Module vipy.object

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import numpy as np
from vipy.geometry import BoundingBox
from vipy.util import isstring, tolist, chunklistwithoverlap, try_import, Timer
import uuid
import copy
import warnings
from itertools import islice

    import ujson as json  # faster
except ImportError:
    import json

DETECTION_GUID = int(uuid.uuid4().hex[0:8], 16)  

class Detection(BoundingBox):
    """vipy.object.Detection class
    This class represent a single object detection in the form a bounding box with a label and confidence.
    The constructor of this class follows a subset of the constructor patterns of vipy.geometry.BoundingBox

    d = vipy.object.Detection(category='Person', xmin=0, ymin=0, width=50, height=100)
    d = vipy.object.Detection(label='Person', xmin=0, ymin=0, width=50, height=100)  # "label" is an alias for "category"
    d = vipy.object.Detection(label='John Doe', shortlabel='Person', xmin=0, ymin=0, width=50, height=100)  # shortlabel is displayed
    d = vipy.object.Detection(label='Person', xywh=[0,0,50,100])
    d = vipy.object.Detection(..., id=True)  # generate a unique UUID for this detection retrievable with


    def __init__(self, label=None, xmin=None, ymin=None, width=None, height=None, xmax=None, ymax=None, confidence=None, xcentroid=None, ycentroid=None, category=None, xywh=None, shortlabel=None, attributes=None, id=True):
        super().__init__(xmin=xmin, ymin=ymin, width=width, height=height, xmax=xmax, ymax=ymax, xcentroid=xcentroid, ycentroid=ycentroid, xywh=xywh)
        assert not (label is not None and category is not None), "Constructor requires either label or category kwargs, not both"

        if id is True:
            global DETECTION_GUID; self._id = hex(int(DETECTION_GUID))[2:];  DETECTION_GUID = DETECTION_GUID + 1;  # faster, increment package level UUID4 initialized GUID
            self._id = None if id is False else id
        self._label = category if category is not None else label
        self._shortlabel = shortlabel if shortlabel is not None else (self._label if self._label is not None else '__')  # prepended '__' will suppress caption
        self._confidence = float(confidence) if confidence is not None else confidence
        self.attributes = {} if attributes is None else attributes.copy()  # shallow copy

    def cast(cls, d, flush=False, category=None, shortlabel=None):
        assert isinstance(d, BoundingBox)
        if d.__class__ != Detection or flush:
            d.__class__ = Detection
            global DETECTION_GUID; newid = hex(int(DETECTION_GUID))[2:];  DETECTION_GUID = DETECTION_GUID + 1;  
            d._id = newid if flush or not hasattr(d, '_id') else d._id
            d._shortlabel = None if flush or not hasattr(d, '_shortlabel') else d._shortlabel
            d._confidence = None if flush or not hasattr(d, '_confidence') else d._confidence
            d._label = None if flush or not hasattr(d, '_label') else d._label
            d.attributes = {} if flush or not hasattr(d, 'attributes') else d.attributes
        if category is not None:
            d._label = category  # when casting BoundingBox to Detection, extra args are necessary
        if shortlabel is not None:
            d._shortlabel = shortlabel  # when casting BoundingBox to Detection, extra args are necessary
        return d
    def from_json(cls, s):
        d = json.loads(s) if not isinstance(s, dict) else s
        d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in d.items()}  # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes)                
        return cls(xmin=d['xmin'], ymin=d['ymin'], xmax=d['xmax'], ymax=d['ymax'],
                   label=d['label'] if 'label' in d else None,
                   shortlabel=d['shortlabel'] if 'shortlabel' in d else None,
                   confidence=d['confidence'] if 'confidence' in d else None,
                   attributes=d['attributes'] if 'attributes' in d else None,
                   id=d['id'] if 'id' in d else True)
    def __repr__(self):
        strlist = []
        if self.category() is not None:
            strlist.append('category="%s"' % self.category())
        if True:
            strlist.append('bbox=(xmin=%1.1f, ymin=%1.1f, width=%1.1f, height=%1.1f)' %
                           (self.xmin(), self.ymin(),self._width(), self._height()))
        if self._confidence is not None:
            strlist.append('conf=%1.3f' % self.confidence())
        if self.isdegenerate():
        return str('<vipy.object.detection: %s>' % (', '.join(strlist)))

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Detection equality when bounding boxes (integer resolution) and categories are equivalent"""
        return ((isinstance(other, Detection) and self.clone().int().xywh() == other.clone().int().xywh() and self.category() == other.category()) or
                isinstance(other, BoundingBox) and self.clone().int().xywh() == other.clone().int().xywh())

    def __str__(self):
        return self.__repr__()

    def dict(self):
        """Return a python dictionary containing the relevant serialized attributes suitable for JSON encoding"""
        return self.json(s=None, encode=False)

    def __json__(self):
        """Serialization method for json package"""
        return self.json(encode=True)
    def json(self, encode=True):
        d = {k:v for (k,v) in self.__dict__.items() if not ((k == '_confidence' and v is None) or
                                                            (k == '_shortlabel' and v is None) or
                                                            (k == 'attributes' and (v is None or isinstance(v, dict) and len(v)==0)) or
                                                            (k == '_label' and v is None))}  # don't bother to store None values
        d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in d.items()}  # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes)                        
        return json.dumps(d) if encode else d
    def nocategory(self):
        self._label = None
        return self

    def noshortlabel(self):
        self._shortlabel = None
        return self
    def categoryif(self, ifcategory, tocategory=None):
        """If the current category is equal to ifcategory, then change it to newcategory.

            ifcategory [dict, str]: May be a dictionary {ifcategory:tocategory}, or just an ifcategory
            tocategory [str]:  the target category 

            this object with the category changed.

        .. note:: This is useful for converting synonyms such as self.categoryif('motorbike', 'motorcycle')
        assert (isinstance(ifcategory, dict) and tocategory is None) or tocategory is not None

        if isinstance(ifcategory, dict):
            for (k,v) in ifcategory.items():
                self.categoryif(k, v)
        elif self.category() == ifcategory:
            self.category(tocategory, shortlabel=False, capitalize=False)
        return self

    def category(self, category=None, shortlabel=True, capitalize=False):
        """Update the category and shortlabel (optional) of the detection"""
        if capitalize:
            self._label = self._label.capitalize()
            self._shortlabel = self._shortlabel.capitalize() if shortlabel else self._shortlabel
            return self
        elif category is None:
            return self._label
            self._label = str(category)  # coerce to string
            self._shortlabel = str(category) if shortlabel else self._shortlabel  # coerce to string            
            return self

    def shortlabel(self, label=None):
        """A optional shorter label string to show in the visualizations, defaults to category()"""        
        if label is not None:
            self._shortlabel = str(label)  # coerce to string
            return self
            return self._shortlabel if self._shortlabel is not None else self.category()

    def label(self, label):
        """Alias for category to update both category and shortlabel"""
        return self.category(label, shortlabel=True)

    def id(self):
        return self._id

    def clone(self, deep=False):
        """Copy the object, if deep=True, then include a deep copy of the attribute dictionary, else a shallow copy.  Cloned object has the same id()"""
        #return copy.deepcopy(self)
        d = Detection.from_json(self.json(encode=False))
        if deep:
            d.attributes = copy.deepcopy(self.attributes)
        return d

    def confidence(self, c=None):
        if c is None:
            return self._confidence
            self._confidence = c
            return self

    def hasattribute(self, k):
        return isinstance(self.attributes, dict) and k in self.attributes

    def getattribute(self, k):
        return self.attributes[k]

    def setattribute(self, k, v):
        self.attributes[k] = v
        return self
    def delattribute(self, k):
        self.attributes.pop(k, None)
        return self

    def noattributes(self):
        self.attributes = {}
        return self

class Track(object):
    """vipy.object.Track class
    A track represents one or more labeled bounding boxes of an object instance through time.  A track is defined as a finite set of labeled boxes observed 
    at keyframes, which are discrete observations of this instance.  Each keyframe has an associated vipy.geometry.BoundingBox() which defines the spatial bounding box
    of the instance in this keyframe.  The kwarg "interpolation" defines how the track is interpolated between keyframes, and the kwarg "boundary" defines how the 
    track is interpolated outside the (min,max) of the keyframes.  

    Valid constructors are:

    t = vipy.object.Track(keyframes=[0,100], boxes=[vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,10,10), vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,20,20)], label='Person')
    t = vipy.object.Track(keyframes=[0,100], boxes=[vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,10,10), vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,20,20)], label='Person', interpolation='linear')
    t = vipy.object.Track(keyframes=[10,100], boxes=[vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,10,10), vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,20,20)], label='Person', boundary='strict')

    Tracks can be constructed incrementally:

    t = vipy.object.Track('Person')
    t.add(0, vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,10,10))
    t.add(100, vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,20,20))

    Tracks can be resampled at a new framerate, as long as the framerate is known when the keyframes are extracted



    def __init__(self, keyframes, boxes, category=None, label=None, framerate=None, interpolation='linear', boundary='strict', shortlabel=None, attributes=None, trackid=None, filterbox=False):

        keyframes = tolist(keyframes)
        boxes = tolist(boxes)        
        assert isinstance(keyframes, tuple) or isinstance(keyframes, list), "Keyframes are required and must be tuple or list"
        assert isinstance(boxes, tuple) or isinstance(boxes, list), "Keyframe boundingboxes are required and must be tuple or list"
        assert all([isinstance(bb, BoundingBox) for bb in boxes]), "Keyframe bounding boxes must be vipy.geometry.BoundingBox objects"
        assert filterbox or all([bb.isvalid() for bb in boxes]), "All keyframe bounding boxes must be valid"        
        assert not (label is not None and category is not None), "Constructor requires either label or category kwargs, not both"                
        assert len(keyframes) == len(boxes), "Boxes and keyframes must be the same length, there must be a one to one mapping of frames to boxes"
        assert boundary in set(['extend', 'strict']), "Invalid interpolation boundary - Must be ['extend', 'strict']"
        assert interpolation in set(['linear']), "Invalid interpolation - Must be ['linear']"
        self._id = uuid.uuid4().hex if trackid is None else trackid
        self._label = category if category is not None else label
        self._shortlabel = self._label if shortlabel is None else shortlabel
        self._framerate = float(framerate) if framerate is not None else framerate
        self._interpolation = interpolation
        self._boundary = boundary
        self.attributes = attributes.copy() if attributes is not None else {}  # shallow copy
        self._keyframes = [int(np.round(f)) for f in keyframes]  # coerce to int
        self._keyboxes = boxes
        # Sorted increasing frame order
        if len(keyframes) > 0 and len(boxes) > 0 and not all([keyframes[i-1] <= keyframes[i] for i in range(1,len(keyframes))]):
            (keyframes, boxes) = zip(*sorted([(f,bb) for (f,bb) in zip(keyframes, boxes)], key=lambda x: x[0]))
            self._keyframes = list(keyframes)
            self._keyboxes = list(boxes)

        # Filter boxes:  remove invalid boxes and keyframes
        if filterbox and len(keyframes) > 0 and len(boxes) > 0:
            kfbb = [(f,bb) for (f,bb) in zip(keyframes, boxes) if bb.isvalid()]
            (keyframes, boxes) = zip(*kfbb) if len(kfbb)>0 else ([],[])
            self._keyframes = list(keyframes)
            self._keyboxes = list(boxes)
            if len(self) == 0:
                warnings.warn('vipy.object.Track - filtering invalid boxes with filterbox=True resulted in zero length track for track ID %s' % str(            
    def from_json(cls, s):
        d = json.loads(s) if not isinstance(s, dict) else s
        d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in d.items()}  # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes)                                
        return cls(keyframes=tuple(int(f) for f in d['keyframes']),
                   boxes=tuple([Detection.from_json(bbs) for bbs in d['keyboxes']]),
                   category=d['label'] if 'label' in d else None,
                   shortlabel=d['shortlabel'] if 'shortlabel' in d else None,

    def __json__(self):
        """Serialization method for json package"""
        return self.json(encode=True)
    def json(self, encode=True):
        d = {k:v if k != '_keyboxes' else tuple([bb.json(encode=False) for bb in v]) for (k,v) in self.__dict__.items()}
        d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in d.items()}  # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes)                
        d['keyframes'] = tuple([int(f) for f in self._keyframes])
        return json.dumps(d) if encode else d

    def __repr__(self):
        strlist = []
        if self.category() is not None:
            strlist.append('category="%s"' % self.category())
        if self.endframe() is not None and self.startframe() is not None:
            strlist.append('startframe=%d, endframe=%d' % (self.startframe(), self.endframe()))
        strlist.append('keyframes=%d' % len(self._keyframes))
        return str('<vipy.object.track: %s>' % (', '.join(strlist)))

    def __getitem__(self, k):
        """Interpolate the track at frame k"""
        return self.linear_interpolation(k)

    def __iter__(self):
        """Iterate over the track interpolating each frame from min(keyframes) to max(keyframes)"""
        for k in range(self.startframe(), self.endframe()+1):
            yield self.linear_interpolation(k)

    def __len__(self):
        """The length of a track is the total number of interpolated frames, or zero if degenerate"""
        return max(0, self.endframe() - self.startframe() + 1) if (len(self._keyframes)>0 and len(self._keyboxes)>0) else 0

    def isempty(self):
        return self.__len__() == 0

    def confidence(self, last=None, samples=None):
        """The confidence of a track is the mean confidence of all (or just last=last frames, or samples=samples uniformly spaced) keyboxes (if confidences are available) else 0"""
        if samples is not None:
            dt = max(1, int(round(len(self._keyframes)/float(samples))))
            C = [self._keyboxes[i]._confidence for i in range(len(self._keyframes)-1, -1, -dt) if (hasattr(self._keyboxes[i], '_confidence') and self._keyboxes[i]._confidence is not None)]
        elif last == 1:
            return self.endbox().confidence() if len(self)>0 else 0
            ef = self.endframe() - last if last is not None else 0
            C = [d._confidence for (f,d) in zip(self.keyframes(), self.keyboxes()) if f >= ef and (hasattr(d, '_confidence') and d._confidence is not None)]
        return C[0] if len(C) == 1 else (float(np.mean(C)) if len(C) > 0 else 0)
    def isdegenerate(self):
        """Is the track degenerate?  
        A degenerate track has:
            - Unequal length keyboxes and keyframes
            - length zero track
            - Non increasing keyframes
            - Invalid keyboxes
        return not (len(self.keyboxes()) == len(self.keyframes()) and
                    (len(self) == 0 or all([bb.isvalid() for bb in self.keyboxes()])) and
                    sorted(self.keyframes()) == list(self.keyframes()))
    def dict(self):
        """Return a python dictionary containing the relevant serialized attributes suitable for JSON encoding"""
        return self.json(encode=False)

    def add(self, keyframe, bbox, strict=True):
        """Add a new keyframe and associated box to track, preserve sorted order of keyframes.  If keyframe is already in track, throw an exception.  In this case use update() instead

