor(dW//2)), int(np.ceil(dW//2))), (int(np.floor(dH//2)), int(np.ceil(dH//2))))._crop(BoundingBox(0, 0, width=int(S), height=int(S)))
def maxpixel(self)
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def maxpixel(self): return np.max(self.load().array().flatten())
def maxsquare(self, S=None)
Crop image of size (HxW) to (max(H,W), max(H,W)) with zeropadding or (S,S) if provided, keeping upper left corner constant
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def maxsquare(self, S=None): """Crop image of size (HxW) to (max(H,W), max(H,W)) with zeropadding or (S,S) if provided, keeping upper left corner constant""" S = np.max(self.load().shape()) if S is None else int(S) (H, W) = self.shape() (dW, dH) = (max(0, S - W), max(0, S - H)) if S != W or S != H: self._crop(BoundingBox(0, 0, width=min(W, S), height=min(H, S))) if (dW > 0 or dH > 0): self.zeropad((0,dW), (0,dH)) # crop then zeropad return self
def mean(self)
Mean over all pixels
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def mean(self): """Mean over all pixels""" return np.mean(self.load().array().flatten())
def meanchannel(self, k=None)
Mean per channel over all pixels. If channel k is provided, return just the mean for that channel
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def meanchannel(self, k=None): """Mean per channel over all pixels. If channel k is provided, return just the mean for that channel""" C = np.mean(self.load().array(), axis=(0, 1)).flatten() return C[k] if k is not None else C
def meanpad(self, padwidth, padheight, mu=None)
Pad image using np.pad constant=image mean by adding padwidth on both left and right , or padwidth=(left,right) for different pre/postpadding,, and padheight on top and bottom or padheight=(top,bottom) for different pre/post padding
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def meanpad(self, padwidth, padheight, mu=None): """Pad image using np.pad constant=image mean by adding padwidth on both left and right , or padwidth=(left,right) for different pre/postpadding,, and padheight on top and bottom or padheight=(top,bottom) for different pre/post padding""" if not isinstance(padwidth, tuple): padwidth = (padwidth, padwidth) if not isinstance(padheight, tuple): padheight = (padheight, padheight) assert all([x>=0 for x in padheight]) and all([x>=0 for x in padwidth]), "padding must be positive" mu = self.meanchannel() if mu is None else mu self._array = np.squeeze(np.dstack([np.pad(img, pad_width=(padheight,padwidth), mode='constant', constant_values=c) for (img,c) in zip(, mu)])) return self
def metadata(self, k=None)
Return metadata associated with this image, stored in the attributes dictionary
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def metadata(self, k=None): """Return metadata associated with this image, stored in the attributes dictionary""" return self.attributes if k is None else self.getattribute(k)
def min(self)
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def min(self): return self.minpixel()
def mindim(self, dim=None, interp='bilinear')
Resize image preserving aspect ratio so that minimum dimension of image = dim, or return mindim()
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def mindim(self, dim=None, interp='bilinear'): """Resize image preserving aspect ratio so that minimum dimension of image = dim, or return mindim()""" if dim is None: return np.minimum(self.height(), self.width()) else: s = float(dim) / float(np.minimum(self.height(), self.width())) return self.rescale(s, interp=interp) if dim is not None else min(self.shape())
def mindimn(self, dim=None)
Frequently used shortcut for mindim(dim, interp='nearest')
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def mindimn(self, dim=None): """Frequently used shortcut for mindim(dim, interp='nearest')""" return self.mindim(dim, interp='nearest')
def minpixel(self)
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def minpixel(self): return np.min(self.load().array().flatten())
def minsquare(self)
Crop image of size (HxW) to (min(H,W), min(H,W)), keeping upper left corner constant
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def minsquare(self): """Crop image of size (HxW) to (min(H,W), min(H,W)), keeping upper left corner constant""" S = np.min(self.load().shape()) return self._crop(BoundingBox(xmin=0, ymin=0, width=int(S), height=int(S)))
def nofilename(self)
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def nofilename(self): self._filename = None return self
def normalize(self, gain, bias)
Apply a multiplicative gain g and additive bias b, such that self.array() == gain*self.array() + bias.
This is useful for applying a normalization of an image prior to calling
.The following operations are equivalent.
im = vipy.image.RandomImage() im.normalize(1/255.0, 0.5) == im.gain(1/255.0).bias(-0.5)
Note: This will force the colorspace to 'float'
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def normalize(self, gain, bias): """Apply a multiplicative gain g and additive bias b, such that self.array() == gain*self.array() + bias. This is useful for applying a normalization of an image prior to calling `vipy.image.Image.torch`. The following operations are equivalent. ```python im = vipy.image.RandomImage() im.normalize(1/255.0, 0.5) == im.gain(1/255.0).bias(-0.5) ``` .. note:: This will force the colorspace to 'float' """ self.array(gain*self.load().float().array() + bias) return self.colorspace('float')
def nourl(self)
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def nourl(self): self._url = None return self
def numpy(self)
Return a mutable numpy array for this
- This will always return a writeable array with the 'WRITEABLE' numpy flag set. This is useful for returning a mutable numpy array as needed while keeping the original non-mutable numpy array (e.g. loaded from a video or PIL) as the underlying pixel buffer for efficiency reasons.
- Triggers a
if the pixel buffer has not been loaded - This will trigger a copy if the 'WRITEABLE' flag is not set.
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def numpy(self): """Return a mutable numpy array for this `vipy.image.Image`. .. notes:: - This will always return a writeable array with the 'WRITEABLE' numpy flag set. This is useful for returning a mutable numpy array as needed while keeping the original non-mutable numpy array (e.g. loaded from a video or PIL) as the underlying pixel buffer for efficiency reasons. - Triggers a `vipy.image.Image.load` if the pixel buffer has not been loaded - This will trigger a copy if the ['WRITEABLE' flag]( is not set. """ self.load() self._array = np.copy(self._array) if not self._array.flags['WRITEABLE'] else self._array # triggers copy return self._array
def perceptualhash(self, bits=128, asbinary=False, asbytes=False)
Perceptual differential hash function
This function converts to greyscale, resizes with linear interpolation to small image based on desired bit encoding, compute vertical and horizontal gradient signs.
- [int] longer hashes have lower TAR (true accept rate, some near dupes are missed), but lower FAR (false accept rate), shorter hashes have higher TAR (fewer near-dupes are missed) but higher FAR (more non-dupes are declared as dupes).
- [bool] If true, return a binary array
- [bool] if true return a byte array
- A hash string encoding the perceptual hash such that
can be used to compute a hash distance asbytes
- a bytes array
- a numpy binary array
- Can be used for near duplicate detection by unpacking the returned hex string to binary and computing hamming distance, or performing hamming based nearest neighbor indexing.
. - The default packed hex output can be converted to binary as: np.unpackbits(bytearray().fromhex(h)
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def perceptualhash(self, bits=128, asbinary=False, asbytes=False): """Perceptual differential hash function This function converts to greyscale, resizes with linear interpolation to small image based on desired bit encoding, compute vertical and horizontal gradient signs. Args: bits: [int] longer hashes have lower TAR (true accept rate, some near dupes are missed), but lower FAR (false accept rate), shorter hashes have higher TAR (fewer near-dupes are missed) but higher FAR (more non-dupes are declared as dupes). asbinary: [bool] If true, return a binary array asbytes: [bool] if true return a byte array Returns: A hash string encoding the perceptual hash such that `vipy.image.Image.perceptualhash_distance` can be used to compute a hash distance asbytes: a bytes array asbinary: a numpy binary array .. notes:: - Can be used for near duplicate detection by unpacking the returned hex string to binary and computing hamming distance, or performing hamming based nearest neighbor indexing. Equivalently, `vipy.image.Image.perceptualhash_distance`. - The default packed hex output can be converted to binary as: np.unpackbits(bytearray().fromhex(h) """ allowablebits = [2*k*k for k in range(2, 17)] assert bits in allowablebits, "Bits must be in %s" % str(allowablebits) sq = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(bits/2.0))) im = self.clone() b = (np.dstack(np.gradient(im.resize(cols=sq+1, rows=sq+1).greyscale().numpy()))[0:-1, 0:-1] > 0).flatten() return bytes(np.packbits(b)).hex() if not (asbytes or asbinary) else bytes(np.packbits(b)) if asbytes else b
def person_detection(self, mindim=256, union=False, conf=0.2)
Detect only people in the scene, add as objects, return new scene with just people
mindim [int]: The minimum dimension for downsampling the image for person detection. Will be upsampled back to native resolution prior to return union [bool]: Whether to return a scene with just people or the union of the existing scene and the new people conf [float]: A real value between [0,1] of the minimum confidence for person detection Returns A
object with all detected people or the union of people and all objects in selfNote: This method uses a CPU-only pretrained person detector. This is convenient, but slow. See the heyvi package for optimized GPU batch processing for faster operation.
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def person_detection(self, mindim=256, union=False, conf=0.2): """Detect only people in the scene, add as objects, return new scene with just people Args: mindim [int]: The minimum dimension for downsampling the image for person detection. Will be upsampled back to native resolution prior to return union [bool]: Whether to return a scene with just people or the union of the existing scene and the new people conf [float]: A real value between [0,1] of the minimum confidence for person detection Returns A `vipy.image.Scene` object with all detected people or the union of people and all objects in self .. note:: This method uses a CPU-only pretrained person detector. This is convenient, but slow. See the heyvi package for optimized GPU batch processing for faster operation. """ try_import('heyvi'); import heyvi im = heyvi.detection.ObjectDetector()(Scene.cast(self.clone()).mindim(mindim), conf=conf, objects=['person']).mindim(self.mindim()) return Scene.cast(self).union(im) if union else im
def pil(self)
Convert vipy.image.Image to PIL Image.
A PIL image object, that shares the pixel buffer by reference
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def pil(self): """Convert vipy.image.Image to PIL Image. Returns: A [PIL image]( object, that shares the pixel buffer by reference """ if self.isloaded(): assert self.channels() in [1,3,4] and (self.channels() == 1 or self.colorspace() != 'float'), "Incompatible with PIL" return PIL.Image.fromarray(self.numpy(), mode='RGB' if self.colorspace()=='rgb' else None) # FIXME: mode='RGB' triggers slow tobytes() conversion, need RGBA or RGBX elif self.hasfilename(): return else: return None
def pkl(self, pklfile=None)
save the object to a pickle file and return the object, useful for intermediate saving in long fluent chains
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def pkl(self, pklfile=None): """save the object to a pickle file and return the object, useful for intermediate saving in long fluent chains""" pklfile = pklfile if pklfile is not None else toextension(self.filename(), '.pkl') remkdir(filepath(pklfile)), pklfile) return self
def pklif(self, b, pklfile=None)
Save the object to the provided pickle file only if b=True. Uuseful for conditional intermediate saving in long fluent chains
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def pklif(self, b, pklfile=None): """Save the object to the provided pickle file only if b=True. Uuseful for conditional intermediate saving in long fluent chains""" assert isinstance(b, bool) return self.pkl(pklfile) if b else self
def print(self, prefix='', verbose=True, sleep=None)
Print the representation of the image and return self with an optional sleep=n seconds
Useful for debugging in long fluent chains.
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def print(self, prefix='', verbose=True, sleep=None): """Print the representation of the image and return self with an optional sleep=n seconds Useful for debugging in long fluent chains. """ if verbose: print(prefix+self.__repr__()) if sleep is not None: assert isinstance(sleep, int) and sleep > 0, "Sleep must be a non-negative integer number of seconds" time.sleep(sleep) return self
def probability(self)
Return float image in the range [0,1] such that all elements sum to one
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def probability(self): """Return float image in the range [0,1] such that all elements sum to one""" return self.gain(1.0/self.mat2gray().sum())
def rainbow(self)
Apply rainbow colormap to greyscale image and convert to RGB
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def rainbow(self): """Apply rainbow colormap to greyscale image and convert to RGB""" return self._apply_colormap('gist_rainbow')
def red(self)
Return red channel as a cloned single channel
object.These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'rgb' or 'rgba': ==
These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'bgr' or 'bgra': ==
Note: OpenCV returns images in BGR colorspace. Use this method to always return the desired channel by color.