           -strict [bool]:  If box is degenerate, throw an exception if strict=True, otherwise just don't add it
        .. note::  The BoundingBox is added by reference.  If you want to this to be a copy, pass in bbox.clone()
        assert isinstance(bbox, BoundingBox), "Invalid input - Box must be vipy.geometry.BoundingBox()"
        assert strict is False or bbox.isvalid(), "Invalid input - Box must be non-degenerate"
        assert int(keyframe) not in self._keyframes, "Invalid input - repeated keyframe"
        if not bbox.isvalid():            
            return self  # just don't add it 
        self._keyboxes.append(bbox)  # not cloned()
        if len(self._keyframes) > 1 and keyframe < self._keyframes[-2]:
            # Preserve sorted order if inserting into the middle somewhere
            (self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) = zip(*sorted([(f,bb) for (f,bb) in zip(self._keyframes, self._keyboxes)], key=lambda x: x[0]))        
            self._keyframes = list(self._keyframes)
            self._keyboxes = list(self._keyboxes)
        return self

    def update(self, keyframe, bbox):
        if keyframe in self._keyframes:
        self.add(keyframe, bbox)
        return self
    def replace(self, keyframe, box):
        """Replace the keyframe and associated box(es), preserve sorted order of keyframes"""
        return self.delete(keyframe).add(keyframe, box)

    def delete(self, keyframe):
        """Replace a keyframe and associated box to track, preserve sorted order of keyframes"""
        while keyframe in self._keyframes:
            k = self._keyframes.index(keyframe)
            del self._keyboxes[k]
            del self._keyframes[k]
        return self
    def keyframes(self):
        """Return keyframe frame indexes where there are track observations"""
        return self._keyframes

    def num_keyframes(self):
        return len(self._keyframes)

    def keyboxes(self, boxes=None, keyframes=None):
        """Return keyboxes where there are track observations"""
        if boxes is None and keyframes is None:
            return self._keyboxes
            assert all([isinstance(bb, BoundingBox) for bb in boxes])
            self._keyboxes = boxes
            self._keyframes = keyframes if keyframes is not None else self._keyframes
            assert not self.isdegenerate()
            return self
    def meanshape(self):
        """Return the mean (width,height) of the box during the track, or None if the track is degenerate"""
        s = np.mean([bb.shape() for bb in self.keyboxes()], axis=0) if len(self.keyboxes()) > 0 else None
        return (float(s[0]), float(s[1])) if s is not None else None

    def meanbox(self):
        """Return the mean bounding box during the track, or None if the track is degenerate"""
        return BoundingBox(ulbr=np.mean([bb.ulbr() for bb in self.keyboxes()], axis=0)) if len(self.keyboxes()) > 0 else None 
    def shapevariance(self):
        """Return the variance (width, height) of the box shape relative to `vipy.object.Track.meanbox` during the track or None if the track is degenerate.  

        This is useful for filtering spurious tracks where the aspect ratio changes rapidly and randomly

            (width_variance, height_variance) of the box shape during the track (or None)
        m = self.meanshape()
        return (float(np.mean([(bb._width() - m[0])**2 for bb in self.keyboxes()])), 
                float(np.mean([(bb._height() - m[1])**2 for bb in self.keyboxes()]))) if m is not None else None

    def _set_framerate(self, fps):
        """Override framerate conversion and just set the framerate attribute.  

        .. warning::  This should really only be set by the user in the constructor and is included here as an admin override for some legacy JSON that did not contain framerates.  Use with caution!
        self._framerate = float(fps)
        return self

    def framerate(self, fps=None, speed=None):
        """Resample keyframes from known original framerate set by constructor to be new framerate fps.

            fps: [float]  The new frame rate in frames per second
            speed: [float]  An optional speed factor which will multiply the current framerate by this factor (e.g. speed=2 --> fps=self.framerate()*2)

            This track object with the keyframes resampled to the new framerate

        if fps is None and speed is None:
            return self._framerate
        assert self._framerate is not None, "Framerate conversion requires that the framerate is known for current keyframes.  This must be provided to the vipy.object.Track() constructor."
        assert fps is not None or speed is not None, "Invalid input"
        assert not (fps is not None and speed is not None), "Invalid input"
        assert speed is None or speed > 0, "Invalid speed, must specify speed multiplier s=1, s=2 for 2x faster, s=0.5 for half slower"
        fps = float(fps) if fps is not None else (1.0/speed)*self._framerate
        self._keyframes = [int(np.round(f*(fps/float(self._framerate)))) for f in self._keyframes]
        self._framerate = fps
        return self
    def startframe(self):
        """Return the startframe of the track or None if there are no keyframes.  
        The frame index is relative to the framerate set in the constructor.

        return self._keyframes[0] if len(self._keyframes)>0 else None  # assumes sorted order

    def endframe(self):
        """Return the endframe of the track or None if there are no keyframes.

        The frame index is relative to the framerate set in the constructor.
        return self._keyframes[-1] if len(self._keyframes)>0 else None  # assumes sorted order

    def duration(self):
        """The length of the track in seconds.

            The duration in seconds of this track object
        assert self.framerate() is not None, "Framerate must be set in constructor"
        return len(self) / float(self.framerate())
    def linear_interpolation(self, f, id=True):
        """Linear bounding box interpolation at frame=k given observed boxes (x,y,w,h) at keyframes.  

        This returns a `vipy.object.Detection` which is the interpolation of the `vipy.object.Track` at frame k

        - If self._boundary='extend', then boxes are repeated if the interpolation is outside the keyframes
        - If self._boundary='strict', then interpolation returns None if the interpolation is outside the keyframes
        .. note::  
            - The returned BoundingBox object is not cloned when possible for speed purposes, be careful when modifying this object.  clone() the returned object if necessary
            - This means that we return a reference to the underlying keybox upgraded with track properties and cast as `vipy.object.Detection`.  If you modify this object, then the track keybox will be modfied.
        assert len(self._keyboxes) > 0, "Degenerate object for interpolation"   # not self.isempty()
        if len(self._keyboxes) == 1:
            return Detection.cast(self._keyboxes[0].clone(), category=self.category(), shortlabel=self.shortlabel()).noattributes().setattribute('trackid', if (self._boundary == 'extend' or self.during(f)) else None
        if f in reversed(self._keyframes):            
            return Detection.cast(self._keyboxes[self._keyframes.index(f)], category=self.category(), shortlabel=self.shortlabel()).noattributes().setattribute('trackid',  # by reference, do not clone

        kf = self._keyframes
        ft = min(max(f, kf[0]), kf[-1])  # truncated frame index
        for i in reversed(range(0, len(kf)-1)):
            if kf[i] <= ft and kf[i+1] >= ft:
                break  # floor keyframe index
        c = (ft - kf[i]) / max(1, float(kf[i+1] - kf[i]))  # interpolation coefficient
        (bi, bj) = (self._keyboxes[i], self._keyboxes[i+1])
        d = Detection(xmin=bi._xmin + c*(bj._xmin - bi._xmin),   # float(np.interp(k, self._keyframes, [bb._xmin for bb in self._keyboxes])),
                      ymin=bi._ymin + c*(bj._ymin - bi._ymin),   # float(np.interp(k, self._keyframes, [bb._ymin for bb in self._keyboxes])),
                      xmax=bi._xmax + c*(bj._xmax - bi._xmax),   # float(np.interp(k, self._keyframes, [bb._xmax for bb in self._keyboxes])),
                      ymax=bi._ymax + c*(bj._ymax - bi._ymax),   # float(np.interp(k, self._keyframes, [bb._ymax for bb in self._keyboxes])),
                      confidence=bi.confidence(),  # may be None
        d.attributes['trackid'] =  # for correspondence of detections to tracks
        d.attributes['__trackid'] = d.attributes['trackid'] # trackid to be deprecated
        return d if self._boundary == 'extend' or self.during(f) else None

    def category(self, label=None, shortlabel=True):
        """Set the track category to label, and update thte shortlabel also.  Updates all keyboxes"""
        if label is not None:
            self._label = str(label)  # coerce to string
            self._shortlabel = str(label) if shortlabel else self._shortlabel  # coerce to string
            self.boxmap(lambda bb: bb.shortlabel(self._shortlabel) if shortlabel and isinstance(bb, Detection) else bb)
            self.boxmap(lambda bb: bb.category(self._label) if isinstance(bb, Detection) else bb)
            return self
            return self._label
    def categoryif(self, ifcategory, tocategory=None):
        """If the current category is equal to ifcategory, then change it to newcategory.

            ifcategory [dict, str]: May be a dictionary {ifcategory:tocategory}, or just an ifcategory
            tocategory [str]:  the target category 

            this object with the category changed.

        .. note:: This is useful for converting synonyms such as self.categoryif('motorbike', 'motorcycle')
        assert (isinstance(ifcategory, dict) and tocategory is None) or tocategory is not None

        if isinstance(ifcategory, dict):
            for (k,v) in ifcategory.items():
                self.categoryif(k, v)
        elif self.category() == ifcategory:
            self.category(tocategory, shortlabel=False)
        return self

    def label(self, label):
        """Alias for category"""
        return self.category(label, shortlabel=True)
    def shortlabel(self, label=None):
        """A optional shorter label string to show as a caption in visualizations.  Updates all keyboxes"""                
        if label is not None:
            self._shortlabel = str(label)  # coerce to string
            self.boxmap(lambda bb: bb.shortlabel(self._shortlabel) if isinstance(bb, Detection) else bb)
            return self
            return self._shortlabel

    def during(self, k_start, k_end=None):
        """Does the track contain a keyframe during the time interval (startframe, endframe) inclusive?"""        
        k_end = k_start+1 if k_end is None else k_end
        (startframe, endframe) = (self.startframe(), self.endframe())
        return len(self)>0 and ((k_start >= startframe and k_start <= endframe) or (k_end >= startframe and k_end <= endframe) or (k_start <= startframe and k_end >= endframe))
    def during_interval(self, k_start, k_end):
        """Does the track contain a keyframe during the inclusive frame interval (startframe, endframe)?

        .. note:: The start and end frames are inclusive
        return self.during(k_start, k_end)

    def within(self, starframe, endframe):
        """Is the track within the frame range (startframe, endframe)?"""
        return self.startframe() >= startframe and self.endframe() <= endframe
    def offset(self, dt=0, dx=0, dy=0):
        """Apply a temporal shift of dt frames, and a spatial shift of (dx, dy) pixels.
            dt: [int] frame offset
            dx: [float] horizontal spatial offset 
            dy: [float] vertical spatial offset 

            This box updated in place
        self._keyboxes = [bb.offset(dx, dy) for bb in self._keyboxes]
        self._keyframes = [int(f+dt) for f in self._keyframes]
        return self

    def uncrop(self, bb, s=1):
        """Apply a transformation to the track that will undo a crop of a bounding box with an optional scale factor.

        A typical operation is as follows.  A video is cropped and zommed in order to run a detector on a region of interest.  However, we want to align the resulting tracks on the original video before the crop and zoom.  

            bb: [`vipy.geometry.BoundingBox`].  A bounding box which was used to crop this track
            s: [float]  A scale factor applied after the bounding box crop

            This track after undoing the scale and crop 
        assert isinstance(bb, BoundingBox)
        return self.rescale(1/s).offset(dt=0, dx=bb.xmin(), dy=bb.ymin())

    def frameoffset(self, dx, dy):
        """Offset boxes by (dx,dy) in each frame.
        This is used to apply a different offset for each frame.  To apply one offset to all frames, use `vipy.object.Track.offset`.
            dx: [list]  This should be a list of frame offsets at each keyframe the same length as the number of keyboxes
            dy: [list]  This should be a list of frame offsets at each keyframe the same length as the number of keyboxes

            This track updated in place
        assert isinstance(dx, list) or isinstance(dx, tuple)
        assert isinstance(dy, list) or isinstance(dy, tuple)
        assert len(self.keyboxes()) == len(dx) and len(self.keyboxes()) == len(dy)
        self._keyboxes = [bb.offset(dx=x, dy=y) for (bb, (x, y)) in zip(self._keyboxes, zip(dx, dy))]
        return self

    def truncate(self, startframe=None, endframe=None):
        """Truncate a track so that any keyframes less than startframe or greater than endframe (inclusive) are removed.  Interpolate keyboxes at (startframe, endframe) endpoints.

            startframe: [int] The startframe of the truncation relative to the track framerate.  All keyframes less than or equal to startframe are included.  If the keyframe does not exist at startframe, one is interpolated and added.
            endframe: [int] The endframe of the truncation relative to the track framerate.  All keyframes greater than or equal to the endframe are included.  If the keyfrmae does not exist at endframe, one is interpolated and added.

            This track such that all keyboxes <= startframe or >= endframe are removed.

        .. note::  The startframe and endframe for truncation are inclusive.  
        if startframe is not None and startframe not in self._keyframes and self[startframe] is not None:
            self.add(startframe, self[startframe].clone())  # interpolated boundary condition
        if endframe is not None and endframe not in self._keyframes and self[endframe] is not None:
            self.add(endframe, self[endframe].clone())  # intepolated boundary condition
        kfkb = [(kf,kb) for (kf,kb) in zip(self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) if ((startframe is None or kf >= startframe) and (endframe is None or kf <= endframe))]
        (self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) = zip(*kfkb) if len(kfkb) > 0 else ([], [])
        return self
    def rescale(self, s):
        """Rescale track boxes by scale factor s"""
        if s != 1.0:
            self._keyboxes = [bb.rescale(s) for bb in self._keyboxes]
        return self

    def scale(self, s):
        """Alias for rescale"""
        return self.rescale(s)

    def scalex(self, sx):
        """Rescale track boxes by scale factor sx"""
        self._keyboxes = [bb.scalex(sx) for bb in self._keyboxes]
        return self

    def scaley(self, sy):
        """Rescale track boxes by scale factor sx"""
        self._keyboxes = [bb.scaley(sy) for bb in self._keyboxes]
        return self

    def dilate(self, s):
        """Dilate track boxes by scale factor s"""
        self._keyboxes = [bb.dilate(s) for bb in self._keyboxes]
        return self

    def maxsquare(self):
        """Set all of the track boxes to maxsquare"""
        self._keyboxes = [bb.maxsquare() for bb in self._keyboxes]
        return self
    def rot90cw(self, H, W):
        """Rotate an image with (H,W)=shape 90 degrees clockwise and update all boxes to be consistent"""
        self._keyboxes = [bb.rot90cw(H, W) for bb in self._keyboxes]
        return self

    def rot90ccw(self, H, W):
        """Rotate an image with (H,W)=shape 90 degrees clockwise and update all boxes to be consistent"""
        self._keyboxes = [bb.rot90ccw(H, W) for bb in self._keyboxes]
        return self

    def fliplr(self, H, W):
        """Flip an image left and right (mirror about vertical axis)"""
        self._keyboxes = [bb.fliplr(width=W) for bb in self._keyboxes]
        return self

    def flipud(self, H, W):
        """Flip an image left and right (mirror about vertical axis)"""
        self._keyboxes = [bb.flipud(height=H) for bb in self._keyboxes]
        return self

    def id(self, newid=None):
        if newid is None:
            return self._id
            self._id = newid
            return self

    def clone(self, startframe=None, endframe=None, rekey=False):
        #return copy.deepcopy(self)  
        t = Track.from_json(self.json(encode=False)) if (startframe is None and endframe is None) else self.clone_during(startframe, endframe)  # 2x faster than deepcopy
        if rekey:
            global DETECTION_GUID;[2:]);  DETECTION_GUID = DETECTION_GUID + 1;  # faster, increment package level UUID4 initialized GUID
        return t
    def clone_during(self, startframe, endframe):
        """Clone a track during a specific interval (startframe, endframe) relative to the framerate of the track.

        - This is useful for copying a small segment of a long track without the expense of copying the whole track.  
        - All keyframes and keyboxes not in (startframe, endframe) are not copied.
        - Boundary keyframes are copied to enable proper interpolation.        
        # Update (startframe,endframe) to be the keyframes just before startframe and the keyframe just after endframe so that interpolation will work correctly
        (startframe, endframe) = (([kf for kf in self._keyframes if kf <= startframe][-1]) if self.during(startframe, startframe) else startframe,
                                  ([kf for kf in self._keyframes if kf >= endframe][0]) if self.during(endframe, endframe) else endframe)
        kfkb = [(kf,kb.clone()) for (kf,kb) in zip(self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) if ((startframe is None or kf >= startframe) and (endframe is None or kf <= endframe))]
        (kf, kb) = zip(*kfkb) if len(kfkb) > 0 else ([], [])        
        return Track(keyframes=kf, boxes=kb, category=self._label, framerate=self._framerate, interpolation=self._interpolation, boundary=self._boundary, shortlabel=self._shortlabel, attributes=self.attributes, trackid=self._id)
    def boundingbox(self, startframe=None, endframe=None):
        """The bounding box of a track is the smallest spatial box that contains all of the BoundingBoxes of the track  within startframe and endframe, or None if there are no detections.
            startframe: [int] the startframe of the track to compute the bounding box.
            endframe: [int] the endframe of the track to compute the bounding box.
            `vipy.geometry.BoundingBox` which is the smallest box that contains all boxes of the track from (startframe, endframe)
        t = self.clone() if (startframe is None and endframe is None) else self.clone().truncate(startframe, endframe)
        d = t._keyboxes[0].clone() if len(t._keyboxes) >= 1 else None
        return d.union([bb for (k,bb) in zip(t._keyframes[1:], t._keyboxes[1:]) if t.during(k)]) if (d is not None and len(t._keyboxes) >= 2) else d

    def smallestbox(self):
        """The smallest box of a track is the smallest spatial box in area along the track"""
        k = np.argmin([bb.area() for bb in self._keyboxes]) if len(self._keyboxes) > 0 else None
        return self._keyboxes[k] if k is not None else None

    def biggestbox(self):
        """The biggest box of a track is the largest spatial box in area along the track"""
        k = np.argmax([bb.area() for bb in self._keyboxes]) if len(self._keyboxes) > 0 else None
        return self._keyboxes[k] if k is not None else None
    def pathlength(self):
        """The path length of a track is the cumulative Euclidean distance in pixels that the box travels"""
        return float(np.sum([bb_next.dist(bb_prev) for (bb_next, bb_prev) in zip(self._keyboxes[1:], self._keyboxes[0:-1])])) if len(self._keyboxes)>1 else 0.0
    def startbox(self):
        """The startbox is the first bounding box in the track"""
        return self._keyboxes[0] if len(self._keyboxes) > 0 else None

    def endbox(self):
        """The endbox is the last box in the track"""
        return self._keyboxes[-1] if len(self._keyboxes) > 0 else None

    def loop_closure_distance(self):
        """The loop closure track distance is the Euclidean distance in pixels between the start frame bounding box and end frame bounding box"""
        return self.startbox().dist(self.endbox()) if not self.isdegenerate() else None

    def boundary(self, b=None):
        if b is None:
            return self._boundary
            assert b in ['strict', 'extend']
            self._boundary = b
            return self
    def clip(self, startframe, endframe):
        """Clip a track to be within (startframe,endframe) with strict boundary handling"""
        if self[startframe] is not None:
            self.add(startframe, self[startframe])
        if self[endframe] is not None:
            self.add(endframe, self[endframe])
        keyframes = [f for (f,bb) in zip(self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) if f>=startframe and f<=endframe]  # may be empty
        keyboxes = [bb for (f,bb) in zip(self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) if f>=startframe and f<=endframe]  # may be empty
        if len(keyframes) == 0 or len(keyboxes) == 0:
            raise ValueError('Track does not contain any keyboxes within the requested frames (%d,%d)' % (startframe, endframe))
        self._keyframes = keyframes
        self._keyboxes = keyboxes
        self._boundary = 'strict'
        return self

    def iou(self, other, dt=1):
        """Compute the spatial IoU between two tracks as the mean IoU per frame in the range (self.startframe(), self.endframe())"""
        return self.rankiou(other, rank=len(self), dt=dt)

    def segment_maxiou(self, other, startframe, endframe):
        """Return the maximum framewise bounding box IOU between self and other in the range (startframe, endframe)"""
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"
        assert startframe < endframe
        return max([self[k].iou(other[k]) if (self[k] is not None) else 0 for k in range(startframe, endframe)])
    def maxiou(self, other, dt=1):
        """Compute the maximum spatial IoU between two tracks per frame in the range (self.startframe(), self.endframe())"""        
        return self.rankiou(other, rank=1, dt=dt)

    def fragmentiou(self, other, dt=5):
        """A fragment is a track that is fully contained within self"""
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"        
        startframe = max(self.startframe(), other.startframe())
        endframe = min(self.endframe(), other.endframe())
        return float(np.min([self[min(k,endframe)].iou(other[min(k,endframe)]) for k in range(startframe, endframe, dt)])) if (other.startframe() >= self.startframe() and other.endframe() <= self.endframe() and endframe > startframe) else 0
    def endpointiou(self, other):
        """Compute the mean spatial IoU between two tracks at the two overlapping endpoints.  useful for track continuation"""        
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"
        startframe = max(self.startframe(), other.startframe())
        endframe = min(self.endframe(), other.endframe())
        return float(np.mean([self[startframe].iou(other[startframe]), self[endframe].iou(other[endframe])]) if endframe > startframe else 0.0)

    def segmentiou(self, other, dt=5):
        """Compute the mean spatial IoU between two tracks at the overlapping segment, sampling by dt.  Useful for track continuation for densely overlapping tracks"""
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"
        startframe = max(self.startframe(), other.startframe())
        endframe = min(self.endframe(), other.endframe())   # inclusive
        return float(np.mean([self[min(k,endframe)].iou(other[min(k,endframe)]) for k in range(startframe, endframe, dt)]) if endframe > startframe else 0.0)

    def segmentcover(self, other, dt=5):
        """Compute the mean spatial cover between two tracks at the overlapping segment, sampling by dt.  Useful for track continuation for densely overlapping tracks"""
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"
        startframe = max(self.startframe(), other.startframe())
        endframe = min(self.endframe(), other.endframe())   # inclusive
        return float(np.mean([self[min(k,endframe)].maxcover(other[min(k,endframe)]) for k in range(startframe, endframe, dt)]) if endframe > startframe else 0.0)
    def rankiou(self, other, rank, dt=1):
        """Compute the mean spatial IoU between two tracks per frame in the range (self.startframe(), self.endframe()) using only the top-k (rank) frame overlaps
           Sample tracks at endpoints and n uniformly spaced frames or a stride of dt frames.  
           - rank [>1]:  The top-k best IOU overlaps to average when computing the rank IOU
           - This is useful for track continuation where the box deforms in the overlapping segment at the end due to occlusion. 
           - This is useful for track correspondence where a ground truth box does not match an estimated box precisely (e.g. loose box, non-visually grounded box)
           - This is the robust version of segmentiou.
           - Use percentileiou to determine the rank based a fraction of the length of the overlap, which will be more efficient for long tracks
        assert rank >= 1 and rank <= len(self)
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "Invalid input - must be vipy.object.Track()"
        assert dt >= 1
        frames = [self.startframe()] + list(range(self.startframe()+dt, self.endframe(), dt)) + [self.endframe()]
        return float(np.mean(sorted([self[k].iou(other[k]) if (self.during(k) and other.during(k)) else 0.0 for k in frames])[-rank:]))

    def percentileiou(self, other, percentile, samples=100):
        """Percentile iou returns rankiou for rank=percentile*len(overlap(self, other))
           -other [Track]
           -percentile [0,1]:  The top-k best overlaps to average when computing rankiou
           -samples:  The number of uniformly spaced samples to take along the track for computing the rankiou
        assert percentile > 0 and percentile <= 1
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"
        assert self.framerate() == other.framerate()
        startframe = max(self.startframe(), other.startframe())
        endframe = min(self.endframe(), other.endframe())
        segmentlen = endframe - startframe
        dt = max(1, int(np.floor(segmentlen/samples)))
        return self.rankiou(other, max(1, int(segmentlen*percentile)), dt=dt) if segmentlen > 0 else 0

    def segment_percentileiou(self, other, percentile, samples=100):
        """percentiliou on the overlapping segment with other"""
        assert percentile > 0 and percentile <= 1
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"
        assert self.framerate() == other.framerate()
        startframe = max(self.startframe(), other.startframe())
        endframe = min(self.endframe(), other.endframe())
        segmentlen = endframe - startframe
        rank = int(segmentlen*percentile)
        dt = max(1, int(np.floor(segmentlen/samples)))
        iou = sorted([self[min(k,endframe)].iou(other[min(k,endframe)]) for k in range(startframe, endframe, dt)]) if endframe > startframe else []
        return float(np.mean(iou[-rank:]) if endframe > startframe else 0.0)

    def segment_percentilecover(self, other, percentile, samples=100):
        """percentile cover on the overlapping segment with other"""
        assert percentile > 0 and percentile <= 1
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"
        assert self.framerate() == other.framerate()
        startframe = max(self.startframe(), other.startframe())
        endframe = min(self.endframe(), other.endframe())
        segmentlen = endframe - startframe
        rank = int(segmentlen*percentile)
        dt = max(1, int(np.floor(segmentlen/samples)))
        bblist = [(self[min(k,endframe)], other[min(k,endframe)]) for k in range(startframe, endframe, dt)] if endframe > startframe else []
        cover = [max(bbself.cover(bbother), bbother.cover(bbself)) for (bbself, bbother) in bblist]
        return float(np.mean(cover[-rank:]) if endframe > startframe else 0.0)

    def union(self, other, overlap='average'):
        """Compute the union of two tracks.  Overlapping boxes between self and other:
             - average [bool]:  average framewise interpolated boxes at overlapping keyframes
             - replace [bool]:  replace the box with other if other and self overlap at a keyframe
             - keep [bool]:  keep the box from self (discard other) at a keyframe
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "Invalid input - must be vipy.object.Track()"
        assert other.category() == self.category(), "Category mismatch"
        assert overlap in ['average', 'replace', 'keep'], "Invalid input - 'overlap' must be in [average, replace, keep]"
        T = self.clone()
        keyframes = sorted(set(T._keyframes+other._keyframes))
        T._keyboxes = [((self[k].average(other[k]) if (overlap == 'average') else (self[k] if (overlap == 'keep') else other[k]))
                        if (self.during(k) and other.during(k)) else 
                        (self[k] if (self.during(k) and not other.during(k)) else (other[k])))
                       for k in keyframes] 
        T._keyframes = keyframes
        return T  

    def average(self, other):
        """Compute the average of two tracks by the framewise interpolated boxes at the keyframes of this track"""
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "Invalid input - must be vipy.object.Track()"
        assert other.category() == self.category(), "Category mismatch"
        T = self.clone()
        T._keyboxes = [(self[k].average(other[k]) 
                        if (self.during(k) and other.during(k)) else (self[k] if (self.during(k) and not other.during(k)) else (other[k])))
                       for k in T._keyframes]  
        return T  

    def temporal_distance(self, other):
        """The temporal distance between two tracks is the minimum number of frames separating them"""
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "Invalid input - must be vipy.object.Track()"
        return max(max(self.startframe() - other.endframe(), other.startframe() - self.endframe()), 0)

    def smooth(self, width):
        """Track smoothing by averaging neighboring keyboxes"""
        assert isinstance(width, int) and width > 0
        if len(self._keyboxes) > width:
            self._keyboxes = [bb.clone().average(bbnbrs) for (bb, bbnbrs) in zip(self._keyboxes, chunklistwithoverlap(self._keyboxes, width, width-1))] 
        return self

    def smoothshape(self, width):
        """Track smoothing by averaging width and height of neighboring keyboxes"""
        assert isinstance(width, int) and width > 0
        if len(self._keyboxes) > width:
            self._keyboxes = [bb.clone().averageshape(bbnbrs) for (bb, bbnbrs) in zip(self._keyboxes, chunklistwithoverlap(self._keyboxes, width, width-1))]
        return self

    def medianshape(self, width):
        """Track smoothing by median width and height of neighboring keyboxes"""
        assert isinstance(width, int) and width > 0
        if len(self._keyboxes) > width:
            self._keyboxes = [bb.clone().medianshape(bbnbrs) for (bb, bbnbrs) in zip(self._keyboxes, chunklistwithoverlap(self._keyboxes, width, width-1))]
        return self