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def red(self): """Return red channel as a cloned single channel `vipy.image.Image` object. These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'rgb' or 'rgba': ```python == ``` These are equivalent operations if the colorspace is 'bgr' or 'bgra': ```python == ``` .. note:: OpenCV returns images in BGR colorspace. Use this method to always return the desired channel by color. """ assert self.channels() >= 3, "Must be color image" if self.colorspace() in ['rgb', 'rgba']: return elif self.colorspace() in ['bgr', 'bgra']: return else: raise ValueError('Invalid colorspace "%s" does not contain red channel' % self.colorspace())
def reload(self)
Flush the image buffer to force reloading from file or URL
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def reload(self): """Flush the image buffer to force reloading from file or URL""" return self.clone(flush=True).load()
def relpath(self, parent=None)
Replace the filename with a relative path to parent (or current working directory if none)
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def relpath(self, parent=None): """Replace the filename with a relative path to parent (or current working directory if none)""" parent = parent if parent is not None else os.getcwd() assert parent in os.path.expanduser(self.filename()), "Parent path '%s' not found in abspath '%s'" % (parent, self.filename()) return self.filename(PurePath(os.path.expanduser(self.filename())).relative_to(parent))
def rescale(self, scale=1, interp='bilinear', fast=False)
Scale the image buffer by the given factor - NOT idempotent
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def rescale(self, scale=1, interp='bilinear', fast=False): """Scale the image buffer by the given factor - NOT idempotent""" (height, width) = self.load().shape() if scale == 1: return self elif self.colorspace() == 'float': self._array = np.dstack([np.asarray(im.pil().resize((int(np.round(scale * width)), int(np.round(scale * height))), string_to_pil_interpolation(interp))) for im in]) else: self._array = np.asarray(self.pil().resize((int(np.round(scale * width)), int(np.round(scale * height))), string_to_pil_interpolation(interp), reducing_gap=2 if fast else None)) return self
def resize(self, cols=None, rows=None, width=None, height=None, interp='bilinear', fast=False)
Resize the image buffer to (rows x cols) with bilinear interpolation. If rows or cols is provided, rescale image maintaining aspect ratio
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def resize(self, cols=None, rows=None, width=None, height=None, interp='bilinear', fast=False): """Resize the image buffer to (rows x cols) with bilinear interpolation. If rows or cols is provided, rescale image maintaining aspect ratio""" assert not (cols is not None and width is not None), "Define either width or cols" assert not (rows is not None and height is not None), "Define either height or rows" rows = rows if height is None else height cols = cols if width is None else width if cols is None or rows is None: if cols is None: scale = float(rows) / float(self.height()) else: scale = float(cols) / float(self.width()) self.rescale(scale) elif rows == self.height() and cols == self.width(): return self elif self.colorspace() == 'float': self._array = np.dstack([np.array(im.pil().resize((cols, rows), string_to_pil_interpolation(interp))) for im in]) else: self._array = np.asarray(self.load().pil().resize((cols, rows), string_to_pil_interpolation(interp), reducing_gap=2 if fast else None)) return self
def resize_like(self, im, interp='bilinear')
Resize image buffer to be the same size as the provided vipy.image.Image()
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def resize_like(self, im, interp='bilinear'): """Resize image buffer to be the same size as the provided vipy.image.Image()""" assert isinstance(im, Image), "Invalid input - Must be vipy.image.Image" return self.resize(im.width(), im.height(), interp=interp)
def restore(self, filename)
Save the currently stored image to filename, and set up filename
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def restore(self, filename): """Save the currently stored image to filename, and set up filename""" assert self.hasattribute('__image__'), "Image not stored" with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(self.attributes['__image__']) return self.filename(filename)
def rgb(self)
Convert the image buffer to three channel RGB uint8 colorspace
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def rgb(self): """Convert the image buffer to three channel RGB uint8 colorspace""" return self._convert('rgb')
def rgba(self)
Convert the image buffer to four channel RGBA uint8 colorspace
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def rgba(self): """Convert the image buffer to four channel RGBA uint8 colorspace""" return self._convert('rgba')
def rot90ccw(self)
Rotate the scene 90 degrees counterclockwise
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def rot90ccw(self): """Rotate the scene 90 degrees counterclockwise""" self.array(np.rot90(self.numpy(), 1)) return self
def rot90cw(self)
Rotate the scene 90 degrees clockwise
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def rot90cw(self): """Rotate the scene 90 degrees clockwise""" self.array(np.rot90(self.numpy(), 3)) return self
def rotate(self, r)
Apply a rotation in radians to the pixels, with origin in upper left
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def rotate(self, r): """Apply a rotation in radians to the pixels, with origin in upper left """ return self.affine_transform(vipy.geometry.affine_transform(r=r))
def rotate_by_exif(self)
Apply a rotation as specified in the 'Orientation' field EXIF metadata
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def rotate_by_exif(self): """Apply a rotation as specified in the 'Orientation' field EXIF metadata""" exif = self.exif() orientation = exif['Orientation'] if 'Orientation' in exif else None if orientation is None or orientation == 1: return self elif orientation == 2: return self.fliplr() elif orientation == 3: return self.flipud().fliplr() elif orientation == 4: return self.flipud() elif orientation == 5: return self.rot90cw().fliplr() elif orientation == 6: return self.rot90cw() elif orientation == 7: return self.rot90ccw().fliplr() elif orientation == 8: return self.rot90ccw() else: raise ValueError
def sanitize(self)
Remove all private keys from the attributes dictionary.
The attributes dictionary is useful storage for arbitrary (key,value) pairs. However, this storage may contain sensitive information that should be scrubbed from the media before serialization. As a general rule, any key that is of the form '__keyname' prepended by two underscores is a private key. This is analogous to private or reserved attributes in the python lanugage. Users should reserve these keynames for those keys that should be sanitized and removed before any serialization of this object.
assert self.setattribute('__mykey', 1).sanitize().hasattribute('__mykey') == False
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def sanitize(self): """Remove all private keys from the attributes dictionary. The attributes dictionary is useful storage for arbitrary (key,value) pairs. However, this storage may contain sensitive information that should be scrubbed from the media before serialization. As a general rule, any key that is of the form '__keyname' prepended by two underscores is a private key. This is analogous to private or reserved attributes in the python lanugage. Users should reserve these keynames for those keys that should be sanitized and removed before any serialization of this object. ```python assert self.setattribute('__mykey', 1).sanitize().hasattribute('__mykey') == False ``` """ self.attributes = {k:v for (k,v) in self.attributes.items() if not k.startswith('__')} if isinstance(self.atttributes, dict) else self.attributes return self
def saturate(self, min, max)
Saturate the image buffer to be clipped between [min,max], types of min/max are specified by _array type
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def saturate(self, min, max): """Saturate the image buffer to be clipped between [min,max], types of min/max are specified by _array type""" return self.array(np.minimum(np.maximum(self.load().array(), min), max))
def save(self, filename)
Save the current image to a new filename and return the image object
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def save(self, filename): """Save the current image to a new filename and return the image object""" assert filename is not None, "Invalid filename - must be path to new image filename" return self.filename(self.saveas(filename))
def saveas(self, filename=None, writeas=None)
Save current buffer (not including drawing overlays) to new filename and return filename. If filename is not provided, use a temporary JPEG filename.
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def saveas(self, filename=None, writeas=None): """Save current buffer (not including drawing overlays) to new filename and return filename. If filename is not provided, use a temporary JPEG filename.""" filename = tempjpg() if filename is None else filename if self.colorspace() in ['gray']: imwritegray(self.grayscale()._array, filename) elif self.colorspace() != 'float': imwrite(self.load().array(), filename, writeas=writeas) else: raise ValueError('Convert float image to RGB or gray first. Try self.mat2gray()') return filename
def saveastmp(self)
Save current buffer to temp JPEG filename and return filename. Alias for savetmp()
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def saveastmp(self): """Save current buffer to temp JPEG filename and return filename. Alias for savetmp()""" return self.saveas(tempjpg())
def savefig(self, filename=None, figure=1, timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor='white', mutator=None)
Save last figure output from with drawing overlays to provided filename and return filename
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def savefig(self, filename=None, figure=1, timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor='white', mutator=None): """Save last figure output from with drawing overlays to provided filename and return filename""", nowindow=True, timestamp=timestamp, timestampcolor=timestampcolor, timestampfacecolor=timestampfacecolor, mutator=mutator) # sets figure dimensions, does not display window (W,H) = plt.figure(figure).canvas.get_width_height() # fast buf = io.BytesIO() plt.figure(1).canvas.print_raw(buf) # fast img = np.frombuffer(buf.getbuffer(), dtype=np.uint8).reshape((H, W, 4)) # RGBA t = vipy.image.Image(array=img, colorspace='rgba') if filename is not None: t.rgb().saveas(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(filename))) return t
def savetmp(self)
Save current buffer to temp JPEG filename and return filename. Alias for saveastmp()
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def savetmp(self): """Save current buffer to temp JPEG filename and return filename. Alias for saveastmp()""" return self.saveastmp()
def setattribute(self, key, value)
Set element self.attributes[key]=value
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def setattribute(self, key, value): """Set element self.attributes[key]=value""" if self.attributes is None: self.attributes = {key: value} else: self.attributes[key] = value return self
def setattributes(self, newattr)
Set many attributes at once by providing a dictionary to be merged with current attributes
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def setattributes(self, newattr): """Set many attributes at once by providing a dictionary to be merged with current attributes""" assert isinstance(newattr, dict), "New attributes must be dictionary" self.attributes.update(newattr) return self
def shape(self)
Return the (height, width) or equivalently (rows, cols) of the image.
A tuple (height=int, width=int) of the image.
Note: This triggers a
if the image is not already loaded.Expand source code Browse git
def shape(self): """Return the (height, width) or equivalently (rows, cols) of the image. Returns: A tuple (height=int, width=int) of the image. .. note:: This triggers a `vipy.image.Image.load` if the image is not already loaded. """ return (self.load().height(), self.width())
def show(self, figure=1, nowindow=False, timestamp=None, timestampfacecolor='white', timestampcolor='black', mutator=None)
Display image on screen in provided figure number (clone and convert to RGB colorspace to show), return object
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def show(self, figure=1, nowindow=False, timestamp=None, timestampfacecolor='white', timestampcolor='black', mutator=None): """Display image on screen in provided figure number (clone and convert to RGB colorspace to show), return object""" assert self.load().isloaded(), 'Image not loaded' im = self.clone() if not mutator else mutator(self.clone()), fignum=figure, nowindow=nowindow, timestamp=timestamp, timestampfacecolor=timestampfacecolor, flush=True, timestampcolor=timestampcolor) return self
def splat(self, im, bb)
Replace pixels within boundingbox in self with pixels in im
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def splat(self, im, bb): """Replace pixels within boundingbox in self with pixels in im""" assert isinstance(im, vipy.image.Image), "invalid image" assert (im.width() == bb.width() and im.height() == bb.height()) or bb.isinterior(im.width(), im.height()) and bb.isinterior(self.width(), self.height()), "Invalid bounding box '%s'" % str(bb) (x,y,w,h) = bb.xywh() self._array[int(y):int(y+h), int(x):int(x+w)] = im.array() if (im.width() == bb.width() and im.height() == bb.height()) else im.array()[int(y):int(y+h), int(x):int(x+w)] return self
def stats(self)
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def stats(self): print(self) print(' Channels: %d' % self.channels()) print(' Shape: %s' % str(self.shape())) print(' min: %s' % str(self.min())) print(' max: %s' % str(self.max())) print(' mean: %s' % str(self.mean())) print(' channel mean: %s' % str(self.meanchannel()))
def store(self)
Store the current image file as an attribute of this object. Useful for archiving an object to be fully self contained without any external references.
-Remove this stored image using unstore() -Unpack this stored image and set up the filename using restore() -This method is more efficient than load() followed by pkl(), as it stores the encoded image as a byte string. -Useful for creating a single self contained object for distributed processing.
v ==
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def store(self): """Store the current image file as an attribute of this object. Useful for archiving an object to be fully self contained without any external references. -Remove this stored image using unstore() -Unpack this stored image and set up the filename using restore() -This method is more efficient than load() followed by pkl(), as it stores the encoded image as a byte string. -Useful for creating a single self contained object for distributed processing. ```python v == ``` """ assert self.hasfilename(), "Image file not found" with open(self.filename(), 'rb') as f: self.attributes['__image__'] = return self
def sum(self)
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def sum(self): return np.sum(self.load().array().flatten())
def tile(self, tilewidth, tileheight, overlaprows=0, overlapcols=0)
Generate an image tiling.
A tiling is a decomposition of an image into overlapping or non-overlapping rectangular regions.
- [int] the image width of each tile
- [int] the image height of each tile
- [int] the number of overlapping rows (height) for each tile
- [int] the number of overlapping width (width) for each tile
A list of
objects such that each image is a single tile and the set of these tiles forms the original image Each image in the returned list contains the 'tile' attribute which encodes the crop used to create the tile.Note
can be undone usingImage.untile()
- The identity tiling is im.tile(im.widht(), im.height(), overlaprows=0, overlapcols=0)
- Ragged tiles outside the image boundary are zero padded
- All annotations are updated properly for each tile, when the source image is
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def tile(self, tilewidth, tileheight, overlaprows=0, overlapcols=0): """Generate an image tiling. A tiling is a decomposition of an image into overlapping or non-overlapping rectangular regions. Args: tilewidth: [int] the image width of each tile tileheight: [int] the image height of each tile overlaprows: [int] the number of overlapping rows (height) for each tile overlapcols: [int] the number of overlapping width (width) for each tile Returns: A list of `vipy.image.Image` objects such that each image is a single tile and the set of these tiles forms the original image Each image in the returned list contains the 'tile' attribute which encodes the crop used to create the tile. .. note:: - `vipy.image.Image.tile` can be undone using `vipy.image.Image.untile` - The identity tiling is im.tile(im.widht(), im.height(), overlaprows=0, overlapcols=0) - Ragged tiles outside the image boundary are zero padded - All annotations are updated properly for each tile, when the source image is `vipy.image.Scene` """ assert tilewidth > 0 and tileheight > 0 and overlaprows >= 0 and overlapcols >= 0, "Invalid input" assert self.width() >= tilewidth-overlapcols and self.height() >= tileheight-overlaprows, "Invalid input" bboxes = [BoundingBox(xmin=i, ymin=j, width=min(tilewidth, self.width()-i), height=min(tileheight, self.height()-j)) for i in range(0, self.width()-overlapcols, tilewidth-overlapcols) for j in range(0, self.height()-overlaprows, tileheight-overlaprows)] return [self.clone(shallow=True, attributes=True).setattribute('tile', {'crop':bb, 'shape':self.shape()}).crop(bb) for bb in bboxes]
def tocache(self)
Save current buffer to temp JPEG filename in the VIPY cache and return filename.