    def spline(self, smoothingfactor=None, strict=True, startframe=None, endframe=None):
        """Track smoothing by cubic spline fit, will return resampled dt=1 track.  Smoothing factor will increase with smoothing > 1 and decrease with 0 < smoothing < 1
           This function requires optional package scipy
        try_import('scipy', 'scipy');  import scipy.interpolate;
        assert smoothingfactor is None or smoothingfactor > 0
        t = self.clone().resample(dt=1)
        (startframe, endframe) = (self.startframe() if startframe is None else startframe, self.endframe() if endframe is None else endframe)
            assert len(t._keyframes) > 4, "Invalid length for spline interpolation"        
            s = smoothingfactor * len(self._keyframes) if smoothingfactor is not None else None
            (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) = zip(*[bb.to_ulbr() for bb in t._keyboxes])
            f_xmin = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(t._keyframes, xmin, check_finite=False, s=s)
            f_ymin = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(t._keyframes, ymin, check_finite=False, s=s)
            f_xmax = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(t._keyframes, xmax, check_finite=False, s=s)
            f_ymax = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(t._keyframes, ymax, check_finite=False, s=s)
            (self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) = zip(*[(k, BoundingBox(xmin=float(f_xmin(k)), ymin=float(f_ymin(k)), xmax=float(f_xmax(k)), ymax=float(f_ymax(k)))) for k in range(startframe, endframe)])
        except Exception as e:
            if not strict:
                print('[vipy.object.track]: spline smoothing failed with error "%s" - Returning unsmoothed track' % (str(e)))
                return self
        return self

    def linear_extrapolation(self, k, shape=False, dt=30):
        """Track extrapolation by linear fit.
           * Requires at least 2 keyboxes.
           * Returned boxes may be degenerate.
           * shape=True then both the position and shape (width, height) of the box is extrapolated
        if self.during(k):
            return self[k]
        elif len(self._keyboxes) == 1:
            return self.nearest_keybox(k)
            n = self.endframe() if k > self.endframe() else self.startframe()+1
            d = self.endbox().clone() if k > self.endframe() else self.startbox().clone()
            (vx, vy) = self.shape_invariant_velocity(n, dt=dt) if not shape else self.velocity(n, dt=dt)
            (vw, vh) = (self.velocity_w(n, dt=dt), self.velocity_h(n, dt=dt)) if shape else (0,0)
            d = d.translate((k-n)*vx, (k-n)*vy)
            return d if not shape else ((k-n)*vh)/2.0).bottom( ((k-n)*vh)/2.0).left( ((k-n)*vw)/2.0).right( ((k-n)*vw)/2.0)
    def imclip(self, width, height):
        """Clip the track to the image rectangle (width, height).  If a keybox is outside the image rectangle, remove it otherwise clip to the image rectangle. 
           This operation can change the length of the track and the size of the keyboxes.  The result may be an empty track if the track is completely outside
           the image rectangle, which results in an exception.
        clipped = [(f, bb.imclip(width=width, height=height)) for (f,bb) in zip(self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) if bb.hasoverlap(width=width, height=height)]
        if len(clipped) > 0:
            (self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) = zip(*clipped)
            (self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) = (list(self._keyframes), list(self._keyboxes))
            return self
            raise ValueError('All key boxes for track outside image rectangle')

    def resample(self, dt):
        """Resample the track using a stride of dt frames.  This reduces the density of keyframes by interpolating new keyframes as a uniform stride of dt.  This is useful for track compression"""
        assert dt >= 1 and dt < len(self)
        frames =  list(range(self.startframe(), self.endframe(), dt)) + [self.endframe()]
        (self._keyboxes, self._keyframes) = zip(*[(self[k], k) for k in frames])
        (self._keyboxes, self._keyframes) = (list(self._keyboxes), list(self._keyframes))
        return self

    def significant_digits(self, n):
        """Round the coordinates of all boxes so that they have n significant digits for efficient serialization"""
        self._keyboxes = [bb.significant_digits(n) for bb in self._keyboxes]
        return self

    def bearing(self, f, dt=30, minspeed=1):
        """The bearing of a track at frame f is the angle of the velocity vector relative to the (x,y) image coordinate frame, in radians [-pi, pi]"""
        v = self.shape_invariant_velocity(f, dt)
        return float(np.arctan2(v[1], v[0])) if self.speed(f, dt) > minspeed else None  # atan2(y,x)

    def bearing_change(self, f1=None, f2=None, dt=30, minspeed=1, samples=None):
        """The bearing change of a track from frame f1 (or start) and frame f2 (or end) is the relative angle of the velocity vectors in radians [-pi,pi].
            f1: [int] the start frame for computing the bearing change.  If None, then use self.startframe()
            f2: [int] the end frame for computing the bearing change.  if None, then use self.endframe()
            dt: [int] The number of frames between computations of the velocity vector for bearing
            minspeed: [float] The minimum speed in frames per second used to threshold bearing computations if there is no motion
            samples: [int] The number of samples to average for computing the bearing change
            The floating point bearing change in radians in [-pi, pi] from (f1,f2) where bearing is computed at samples=n points, and each bearing is computed with a velocity stride of dt frames.

        dt = min(dt, len(self))
        (sf, ef) = (f1 if f1 is not None else self.startframe(), f2 if f2 is not None else self.endframe())
        df = 1 if samples is None else int(np.floor((ef-sf)/samples))
        B = [self.bearing(k, dt=dt, minspeed=minspeed) for k in range(sf, ef+df, df) if k>=sf and k<=ef]
        B = [b for b in B if b is not None]  # valid bearing estimates only
        dr = np.sum(np.diff(B)) if len(B) > 0 else 0  # cumulative bearing angle change 
        return float(dr if np.abs(dr)<=np.pi else ((2*np.pi - dr) if (dr > np.pi) else (2*np.pi + dr)))

    def acceleration(self, f, dt=30):
        """Return the (x,y) track acceleration magnitude at frame f computed using central finite differences of velocity.
            acceleration in (pixels / seconds^2) using velocity computed at (f-2*dt, f-dt), (f+dt, f+2*dt)
        (u, v) = (self.shape_invariant_velocity(f-dt, dt), self.shape_invariant_velocity(f+2*dt, dt))  # ((f-2*dt, (f-dt)), (f+dt, f+2*dt))
        (ax, ay) = ((v[0] - u[0])/float(2*dt), (v[1] - u[1])/float(2*dt))
        return float(np.sqrt(ax**2 + ay**2))  # acceleration magnitude in pixels    
    def velocity(self, f, dt=30):
        """Return the (x,y) track velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by mean finite difference of the box centroid"""
        return (self.velocity_x(f, dt), self.velocity_y(f, dt))

    def speed(self, f, dt=30):
        (u,v) = self.shape_invariant_velocity(f, dt)
        return float(np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2))
    def boxmap(self, f):
        """Apply the lambda function to each keybox"""
        assert callable(f)
        self._keyboxes = [f(bb) for bb in self._keyboxes]        
        return self

    def shape_invariant_velocity(self, f, dt=30):
        """Return the (x,y) track velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by minimum mean finite differences of any box corner independent of changes in shape, over a finite time window of [f-dt, f]"""
        assert f >= 0 and dt > 0
        if len(self) < 2 or not (self.during(f) and self.during(f-dt)) :
            return (0,0)
        kb = [((f-dt), self.linear_interpolation(f-dt, id=False))] + [(kf, bb) for (kf,bb) in zip(self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) if (kf > f-dt) and (kf < f)]
        (kfe, bbe) = (f, self.linear_interpolation(f, id=False))
        vx = float((1.0/len(kb))*sum([min([(bbe._xmin - bb._xmin), (bbe._xmax - bb._xmax)], key=abs)/float(kfe-kf) for (kf,bb) in kb]))
        vy = float((1.0/len(kb))*sum([min([(bbe._ymin - bb._ymin), (bbe._ymax - bb._ymax)], key=abs)/float(kfe-kf) for (kf,bb) in kb]))
        return (vx, vy)

    def velocity_x(self, f, dt=30):
        """Return the left/right velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by mean finite difference over a fixed time window (dt, frames) of the box centroid"""
        assert f >= 0 and dt > 0
        return float(np.mean([(self[f].centroid_x() - self[f-k].centroid_x())/float(k) for k in range(1,dt) if self.during(f-k)])) if (self.during(f-1) and self.during(f)) else 0

    def velocity_y(self, f, dt=30):
        """Return the up/down velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by mean finite difference over a fixed time window (dt, frames) of the box centroid"""
        assert f >= 0 and dt > 0
        return float(np.mean([(self[f].centroid_y() - self[f-k].centroid_y())/float(k) for k in range(1,dt) if self.during(f-k)])) if (self.during(f-1) and self.during(f)) else 0

    def velocity_w(self, f, dt=30):
        """Return the width velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by finite difference"""
        assert f >= 0 and dt > 0 and self.during(f)
        return float(np.mean([(self[f]._width() - self[f-k]._width())/float(k) for k in range(1,dt) if self.during(f-k)])) if self.during(f-1) else 0

    def velocity_h(self, f, dt=30):
        """Return the height velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by finite difference"""
        assert f >= 0 and dt > 0 and self.during(f)
        return float(np.mean([(self[f]._height() - self[f-k]._height())/float(k) for k in range(1,dt) if self.during(f-k)])) if self.during(f-1) else 0
    def nearest_keyframe(self, f):
        """Nearest keyframe to frame f"""
        assert len(self._keyframes) > 0
        return self._keyframes[int(np.abs(np.array(self._keyframes) - f).argmin())]

    def nearest_keybox(self, f):
        """Nearest keybox to frame f"""
        assert len(self._keyframes) > 0
        return self._keyboxes[int(np.abs(np.array(self._keyframes) - f).argmin())]  # by-reference
    def ismoving(self, startframe=None, endframe=None, mincover=0.9):
        """Is the track moving in the frame range (startframe,endframe)?"""
        (bbs, bbe) = (self[max(self.startframe(), startframe)] if startframe is not None else self.startbox(), self[min(self.endframe(), endframe)] if endframe is not None else self.endbox())
        return (bbs.maxcover(bbe) < mincover) if (bbs is not None and bbe is not None) else False

def non_maximum_suppression(detlist, conf, iou, bycategory=False, cover=None, gridsize=(6,9)):
    """Compute greedy non-maximum suppression of a list of vipy.object.Detection() based on spatial IOU threshold (iou) and cover threhsold (cover) sorted by confidence (conf).

        detlist: [list `vipy.object.Detection`]
        conf: [float] minimum confidence for non-maximum suppression
        iou: [float] minimum iou for non-maximum suporession
        bycategory: [bool] NMS only within the same category 
        cover: [float, None] A minimum cover for NMS (stricter than iou)
        gridsize: [tuple, (rows, cols)] An optional grid for fast intersection lookups 

        List of `vipy.object.Detection` non-maximum suppressed, sorted by increasing confidence 

    assert all([isinstance(d, Detection) for d in detlist])
    assert all([d.confidence() is not None for d in detlist])
    assert conf>=0 and iou>=0 and iou<=1
    assert cover is None or (cover>=0 and cover<=1)
    assert isinstance(gridsize, tuple) and len(gridsize) == 2
    suppressed = set([])
    detlist = [d for d in detlist if d.confidence() > conf and not d.isdegenerate()]  # valid
    detlist.sort(key=lambda d: d.confidence(), reverse=True)  # biggest to smallest, in-place
    grid = detlist[0].clone().union(detlist).grid(gridsize[0], gridsize[1]) if len(detlist) > 0 else []
    bbidx = [set([k for (k,bbg) in enumerate(grid) if (((bbg._xmax if bbg._xmax < bb._xmax else bb._xmax) - (bbg._xmin if bbg._xmin > bb._xmin else bb._xmin)) > 0 and
                                                       ((bbg._ymax if bbg._ymax < bb._ymax else bb._ymax) - (bbg._ymin if bbg._ymin > bb._ymin else bb._ymin)) > 0)])
             for bb in detlist]  # spatial index, without the function call overhead of bbg.hasintersection(bb)
    #bbidx = [set([k for (k,bbg) in enumerate(grid) if bbg.hasintersection(bb)]) for bb in detlist]  # spatial index, equivalent to above but slower
    area = [bb.area() for bb in detlist]
    for (i, di) in enumerate(detlist):
        if i in suppressed:
        for (j, dj) in enumerate(islice(detlist, i+1, None), start=i+1):  # no-copy, equivalent to detlist[i+1:]
            if ((j not in suppressed) and
                (bycategory is False or di._label == dj._label) and
                (not bbidx[i].isdisjoint(bbidx[j])) and
                ((cover is not None and di.hasintersection(dj, maxcover=cover, area=area[i], otherarea=area[j])) or di.hasintersection(dj, iou=iou, area=area[i], otherarea=area[j]))):  
    detlist_nms = [d for (j,d) in enumerate(detlist) if j not in suppressed]  # filter
    detlist_nms.sort(key=lambda x: x.confidence())  # smallest to biggest confidence for display layering, in-place
    return detlist_nms

def greedy_assignment(srclist, dstlist, miniou=0.0, bycategory=False):
    """Compute a greedy one-to-one assignment of each vipy.object.Detection() in srclist to a unique element in dstlist with the largest IoU greater than miniou, else None
        srclist: [list, `vipy.object.Detection`]
        dstlist: [list, `vipy.object.Detection`]
        miniou: [float, >=0, <=1] The minimum IoU for gated assignment
        bycategory: [bool]  If true, only assign di and dj if di.category() == dj.category()

        assignlist: [list, int]  same length as srclist, where j=assignlist[i] is the index of the assignment such that srclist[i] -> dstlist[j]
    assert all([isinstance(d, Detection) for d in srclist])
    assert all([isinstance(d, Detection) for d in dstlist])    
    assert miniou >= 0 and miniou <= 1.0
    assigndict = {}
    for (k, ds) in sorted(enumerate(srclist), key=lambda x: x[1].area(), reverse=True):
        iou = [ds.iou(d) if (j not in assigndict.values() and (bycategory is False or ds.category().lower() == d.category().lower())) else 0.0 for (j,d) in enumerate(dstlist)]
        assigndict[k] = np.argmax(iou) if len(iou) > 0 and max(iou) > miniou else None
    return [assigndict[k] for k in range(0, len(srclist))]

def greedy_track_assignment(srclist, dstlist, miniou, bycategory=True, pct=0.5):
    """Compute a greedy one-to-ine assignment of each `vipy.object.Track` in srclist to a unique element in dstlist with the largest assignment score.