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def tocache(self): """Save current buffer to temp JPEG filename in the VIPY cache and return filename.""" return self.saveas(vipy.util.tocache(tempjpg()))
def tonumpy(self)
Alias for `vipy.image.Image.numpy
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def tonumpy(self): """Alias for `vipy.image.Image.numpy""" return self.numpy()
def torch(self, order='CHW')
Convert the batch of 1 HxWxC images to a CxHxW torch tensor.
- ['CHW', 'HWC', 'NCHW', 'NHWC']. The axis order of the torch tensor (channels, height, width) or (height, width, channels) or (1, channels, height, width) or (1, height, width, channels)
A CxHxW or HxWxC or 1xCxHxW or 1xHxWxC torch tensor that shares the pixel buffer of this image object by reference.
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def torch(self, order='CHW'): """Convert the batch of 1 HxWxC images to a CxHxW torch tensor. Args: order: ['CHW', 'HWC', 'NCHW', 'NHWC']. The axis order of the torch tensor (channels, height, width) or (height, width, channels) or (1, channels, height, width) or (1, height, width, channels) Returns: A CxHxW or HxWxC or 1xCxHxW or 1xHxWxC [torch tensor]( that shares the pixel buffer of this image object by reference. """ try_import('torch'); import torch assert order.lower() in ['chw', 'hwc', 'nchw', 'nhwc'] img = self.numpy() if self.numpy().ndim == 3 else np.expand_dims(self.numpy(), 2) # HxW -> HxWx1, HxWxC -> HxWxC (unchanged) img = img.transpose(2,0,1) if order.lower() in ['chw', 'nchw'] else img # HxWxC or CxHxW img = np.expand_dims(img,0) if order.lower() in ['nhwc', 'nchw'] else img # HxWxC -> 1xHxWxC return torch.from_numpy(img)
def uncrop(self, bb, shape)
Uncrop using provided bounding box and zeropad to shape=(Height, Width).
An uncrop is the inverse operation for a crop, which preserves the cropped portion of the image in the correct location and replaces the rest with zeros out to shape.
im = vipy.image.RandomImage(128, 128) bb = vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(xmin=0, ymin=0, width=64, height=64) uncrop = im.crop(bb).uncrop(bb, shape=(128,128))
- [
] the bounding box used to crop the image in self shape
- [tuple] (height, width) of the uncropped image
object with the pixels uncropped.Note: NOT idempotent. This will generate different results if run more than once.
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def uncrop(self, bb, shape): """Uncrop using provided bounding box and zeropad to shape=(Height, Width). An uncrop is the inverse operation for a crop, which preserves the cropped portion of the image in the correct location and replaces the rest with zeros out to shape. ```python im = vipy.image.RandomImage(128, 128) bb = vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(xmin=0, ymin=0, width=64, height=64) uncrop = im.crop(bb).uncrop(bb, shape=(128,128)) ``` Args: bb: [`vipy.geometry.BoundingBox`] the bounding box used to crop the image in self shape: [tuple] (height, width) of the uncropped image Returns: this `vipy.image.Image` object with the pixels uncropped. .. note:: NOT idempotent. This will generate different results if run more than once. """ ((x,y,w,h), (H,W)) = (bb.xywh(), shape) ((dyb, dya), (dxb, dxa)) = ((int(y), int(H-(y+h))), (int(x), int(W-(x+w)))) self._array = np.pad(self.load().array(), ((dyb, dya), (dxb, dxa), (0, 0)) if self.load().array().ndim == 3 else ((dyb, dya), (dxb, dxa)), mode='constant') return self
def union(self, other)
No-op for
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def union(self, other): """No-op for `vipy.image.Image`""" return self
def unstore(self)
Delete the currently stored image from store()
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def unstore(self): """Delete the currently stored image from store()""" return self.delattribute('__image__')
def uri(self)
Return the URI of the image object, either the URL or the filename, raise exception if neither defined
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def uri(self): """Return the URI of the image object, either the URL or the filename, raise exception if neither defined""" if self.hasurl(): return self.url() elif self.hasfilename(): return self.filename() else: raise ValueError('No URI defined')
def url(self, url=None, username=None, password=None, sha1=None, ignoreUrlErrors=None)
Image URL and URL download properties
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def url(self, url=None, username=None, password=None, sha1=None, ignoreUrlErrors=None): """Image URL and URL download properties""" if url is not None: self._url = url # this does not change anything else (e.g. the associated filename), better to use constructor if username is not None: self._urluser = username # basic authentication if password is not None: self._urlpassword = password # basic authentication if sha1 is not None: self._urlsha1 = sha1 # file integrity if ignoreUrlErrors is not None: self._ignoreErrors = ignoreUrlErrors if url is None and username is None and password is None and sha1 is None and ignoreUrlErrors is None: return self._url else: return self
def width(self)
Return the width (columns) of the image in integer pixels.
Note: This triggers a
if the image is not already loaded.Expand source code Browse git
def width(self): """Return the width (columns) of the image in integer pixels. .. note:: This triggers a `vipy.image.Image.load` if the image is not already loaded. """ return self.load().array().shape[1]
def zeropad(self, padwidth, padheight)
Pad image using np.pad constant by adding padwidth on both left and right , or padwidth=(left,right) for different pre/postpadding,, and padheight on top and bottom or padheight=(top,bottom) for different pre/post padding
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def zeropad(self, padwidth, padheight): """Pad image using np.pad constant by adding padwidth on both left and right , or padwidth=(left,right) for different pre/postpadding,, and padheight on top and bottom or padheight=(top,bottom) for different pre/post padding""" if not isinstance(padwidth, tuple): padwidth = (padwidth, padwidth) if not isinstance(padheight, tuple): padheight = (padheight, padheight) if self.iscolor(): pad_shape = (padheight, padwidth, (0, 0)) else: pad_shape = (padheight, padwidth) assert all([x>=0 for x in padheight]) and all([x>=0 for x in padwidth]), "padding must be positive" if padwidth[0]>0 or padwidth[1]>0 or padheight[0]>0 or padheight[1]>0: self._array = np.pad(self.load().array(), pad_width=pad_shape, mode='constant', constant_values=0) # this is still slow due to the required copy, but fast-ish in np >= 1.17 return self
def zeropadlike(self, width, height)
Zero pad the image balancing the border so that the resulting image size is (width, height)
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def zeropadlike(self, width, height): """Zero pad the image balancing the border so that the resulting image size is (width, height)""" assert width >= self.width() and height >= self.height(), "Invalid input - final (width=%d, height=%d) must be greater than current image size (width=%d, height=%d)" % (width, height, self.width(), self.height()) return self.zeropad( (int(np.floor((width - self.width())/2)), int(np.ceil((width - self.width())/2))), (int(np.floor((height - self.height())/2)), int(np.ceil((height - self.height())/2))))
def zeros(self)
Set the pixel buffer to all zeros of the same shape and datatype as this
object.These are equivalent operations for the resulting buffer shape:
import numpy as np np.zeros( (self.width(), self.height(), self.channels()) ) == self.zeros().array()
object.Note: Triggers load() if the pixel buffer has not been loaded yet.
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def zeros(self): """Set the pixel buffer to all zeros of the same shape and datatype as this `vipy.image.Image` object. These are equivalent operations for the resulting buffer shape: ```python import numpy as np np.zeros( (self.width(), self.height(), self.channels()) ) == self.zeros().array() ``` Returns: This `vipy.image.Image` object. .. note:: Triggers load() if the pixel buffer has not been loaded yet. """ self._array = 0*self.load()._array return self
class ImageCategories (filename=None, url=None, category=None, label=None, attributes=None, array=None, colorspace=None)
vipy ImageCategories class
This class provides a representation of a vipy.image.ImageCategory with a multi-element category set.
Valid constructors include all provided by vipy.image.ImageCategory with category as set or string
im = vipy.image.ImageCategories(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category={'dog','canine'}) im = vipy.image.ImageCategories(array=dog_img, colorspace='rgb', category='dog')
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class ImageCategories(ImageCategory): """vipy ImageCategories class This class provides a representation of a vipy.image.ImageCategory with a multi-element category set. Valid constructors include all provided by vipy.image.ImageCategory with category as set or string ```python im = vipy.image.ImageCategories(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category={'dog','canine'}) im = vipy.image.ImageCategories(array=dog_img, colorspace='rgb', category='dog') ``` """ def __init__(self, filename=None, url=None, category=None, label=None, attributes=None, array=None, colorspace=None): super().__init__(filename=filename, url=url, attributes=attributes, array=array, colorspace=colorspace, category=category, label=label) assert category is None or isinstance(category, set) or isinstance(category, list) or isinstance(category, str) or isinstance(category, tuple) self._category = vipy.util.toset(self.category()) if self.category() is not None else set({}) self._score = {} @classmethod def cast(cls, im, flush=False): assert isinstance(im, vipy.image.Image) im.__class__ = vipy.image.ImageCategories im._category = set({}) if flush or not hasattr(im, '_category') else vipy.util.toset(im._category) im._score = {} if flush or not hasattr(im, '_score') else im._score return im @classmethod def from_json(obj, s): im = super().from_json(s) d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in json.loads(s).items()} # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes) im._category = vipy.util.toset(d['category']) return im def json(self, s=None, encode=True): if s is None: d = json.loads(super().json()) d['category'] = list(self._category) return json.dumps(d) if encode else d else: super().json(s) d = json.loads(s) self._category = vipy.util.toset(d['category']) return self def probability(self, newprob=None): raise NotImplementedError def score(self, category, score=None): """Real valued score for categorization, larger is better""" if score is not None: self._score[category] = score return self return self._score[category] if category in self._score else None def nocategory(self): self._category = set({}) self._score = {} return self def categories(self, categories=None, scored=False): """Add list [category1, category2, ...] or scored list [(category1, score1), (category2, score2), ...] as multi-categories""" if categories is not None: (C,S) = zip(*categories) if scored else categories for (k,c) in enumerate(C): self.category(add=c).score(c,S[k] if scored else None) return self return self.category() def add_category(self, c, score=None): if c is not None: self._category.add(c) if score is not None: self._score[c] = score return self def remove_category(self, c): if c is not None: self._category.discard(c) self._score.pop(c, None) return self def category(self, newcategory=None, add=None, remove=None, score=None): if newcategory is not None: self._category = vipy.util.toset(newcategory) self.score(newcategory, score) return self if add is not None or remove is not None: self.add_category(add, score) self.remove_category(remove) return self return self._category def ranked_categories(self): """Returned a ranked list of categories in order of decreasing score. Unscored categories are appended, highest score at index 0""" return sorted(list(self.category()), key=lambda c: self.score(c) or -math.inf, reverse=True) def scored_categories(self): return [(self.score(r), r) for r in self.ranked_categories()] def category_scores(self): return [(r, self.score(r)) for r in self.ranked_categories()] def has_category(self, c): return c in self._category def __repr__(self): strlist = [] if self.isloaded(): strlist.append("height=%d, width=%d, color=%s" % (self.height(), self.width(), self.colorspace())) if self.filename() is not None: strlist.append('filename="%s"' % (self.filename() if self.hasfilename() else '<NOTFOUND>%s</NOTFOUND>' % self.filename())) if self.hasurl(): strlist.append('url="%s"' % self.url()) if self.category() is not None and len(self.category())>0: strlist.append('categories=%s' % ':'.join(self.ranked_categories())) return str('<vipy.image.ImageCategories: %s>' % ', '.join(strlist))
def add_category(self, c, score=None)
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def add_category(self, c, score=None): if c is not None: self._category.add(c) if score is not None: self._score[c] = score return self
def categories(self, categories=None, scored=False)
Add list [category1, category2, …] or scored list [(category1, score1), (category2, score2), …] as multi-categories
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def categories(self, categories=None, scored=False): """Add list [category1, category2, ...] or scored list [(category1, score1), (category2, score2), ...] as multi-categories""" if categories is not None: (C,S) = zip(*categories) if scored else categories for (k,c) in enumerate(C): self.category(add=c).score(c,S[k] if scored else None) return self return self.category()
def category_scores(self)
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def category_scores(self): return [(r, self.score(r)) for r in self.ranked_categories()]
def has_category(self, c)
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def has_category(self, c): return c in self._category
def json(self, s=None, encode=True)
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def json(self, s=None, encode=True): if s is None: d = json.loads(super().json()) d['category'] = list(self._category) return json.dumps(d) if encode else d else: super().json(s) d = json.loads(s) self._category = vipy.util.toset(d['category']) return self
def nocategory(self)
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def nocategory(self): self._category = set({}) self._score = {} return self
def ranked_categories(self)
Returned a ranked list of categories in order of decreasing score. Unscored categories are appended, highest score at index 0
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def ranked_categories(self): """Returned a ranked list of categories in order of decreasing score. Unscored categories are appended, highest score at index 0""" return sorted(list(self.category()), key=lambda c: self.score(c) or -math.inf, reverse=True)
def remove_category(self, c)
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def remove_category(self, c): if c is not None: self._category.discard(c) self._score.pop(c, None) return self
def scored_categories(self)
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def scored_categories(self): return [(self.score(r), r) for r in self.ranked_categories()]
Inherited members
class ImageCategory (filename=None, url=None, category=None, label=None, attributes=None, array=None, colorspace=None)
vipy ImageCategory class
This class provides a representation of a vipy.image.Image with a category.
Valid constructors include all provided by vipy.image.Image with the additional kwarg 'category' (or alias 'label')
im = vipy.image.ImageCategory(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog') im = vipy.image.ImageCategory(url='http://path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog') im = vipy.image.ImageCategory(array=dog_img, colorspace='rgb', category='dog')
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class ImageCategory(Image): """vipy ImageCategory class This class provides a representation of a vipy.image.Image with a category. Valid constructors include all provided by vipy.image.Image with the additional kwarg 'category' (or alias 'label') ```python im = vipy.image.ImageCategory(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog') im = vipy.image.ImageCategory(url='http://path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog') im = vipy.image.ImageCategory(array=dog_img, colorspace='rgb', category='dog') ``` """ def __init__(self, filename=None, url=None, category=None, label=None, attributes=None, array=None, colorspace=None): # Image class inheritance super().__init__(filename=filename, url=url, attributes=attributes, array=array, colorspace=colorspace) assert not (category is not None and label is not None), "Define either category or label kwarg, not both" self._category = category if category is not None else label @classmethod def cast(cls, im, flush=False): assert isinstance(im, vipy.image.Image) im.__class__ = vipy.image.ImageCategory im._category = None if flush or not hasattr(im, '_category') else str(im._category) return im @classmethod def from_json(obj, s): im = super().from_json(s) d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in json.loads(s).items()} # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes) im._category = d['category'] return im def json(self, s=None, encode=True): if s is None: d = json.loads(super().json()) d['category'] = self._category if not isinstance(self._category, set) else list(self._category) return json.dumps(d) if encode else d else: super().json(s) d = json.loads(s) self._category = d['category'] return self def __repr__(self): strlist = [] if self.isloaded(): strlist.append("height=%d, width=%d, color=%s" % (self.height(), self.width(), self.colorspace())) if self.filename() is not None: strlist.append('filename="%s"' % (self.filename() if self.hasfilename() else '<NOTFOUND>%s</NOTFOUND>' % self.filename())) if self.hasurl(): strlist.append('url="%s"' % self.url()) if self.category() is not None and len(self.category())>0: strlist.append('category=%s' % self.category()) return str('<vipy.image.ImageCategory: %s>' % (', '.join(strlist))) def __eq__(self, other): return self._category == other._category if isinstance(other, ImageCategory) else False def __ne__(self, other): return self._category != other._category def is_(self, other): return self.__eq__(other) def is_not(self, other): return self.__ne__(other) def nocategory(self): self._category = None return self def category(self, newcategory=None): """Return or update the category""" if newcategory is None: return self._category else: self._category = newcategory return self def label(self, newlabel=None): """Alias for category""" return self.category(newlabel) def score(self, newscore=None): """Real valued score for categorization, larger is better""" if newscore is None: return self.getattribute('score') else: self.setattribute('score', newscore) return self def probability(self, newprob=None): """Real valued probability for categorization, [0,1]""" if newprob is None: return self.getattribute('probability') else: self.setattribute('probability', newprob) self.setattribute('RawDetectionProbability', newprob) return self
def category(self, newcategory=None)
Return or update the category
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def category(self, newcategory=None): """Return or update the category""" if newcategory is None: return self._category else: self._category = newcategory return self
def is_(self, other)
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def is_(self, other): return self.__eq__(other)
def is_not(self, other)
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def is_not(self, other): return self.__ne__(other)
def json(self, s=None, encode=True)
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def json(self, s=None, encode=True): if s is None: d = json.loads(super().json()) d['category'] = self._category if not isinstance(self._category, set) else list(self._category) return json.dumps(d) if encode else d else: super().json(s) d = json.loads(s) self._category = d['category'] return self
def label(self, newlabel=None)
Alias for category
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def label(self, newlabel=None): """Alias for category""" return self.category(newlabel)
def nocategory(self)
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def nocategory(self): self._category = None return self
def probability(self, newprob=None)
Real valued probability for categorization, [0,1]
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def probability(self, newprob=None): """Real valued probability for categorization, [0,1]""" if newprob is None: return self.getattribute('probability') else: self.setattribute('probability', newprob) self.setattribute('RawDetectionProbability', newprob) return self
def score(self, newscore=None)
Real valued score for categorization, larger is better
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def score(self, newscore=None): """Real valued score for categorization, larger is better""" if newscore is None: return self.getattribute('score') else: self.setattribute('score', newscore) return self
Inherited members
class ImageDetection (filename=None, url=None, attributes=None, colorspace=None, array=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, width=None, height=None, xcentroid=None, ycentroid=None, category=None, xywh=None, bbox=None, id=True)
vipy.image.ImageDetection class
This class provides a representation of a
with a singleDetection
. This is useful for direct bounding box manipulations.This class inherits all methods of
(and thereforeBoundingBox
).Inheritance priority is for Image. Overloaded methods such as rescale() or width() will transform or return values for the Image.
Valid constructors include all provided by vipy.image.Image and BoundingBox coordinates
im = vipy.image.ImageDetection(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog', xmin=0, ymin=0, width=100, height=100) im = vipy.image.ImageDetection(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog', xmin=0, ymin=0, xmax=100, ymax=100) im = vipy.image.ImageDetection(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog', xcentroid=50, ycentroid=50, width=100, height=100)
- The inheritance resolution order will prefer the subclass methods for
. For example, the shape() method will return the image shape. - Use
cast if you prefer overloaded methods to resolve to bounding box manipulation.. - All methods in this class will transform the pixels or the box independently. The use case for this class is to manipulate boxes relative to the image for refinement (e.g. data augmentation).
- If you want the pixels to be transformed along with the boxes, use the
method to cast this to aScene
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class ImageDetection(Image, vipy.object.Detection): """vipy.image.ImageDetection class This class provides a representation of a `vipy.image.Image` with a single `vipy.object.Detection`. This is useful for direct bounding box manipulations. This class inherits all methods of `vipy.image.Image` and `vipy.object.Detection` (and therefore `vipy.geometry.BoundingBox`). Inheritance priority is for Image. Overloaded methods such as rescale() or width() will transform or return values for the Image. Valid constructors include all provided by vipy.image.Image and BoundingBox coordinates ```python im = vipy.image.ImageDetection(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog', xmin=0, ymin=0, width=100, height=100) im = vipy.image.ImageDetection(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog', xmin=0, ymin=0, xmax=100, ymax=100) im = vipy.image.ImageDetection(filename='/path/to/dog_image.ext', category='dog', xcentroid=50, ycentroid=50, width=100, height=100) ``` .. notes:: - The inheritance resolution order will prefer the subclass methods for `vipy.image.Image`. For example, the shape() method will return the image shape. - Use `vipy.image.DetectionImage` or `vipy.image.ImageDetection.detectionimage` cast if you prefer overloaded methods to resolve to bounding box manipulation.. - All methods in this class will transform the pixels or the box independently. The use case for this class is to manipulate boxes relative to the image for refinement (e.g. data augmentation). - If you want the pixels to be transformed along with the boxes, use the `vipy.image.ImageDetection.scene` method to cast this to a `vipy.image.Scene` object. """ def __init__(self, filename=None, url=None, attributes=None, colorspace=None, array=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, width=None, height=None, xcentroid=None, ycentroid=None, category=None, xywh=None, bbox=None, id=True): # vipy.image.Image class inheritance Image.__init__(self, filename=filename, url=url, attributes=attributes, array=array, colorspace=colorspace) # vipy.object.Detection inheritance vipy.object.Detection.__init__(self, xmin=xmin, ymin=ymin, width=width, height=height, xmax=xmax, ymax=ymax, xcentroid=xcentroid, ycentroid=ycentroid, xywh=xywh if xywh is not None else (bbox.xywh() if isinstance(bbox, BoundingBox) else None), category=category, id=id) def __repr__(self): return str('<vipy.image.imagedetection: %s, %s>' % (Image.__repr__(self), vipy.object.Detection.__repr__(self))) def __eq__(self, other): """ImageDetection equality is defined as equivalent categories and boxes (not pixels)""" return self.boundingbox() == other.boundingbox() if isinstance(other, ImageDetection) else False def boundingbox(self): """Cast this object to a cloned `vipy.object.Detection` object""" return vipy.object.Detection.cast(self.clone()) def scene(self): """Cast this object to a cloned `vipy.image.Scene` object""" return vipy.image.Scene.cast(self.clone()).objects([self.boundingbox()]) def crop(self): """Crop the image using the bounding box and return a `vipy.image.Image` for the cropped pixels""" return vipy.image.Image.cast(self.clone())._crop(self.boundingbox()) def show(self): """Show this object by casting to `vipy.image.Scene`""" self.scene().show() return self def clone(self): """Clone the object, for finer control over clone, cast to `vipy.image.ImageDetection.scene`""" return copy.deepcopy(self) def detectionimage(self): """Cast the class to the base class vipy.image.DetectionImage so that bounding box methods have inheritance priority""" self.__class__ = vipy.image.DetectionImage return self def isinterior(self): """is the bounding box fully within the provided image?""" return super().isinterior(self.width(), self.height())
def boundingbox(self)
Cast this object to a cloned
objectExpand source code Browse git
def boundingbox(self): """Cast this object to a cloned `vipy.object.Detection` object""" return vipy.object.Detection.cast(self.clone())
def clone(self)
Clone the object, for finer control over clone, cast to
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def clone(self): """Clone the object, for finer control over clone, cast to `vipy.image.ImageDetection.scene`""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
def crop(self)
Crop the image using the bounding box and return a
for the cropped pixelsExpand source code Browse git
def crop(self): """Crop the image using the bounding box and return a `vipy.image.Image` for the cropped pixels""" return vipy.image.Image.cast(self.clone())._crop(self.boundingbox())
def detectionimage(self)
Cast the class to the base class vipy.image.DetectionImage so that bounding box methods have inheritance priority
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def detectionimage(self): """Cast the class to the base class vipy.image.DetectionImage so that bounding box methods have inheritance priority""" self.__class__ = vipy.image.DetectionImage return self
def isinterior(self)
is the bounding box fully within the provided image?
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def isinterior(self): """is the bounding box fully within the provided image?""" return super().isinterior(self.width(), self.height())
def scene(self)
Cast this object to a cloned
objectExpand source code Browse git
def scene(self): """Cast this object to a cloned `vipy.image.Scene` object""" return vipy.image.Scene.cast(self.clone()).objects([self.boundingbox()])
def show(self)
Show this object by casting to
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def show(self): """Show this object by casting to `vipy.image.Scene`""" self.scene().show() return self
Inherited members
- The inheritance resolution order will prefer the subclass methods for
class Scene (filename=None, url=None, category=None, attributes=None, objects=None, xywh=None, boxlabels=None, array=None, colorspace=None)
vipy.image.Scene class
This class provides a representation of a vipy.image.ImageCategory with one or more vipy.object.Detections. The goal of this class is to provide a unified representation for all objects in a scene.