    - Assignment score: `vipy.object.Track.segment_percentileiou` * `vipy.object.Track.confidence`, if maxiou() > miniou else 0
    - Assigment order: longest to shortest src track

        srclist: [list, `vipy.object.Track`]
        dstlist: [list, `vipy.object.Track`]
        miniou: [float, >=0, <=1] The minimum IoU for gated assignment
        bycategory: [bool]  If true, only assign di and dj if di.category() == dj.category()
        pct: [float <=1] The percentile for percentileiou

        assignlist: [list, int]  same length as srclist, where j=assignlist[i] is the index of the assignment such that srclist[i] -> dstlist[j]

    assert all([isinstance(d, Track) for d in srclist])
    assert all([isinstance(d, Track) for d in dstlist])    
    assert miniou >= 0 and miniou <= 1.0
    assigndict = {}
    for (k, ts) in sorted(enumerate(srclist), key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True):
        assignscore = [ts.segment_percentileiou(t, pct) * t.confidence() if (j not in assigndict.values() and (bycategory is False or ts.category().lower() == t.category().lower()) and (miniou == 0 or ts.maxiou(t) > miniou)) else 0.0 for (j,t) in enumerate(dstlist)]
        assigndict[k] = np.argmax(assignscore) if len(assignscore) > 0 and max(assignscore) > 0 else None
    return [assigndict[k] for k in range(0, len(srclist))]
def RandomDetection(W=640, H=480):
    """Return a random `vipy.object.Detection` in the range (0 < xmin < W, 0 < ymin < H, height < 100, width < 100).  Useful for unit testing."""
    return Detection(xmin=np.random.rand()*W, ymin=np.random.rand()*H, width=np.random.rand()*100, height=np.random.rand()*100, category=str(np.random.rand()), confidence=np.random.rand())


def RandomDetection(W=640, H=480)

Return a random Detection in the range (0 < xmin < W, 0 < ymin < H, height < 100, width < 100). Useful for unit testing.

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def RandomDetection(W=640, H=480):
    """Return a random `vipy.object.Detection` in the range (0 < xmin < W, 0 < ymin < H, height < 100, width < 100).  Useful for unit testing."""
    return Detection(xmin=np.random.rand()*W, ymin=np.random.rand()*H, width=np.random.rand()*100, height=np.random.rand()*100, category=str(np.random.rand()), confidence=np.random.rand())
def greedy_assignment(srclist, dstlist, miniou=0.0, bycategory=False)

Compute a greedy one-to-one assignment of each vipy.object.Detection() in srclist to a unique element in dstlist with the largest IoU greater than miniou, else None


[list, vipy.object.Detection]
[list, vipy.object.Detection]
[float, >=0, <=1] The minimum IoU for gated assignment
[bool] If true, only assign di and dj if di.category() == dj.category()


[list, int] same length as srclist, where j=assignlist[i] is the index of the assignment such that srclist[i] -> dstlist[j]
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def greedy_assignment(srclist, dstlist, miniou=0.0, bycategory=False):
    """Compute a greedy one-to-one assignment of each vipy.object.Detection() in srclist to a unique element in dstlist with the largest IoU greater than miniou, else None
        srclist: [list, `vipy.object.Detection`]
        dstlist: [list, `vipy.object.Detection`]
        miniou: [float, >=0, <=1] The minimum IoU for gated assignment
        bycategory: [bool]  If true, only assign di and dj if di.category() == dj.category()

        assignlist: [list, int]  same length as srclist, where j=assignlist[i] is the index of the assignment such that srclist[i] -> dstlist[j]
    assert all([isinstance(d, Detection) for d in srclist])
    assert all([isinstance(d, Detection) for d in dstlist])    
    assert miniou >= 0 and miniou <= 1.0
    assigndict = {}
    for (k, ds) in sorted(enumerate(srclist), key=lambda x: x[1].area(), reverse=True):
        iou = [ds.iou(d) if (j not in assigndict.values() and (bycategory is False or ds.category().lower() == d.category().lower())) else 0.0 for (j,d) in enumerate(dstlist)]
        assigndict[k] = np.argmax(iou) if len(iou) > 0 and max(iou) > miniou else None
    return [assigndict[k] for k in range(0, len(srclist))]
def greedy_track_assignment(srclist, dstlist, miniou, bycategory=True, pct=0.5)

Compute a greedy one-to-ine assignment of each Track in srclist to a unique element in dstlist with the largest assignment score.


[list, vipy.object.Track]
[list, vipy.object.Track]
[float, >=0, <=1] The minimum IoU for gated assignment
[bool] If true, only assign di and dj if di.category() == dj.category()
[float <=1] The percentile for percentileiou


[list, int] same length as srclist, where j=assignlist[i] is the index of the assignment such that srclist[i] -> dstlist[j]
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def greedy_track_assignment(srclist, dstlist, miniou, bycategory=True, pct=0.5):
    """Compute a greedy one-to-ine assignment of each `vipy.object.Track` in srclist to a unique element in dstlist with the largest assignment score.

    - Assignment score: `vipy.object.Track.segment_percentileiou` * `vipy.object.Track.confidence`, if maxiou() > miniou else 0
    - Assigment order: longest to shortest src track

        srclist: [list, `vipy.object.Track`]
        dstlist: [list, `vipy.object.Track`]
        miniou: [float, >=0, <=1] The minimum IoU for gated assignment
        bycategory: [bool]  If true, only assign di and dj if di.category() == dj.category()
        pct: [float <=1] The percentile for percentileiou

        assignlist: [list, int]  same length as srclist, where j=assignlist[i] is the index of the assignment such that srclist[i] -> dstlist[j]

    assert all([isinstance(d, Track) for d in srclist])
    assert all([isinstance(d, Track) for d in dstlist])    
    assert miniou >= 0 and miniou <= 1.0
    assigndict = {}
    for (k, ts) in sorted(enumerate(srclist), key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True):
        assignscore = [ts.segment_percentileiou(t, pct) * t.confidence() if (j not in assigndict.values() and (bycategory is False or ts.category().lower() == t.category().lower()) and (miniou == 0 or ts.maxiou(t) > miniou)) else 0.0 for (j,t) in enumerate(dstlist)]
        assigndict[k] = np.argmax(assignscore) if len(assignscore) > 0 and max(assignscore) > 0 else None
    return [assigndict[k] for k in range(0, len(srclist))]
def non_maximum_suppression(detlist, conf, iou, bycategory=False, cover=None, gridsize=(6, 9))

Compute greedy non-maximum suppression of a list of vipy.object.Detection() based on spatial IOU threshold (iou) and cover threhsold (cover) sorted by confidence (conf).


[list vipy.object.Detection]
[float] minimum confidence for non-maximum suppression
[float] minimum iou for non-maximum suporession
[bool] NMS only within the same category
[float, None] A minimum cover for NMS (stricter than iou)
[tuple, (rows, cols)] An optional grid for fast intersection lookups


List of Detection non-maximum suppressed, sorted by increasing confidence

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def non_maximum_suppression(detlist, conf, iou, bycategory=False, cover=None, gridsize=(6,9)):
    """Compute greedy non-maximum suppression of a list of vipy.object.Detection() based on spatial IOU threshold (iou) and cover threhsold (cover) sorted by confidence (conf).

        detlist: [list `vipy.object.Detection`]
        conf: [float] minimum confidence for non-maximum suppression
        iou: [float] minimum iou for non-maximum suporession
        bycategory: [bool] NMS only within the same category 
        cover: [float, None] A minimum cover for NMS (stricter than iou)
        gridsize: [tuple, (rows, cols)] An optional grid for fast intersection lookups 

        List of `vipy.object.Detection` non-maximum suppressed, sorted by increasing confidence 

    assert all([isinstance(d, Detection) for d in detlist])
    assert all([d.confidence() is not None for d in detlist])
    assert conf>=0 and iou>=0 and iou<=1
    assert cover is None or (cover>=0 and cover<=1)
    assert isinstance(gridsize, tuple) and len(gridsize) == 2
    suppressed = set([])
    detlist = [d for d in detlist if d.confidence() > conf and not d.isdegenerate()]  # valid
    detlist.sort(key=lambda d: d.confidence(), reverse=True)  # biggest to smallest, in-place
    grid = detlist[0].clone().union(detlist).grid(gridsize[0], gridsize[1]) if len(detlist) > 0 else []
    bbidx = [set([k for (k,bbg) in enumerate(grid) if (((bbg._xmax if bbg._xmax < bb._xmax else bb._xmax) - (bbg._xmin if bbg._xmin > bb._xmin else bb._xmin)) > 0 and
                                                       ((bbg._ymax if bbg._ymax < bb._ymax else bb._ymax) - (bbg._ymin if bbg._ymin > bb._ymin else bb._ymin)) > 0)])
             for bb in detlist]  # spatial index, without the function call overhead of bbg.hasintersection(bb)
    #bbidx = [set([k for (k,bbg) in enumerate(grid) if bbg.hasintersection(bb)]) for bb in detlist]  # spatial index, equivalent to above but slower
    area = [bb.area() for bb in detlist]
    for (i, di) in enumerate(detlist):
        if i in suppressed:
        for (j, dj) in enumerate(islice(detlist, i+1, None), start=i+1):  # no-copy, equivalent to detlist[i+1:]
            if ((j not in suppressed) and
                (bycategory is False or di._label == dj._label) and
                (not bbidx[i].isdisjoint(bbidx[j])) and
                ((cover is not None and di.hasintersection(dj, maxcover=cover, area=area[i], otherarea=area[j])) or di.hasintersection(dj, iou=iou, area=area[i], otherarea=area[j]))):  
    detlist_nms = [d for (j,d) in enumerate(detlist) if j not in suppressed]  # filter
    detlist_nms.sort(key=lambda x: x.confidence())  # smallest to biggest confidence for display layering, in-place
    return detlist_nms


class Detection (label=None, xmin=None, ymin=None, width=None, height=None, xmax=None, ymax=None, confidence=None, xcentroid=None, ycentroid=None, category=None, xywh=None, shortlabel=None, attributes=None, id=True)

vipy.object.Detection class

This class represent a single object detection in the form a bounding box with a label and confidence. The constructor of this class follows a subset of the constructor patterns of vipy.geometry.BoundingBox

d = vipy.object.Detection(category='Person', xmin=0, ymin=0, width=50, height=100)
d = vipy.object.Detection(label='Person', xmin=0, ymin=0, width=50, height=100)  # "label" is an alias for "category"
d = vipy.object.Detection(label='John Doe', shortlabel='Person', xmin=0, ymin=0, width=50, height=100)  # shortlabel is displayed
d = vipy.object.Detection(label='Person', xywh=[0,0,50,100])
d = vipy.object.Detection(..., id=True)  # generate a unique UUID for this detection retrievable with
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class Detection(BoundingBox):
    """vipy.object.Detection class
    This class represent a single object detection in the form a bounding box with a label and confidence.
    The constructor of this class follows a subset of the constructor patterns of vipy.geometry.BoundingBox

    d = vipy.object.Detection(category='Person', xmin=0, ymin=0, width=50, height=100)
    d = vipy.object.Detection(label='Person', xmin=0, ymin=0, width=50, height=100)  # "label" is an alias for "category"
    d = vipy.object.Detection(label='John Doe', shortlabel='Person', xmin=0, ymin=0, width=50, height=100)  # shortlabel is displayed
    d = vipy.object.Detection(label='Person', xywh=[0,0,50,100])
    d = vipy.object.Detection(..., id=True)  # generate a unique UUID for this detection retrievable with


    def __init__(self, label=None, xmin=None, ymin=None, width=None, height=None, xmax=None, ymax=None, confidence=None, xcentroid=None, ycentroid=None, category=None, xywh=None, shortlabel=None, attributes=None, id=True):
        super().__init__(xmin=xmin, ymin=ymin, width=width, height=height, xmax=xmax, ymax=ymax, xcentroid=xcentroid, ycentroid=ycentroid, xywh=xywh)
        assert not (label is not None and category is not None), "Constructor requires either label or category kwargs, not both"

        if id is True:
            global DETECTION_GUID; self._id = hex(int(DETECTION_GUID))[2:];  DETECTION_GUID = DETECTION_GUID + 1;  # faster, increment package level UUID4 initialized GUID
            self._id = None if id is False else id
        self._label = category if category is not None else label
        self._shortlabel = shortlabel if shortlabel is not None else (self._label if self._label is not None else '__')  # prepended '__' will suppress caption
        self._confidence = float(confidence) if confidence is not None else confidence
        self.attributes = {} if attributes is None else attributes.copy()  # shallow copy

    def cast(cls, d, flush=False, category=None, shortlabel=None):
        assert isinstance(d, BoundingBox)
        if d.__class__ != Detection or flush:
            d.__class__ = Detection
            global DETECTION_GUID; newid = hex(int(DETECTION_GUID))[2:];  DETECTION_GUID = DETECTION_GUID + 1;  
            d._id = newid if flush or not hasattr(d, '_id') else d._id
            d._shortlabel = None if flush or not hasattr(d, '_shortlabel') else d._shortlabel
            d._confidence = None if flush or not hasattr(d, '_confidence') else d._confidence
            d._label = None if flush or not hasattr(d, '_label') else d._label
            d.attributes = {} if flush or not hasattr(d, 'attributes') else d.attributes
        if category is not None:
            d._label = category  # when casting BoundingBox to Detection, extra args are necessary
        if shortlabel is not None:
            d._shortlabel = shortlabel  # when casting BoundingBox to Detection, extra args are necessary
        return d
    def from_json(cls, s):
        d = json.loads(s) if not isinstance(s, dict) else s
        d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in d.items()}  # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes)                
        return cls(xmin=d['xmin'], ymin=d['ymin'], xmax=d['xmax'], ymax=d['ymax'],
                   label=d['label'] if 'label' in d else None,
                   shortlabel=d['shortlabel'] if 'shortlabel' in d else None,
                   confidence=d['confidence'] if 'confidence' in d else None,
                   attributes=d['attributes'] if 'attributes' in d else None,
                   id=d['id'] if 'id' in d else True)
    def __repr__(self):
        strlist = []
        if self.category() is not None:
            strlist.append('category="%s"' % self.category())
        if True:
            strlist.append('bbox=(xmin=%1.1f, ymin=%1.1f, width=%1.1f, height=%1.1f)' %
                           (self.xmin(), self.ymin(),self._width(), self._height()))
        if self._confidence is not None:
            strlist.append('conf=%1.3f' % self.confidence())
        if self.isdegenerate():
        return str('<vipy.object.detection: %s>' % (', '.join(strlist)))

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Detection equality when bounding boxes (integer resolution) and categories are equivalent"""
        return ((isinstance(other, Detection) and self.clone().int().xywh() == other.clone().int().xywh() and self.category() == other.category()) or
                isinstance(other, BoundingBox) and self.clone().int().xywh() == other.clone().int().xywh())

    def __str__(self):
        return self.__repr__()

    def dict(self):
        """Return a python dictionary containing the relevant serialized attributes suitable for JSON encoding"""
        return self.json(s=None, encode=False)

    def __json__(self):
        """Serialization method for json package"""
        return self.json(encode=True)
    def json(self, encode=True):
        d = {k:v for (k,v) in self.__dict__.items() if not ((k == '_confidence' and v is None) or
                                                            (k == '_shortlabel' and v is None) or
                                                            (k == 'attributes' and (v is None or isinstance(v, dict) and len(v)==0)) or
                                                            (k == '_label' and v is None))}  # don't bother to store None values
        d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in d.items()}  # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes)                        
        return json.dumps(d) if encode else d
    def nocategory(self):
        self._label = None
        return self

    def noshortlabel(self):
        self._shortlabel = None
        return self
    def categoryif(self, ifcategory, tocategory=None):
        """If the current category is equal to ifcategory, then change it to newcategory.

            ifcategory [dict, str]: May be a dictionary {ifcategory:tocategory}, or just an ifcategory
            tocategory [str]:  the target category 

            this object with the category changed.

        .. note:: This is useful for converting synonyms such as self.categoryif('motorbike', 'motorcycle')
        assert (isinstance(ifcategory, dict) and tocategory is None) or tocategory is not None

        if isinstance(ifcategory, dict):
            for (k,v) in ifcategory.items():
                self.categoryif(k, v)
        elif self.category() == ifcategory:
            self.category(tocategory, shortlabel=False, capitalize=False)
        return self

    def category(self, category=None, shortlabel=True, capitalize=False):
        """Update the category and shortlabel (optional) of the detection"""
        if capitalize:
            self._label = self._label.capitalize()
            self._shortlabel = self._shortlabel.capitalize() if shortlabel else self._shortlabel
            return self
        elif category is None:
            return self._label
            self._label = str(category)  # coerce to string
            self._shortlabel = str(category) if shortlabel else self._shortlabel  # coerce to string            
            return self

    def shortlabel(self, label=None):
        """A optional shorter label string to show in the visualizations, defaults to category()"""        
        if label is not None:
            self._shortlabel = str(label)  # coerce to string
            return self
            return self._shortlabel if self._shortlabel is not None else self.category()

    def label(self, label):
        """Alias for category to update both category and shortlabel"""
        return self.category(label, shortlabel=True)

    def id(self):
        return self._id

    def clone(self, deep=False):
        """Copy the object, if deep=True, then include a deep copy of the attribute dictionary, else a shallow copy.  Cloned object has the same id()"""
        #return copy.deepcopy(self)
        d = Detection.from_json(self.json(encode=False))
        if deep:
            d.attributes = copy.deepcopy(self.attributes)
        return d

    def confidence(self, c=None):
        if c is None:
            return self._confidence
            self._confidence = c
            return self

    def hasattribute(self, k):
        return isinstance(self.attributes, dict) and k in self.attributes

    def getattribute(self, k):
        return self.attributes[k]

    def setattribute(self, k, v):
        self.attributes[k] = v
        return self
    def delattribute(self, k):
        self.attributes.pop(k, None)
        return self

    def noattributes(self):
        self.attributes = {}
        return self



Static methods

def cast(d, flush=False, category=None, shortlabel=None)
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def cast(cls, d, flush=False, category=None, shortlabel=None):
    assert isinstance(d, BoundingBox)
    if d.__class__ != Detection or flush:
        d.__class__ = Detection
        global DETECTION_GUID; newid = hex(int(DETECTION_GUID))[2:];  DETECTION_GUID = DETECTION_GUID + 1;  
        d._id = newid if flush or not hasattr(d, '_id') else d._id
        d._shortlabel = None if flush or not hasattr(d, '_shortlabel') else d._shortlabel
        d._confidence = None if flush or not hasattr(d, '_confidence') else d._confidence
        d._label = None if flush or not hasattr(d, '_label') else d._label
        d.attributes = {} if flush or not hasattr(d, 'attributes') else d.attributes
    if category is not None:
        d._label = category  # when casting BoundingBox to Detection, extra args are necessary
    if shortlabel is not None:
        d._shortlabel = shortlabel  # when casting BoundingBox to Detection, extra args are necessary
    return d
def from_json(s)
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def from_json(cls, s):
    d = json.loads(s) if not isinstance(s, dict) else s
    d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in d.items()}  # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes)                
    return cls(xmin=d['xmin'], ymin=d['ymin'], xmax=d['xmax'], ymax=d['ymax'],
               label=d['label'] if 'label' in d else None,
               shortlabel=d['shortlabel'] if 'shortlabel' in d else None,
               confidence=d['confidence'] if 'confidence' in d else None,
               attributes=d['attributes'] if 'attributes' in d else None,
               id=d['id'] if 'id' in d else True)


def category(self, category=None, shortlabel=True, capitalize=False)

Update the category and shortlabel (optional) of the detection

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def category(self, category=None, shortlabel=True, capitalize=False):
    """Update the category and shortlabel (optional) of the detection"""
    if capitalize:
        self._label = self._label.capitalize()
        self._shortlabel = self._shortlabel.capitalize() if shortlabel else self._shortlabel
        return self
    elif category is None:
        return self._label
        self._label = str(category)  # coerce to string
        self._shortlabel = str(category) if shortlabel else self._shortlabel  # coerce to string            
        return self
def categoryif(self, ifcategory, tocategory=None)

If the current category is equal to ifcategory, then change it to newcategory.


ifcategory [dict, str]: May be a dictionary {ifcategory:tocategory}, or just an ifcategory tocategory [str]: the target category


this object with the category changed.

Note: This is useful for converting synonyms such as self.categoryif('motorbike', 'motorcycle')

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def categoryif(self, ifcategory, tocategory=None):
    """If the current category is equal to ifcategory, then change it to newcategory.

        ifcategory [dict, str]: May be a dictionary {ifcategory:tocategory}, or just an ifcategory
        tocategory [str]:  the target category 

        this object with the category changed.

    .. note:: This is useful for converting synonyms such as self.categoryif('motorbike', 'motorcycle')
    assert (isinstance(ifcategory, dict) and tocategory is None) or tocategory is not None

    if isinstance(ifcategory, dict):
        for (k,v) in ifcategory.items():
            self.categoryif(k, v)
    elif self.category() == ifcategory:
        self.category(tocategory, shortlabel=False, capitalize=False)
    return self
def clone(self, deep=False)

Copy the object, if deep=True, then include a deep copy of the attribute dictionary, else a shallow copy. Cloned object has the same id()

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def clone(self, deep=False):
    """Copy the object, if deep=True, then include a deep copy of the attribute dictionary, else a shallow copy.  Cloned object has the same id()"""
    #return copy.deepcopy(self)
    d = Detection.from_json(self.json(encode=False))
    if deep:
        d.attributes = copy.deepcopy(self.attributes)
    return d
def delattribute(self, k)
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def delattribute(self, k):
    self.attributes.pop(k, None)
    return self
def getattribute(self, k)
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def getattribute(self, k):
    return self.attributes[k]
def hasattribute(self, k)
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def hasattribute(self, k):
    return isinstance(self.attributes, dict) and k in self.attributes
def id(self)
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def id(self):
    return self._id
def json(self, encode=True)
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def json(self, encode=True):
    d = {k:v for (k,v) in self.__dict__.items() if not ((k == '_confidence' and v is None) or
                                                        (k == '_shortlabel' and v is None) or
                                                        (k == 'attributes' and (v is None or isinstance(v, dict) and len(v)==0)) or
                                                        (k == '_label' and v is None))}  # don't bother to store None values
    d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in d.items()}  # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes)                        
    return json.dumps(d) if encode else d
def label(self, label)

Alias for category to update both category and shortlabel

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def label(self, label):
    """Alias for category to update both category and shortlabel"""
    return self.category(label, shortlabel=True)
def noattributes(self)
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def noattributes(self):
    self.attributes = {}
    return self
def nocategory(self)
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def nocategory(self):
    self._label = None
    return self
def noshortlabel(self)
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def noshortlabel(self):
    self._shortlabel = None
    return self
def setattribute(self, k, v)
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def setattribute(self, k, v):
    self.attributes[k] = v
    return self
def shortlabel(self, label=None)

A optional shorter label string to show in the visualizations, defaults to category()

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def shortlabel(self, label=None):
    """A optional shorter label string to show in the visualizations, defaults to category()"""        
    if label is not None:
        self._shortlabel = str(label)  # coerce to string
        return self
        return self._shortlabel if self._shortlabel is not None else self.category()

Inherited members

class Track (keyframes, boxes, category=None, label=None, framerate=None, interpolation='linear', boundary='strict', shortlabel=None, attributes=None, trackid=None, filterbox=False)

vipy.object.Track class

A track represents one or more labeled bounding boxes of an object instance through time. A track is defined as a finite set of labeled boxes observed at keyframes, which are discrete observations of this instance. Each keyframe has an associated vipy.geometry.BoundingBox() which defines the spatial bounding box of the instance in this keyframe. The kwarg "interpolation" defines how the track is interpolated between keyframes, and the kwarg "boundary" defines how the track is interpolated outside the (min,max) of the keyframes.

Valid constructors are:

t = vipy.object.Track(keyframes=[0,100], boxes=[vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,10,10), vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,20,20)], label='Person')
t = vipy.object.Track(keyframes=[0,100], boxes=[vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,10,10), vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,20,20)], label='Person', interpolation='linear')
t = vipy.object.Track(keyframes=[10,100], boxes=[vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,10,10), vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,20,20)], label='Person', boundary='strict')

Tracks can be constructed incrementally:

t = vipy.object.Track('Person')
t.add(0, vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,10,10))
t.add(100, vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,20,20))

Tracks can be resampled at a new framerate, as long as the framerate is known when the keyframes are extracted

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class Track(object):
    """vipy.object.Track class
    A track represents one or more labeled bounding boxes of an object instance through time.  A track is defined as a finite set of labeled boxes observed 
    at keyframes, which are discrete observations of this instance.  Each keyframe has an associated vipy.geometry.BoundingBox() which defines the spatial bounding box
    of the instance in this keyframe.  The kwarg "interpolation" defines how the track is interpolated between keyframes, and the kwarg "boundary" defines how the 
    track is interpolated outside the (min,max) of the keyframes.  

    Valid constructors are:

    t = vipy.object.Track(keyframes=[0,100], boxes=[vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,10,10), vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,20,20)], label='Person')
    t = vipy.object.Track(keyframes=[0,100], boxes=[vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,10,10), vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,20,20)], label='Person', interpolation='linear')
    t = vipy.object.Track(keyframes=[10,100], boxes=[vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,10,10), vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,20,20)], label='Person', boundary='strict')

    Tracks can be constructed incrementally:

    t = vipy.object.Track('Person')
    t.add(0, vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,10,10))
    t.add(100, vipy.geometry.BoundingBox(0,0,20,20))

    Tracks can be resampled at a new framerate, as long as the framerate is known when the keyframes are extracted



    def __init__(self, keyframes, boxes, category=None, label=None, framerate=None, interpolation='linear', boundary='strict', shortlabel=None, attributes=None, trackid=None, filterbox=False):

        keyframes = tolist(keyframes)
        boxes = tolist(boxes)        
        assert isinstance(keyframes, tuple) or isinstance(keyframes, list), "Keyframes are required and must be tuple or list"
        assert isinstance(boxes, tuple) or isinstance(boxes, list), "Keyframe boundingboxes are required and must be tuple or list"
        assert all([isinstance(bb, BoundingBox) for bb in boxes]), "Keyframe bounding boxes must be vipy.geometry.BoundingBox objects"
        assert filterbox or all([bb.isvalid() for bb in boxes]), "All keyframe bounding boxes must be valid"        
        assert not (label is not None and category is not None), "Constructor requires either label or category kwargs, not both"                
        assert len(keyframes) == len(boxes), "Boxes and keyframes must be the same length, there must be a one to one mapping of frames to boxes"
        assert boundary in set(['extend', 'strict']), "Invalid interpolation boundary - Must be ['extend', 'strict']"
        assert interpolation in set(['linear']), "Invalid interpolation - Must be ['linear']"
        self._id = uuid.uuid4().hex if trackid is None else trackid
        self._label = category if category is not None else label
        self._shortlabel = self._label if shortlabel is None else shortlabel
        self._framerate = float(framerate) if framerate is not None else framerate
        self._interpolation = interpolation
        self._boundary = boundary
        self.attributes = attributes.copy() if attributes is not None else {}  # shallow copy
        self._keyframes = [int(np.round(f)) for f in keyframes]  # coerce to int
        self._keyboxes = boxes
        # Sorted increasing frame order
        if len(keyframes) > 0 and len(boxes) > 0 and not all([keyframes[i-1] <= keyframes[i] for i in range(1,len(keyframes))]):
            (keyframes, boxes) = zip(*sorted([(f,bb) for (f,bb) in zip(keyframes, boxes)], key=lambda x: x[0]))
            self._keyframes = list(keyframes)
            self._keyboxes = list(boxes)