Valid constructors include all provided by vipy.image.Image() and vipy.image.ImageCategory() with the additional kwarg 'objects', which is a list of vipy.object.Detections()
im = vipy.image.Scene(filename='/path/to/city_image.ext', category='city', objects=[vipy.object.Detection(category='vehicle', xmin=0, ymin=0, width=100, height=100)]) im = vipy.image.Scene(filename='/path/to/city_image.ext', category='city').objects([vipy.object.Detection(category='vehicle', xmin=0, ymin=0, width=100, height=100)]) im = vipy.image.Scene(filename='/path/to/city_image.ext', category='office', boxlabels='face', xywh=[0,0,100,100]) im = vipy.image.Scene(filename='/path/to/city_image.ext', category='office', boxlabels='face', xywh=[[0,0,100,100], [100,100,200,200]]) im = vipy.image.Scene(filename='/path/to/city_image.ext', category='office', boxlabels=['face', 'desk'] xywh=[[0,0,100,100], [200,200,300,300]])
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class Scene(ImageCategory): """vipy.image.Scene class This class provides a representation of a vipy.image.ImageCategory with one or more vipy.object.Detections. The goal of this class is to provide a unified representation for all objects in a scene. Valid constructors include all provided by vipy.image.Image() and vipy.image.ImageCategory() with the additional kwarg 'objects', which is a list of vipy.object.Detections() ```python im = vipy.image.Scene(filename='/path/to/city_image.ext', category='city', objects=[vipy.object.Detection(category='vehicle', xmin=0, ymin=0, width=100, height=100)]) im = vipy.image.Scene(filename='/path/to/city_image.ext', category='city').objects([vipy.object.Detection(category='vehicle', xmin=0, ymin=0, width=100, height=100)]) im = vipy.image.Scene(filename='/path/to/city_image.ext', category='office', boxlabels='face', xywh=[0,0,100,100]) im = vipy.image.Scene(filename='/path/to/city_image.ext', category='office', boxlabels='face', xywh=[[0,0,100,100], [100,100,200,200]]) im = vipy.image.Scene(filename='/path/to/city_image.ext', category='office', boxlabels=['face', 'desk'] xywh=[[0,0,100,100], [200,200,300,300]]) ``` """ def __init__(self, filename=None, url=None, category=None, attributes=None, objects=None, xywh=None, boxlabels=None, array=None, colorspace=None): super().__init__(filename=filename, url=url, attributes=attributes, category=category, array=array, colorspace=colorspace) # ImageCategory class inheritance self._objectlist = [] if objects is not None: if not (isinstance(objects, list) and all([isinstance(bb, vipy.object.Detection) for bb in objects])): raise ValueError("Invalid object list - Input must be [vipy.object.Detection(), ...]") self._objectlist = objects detlist = [] if xywh is not None: if (islistoflists(xywh) or istupleoftuples(xywh)) and all([len(bb)==4 for bb in xywh]): detlist = [vipy.object.Detection(category=None, xywh=bb) for bb in xywh] elif (islist(xywh) or istuple(xywh)) and len(xywh)==4 and all([isnumber(bb) for bb in xywh]): detlist = [vipy.object.Detection(category=None, xywh=xywh)] else: raise ValueError("Invalid xywh list - Input must be [[x1,y1,w1,h1], ...") if boxlabels is not None: if isstring(boxlabels): label = boxlabels detlist = [d.category(label) for d in detlist] elif (istuple(boxlabels) or islist(boxlabels)) and len(boxlabels) == len(xywh): detlist = [d.category(label) for (d,label) in zip(detlist, boxlabels)] else: raise ValueError("Invalid boxlabels list - len(boxlabels) must be len(xywh) with corresponding labels for each xywh box [label1, label2, ...]") self._objectlist = self._objectlist + detlist @classmethod def cast(cls, im): assert isinstance(im, vipy.image.Image), "Invalid input - must be derived from vipy.image.Image" if im.__class__ != vipy.image.Scene: im.__class__ = vipy.image.Scene im._category = None if not hasattr(im, '_category') else im._category im._objectlist = [] if not hasattr(im, '_objectlist') else im._objectlist return im @classmethod def from_json(obj, s): im = super().from_json(s) d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in json.loads(s).items()} # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes) im._objectlist = [vipy.object.Detection.from_json(s) for s in d['objectlist']] return im def __json__(self): """Serialization method for json package""" return self.json(encode=True) def json(self, s=None, encode=True): if s is None: d = json.loads(super().json()) d['objectlist'] = [bb.json(encode=False) for bb in self._objectlist] return json.dumps(d) if encode else d else: super().json(s) d = json.loads(s) self._objectlist = [vipy.object.Detection.from_json(s) for s in d['objectlist']] return self def __eq__(self, other): """Scene equality requires equality of all objects in the scene, assumes a total order of objects""" return isinstance(other, Scene) and len(self)==len(other) and all([obj1 == obj2 for (obj1, obj2) in zip(self, other)]) def __repr__(self): strlist = [] if self.isloaded(): strlist.append("height=%d, width=%d, color=%s" % (self.height(), self.width(), self.colorspace())) if self.filename() is not None: strlist.append('filename="%s"' % (self.filename() if self.hasfilename() else '<NOTFOUND>%s</NOTFOUND>' % self.filename())) if self.hasurl(): strlist.append('url=%s' % self.url()) if self.category() is not None: strlist.append('category="%s"' % self.category()) if len(self.objects()) > 0: strlist.append('objects=%d' % len(self.objects())) return str('<vipy.image.scene: %s>' % (', '.join(strlist))) def __len__(self): """The length of a scene is equal to the number of objects present in the scene""" return len(self._objectlist) def __iter__(self): """Iterate over each ImageDetection() in the scene""" for (k, im) in enumerate(self._objectlist): yield self.__getitem__(k) def __getitem__(self, k): """Return the kth object in the scene as a `vipy.image.ImageDetection` object """ assert isinstance(k, int), "Indexing by object in scene must be integer" obj = self._objectlist[k].clone() return ImageDetection(array=self.array(), filename=self.filename(), url=self.url(), colorspace=self.colorspace(), xmin=obj.xmin(), ymin=obj.ymin(), width=obj.width(), height=obj.height(), category=obj.category(), attributes=obj.attributes, def split(self): """Split a scene with K objects into a list of K `vipy.image.ImageDetection` objects, each with one object in the scene. .. note:: The pixel buffer is shared between each split. Use [im.clone() for im in self.split()] for an explicit copy. """ return list(self) def append(self, imdet): """Append the provided vipy.object.Detection object to the scene object list""" assert isinstance(imdet, vipy.object.Detection), "Invalid input" self._objectlist.append(imdet) return self def add(self, imdet): """Alias for append""" return self.append(imdet) def objects(self, objectlist=None): if objectlist is None: return self._objectlist else: assert isinstance(objectlist, list) and (len(objectlist) == 0 or all([isinstance(bb, vipy.object.Detection) for bb in objectlist])), "Invalid object list" self._objectlist = objectlist return self def objectmap(self, f): """Apply lambda function f to each object. If f is a list of lambda, apply one to one with the objects""" assert callable(f) self._objectlist = [f(obj) for obj in self._objectlist] if not isinstance(f, list) else [g(obj) for (g,obj) in zip(f, self._objectlist)] assert all([isinstance(a, vipy.object.Detection) for a in self.objects()]), "Lambda function must return vipy.object.Detection" return self def objectfilter(self, f): """Apply lambda function f to each object and keep if filter is True""" assert callable(f) self._objectlist = [obj for obj in self._objectlist if f(obj) is True] return self def nms(self, conf, iou, cover=0.8): """Non-maximum supporession of objects() by category based on confidence and spatial IoU and cover thresholds""" return self.objects( vipy.object.non_maximum_suppression(self.objects(), conf=conf, iou=iou, cover=cover, bycategory=True) ) def intersection(self, other, miniou, bycategory=True): """Return a Scene() containing the objects in both self and other, that overlap by miniou with greedy assignment""" assert isinstance(other, Scene), "Invalid input" v = self.clone() v._objectlist = [v._objectlist[k] for (k,d) in enumerate(greedy_assignment(v.objects(), other.objects(), miniou, bycategory=bycategory)) if d is not None] return v def difference(self, other, miniou): """Return a Scene() containing the objects in self but not other, that overlap by miniou with greedy assignment""" assert isinstance(other, Scene), "Invalid input" v = self.clone() v._objectlist = [v._objectlist[k] for (k,d) in enumerate(greedy_assignment(self.objects(), other.objects(), miniou, bycategory=True)) if d is None] return v def union(self, other, miniou=None): """Combine the objects of the scene with other and self with no duplicate checking unless miniou is not None""" if isinstance(other, Scene): self.objects(self.objects()+other.objects()) return self def uncrop(self, bb, shape): """Uncrop a previous crop(bb) called with the supplied bb=BoundingBox(), and zeropad to shape=(H,W)""" super().uncrop(bb, shape) return self.objectmap(lambda o: o.translate(bb.xmin(), bb.ymin())) def clear(self): """Remove all objects from this scene.""" return self.objects([]) def boundingbox(self): """The boundingbox of a scene is the union of all object bounding boxes, or None if there are no objects""" boxes = self.objects() bb = boxes[0].clone() if len(boxes) >= 1 else None return bb.union(boxes[1:]) if len(boxes) >= 2 else bb def categories(self): """Return list of unique object categories in scene""" return list(set([obj.category() for obj in self._objectlist])) # Spatial transformation def imclip(self): """Clip all bounding boxes to the image rectangle, silently rejecting those boxes that are degenerate or outside the image""" self._objectlist = [bb.imclip(self.numpy()) for bb in self._objectlist if bb.hasoverlap(self.numpy())] return self def rescale(self, scale=1, interp='bilinear'): """Rescale image buffer and all bounding boxes - Not idempotent""" self = super().rescale(scale, interp=interp) self._objectlist = [bb.rescale(scale) for bb in self._objectlist] return self def resize(self, cols=None, rows=None, height=None, width=None, interp='bilinear'): """Resize image buffer to (height=rows, width=cols) and transform all bounding boxes accordingly. If cols or rows is None, then scale isotropically""" assert not (cols is not None and width is not None), "Define either width or cols" assert not (rows is not None and height is not None), "Define either height or rows" rows = rows if height is None else height cols = cols if width is None else width assert cols is not None or rows is not None, "Invalid input" sx = (float(cols) / self.width()) if cols is not None else None sy = (float(rows) / self.height()) if rows is not None else None sx = sy if sx is None else sx sy = sx if sy is None else sy self._objectlist = [bb.scalex(sx).scaley(sy) for bb in self._objectlist] if sx == sy: self = super().rescale(sx, interp=interp) # FIXME: if we call resize here, inheritance is screweed up else: self = super().resize(cols, rows, interp=interp) return self def centersquare(self): """Crop the image of size (H,W) to be centersquare (min(H,W), min(H,W)) preserving center, and update bounding boxes""" (H,W) = self.shape() self = super().centersquare() (dy, dx) = ((H - self.height())/2.0, (W - self.width())/2.0) self._objectlist = [bb.translate(-dx, -dy) for bb in self._objectlist] return self def fliplr(self): """Mirror buffer and all bounding box around vertical axis""" self._objectlist = [bb.fliplr(self.numpy()) for bb in self._objectlist] self = super().fliplr() return self def flipud(self): """Mirror buffer and all bounding box around vertical axis""" self._objectlist = [bb.flipud(self.numpy()) for bb in self._objectlist] self = super().flipud() return self def dilate(self, s): """Dilate all bounding boxes by scale factor, dilated boxes may be outside image rectangle""" self._objectlist = [bb.dilate(s) for bb in self._objectlist] return self def zeropad(self, padwidth, padheight): """Zero pad image with padwidth cols before and after and padheight rows before and after, then update bounding box offsets""" self = super().zeropad(padwidth, padheight) dx = padwidth[0] if isinstance(padwidth, tuple) and len(padwidth) == 2 else padwidth dy = padheight[0] if isinstance(padheight, tuple) and len(padheight) == 2 else padheight self._objectlist = [bb.translate(dx, dy) for bb in self._objectlist] return self def meanpad(self, padwidth, padheight, mu=None): """Mean pad (image color mean) image with padwidth cols before and after and padheight rows before and after, then update bounding box offsets""" self = super().meanpad(padwidth, padheight, mu=mu) dx = padwidth[0] if isinstance(padwidth, tuple) and len(padwidth) == 2 else padwidth dy = padheight[0] if isinstance(padheight, tuple) and len(padheight) == 2 else padheight self._objectlist = [bb.translate(dx, dy) for bb in self._objectlist] return self def rot90cw(self): """Rotate the scene 90 degrees clockwise, and update objects""" (H,W) = self.shape() self.array(np.rot90(self.numpy(), 3)) self._objectlist = [bb.rot90cw(H, W) for bb in self._objectlist] return self def rot90ccw(self): """Rotate the scene 90 degrees counterclockwise, and update objects""" (H,W) = self.shape() self.array(np.rot90(self.numpy(), 1)) self._objectlist = [bb.rot90ccw(H, W) for bb in self._objectlist] return self def maxdim(self, dim=None, interp='bilinear'): """Resize scene preserving aspect ratio so that maximum dimension of image = dim, update all objects""" return super().maxdim(dim, interp=interp) if dim is not None else max(self.shape()) # will call self.rescale() which will update boxes def mindim(self, dim=None, interp='bilinear'): """Resize scene preserving aspect ratio so that minimum dimension of image = dim, update all objects""" return super().mindim(dim, interp=interp) if dim is not None else min(self.shape()) # will call self.rescale() which will update boxes def crop(self, bbox=None): """Crop the image buffer using the supplied bounding box object (or the only object if bbox=None), clipping the box to the image rectangle, update all scene objects""" assert bbox is not None or (len(self) == 1), "Bounding box must be provided if number of objects != 1" bbox = bbox if bbox is not None else self._objectlist[0] self = super()._crop(bbox) (dx, dy) = (bbox.xmin(), bbox.ymin()) self._objectlist = [bb.translate(-dx, -dy) for bb in self._objectlist] return self def objectcrop(self, dilate=1.0, maxsquare=False): """Crop image using the `vipy.image.Scene.boundingbox` with dilation factor, setting to maxsquare prior to crop as requested. Crop will be zeropadded if outside the image rectangle.""" bb = self.boundingbox() return self.padcrop(bb.dilate(dilate).maxsquareif(maxsquare)) if bb is not None else self def centercrop(self, height, width): """Crop image of size (height x width) in the center, keeping the image centroid constant""" return self.crop(BoundingBox(xcentroid=float(self.width() / 2.0), ycentroid=float(self.height() / 2.0), width=int(width), height=int(height))) def cornercrop(self, height, width): """Crop image of size (height x width) from the upper left corner, returning valid pixels only""" return self.crop(BoundingBox(xmin=0, ymin=0, width=int(width), height=int(height))) def padcrop(self, bbox): """Crop the image buffer using the supplied bounding box object, zero padding if box is outside image rectangle, update all scene objects""" self.zeropad(, # FIXME: this is inefficient (dx, dy) = (bbox.width(), bbox.height()) bbox = bbox.translate(dx, dy) self._objectlist = [bb.translate(-dx, -dy) for bb in self._objectlist] self = super()._crop(bbox) (dx, dy) = (bbox.xmin(), bbox.ymin()) return self def cornerpadcrop(self, height, width): """Crop image of size (height x width) from the upper left corner, returning zero padded result out to (height, width)""" return self.padcrop(BoundingBox(xmin=0, ymin=0, width=width, height=height)) # Image export def rectangular_mask(self, W=None, H=None): """Return a binary array of the same size as the image (or using the provided image width and height (W,H) size to avoid an image load), with ones inside the bounding box""" if (W is None or H is None): (H, W) = (int(np.round(self.height())), int(np.round(self.width()))) immask = np.zeros((H, W)).astype(np.uint8) for bb in self._objectlist: if bb.hasoverlap(immask): bbm = bb.clone().imclip(self.numpy()).int() immask[bbm.ymin():bbm.ymax(), bbm.xmin():bbm.xmax()] = 1 return immask def binarymask(self): """Alias for rectangular_mask with in-place update""" mask = self.rectangular_mask() if self.channels() == 1 else np.expand_dims(self.rectangular_mask(), axis=2) img = self.numpy() img[:] = mask[:] # in-place update return self def bgmask(self): """Set all pixels outside the bounding box to zero""" mask = self.rectangular_mask() if self.channels() == 1 else np.expand_dims(self.rectangular_mask(), axis=2) img = self.numpy() img[:] = np.multiply(img, mask) # in-place update return self def fgmask(self): """Set all pixels inside the bounding box to zero""" mask = self.rectangular_mask() if self.channels() == 1 else np.expand_dims(self.rectangular_mask(), axis=2) img = self.numpy() img[:] = np.multiply(img, 1.0-mask) # in-place update return self def setzero(self): return self.fgmask() def pixelmask(self, pixelsize=8): """Replace pixels within all foreground objects with a privacy preserving pixelated foreground with larger pixels (e.g. like privacy glass)""" assert pixelsize > 1, "Pixelsize is a scale factor such that pixels within the foreground are pixelsize times larger than the background" (img, mask) = (self.numpy(), self.rectangular_mask()) # force writeable img[mask > 0] = self.clone().rescale(1.0/pixelsize, interp='nearest').resize_like(self, interp='nearest').numpy()[mask > 0] # in-place update return self def pixelize(self, radius=16): """Alias for pixelmask""" return self.pixelmask(pixelsize=radius) def pixelate(self, radius=16): """Alias for pixelmask""" return self.pixelmask(pixelsize=radius) def blurmask(self, radius=7): """Replace pixels within all foreground objects with a privacy preserving blurred foreground""" assert radius > 1, "Pixelsize is a scale factor such that pixels within the foreground are pixelsize times larger than the background" (img, mask) = (self.numpy(), self.rectangular_mask()) # force writeable img[mask > 0] = self.clone().blur(radius).numpy()[mask > 0] # in-place update return self def replace(self, newim, broadcast=False): """Set all image values within the bounding box equal to the provided img, triggers load() and imclip()""" assert isinstance(newim, vipy.image.Image), "Invalid replacement image - Must be vipy.image.Image" img = self.numpy() newimg = newim.array() for d in self._objectlist: d.imclip(newimg).imclip(img) img[int(d.ymin()):int(d.ymax()), int(d.xmin()):int(d.xmax())] = newimg[int(d.ymin()):int(d.ymax()), int(d.xmin()):int(d.xmax())] if not broadcast else newim.clone().resize(int(d.width()), int(d.height())).array() return self def meanmask(self): """Replace pixels within the foreground objects with the mean pixel color""" img = self.numpy() # force writeable img[self.rectangular_mask() > 0] = self.meanchannel() # in-place update return self def perceptualhash(self, bits=128, asbinary=False, asbytes=False, objmask=False): """Perceptual differential hash function. This function sets foreground objects to mean color, convert to greyscale, resize with linear interpolation to small image based on desired bit encoding, compute vertical and horizontal gradient signs. Args: bits: [int] longer hashes have lower TAR (true accept rate, some near dupes are missed), but lower FAR (false accept rate), shorter hashes have higher TAR (fewer near-dupes are missed) but higher FAR (more non-dupes are declared as dupes). objmask: [bool] if true, replace the foreground object masks with the mean color prior to computing asbinary: [bool] If true, return a binary array asbytes: [bool] if true return a byte array Returns: A hash string encoding the perceptual hash such that `vipy.image.Image.perceptualhash_distance` can be used to compute a hash distance asbytes: a bytes array asbinary: a numpy binary array .. notes:: - Can be used for near duplicate detection of background scenes by unpacking the returned hex string to binary and computing hamming distance, or performing hamming based nearest neighbor indexing. Equivalently, `vipy.image.Image.perceptualhash_distance`. - The default packed hex output can be converted to binary as: np.unpackbits(bytearray().fromhex( bghash() )) which is equivalent to perceptualhash(asbinary=True) """ allowablebits = [2*k*k for k in range(2, 17)] assert bits in allowablebits, "Bits must be in %s" % str(allowablebits) sq = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(bits/2.0))) im = self.clone() if not objmask else self.clone().meanmask() b = (np.dstack(np.gradient(im.resize(cols=sq+1, rows=sq+1).greyscale().numpy()))[0:-1, 0:-1] > 0).flatten() return bytes(np.packbits(b)).hex() if not (asbytes or asbinary) else bytes(np.packbits(b)) if asbytes else b def fghash(self, bits=8, asbinary=False, asbytes=False): """Perceptual differential hash function, computed for each foreground region independently""" return [im.crop().perceptualhash(bits=bits, asbinary=asbinary, asbytes=asbytes, objmask=False) for im in self] def bghash(self, bits=128, asbinary=False, asbytes=False): """Percetual differential hash function, masking out foreground regions""" return self.clone().greyscale().perceptualhash(bits=bits, asbinary=asbinary, asbytes=asbytes, objmask=True) def isduplicate(self, im, threshold, bits=128): """Background hash near duplicate detection, returns true if self and im are near duplicate images using bghash""" assert isinstance(im, Image), "Invalid input" return vipy.image.Image.perceptualhash_distance(self.bghash(bits=bits), im.bghash(bits=bits)) < threshold def show(self, categories=None, figure=1, nocaption=False, nocaption_withstring=[], fontsize=10, boxalpha=0.25, d_category2color={'Person':'green', 'Vehicle':'blue', 'Object':'red'}, captionoffset=(0,0), nowindow=False, textfacecolor='white', textfacealpha=1.0, shortlabel=True, timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor='white', mutator=None, timestampoffset=(0,0)): """Show scene detection Args: - categories: [list] List of category (or shortlabel) names in the scene to show - fontsize: [int] or [str]: Size of the font, fontsize=int for points, fontsize='NN:scaled' to scale the font relative to the image size - figure: [int] Figure number, show the image in the provided figure=int numbered window - nocaption: [bool] Show or do not show the text caption in the upper left of the box - nocaption_withstring: [list]: Do not show captions for those detection categories (or shortlabels) containing any of the strings in the provided list - boxalpha (float, [0,1]): Set the text box background to be semi-transparent with an alpha - d_category2color (dict): Define a dictionary of required mapping of specific category() to box colors. Non-specified categories are assigned a random named color from - caption_offset (int, int): The relative position of the caption to the upper right corner of the box. - nowindow (bool): Display or not display the image - textfacecolor (str): One of the named colors from for the color of the textbox background - textfacealpha (float, [0,1]): The textbox background transparency - shortlabel (bool): Whether to show the shortlabel or the full category name in the caption - mutator (lambda): A lambda function with signature lambda im: f(im) which will modify this image prior to show. Useful for changing labels on the fly - timestampoffset (tuple): (x,y) coordinate offsets to shift the upper left corner timestamp """ colors = im = self.clone() if not mutator else mutator(self.clone()) valid_detections = [obj.clone() for obj in im._objectlist if categories is None or obj.category() in tolist(categories)] # Detections with valid category valid_detections = [obj.imclip(self.numpy()) for obj in valid_detections if obj.hasoverlap(self.numpy())] # Detections within image rectangle valid_detections = [obj.category(obj.shortlabel()) if obj.shortlabel() is not None else obj for obj in valid_detections] if shortlabel else valid_detections # Display name as shortlabel? d_categories2color = {d.category():colors[int(hashlib.sha1(d.category().split(' ')[-1].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 16) % len(colors)] for d in valid_detections} # consistent color mapping by category suffix (space separated) d_categories2color.update(d_category2color) # requested color mapping detection_color = [d_categories2color[d.category()] for d in valid_detections] valid_detections = [d if not any([c in d.category() for c in tolist(nocaption_withstring)]) else d.nocategory() for d in valid_detections] # Detections requested to show without caption imdisplay = self.clone().rgb() if self.colorspace() != 'rgb' else self # convert to RGB for show() if necessary fontsize_scaled = float(fontsize.split(':')[0])*(min(imdisplay.shape())/640.0) if isstring(fontsize) else fontsize imdisplay = mutator(imdisplay) if mutator is not None else imdisplay, valid_detections, bboxcolor=detection_color, textcolor=detection_color, fignum=figure, do_caption=(nocaption==False), facealpha=boxalpha, fontsize=fontsize_scaled, captionoffset=captionoffset, nowindow=nowindow, textfacecolor=textfacecolor, textfacealpha=textfacealpha, timestamp=timestamp, timestampcolor=timestampcolor, timestampfacecolor=timestampfacecolor, timestampoffset=timestampoffset) return self def annotate(self, outfile=None, categories=None, figure=1, nocaption=False, fontsize=10, boxalpha=0.25, d_category2color={'person':'green', 'vehicle':'blue', 'object':'red'}, captionoffset=(0,0), dpi=200, textfacecolor='white', textfacealpha=1.0, shortlabel=True, nocaption_withstring=[], timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor='white', mutator=None, timestampoffset=(0,0)): """Alias for savefig""" return self.savefig(outfile=outfile, categories=categories, figure=figure, nocaption=nocaption, fontsize=fontsize, boxalpha=boxalpha, d_category2color=d_category2color, captionoffset=captionoffset, dpi=dpi, textfacecolor=textfacecolor, textfacealpha=textfacealpha, shortlabel=shortlabel, nocaption_withstring=nocaption_withstring, timestamp=timestamp, timestampcolor=timestampcolor, timestampfacecolor=timestampfacecolor, timestampoffset=timestampoffset, mutator=mutator) def savefig(self, outfile=None, categories=None, figure=1, nocaption=False, fontsize=10, boxalpha=0.25, d_category2color={'person':'green', 'vehicle':'blue', 'object':'red'}, captionoffset=(0,0), dpi=200, textfacecolor='white', textfacealpha=1.0, shortlabel=True, nocaption_withstring=[], timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor='white', mutator=None, timestampoffset=(0,0)): """Save show() output to given file or return buffer without popping up a window""" fignum = figure if figure is not None else 1, figure=fignum, nocaption=nocaption, fontsize=fontsize, boxalpha=boxalpha, d_category2color=d_category2color, captionoffset=captionoffset, nowindow=True, textfacecolor=textfacecolor, textfacealpha=textfacealpha, shortlabel=shortlabel, nocaption_withstring=nocaption_withstring, timestamp=timestamp, timestampcolor=timestampcolor, timestampfacecolor=timestampfacecolor, mutator=mutator, timestampoffset=timestampoffset) if outfile is None: buf = io.BytesIO() (W,H) = plt.figure(num=fignum).canvas.get_width_height() # fast(ish) plt.figure(num=fignum).canvas.print_raw(buf) # fast(ish) img = np.frombuffer(buf.getbuffer(), dtype=np.uint8).reshape((H, W, 4)) if figure is None: # memory cleanup (useful for video annotation on last frame) return vipy.image.Image(array=img, colorspace='rgba') else:, figure, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) return outfile
def add(self, imdet)
Alias for append
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def add(self, imdet): """Alias for append""" return self.append(imdet)
def annotate(self, outfile=None, categories=None, figure=1, nocaption=False, fontsize=10, boxalpha=0.25, d_category2color={'person': 'green', 'vehicle': 'blue', 'object': 'red'}, captionoffset=(0, 0), dpi=200, textfacecolor='white', textfacealpha=1.0, shortlabel=True, nocaption_withstring=[], timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor='white', mutator=None, timestampoffset=(0, 0))
Alias for savefig
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def annotate(self, outfile=None, categories=None, figure=1, nocaption=False, fontsize=10, boxalpha=0.25, d_category2color={'person':'green', 'vehicle':'blue', 'object':'red'}, captionoffset=(0,0), dpi=200, textfacecolor='white', textfacealpha=1.0, shortlabel=True, nocaption_withstring=[], timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor='white', mutator=None, timestampoffset=(0,0)): """Alias for savefig""" return self.savefig(outfile=outfile, categories=categories, figure=figure, nocaption=nocaption, fontsize=fontsize, boxalpha=boxalpha, d_category2color=d_category2color, captionoffset=captionoffset, dpi=dpi, textfacecolor=textfacecolor, textfacealpha=textfacealpha, shortlabel=shortlabel, nocaption_withstring=nocaption_withstring, timestamp=timestamp, timestampcolor=timestampcolor, timestampfacecolor=timestampfacecolor, timestampoffset=timestampoffset, mutator=mutator)
def append(self, imdet)
Append the provided vipy.object.Detection object to the scene object list
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def append(self, imdet): """Append the provided vipy.object.Detection object to the scene object list""" assert isinstance(imdet, vipy.object.Detection), "Invalid input" self._objectlist.append(imdet) return self
def bghash(self, bits=128, asbinary=False, asbytes=False)
Percetual differential hash function, masking out foreground regions
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def bghash(self, bits=128, asbinary=False, asbytes=False): """Percetual differential hash function, masking out foreground regions""" return self.clone().greyscale().perceptualhash(bits=bits, asbinary=asbinary, asbytes=asbytes, objmask=True)
def bgmask(self)
Set all pixels outside the bounding box to zero
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def bgmask(self): """Set all pixels outside the bounding box to zero""" mask = self.rectangular_mask() if self.channels() == 1 else np.expand_dims(self.rectangular_mask(), axis=2) img = self.numpy() img[:] = np.multiply(img, mask) # in-place update return self
def binarymask(self)
Alias for rectangular_mask with in-place update
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def binarymask(self): """Alias for rectangular_mask with in-place update""" mask = self.rectangular_mask() if self.channels() == 1 else np.expand_dims(self.rectangular_mask(), axis=2) img = self.numpy() img[:] = mask[:] # in-place update return self
def blurmask(self, radius=7)
Replace pixels within all foreground objects with a privacy preserving blurred foreground
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def blurmask(self, radius=7): """Replace pixels within all foreground objects with a privacy preserving blurred foreground""" assert radius > 1, "Pixelsize is a scale factor such that pixels within the foreground are pixelsize times larger than the background" (img, mask) = (self.numpy(), self.rectangular_mask()) # force writeable img[mask > 0] = self.clone().blur(radius).numpy()[mask > 0] # in-place update return self
def boundingbox(self)
The boundingbox of a scene is the union of all object bounding boxes, or None if there are no objects
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def boundingbox(self): """The boundingbox of a scene is the union of all object bounding boxes, or None if there are no objects""" boxes = self.objects() bb = boxes[0].clone() if len(boxes) >= 1 else None return bb.union(boxes[1:]) if len(boxes) >= 2 else bb
def categories(self)
Return list of unique object categories in scene
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def categories(self): """Return list of unique object categories in scene""" return list(set([obj.category() for obj in self._objectlist]))
def centersquare(self)
Crop the image of size (H,W) to be centersquare (min(H,W), min(H,W)) preserving center, and update bounding boxes
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def centersquare(self): """Crop the image of size (H,W) to be centersquare (min(H,W), min(H,W)) preserving center, and update bounding boxes""" (H,W) = self.shape() self = super().centersquare() (dy, dx) = ((H - self.height())/2.0, (W - self.width())/2.0) self._objectlist = [bb.translate(-dx, -dy) for bb in self._objectlist] return self
def clear(self)
Remove all objects from this scene.
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def clear(self): """Remove all objects from this scene.""" return self.objects([])
def cornercrop(self, height, width)
Crop image of size (height x width) from the upper left corner, returning valid pixels only
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def cornercrop(self, height, width): """Crop image of size (height x width) from the upper left corner, returning valid pixels only""" return self.crop(BoundingBox(xmin=0, ymin=0, width=int(width), height=int(height)))
def cornerpadcrop(self, height, width)
Crop image of size (height x width) from the upper left corner, returning zero padded result out to (height, width)
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def cornerpadcrop(self, height, width): """Crop image of size (height x width) from the upper left corner, returning zero padded result out to (height, width)""" return self.padcrop(BoundingBox(xmin=0, ymin=0, width=width, height=height))
def crop(self, bbox=None)
Crop the image buffer using the supplied bounding box object (or the only object if bbox=None), clipping the box to the image rectangle, update all scene objects
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def crop(self, bbox=None): """Crop the image buffer using the supplied bounding box object (or the only object if bbox=None), clipping the box to the image rectangle, update all scene objects""" assert bbox is not None or (len(self) == 1), "Bounding box must be provided if number of objects != 1" bbox = bbox if bbox is not None else self._objectlist[0] self = super()._crop(bbox) (dx, dy) = (bbox.xmin(), bbox.ymin()) self._objectlist = [bb.translate(-dx, -dy) for bb in self._objectlist] return self
def difference(self, other, miniou)
Return a Scene() containing the objects in self but not other, that overlap by miniou with greedy assignment
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def difference(self, other, miniou): """Return a Scene() containing the objects in self but not other, that overlap by miniou with greedy assignment""" assert isinstance(other, Scene), "Invalid input" v = self.clone() v._objectlist = [v._objectlist[k] for (k,d) in enumerate(greedy_assignment(self.objects(), other.objects(), miniou, bycategory=True)) if d is None] return v
def dilate(self, s)
Dilate all bounding boxes by scale factor, dilated boxes may be outside image rectangle
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def dilate(self, s): """Dilate all bounding boxes by scale factor, dilated boxes may be outside image rectangle""" self._objectlist = [bb.dilate(s) for bb in self._objectlist] return self
def fghash(self, bits=8, asbinary=False, asbytes=False)
Perceptual differential hash function, computed for each foreground region independently
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def fghash(self, bits=8, asbinary=False, asbytes=False): """Perceptual differential hash function, computed for each foreground region independently""" return [im.crop().perceptualhash(bits=bits, asbinary=asbinary, asbytes=asbytes, objmask=False) for im in self]
def fgmask(self)
Set all pixels inside the bounding box to zero
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def fgmask(self): """Set all pixels inside the bounding box to zero""" mask = self.rectangular_mask() if self.channels() == 1 else np.expand_dims(self.rectangular_mask(), axis=2) img = self.numpy() img[:] = np.multiply(img, 1.0-mask) # in-place update return self
def fliplr(self)
Mirror buffer and all bounding box around vertical axis
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def fliplr(self): """Mirror buffer and all bounding box around vertical axis""" self._objectlist = [bb.fliplr(self.numpy()) for bb in self._objectlist] self = super().fliplr() return self
def flipud(self)
Mirror buffer and all bounding box around vertical axis
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def flipud(self): """Mirror buffer and all bounding box around vertical axis""" self._objectlist = [bb.flipud(self.numpy()) for bb in self._objectlist] self = super().flipud() return self
def imclip(self)
Clip all bounding boxes to the image rectangle, silently rejecting those boxes that are degenerate or outside the image
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def imclip(self): """Clip all bounding boxes to the image rectangle, silently rejecting those boxes that are degenerate or outside the image""" self._objectlist = [bb.imclip(self.numpy()) for bb in self._objectlist if bb.hasoverlap(self.numpy())] return self
def intersection(self, other, miniou, bycategory=True)
Return a Scene() containing the objects in both self and other, that overlap by miniou with greedy assignment
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def intersection(self, other, miniou, bycategory=True): """Return a Scene() containing the objects in both self and other, that overlap by miniou with greedy assignment""" assert isinstance(other, Scene), "Invalid input" v = self.clone() v._objectlist = [v._objectlist[k] for (k,d) in enumerate(greedy_assignment(v.objects(), other.objects(), miniou, bycategory=bycategory)) if d is not None] return v
def isduplicate(self, im, threshold, bits=128)
Background hash near duplicate detection, returns true if self and im are near duplicate images using bghash
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def isduplicate(self, im, threshold, bits=128): """Background hash near duplicate detection, returns true if self and im are near duplicate images using bghash""" assert isinstance(im, Image), "Invalid input" return vipy.image.Image.perceptualhash_distance(self.bghash(bits=bits), im.bghash(bits=bits)) < threshold
def json(self, s=None, encode=True)
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def json(self, s=None, encode=True): if s is None: d = json.loads(super().json()) d['objectlist'] = [bb.json(encode=False) for bb in self._objectlist] return json.dumps(d) if encode else d else: super().json(s) d = json.loads(s) self._objectlist = [vipy.object.Detection.from_json(s) for s in d['objectlist']] return self
def maxdim(self, dim=None, interp='bilinear')
Resize scene preserving aspect ratio so that maximum dimension of image = dim, update all objects
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def maxdim(self, dim=None, interp='bilinear'): """Resize scene preserving aspect ratio so that maximum dimension of image = dim, update all objects""" return super().maxdim(dim, interp=interp) if dim is not None else max(self.shape()) # will call self.rescale() which will update boxes
def meanmask(self)
Replace pixels within the foreground objects with the mean pixel color
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def meanmask(self): """Replace pixels within the foreground objects with the mean pixel color""" img = self.numpy() # force writeable img[self.rectangular_mask() > 0] = self.meanchannel() # in-place update return self
def meanpad(self, padwidth, padheight, mu=None)
Mean pad (image color mean) image with padwidth cols before and after and padheight rows before and after, then update bounding box offsets
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def meanpad(self, padwidth, padheight, mu=None): """Mean pad (image color mean) image with padwidth cols before and after and padheight rows before and after, then update bounding box offsets""" self = super().meanpad(padwidth, padheight, mu=mu) dx = padwidth[0] if isinstance(padwidth, tuple) and len(padwidth) == 2 else padwidth dy = padheight[0] if isinstance(padheight, tuple) and len(padheight) == 2 else padheight self._objectlist = [bb.translate(dx, dy) for bb in self._objectlist] return self
def mindim(self, dim=None, interp='bilinear')
Resize scene preserving aspect ratio so that minimum dimension of image = dim, update all objects
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def mindim(self, dim=None, interp='bilinear'): """Resize scene preserving aspect ratio so that minimum dimension of image = dim, update all objects""" return super().mindim(dim, interp=interp) if dim is not None else min(self.shape()) # will call self.rescale() which will update boxes
def nms(self, conf, iou, cover=0.8)
Non-maximum supporession of objects() by category based on confidence and spatial IoU and cover thresholds
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def nms(self, conf, iou, cover=0.8): """Non-maximum supporession of objects() by category based on confidence and spatial IoU and cover thresholds""" return self.objects( vipy.object.non_maximum_suppression(self.objects(), conf=conf, iou=iou, cover=cover, bycategory=True) )
def objectcrop(self, dilate=1.0, maxsquare=False)
Crop image using the
with dilation factor, setting to maxsquare prior to crop as requested. Crop will be zeropadded if outside the image rectangle.Expand source code Browse git
def objectcrop(self, dilate=1.0, maxsquare=False): """Crop image using the `vipy.image.Scene.boundingbox` with dilation factor, setting to maxsquare prior to crop as requested. Crop will be zeropadded if outside the image rectangle.""" bb = self.boundingbox() return self.padcrop(bb.dilate(dilate).maxsquareif(maxsquare)) if bb is not None else self
def objectfilter(self, f)
Apply lambda function f to each object and keep if filter is True
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def objectfilter(self, f): """Apply lambda function f to each object and keep if filter is True""" assert callable(f) self._objectlist = [obj for obj in self._objectlist if f(obj) is True] return self
def objectmap(self, f)
Apply lambda function f to each object. If f is a list of lambda, apply one to one with the objects
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def objectmap(self, f): """Apply lambda function f to each object. If f is a list of lambda, apply one to one with the objects""" assert callable(f) self._objectlist = [f(obj) for obj in self._objectlist] if not isinstance(f, list) else [g(obj) for (g,obj) in zip(f, self._objectlist)] assert all([isinstance(a, vipy.object.Detection) for a in self.objects()]), "Lambda function must return vipy.object.Detection" return self
def objects(self, objectlist=None)
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def objects(self, objectlist=None): if objectlist is None: return self._objectlist else: assert isinstance(objectlist, list) and (len(objectlist) == 0 or all([isinstance(bb, vipy.object.Detection) for bb in objectlist])), "Invalid object list" self._objectlist = objectlist return self
def padcrop(self, bbox)
Crop the image buffer using the supplied bounding box object, zero padding if box is outside image rectangle, update all scene objects
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def padcrop(self, bbox): """Crop the image buffer using the supplied bounding box object, zero padding if box is outside image rectangle, update all scene objects""" self.zeropad(, # FIXME: this is inefficient (dx, dy) = (bbox.width(), bbox.height()) bbox = bbox.translate(dx, dy) self._objectlist = [bb.translate(-dx, -dy) for bb in self._objectlist] self = super()._crop(bbox) (dx, dy) = (bbox.xmin(), bbox.ymin()) return self
def perceptualhash(self, bits=128, asbinary=False, asbytes=False, objmask=False)
Perceptual differential hash function.
This function sets foreground objects to mean color, convert to greyscale, resize with linear interpolation to small image based on desired bit encoding, compute vertical and horizontal gradient signs.
- [int] longer hashes have lower TAR (true accept rate, some near dupes are missed), but lower FAR (false accept rate), shorter hashes have higher TAR (fewer near-dupes are missed) but higher FAR (more non-dupes are declared as dupes).
- [bool] if true, replace the foreground object masks with the mean color prior to computing
- [bool] If true, return a binary array
- [bool] if true return a byte array
- A hash string encoding the perceptual hash such that
can be used to compute a hash distance asbytes
- a bytes array
- a numpy binary array
- Can be used for near duplicate detection of background scenes by unpacking the returned hex string to binary and computing hamming distance, or performing hamming based nearest neighbor indexing.