        # Filter boxes:  remove invalid boxes and keyframes
        if filterbox and len(keyframes) > 0 and len(boxes) > 0:
            kfbb = [(f,bb) for (f,bb) in zip(keyframes, boxes) if bb.isvalid()]
            (keyframes, boxes) = zip(*kfbb) if len(kfbb)>0 else ([],[])
            self._keyframes = list(keyframes)
            self._keyboxes = list(boxes)
            if len(self) == 0:
                warnings.warn('vipy.object.Track - filtering invalid boxes with filterbox=True resulted in zero length track for track ID %s' % str(            
    def from_json(cls, s):
        d = json.loads(s) if not isinstance(s, dict) else s
        d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in d.items()}  # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes)                                
        return cls(keyframes=tuple(int(f) for f in d['keyframes']),
                   boxes=tuple([Detection.from_json(bbs) for bbs in d['keyboxes']]),
                   category=d['label'] if 'label' in d else None,
                   shortlabel=d['shortlabel'] if 'shortlabel' in d else None,

    def __json__(self):
        """Serialization method for json package"""
        return self.json(encode=True)
    def json(self, encode=True):
        d = {k:v if k != '_keyboxes' else tuple([bb.json(encode=False) for bb in v]) for (k,v) in self.__dict__.items()}
        d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in d.items()}  # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes)                
        d['keyframes'] = tuple([int(f) for f in self._keyframes])
        return json.dumps(d) if encode else d

    def __repr__(self):
        strlist = []
        if self.category() is not None:
            strlist.append('category="%s"' % self.category())
        if self.endframe() is not None and self.startframe() is not None:
            strlist.append('startframe=%d, endframe=%d' % (self.startframe(), self.endframe()))
        strlist.append('keyframes=%d' % len(self._keyframes))
        return str('<vipy.object.track: %s>' % (', '.join(strlist)))

    def __getitem__(self, k):
        """Interpolate the track at frame k"""
        return self.linear_interpolation(k)

    def __iter__(self):
        """Iterate over the track interpolating each frame from min(keyframes) to max(keyframes)"""
        for k in range(self.startframe(), self.endframe()+1):
            yield self.linear_interpolation(k)

    def __len__(self):
        """The length of a track is the total number of interpolated frames, or zero if degenerate"""
        return max(0, self.endframe() - self.startframe() + 1) if (len(self._keyframes)>0 and len(self._keyboxes)>0) else 0

    def isempty(self):
        return self.__len__() == 0

    def confidence(self, last=None, samples=None):
        """The confidence of a track is the mean confidence of all (or just last=last frames, or samples=samples uniformly spaced) keyboxes (if confidences are available) else 0"""
        if samples is not None:
            dt = max(1, int(round(len(self._keyframes)/float(samples))))
            C = [self._keyboxes[i]._confidence for i in range(len(self._keyframes)-1, -1, -dt) if (hasattr(self._keyboxes[i], '_confidence') and self._keyboxes[i]._confidence is not None)]
        elif last == 1:
            return self.endbox().confidence() if len(self)>0 else 0
            ef = self.endframe() - last if last is not None else 0
            C = [d._confidence for (f,d) in zip(self.keyframes(), self.keyboxes()) if f >= ef and (hasattr(d, '_confidence') and d._confidence is not None)]
        return C[0] if len(C) == 1 else (float(np.mean(C)) if len(C) > 0 else 0)
    def isdegenerate(self):
        """Is the track degenerate?  
        A degenerate track has:
            - Unequal length keyboxes and keyframes
            - length zero track
            - Non increasing keyframes
            - Invalid keyboxes
        return not (len(self.keyboxes()) == len(self.keyframes()) and
                    (len(self) == 0 or all([bb.isvalid() for bb in self.keyboxes()])) and
                    sorted(self.keyframes()) == list(self.keyframes()))
    def dict(self):
        """Return a python dictionary containing the relevant serialized attributes suitable for JSON encoding"""
        return self.json(encode=False)

    def add(self, keyframe, bbox, strict=True):
        """Add a new keyframe and associated box to track, preserve sorted order of keyframes.  If keyframe is already in track, throw an exception.  In this case use update() instead

           -strict [bool]:  If box is degenerate, throw an exception if strict=True, otherwise just don't add it
        .. note::  The BoundingBox is added by reference.  If you want to this to be a copy, pass in bbox.clone()
        assert isinstance(bbox, BoundingBox), "Invalid input - Box must be vipy.geometry.BoundingBox()"
        assert strict is False or bbox.isvalid(), "Invalid input - Box must be non-degenerate"
        assert int(keyframe) not in self._keyframes, "Invalid input - repeated keyframe"
        if not bbox.isvalid():            
            return self  # just don't add it 
        self._keyboxes.append(bbox)  # not cloned()
        if len(self._keyframes) > 1 and keyframe < self._keyframes[-2]:
            # Preserve sorted order if inserting into the middle somewhere
            (self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) = zip(*sorted([(f,bb) for (f,bb) in zip(self._keyframes, self._keyboxes)], key=lambda x: x[0]))        
            self._keyframes = list(self._keyframes)
            self._keyboxes = list(self._keyboxes)
        return self

    def update(self, keyframe, bbox):
        if keyframe in self._keyframes:
        self.add(keyframe, bbox)
        return self
    def replace(self, keyframe, box):
        """Replace the keyframe and associated box(es), preserve sorted order of keyframes"""
        return self.delete(keyframe).add(keyframe, box)

    def delete(self, keyframe):
        """Replace a keyframe and associated box to track, preserve sorted order of keyframes"""
        while keyframe in self._keyframes:
            k = self._keyframes.index(keyframe)
            del self._keyboxes[k]
            del self._keyframes[k]
        return self
    def keyframes(self):
        """Return keyframe frame indexes where there are track observations"""
        return self._keyframes

    def num_keyframes(self):
        return len(self._keyframes)

    def keyboxes(self, boxes=None, keyframes=None):
        """Return keyboxes where there are track observations"""
        if boxes is None and keyframes is None:
            return self._keyboxes
            assert all([isinstance(bb, BoundingBox) for bb in boxes])
            self._keyboxes = boxes
            self._keyframes = keyframes if keyframes is not None else self._keyframes
            assert not self.isdegenerate()
            return self
    def meanshape(self):
        """Return the mean (width,height) of the box during the track, or None if the track is degenerate"""
        s = np.mean([bb.shape() for bb in self.keyboxes()], axis=0) if len(self.keyboxes()) > 0 else None
        return (float(s[0]), float(s[1])) if s is not None else None

    def meanbox(self):
        """Return the mean bounding box during the track, or None if the track is degenerate"""
        return BoundingBox(ulbr=np.mean([bb.ulbr() for bb in self.keyboxes()], axis=0)) if len(self.keyboxes()) > 0 else None 
    def shapevariance(self):
        """Return the variance (width, height) of the box shape relative to `vipy.object.Track.meanbox` during the track or None if the track is degenerate.  

        This is useful for filtering spurious tracks where the aspect ratio changes rapidly and randomly

            (width_variance, height_variance) of the box shape during the track (or None)
        m = self.meanshape()
        return (float(np.mean([(bb._width() - m[0])**2 for bb in self.keyboxes()])), 
                float(np.mean([(bb._height() - m[1])**2 for bb in self.keyboxes()]))) if m is not None else None

    def _set_framerate(self, fps):
        """Override framerate conversion and just set the framerate attribute.  

        .. warning::  This should really only be set by the user in the constructor and is included here as an admin override for some legacy JSON that did not contain framerates.  Use with caution!
        self._framerate = float(fps)
        return self

    def framerate(self, fps=None, speed=None):
        """Resample keyframes from known original framerate set by constructor to be new framerate fps.

            fps: [float]  The new frame rate in frames per second
            speed: [float]  An optional speed factor which will multiply the current framerate by this factor (e.g. speed=2 --> fps=self.framerate()*2)

            This track object with the keyframes resampled to the new framerate

        if fps is None and speed is None:
            return self._framerate
        assert self._framerate is not None, "Framerate conversion requires that the framerate is known for current keyframes.  This must be provided to the vipy.object.Track() constructor."
        assert fps is not None or speed is not None, "Invalid input"
        assert not (fps is not None and speed is not None), "Invalid input"
        assert speed is None or speed > 0, "Invalid speed, must specify speed multiplier s=1, s=2 for 2x faster, s=0.5 for half slower"
        fps = float(fps) if fps is not None else (1.0/speed)*self._framerate
        self._keyframes = [int(np.round(f*(fps/float(self._framerate)))) for f in self._keyframes]
        self._framerate = fps
        return self
    def startframe(self):
        """Return the startframe of the track or None if there are no keyframes.  
        The frame index is relative to the framerate set in the constructor.

        return self._keyframes[0] if len(self._keyframes)>0 else None  # assumes sorted order

    def endframe(self):
        """Return the endframe of the track or None if there are no keyframes.

        The frame index is relative to the framerate set in the constructor.
        return self._keyframes[-1] if len(self._keyframes)>0 else None  # assumes sorted order

    def duration(self):
        """The length of the track in seconds.

            The duration in seconds of this track object
        assert self.framerate() is not None, "Framerate must be set in constructor"
        return len(self) / float(self.framerate())
    def linear_interpolation(self, f, id=True):
        """Linear bounding box interpolation at frame=k given observed boxes (x,y,w,h) at keyframes.  

        This returns a `vipy.object.Detection` which is the interpolation of the `vipy.object.Track` at frame k

        - If self._boundary='extend', then boxes are repeated if the interpolation is outside the keyframes
        - If self._boundary='strict', then interpolation returns None if the interpolation is outside the keyframes
        .. note::  
            - The returned BoundingBox object is not cloned when possible for speed purposes, be careful when modifying this object.  clone() the returned object if necessary
            - This means that we return a reference to the underlying keybox upgraded with track properties and cast as `vipy.object.Detection`.  If you modify this object, then the track keybox will be modfied.
        assert len(self._keyboxes) > 0, "Degenerate object for interpolation"   # not self.isempty()
        if len(self._keyboxes) == 1:
            return Detection.cast(self._keyboxes[0].clone(), category=self.category(), shortlabel=self.shortlabel()).noattributes().setattribute('trackid', if (self._boundary == 'extend' or self.during(f)) else None
        if f in reversed(self._keyframes):            
            return Detection.cast(self._keyboxes[self._keyframes.index(f)], category=self.category(), shortlabel=self.shortlabel()).noattributes().setattribute('trackid',  # by reference, do not clone

        kf = self._keyframes
        ft = min(max(f, kf[0]), kf[-1])  # truncated frame index
        for i in reversed(range(0, len(kf)-1)):
            if kf[i] <= ft and kf[i+1] >= ft:
                break  # floor keyframe index
        c = (ft - kf[i]) / max(1, float(kf[i+1] - kf[i]))  # interpolation coefficient
        (bi, bj) = (self._keyboxes[i], self._keyboxes[i+1])
        d = Detection(xmin=bi._xmin + c*(bj._xmin - bi._xmin),   # float(np.interp(k, self._keyframes, [bb._xmin for bb in self._keyboxes])),
                      ymin=bi._ymin + c*(bj._ymin - bi._ymin),   # float(np.interp(k, self._keyframes, [bb._ymin for bb in self._keyboxes])),
                      xmax=bi._xmax + c*(bj._xmax - bi._xmax),   # float(np.interp(k, self._keyframes, [bb._xmax for bb in self._keyboxes])),
                      ymax=bi._ymax + c*(bj._ymax - bi._ymax),   # float(np.interp(k, self._keyframes, [bb._ymax for bb in self._keyboxes])),
                      confidence=bi.confidence(),  # may be None
        d.attributes['trackid'] =  # for correspondence of detections to tracks
        d.attributes['__trackid'] = d.attributes['trackid'] # trackid to be deprecated
        return d if self._boundary == 'extend' or self.during(f) else None

    def category(self, label=None, shortlabel=True):
        """Set the track category to label, and update thte shortlabel also.  Updates all keyboxes"""
        if label is not None:
            self._label = str(label)  # coerce to string
            self._shortlabel = str(label) if shortlabel else self._shortlabel  # coerce to string
            self.boxmap(lambda bb: bb.shortlabel(self._shortlabel) if shortlabel and isinstance(bb, Detection) else bb)
            self.boxmap(lambda bb: bb.category(self._label) if isinstance(bb, Detection) else bb)
            return self
            return self._label
    def categoryif(self, ifcategory, tocategory=None):
        """If the current category is equal to ifcategory, then change it to newcategory.

            ifcategory [dict, str]: May be a dictionary {ifcategory:tocategory}, or just an ifcategory
            tocategory [str]:  the target category 

            this object with the category changed.

        .. note:: This is useful for converting synonyms such as self.categoryif('motorbike', 'motorcycle')
        assert (isinstance(ifcategory, dict) and tocategory is None) or tocategory is not None

        if isinstance(ifcategory, dict):
            for (k,v) in ifcategory.items():
                self.categoryif(k, v)
        elif self.category() == ifcategory:
            self.category(tocategory, shortlabel=False)
        return self

    def label(self, label):
        """Alias for category"""
        return self.category(label, shortlabel=True)
    def shortlabel(self, label=None):
        """A optional shorter label string to show as a caption in visualizations.  Updates all keyboxes"""                
        if label is not None:
            self._shortlabel = str(label)  # coerce to string
            self.boxmap(lambda bb: bb.shortlabel(self._shortlabel) if isinstance(bb, Detection) else bb)
            return self
            return self._shortlabel

    def during(self, k_start, k_end=None):
        """Does the track contain a keyframe during the time interval (startframe, endframe) inclusive?"""        
        k_end = k_start+1 if k_end is None else k_end
        (startframe, endframe) = (self.startframe(), self.endframe())
        return len(self)>0 and ((k_start >= startframe and k_start <= endframe) or (k_end >= startframe and k_end <= endframe) or (k_start <= startframe and k_end >= endframe))
    def during_interval(self, k_start, k_end):
        """Does the track contain a keyframe during the inclusive frame interval (startframe, endframe)?

        .. note:: The start and end frames are inclusive
        return self.during(k_start, k_end)

    def within(self, starframe, endframe):
        """Is the track within the frame range (startframe, endframe)?"""
        return self.startframe() >= startframe and self.endframe() <= endframe
    def offset(self, dt=0, dx=0, dy=0):
        """Apply a temporal shift of dt frames, and a spatial shift of (dx, dy) pixels.
            dt: [int] frame offset
            dx: [float] horizontal spatial offset 
            dy: [float] vertical spatial offset 

            This box updated in place
        self._keyboxes = [bb.offset(dx, dy) for bb in self._keyboxes]
        self._keyframes = [int(f+dt) for f in self._keyframes]
        return self

    def uncrop(self, bb, s=1):
        """Apply a transformation to the track that will undo a crop of a bounding box with an optional scale factor.