. - The default packed hex output can be converted to binary as: np.unpackbits(bytearray().fromhex( bghash() )) which is equivalent to perceptualhash(asbinary=True)
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def perceptualhash(self, bits=128, asbinary=False, asbytes=False, objmask=False): """Perceptual differential hash function. This function sets foreground objects to mean color, convert to greyscale, resize with linear interpolation to small image based on desired bit encoding, compute vertical and horizontal gradient signs. Args: bits: [int] longer hashes have lower TAR (true accept rate, some near dupes are missed), but lower FAR (false accept rate), shorter hashes have higher TAR (fewer near-dupes are missed) but higher FAR (more non-dupes are declared as dupes). objmask: [bool] if true, replace the foreground object masks with the mean color prior to computing asbinary: [bool] If true, return a binary array asbytes: [bool] if true return a byte array Returns: A hash string encoding the perceptual hash such that `vipy.image.Image.perceptualhash_distance` can be used to compute a hash distance asbytes: a bytes array asbinary: a numpy binary array .. notes:: - Can be used for near duplicate detection of background scenes by unpacking the returned hex string to binary and computing hamming distance, or performing hamming based nearest neighbor indexing. Equivalently, `vipy.image.Image.perceptualhash_distance`. - The default packed hex output can be converted to binary as: np.unpackbits(bytearray().fromhex( bghash() )) which is equivalent to perceptualhash(asbinary=True) """ allowablebits = [2*k*k for k in range(2, 17)] assert bits in allowablebits, "Bits must be in %s" % str(allowablebits) sq = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(bits/2.0))) im = self.clone() if not objmask else self.clone().meanmask() b = (np.dstack(np.gradient(im.resize(cols=sq+1, rows=sq+1).greyscale().numpy()))[0:-1, 0:-1] > 0).flatten() return bytes(np.packbits(b)).hex() if not (asbytes or asbinary) else bytes(np.packbits(b)) if asbytes else b
def pixelate(self, radius=16)
Alias for pixelmask
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def pixelate(self, radius=16): """Alias for pixelmask""" return self.pixelmask(pixelsize=radius)
def pixelize(self, radius=16)
Alias for pixelmask
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def pixelize(self, radius=16): """Alias for pixelmask""" return self.pixelmask(pixelsize=radius)
def pixelmask(self, pixelsize=8)
Replace pixels within all foreground objects with a privacy preserving pixelated foreground with larger pixels (e.g. like privacy glass)
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def pixelmask(self, pixelsize=8): """Replace pixels within all foreground objects with a privacy preserving pixelated foreground with larger pixels (e.g. like privacy glass)""" assert pixelsize > 1, "Pixelsize is a scale factor such that pixels within the foreground are pixelsize times larger than the background" (img, mask) = (self.numpy(), self.rectangular_mask()) # force writeable img[mask > 0] = self.clone().rescale(1.0/pixelsize, interp='nearest').resize_like(self, interp='nearest').numpy()[mask > 0] # in-place update return self
def rectangular_mask(self, W=None, H=None)
Return a binary array of the same size as the image (or using the provided image width and height (W,H) size to avoid an image load), with ones inside the bounding box
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def rectangular_mask(self, W=None, H=None): """Return a binary array of the same size as the image (or using the provided image width and height (W,H) size to avoid an image load), with ones inside the bounding box""" if (W is None or H is None): (H, W) = (int(np.round(self.height())), int(np.round(self.width()))) immask = np.zeros((H, W)).astype(np.uint8) for bb in self._objectlist: if bb.hasoverlap(immask): bbm = bb.clone().imclip(self.numpy()).int() immask[bbm.ymin():bbm.ymax(), bbm.xmin():bbm.xmax()] = 1 return immask
def replace(self, newim, broadcast=False)
Set all image values within the bounding box equal to the provided img, triggers load() and imclip()
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def replace(self, newim, broadcast=False): """Set all image values within the bounding box equal to the provided img, triggers load() and imclip()""" assert isinstance(newim, vipy.image.Image), "Invalid replacement image - Must be vipy.image.Image" img = self.numpy() newimg = newim.array() for d in self._objectlist: d.imclip(newimg).imclip(img) img[int(d.ymin()):int(d.ymax()), int(d.xmin()):int(d.xmax())] = newimg[int(d.ymin()):int(d.ymax()), int(d.xmin()):int(d.xmax())] if not broadcast else newim.clone().resize(int(d.width()), int(d.height())).array() return self
def rescale(self, scale=1, interp='bilinear')
Rescale image buffer and all bounding boxes - Not idempotent
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def rescale(self, scale=1, interp='bilinear'): """Rescale image buffer and all bounding boxes - Not idempotent""" self = super().rescale(scale, interp=interp) self._objectlist = [bb.rescale(scale) for bb in self._objectlist] return self
def resize(self, cols=None, rows=None, height=None, width=None, interp='bilinear')
Resize image buffer to (height=rows, width=cols) and transform all bounding boxes accordingly. If cols or rows is None, then scale isotropically
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def resize(self, cols=None, rows=None, height=None, width=None, interp='bilinear'): """Resize image buffer to (height=rows, width=cols) and transform all bounding boxes accordingly. If cols or rows is None, then scale isotropically""" assert not (cols is not None and width is not None), "Define either width or cols" assert not (rows is not None and height is not None), "Define either height or rows" rows = rows if height is None else height cols = cols if width is None else width assert cols is not None or rows is not None, "Invalid input" sx = (float(cols) / self.width()) if cols is not None else None sy = (float(rows) / self.height()) if rows is not None else None sx = sy if sx is None else sx sy = sx if sy is None else sy self._objectlist = [bb.scalex(sx).scaley(sy) for bb in self._objectlist] if sx == sy: self = super().rescale(sx, interp=interp) # FIXME: if we call resize here, inheritance is screweed up else: self = super().resize(cols, rows, interp=interp) return self
def rot90ccw(self)
Rotate the scene 90 degrees counterclockwise, and update objects
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def rot90ccw(self): """Rotate the scene 90 degrees counterclockwise, and update objects""" (H,W) = self.shape() self.array(np.rot90(self.numpy(), 1)) self._objectlist = [bb.rot90ccw(H, W) for bb in self._objectlist] return self
def rot90cw(self)
Rotate the scene 90 degrees clockwise, and update objects
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def rot90cw(self): """Rotate the scene 90 degrees clockwise, and update objects""" (H,W) = self.shape() self.array(np.rot90(self.numpy(), 3)) self._objectlist = [bb.rot90cw(H, W) for bb in self._objectlist] return self
def savefig(self, outfile=None, categories=None, figure=1, nocaption=False, fontsize=10, boxalpha=0.25, d_category2color={'person': 'green', 'vehicle': 'blue', 'object': 'red'}, captionoffset=(0, 0), dpi=200, textfacecolor='white', textfacealpha=1.0, shortlabel=True, nocaption_withstring=[], timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor='white', mutator=None, timestampoffset=(0, 0))
Save show() output to given file or return buffer without popping up a window
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def savefig(self, outfile=None, categories=None, figure=1, nocaption=False, fontsize=10, boxalpha=0.25, d_category2color={'person':'green', 'vehicle':'blue', 'object':'red'}, captionoffset=(0,0), dpi=200, textfacecolor='white', textfacealpha=1.0, shortlabel=True, nocaption_withstring=[], timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor='white', mutator=None, timestampoffset=(0,0)): """Save show() output to given file or return buffer without popping up a window""" fignum = figure if figure is not None else 1, figure=fignum, nocaption=nocaption, fontsize=fontsize, boxalpha=boxalpha, d_category2color=d_category2color, captionoffset=captionoffset, nowindow=True, textfacecolor=textfacecolor, textfacealpha=textfacealpha, shortlabel=shortlabel, nocaption_withstring=nocaption_withstring, timestamp=timestamp, timestampcolor=timestampcolor, timestampfacecolor=timestampfacecolor, mutator=mutator, timestampoffset=timestampoffset) if outfile is None: buf = io.BytesIO() (W,H) = plt.figure(num=fignum).canvas.get_width_height() # fast(ish) plt.figure(num=fignum).canvas.print_raw(buf) # fast(ish) img = np.frombuffer(buf.getbuffer(), dtype=np.uint8).reshape((H, W, 4)) if figure is None: # memory cleanup (useful for video annotation on last frame) return vipy.image.Image(array=img, colorspace='rgba') else:, figure, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) return outfile
def setzero(self)
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def setzero(self): return self.fgmask()
def show(self, categories=None, figure=1, nocaption=False, nocaption_withstring=[], fontsize=10, boxalpha=0.25, d_category2color={'Person': 'green', 'Vehicle': 'blue', 'Object': 'red'}, captionoffset=(0, 0), nowindow=False, textfacecolor='white', textfacealpha=1.0, shortlabel=True, timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor='white', mutator=None, timestampoffset=(0, 0))
Show scene detection
- categories: [list] List of category (or shortlabel) names in the scene to show
- fontsize: [int] or [str]: Size of the font, fontsize=int for points, fontsize='NN:scaled' to scale the font relative to the image size
- figure: [int] Figure number, show the image in the provided figure=int numbered window
- nocaption: [bool] Show or do not show the text caption in the upper left of the box
- nocaption_withstring: [list]: Do not show captions for those detection categories (or shortlabels) containing any of the strings in the provided list
- boxalpha (float, [0,1]): Set the text box background to be semi-transparent with an alpha
- d_category2color (dict): Define a dictionary of required mapping of specific category() to box colors. Non-specified categories are assigned a random named color from
- caption_offset (int, int): The relative position of the caption to the upper right corner of the box.
- nowindow (bool): Display or not display the image
- textfacecolor (str): One of the named colors from for the color of the textbox background
- textfacealpha (float, [0,1]): The textbox background transparency
- shortlabel (bool): Whether to show the shortlabel or the full category name in the caption
- mutator (lambda): A lambda function with signature lambda im: f(im) which will modify this image prior to show. Useful for changing labels on the fly
- timestampoffset (tuple): (x,y) coordinate offsets to shift the upper left corner timestamp
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def show(self, categories=None, figure=1, nocaption=False, nocaption_withstring=[], fontsize=10, boxalpha=0.25, d_category2color={'Person':'green', 'Vehicle':'blue', 'Object':'red'}, captionoffset=(0,0), nowindow=False, textfacecolor='white', textfacealpha=1.0, shortlabel=True, timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor='white', mutator=None, timestampoffset=(0,0)): """Show scene detection Args: - categories: [list] List of category (or shortlabel) names in the scene to show - fontsize: [int] or [str]: Size of the font, fontsize=int for points, fontsize='NN:scaled' to scale the font relative to the image size - figure: [int] Figure number, show the image in the provided figure=int numbered window - nocaption: [bool] Show or do not show the text caption in the upper left of the box - nocaption_withstring: [list]: Do not show captions for those detection categories (or shortlabels) containing any of the strings in the provided list - boxalpha (float, [0,1]): Set the text box background to be semi-transparent with an alpha - d_category2color (dict): Define a dictionary of required mapping of specific category() to box colors. Non-specified categories are assigned a random named color from - caption_offset (int, int): The relative position of the caption to the upper right corner of the box. - nowindow (bool): Display or not display the image - textfacecolor (str): One of the named colors from for the color of the textbox background - textfacealpha (float, [0,1]): The textbox background transparency - shortlabel (bool): Whether to show the shortlabel or the full category name in the caption - mutator (lambda): A lambda function with signature lambda im: f(im) which will modify this image prior to show. Useful for changing labels on the fly - timestampoffset (tuple): (x,y) coordinate offsets to shift the upper left corner timestamp """ colors = im = self.clone() if not mutator else mutator(self.clone()) valid_detections = [obj.clone() for obj in im._objectlist if categories is None or obj.category() in tolist(categories)] # Detections with valid category valid_detections = [obj.imclip(self.numpy()) for obj in valid_detections if obj.hasoverlap(self.numpy())] # Detections within image rectangle valid_detections = [obj.category(obj.shortlabel()) if obj.shortlabel() is not None else obj for obj in valid_detections] if shortlabel else valid_detections # Display name as shortlabel? d_categories2color = {d.category():colors[int(hashlib.sha1(d.category().split(' ')[-1].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 16) % len(colors)] for d in valid_detections} # consistent color mapping by category suffix (space separated) d_categories2color.update(d_category2color) # requested color mapping detection_color = [d_categories2color[d.category()] for d in valid_detections] valid_detections = [d if not any([c in d.category() for c in tolist(nocaption_withstring)]) else d.nocategory() for d in valid_detections] # Detections requested to show without caption imdisplay = self.clone().rgb() if self.colorspace() != 'rgb' else self # convert to RGB for show() if necessary fontsize_scaled = float(fontsize.split(':')[0])*(min(imdisplay.shape())/640.0) if isstring(fontsize) else fontsize imdisplay = mutator(imdisplay) if mutator is not None else imdisplay, valid_detections, bboxcolor=detection_color, textcolor=detection_color, fignum=figure, do_caption=(nocaption==False), facealpha=boxalpha, fontsize=fontsize_scaled, captionoffset=captionoffset, nowindow=nowindow, textfacecolor=textfacecolor, textfacealpha=textfacealpha, timestamp=timestamp, timestampcolor=timestampcolor, timestampfacecolor=timestampfacecolor, timestampoffset=timestampoffset) return self
def split(self)
Split a scene with K objects into a list of K
objects, each with one object in the scene.Note: The pixel buffer is shared between each split. Use [im.clone() for im in self.split()] for an explicit copy.
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def split(self): """Split a scene with K objects into a list of K `vipy.image.ImageDetection` objects, each with one object in the scene. .. note:: The pixel buffer is shared between each split. Use [im.clone() for im in self.split()] for an explicit copy. """ return list(self)
def uncrop(self, bb, shape)
Uncrop a previous crop(bb) called with the supplied bb=BoundingBox(), and zeropad to shape=(H,W)
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def uncrop(self, bb, shape): """Uncrop a previous crop(bb) called with the supplied bb=BoundingBox(), and zeropad to shape=(H,W)""" super().uncrop(bb, shape) return self.objectmap(lambda o: o.translate(bb.xmin(), bb.ymin()))
def union(self, other, miniou=None)
Combine the objects of the scene with other and self with no duplicate checking unless miniou is not None
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def union(self, other, miniou=None): """Combine the objects of the scene with other and self with no duplicate checking unless miniou is not None""" if isinstance(other, Scene): self.objects(self.objects()+other.objects()) return self
def zeropad(self, padwidth, padheight)
Zero pad image with padwidth cols before and after and padheight rows before and after, then update bounding box offsets
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def zeropad(self, padwidth, padheight): """Zero pad image with padwidth cols before and after and padheight rows before and after, then update bounding box offsets""" self = super().zeropad(padwidth, padheight) dx = padwidth[0] if isinstance(padwidth, tuple) and len(padwidth) == 2 else padwidth dy = padheight[0] if isinstance(padheight, tuple) and len(padheight) == 2 else padheight self._objectlist = [bb.translate(dx, dy) for bb in self._objectlist] return self
Inherited members