        A typical operation is as follows.  A video is cropped and zommed in order to run a detector on a region of interest.  However, we want to align the resulting tracks on the original video before the crop and zoom.  

            bb: [`vipy.geometry.BoundingBox`].  A bounding box which was used to crop this track
            s: [float]  A scale factor applied after the bounding box crop

            This track after undoing the scale and crop 
        assert isinstance(bb, BoundingBox)
        return self.rescale(1/s).offset(dt=0, dx=bb.xmin(), dy=bb.ymin())

    def frameoffset(self, dx, dy):
        """Offset boxes by (dx,dy) in each frame.
        This is used to apply a different offset for each frame.  To apply one offset to all frames, use `vipy.object.Track.offset`.
            dx: [list]  This should be a list of frame offsets at each keyframe the same length as the number of keyboxes
            dy: [list]  This should be a list of frame offsets at each keyframe the same length as the number of keyboxes

            This track updated in place
        assert isinstance(dx, list) or isinstance(dx, tuple)
        assert isinstance(dy, list) or isinstance(dy, tuple)
        assert len(self.keyboxes()) == len(dx) and len(self.keyboxes()) == len(dy)
        self._keyboxes = [bb.offset(dx=x, dy=y) for (bb, (x, y)) in zip(self._keyboxes, zip(dx, dy))]
        return self

    def truncate(self, startframe=None, endframe=None):
        """Truncate a track so that any keyframes less than startframe or greater than endframe (inclusive) are removed.  Interpolate keyboxes at (startframe, endframe) endpoints.

            startframe: [int] The startframe of the truncation relative to the track framerate.  All keyframes less than or equal to startframe are included.  If the keyframe does not exist at startframe, one is interpolated and added.
            endframe: [int] The endframe of the truncation relative to the track framerate.  All keyframes greater than or equal to the endframe are included.  If the keyfrmae does not exist at endframe, one is interpolated and added.

            This track such that all keyboxes <= startframe or >= endframe are removed.

        .. note::  The startframe and endframe for truncation are inclusive.  
        if startframe is not None and startframe not in self._keyframes and self[startframe] is not None:
            self.add(startframe, self[startframe].clone())  # interpolated boundary condition
        if endframe is not None and endframe not in self._keyframes and self[endframe] is not None:
            self.add(endframe, self[endframe].clone())  # intepolated boundary condition
        kfkb = [(kf,kb) for (kf,kb) in zip(self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) if ((startframe is None or kf >= startframe) and (endframe is None or kf <= endframe))]
        (self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) = zip(*kfkb) if len(kfkb) > 0 else ([], [])
        return self
    def rescale(self, s):
        """Rescale track boxes by scale factor s"""
        if s != 1.0:
            self._keyboxes = [bb.rescale(s) for bb in self._keyboxes]
        return self

    def scale(self, s):
        """Alias for rescale"""
        return self.rescale(s)

    def scalex(self, sx):
        """Rescale track boxes by scale factor sx"""
        self._keyboxes = [bb.scalex(sx) for bb in self._keyboxes]
        return self

    def scaley(self, sy):
        """Rescale track boxes by scale factor sx"""
        self._keyboxes = [bb.scaley(sy) for bb in self._keyboxes]
        return self

    def dilate(self, s):
        """Dilate track boxes by scale factor s"""
        self._keyboxes = [bb.dilate(s) for bb in self._keyboxes]
        return self

    def maxsquare(self):
        """Set all of the track boxes to maxsquare"""
        self._keyboxes = [bb.maxsquare() for bb in self._keyboxes]
        return self
    def rot90cw(self, H, W):
        """Rotate an image with (H,W)=shape 90 degrees clockwise and update all boxes to be consistent"""
        self._keyboxes = [bb.rot90cw(H, W) for bb in self._keyboxes]
        return self

    def rot90ccw(self, H, W):
        """Rotate an image with (H,W)=shape 90 degrees clockwise and update all boxes to be consistent"""
        self._keyboxes = [bb.rot90ccw(H, W) for bb in self._keyboxes]
        return self

    def fliplr(self, H, W):
        """Flip an image left and right (mirror about vertical axis)"""
        self._keyboxes = [bb.fliplr(width=W) for bb in self._keyboxes]
        return self

    def flipud(self, H, W):
        """Flip an image left and right (mirror about vertical axis)"""
        self._keyboxes = [bb.flipud(height=H) for bb in self._keyboxes]
        return self

    def id(self, newid=None):
        if newid is None:
            return self._id
            self._id = newid
            return self

    def clone(self, startframe=None, endframe=None, rekey=False):
        #return copy.deepcopy(self)  
        t = Track.from_json(self.json(encode=False)) if (startframe is None and endframe is None) else self.clone_during(startframe, endframe)  # 2x faster than deepcopy
        if rekey:
            global DETECTION_GUID;[2:]);  DETECTION_GUID = DETECTION_GUID + 1;  # faster, increment package level UUID4 initialized GUID
        return t
    def clone_during(self, startframe, endframe):
        """Clone a track during a specific interval (startframe, endframe) relative to the framerate of the track.

        - This is useful for copying a small segment of a long track without the expense of copying the whole track.  
        - All keyframes and keyboxes not in (startframe, endframe) are not copied.
        - Boundary keyframes are copied to enable proper interpolation.        
        # Update (startframe,endframe) to be the keyframes just before startframe and the keyframe just after endframe so that interpolation will work correctly
        (startframe, endframe) = (([kf for kf in self._keyframes if kf <= startframe][-1]) if self.during(startframe, startframe) else startframe,
                                  ([kf for kf in self._keyframes if kf >= endframe][0]) if self.during(endframe, endframe) else endframe)
        kfkb = [(kf,kb.clone()) for (kf,kb) in zip(self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) if ((startframe is None or kf >= startframe) and (endframe is None or kf <= endframe))]
        (kf, kb) = zip(*kfkb) if len(kfkb) > 0 else ([], [])        
        return Track(keyframes=kf, boxes=kb, category=self._label, framerate=self._framerate, interpolation=self._interpolation, boundary=self._boundary, shortlabel=self._shortlabel, attributes=self.attributes, trackid=self._id)
    def boundingbox(self, startframe=None, endframe=None):
        """The bounding box of a track is the smallest spatial box that contains all of the BoundingBoxes of the track  within startframe and endframe, or None if there are no detections.
            startframe: [int] the startframe of the track to compute the bounding box.
            endframe: [int] the endframe of the track to compute the bounding box.
            `vipy.geometry.BoundingBox` which is the smallest box that contains all boxes of the track from (startframe, endframe)
        t = self.clone() if (startframe is None and endframe is None) else self.clone().truncate(startframe, endframe)
        d = t._keyboxes[0].clone() if len(t._keyboxes) >= 1 else None
        return d.union([bb for (k,bb) in zip(t._keyframes[1:], t._keyboxes[1:]) if t.during(k)]) if (d is not None and len(t._keyboxes) >= 2) else d

    def smallestbox(self):
        """The smallest box of a track is the smallest spatial box in area along the track"""
        k = np.argmin([bb.area() for bb in self._keyboxes]) if len(self._keyboxes) > 0 else None
        return self._keyboxes[k] if k is not None else None

    def biggestbox(self):
        """The biggest box of a track is the largest spatial box in area along the track"""
        k = np.argmax([bb.area() for bb in self._keyboxes]) if len(self._keyboxes) > 0 else None
        return self._keyboxes[k] if k is not None else None
    def pathlength(self):
        """The path length of a track is the cumulative Euclidean distance in pixels that the box travels"""
        return float(np.sum([bb_next.dist(bb_prev) for (bb_next, bb_prev) in zip(self._keyboxes[1:], self._keyboxes[0:-1])])) if len(self._keyboxes)>1 else 0.0
    def startbox(self):
        """The startbox is the first bounding box in the track"""
        return self._keyboxes[0] if len(self._keyboxes) > 0 else None

    def endbox(self):
        """The endbox is the last box in the track"""
        return self._keyboxes[-1] if len(self._keyboxes) > 0 else None

    def loop_closure_distance(self):
        """The loop closure track distance is the Euclidean distance in pixels between the start frame bounding box and end frame bounding box"""
        return self.startbox().dist(self.endbox()) if not self.isdegenerate() else None

    def boundary(self, b=None):
        if b is None:
            return self._boundary
            assert b in ['strict', 'extend']
            self._boundary = b
            return self
    def clip(self, startframe, endframe):
        """Clip a track to be within (startframe,endframe) with strict boundary handling"""
        if self[startframe] is not None:
            self.add(startframe, self[startframe])
        if self[endframe] is not None:
            self.add(endframe, self[endframe])
        keyframes = [f for (f,bb) in zip(self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) if f>=startframe and f<=endframe]  # may be empty
        keyboxes = [bb for (f,bb) in zip(self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) if f>=startframe and f<=endframe]  # may be empty
        if len(keyframes) == 0 or len(keyboxes) == 0:
            raise ValueError('Track does not contain any keyboxes within the requested frames (%d,%d)' % (startframe, endframe))
        self._keyframes = keyframes
        self._keyboxes = keyboxes
        self._boundary = 'strict'
        return self

    def iou(self, other, dt=1):
        """Compute the spatial IoU between two tracks as the mean IoU per frame in the range (self.startframe(), self.endframe())"""
        return self.rankiou(other, rank=len(self), dt=dt)

    def segment_maxiou(self, other, startframe, endframe):
        """Return the maximum framewise bounding box IOU between self and other in the range (startframe, endframe)"""
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"
        assert startframe < endframe
        return max([self[k].iou(other[k]) if (self[k] is not None) else 0 for k in range(startframe, endframe)])
    def maxiou(self, other, dt=1):
        """Compute the maximum spatial IoU between two tracks per frame in the range (self.startframe(), self.endframe())"""        
        return self.rankiou(other, rank=1, dt=dt)

    def fragmentiou(self, other, dt=5):
        """A fragment is a track that is fully contained within self"""
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"        
        startframe = max(self.startframe(), other.startframe())
        endframe = min(self.endframe(), other.endframe())
        return float(np.min([self[min(k,endframe)].iou(other[min(k,endframe)]) for k in range(startframe, endframe, dt)])) if (other.startframe() >= self.startframe() and other.endframe() <= self.endframe() and endframe > startframe) else 0
    def endpointiou(self, other):
        """Compute the mean spatial IoU between two tracks at the two overlapping endpoints.  useful for track continuation"""        
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"
        startframe = max(self.startframe(), other.startframe())
        endframe = min(self.endframe(), other.endframe())
        return float(np.mean([self[startframe].iou(other[startframe]), self[endframe].iou(other[endframe])]) if endframe > startframe else 0.0)

    def segmentiou(self, other, dt=5):
        """Compute the mean spatial IoU between two tracks at the overlapping segment, sampling by dt.  Useful for track continuation for densely overlapping tracks"""
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"
        startframe = max(self.startframe(), other.startframe())
        endframe = min(self.endframe(), other.endframe())   # inclusive
        return float(np.mean([self[min(k,endframe)].iou(other[min(k,endframe)]) for k in range(startframe, endframe, dt)]) if endframe > startframe else 0.0)

    def segmentcover(self, other, dt=5):
        """Compute the mean spatial cover between two tracks at the overlapping segment, sampling by dt.  Useful for track continuation for densely overlapping tracks"""
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"
        startframe = max(self.startframe(), other.startframe())
        endframe = min(self.endframe(), other.endframe())   # inclusive
        return float(np.mean([self[min(k,endframe)].maxcover(other[min(k,endframe)]) for k in range(startframe, endframe, dt)]) if endframe > startframe else 0.0)
    def rankiou(self, other, rank, dt=1):
        """Compute the mean spatial IoU between two tracks per frame in the range (self.startframe(), self.endframe()) using only the top-k (rank) frame overlaps
           Sample tracks at endpoints and n uniformly spaced frames or a stride of dt frames.  
           - rank [>1]:  The top-k best IOU overlaps to average when computing the rank IOU
           - This is useful for track continuation where the box deforms in the overlapping segment at the end due to occlusion. 
           - This is useful for track correspondence where a ground truth box does not match an estimated box precisely (e.g. loose box, non-visually grounded box)
           - This is the robust version of segmentiou.
           - Use percentileiou to determine the rank based a fraction of the length of the overlap, which will be more efficient for long tracks
        assert rank >= 1 and rank <= len(self)
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "Invalid input - must be vipy.object.Track()"
        assert dt >= 1
        frames = [self.startframe()] + list(range(self.startframe()+dt, self.endframe(), dt)) + [self.endframe()]
        return float(np.mean(sorted([self[k].iou(other[k]) if (self.during(k) and other.during(k)) else 0.0 for k in frames])[-rank:]))

    def percentileiou(self, other, percentile, samples=100):
        """Percentile iou returns rankiou for rank=percentile*len(overlap(self, other))
           -other [Track]
           -percentile [0,1]:  The top-k best overlaps to average when computing rankiou
           -samples:  The number of uniformly spaced samples to take along the track for computing the rankiou
        assert percentile > 0 and percentile <= 1
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"
        assert self.framerate() == other.framerate()
        startframe = max(self.startframe(), other.startframe())
        endframe = min(self.endframe(), other.endframe())
        segmentlen = endframe - startframe
        dt = max(1, int(np.floor(segmentlen/samples)))
        return self.rankiou(other, max(1, int(segmentlen*percentile)), dt=dt) if segmentlen > 0 else 0

    def segment_percentileiou(self, other, percentile, samples=100):
        """percentiliou on the overlapping segment with other"""
        assert percentile > 0 and percentile <= 1
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"
        assert self.framerate() == other.framerate()
        startframe = max(self.startframe(), other.startframe())
        endframe = min(self.endframe(), other.endframe())
        segmentlen = endframe - startframe
        rank = int(segmentlen*percentile)
        dt = max(1, int(np.floor(segmentlen/samples)))
        iou = sorted([self[min(k,endframe)].iou(other[min(k,endframe)]) for k in range(startframe, endframe, dt)]) if endframe > startframe else []
        return float(np.mean(iou[-rank:]) if endframe > startframe else 0.0)

    def segment_percentilecover(self, other, percentile, samples=100):
        """percentile cover on the overlapping segment with other"""
        assert percentile > 0 and percentile <= 1
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"
        assert self.framerate() == other.framerate()
        startframe = max(self.startframe(), other.startframe())
        endframe = min(self.endframe(), other.endframe())
        segmentlen = endframe - startframe
        rank = int(segmentlen*percentile)
        dt = max(1, int(np.floor(segmentlen/samples)))
        bblist = [(self[min(k,endframe)], other[min(k,endframe)]) for k in range(startframe, endframe, dt)] if endframe > startframe else []
        cover = [max(bbself.cover(bbother), bbother.cover(bbself)) for (bbself, bbother) in bblist]
        return float(np.mean(cover[-rank:]) if endframe > startframe else 0.0)

    def union(self, other, overlap='average'):
        """Compute the union of two tracks.  Overlapping boxes between self and other:
             - average [bool]:  average framewise interpolated boxes at overlapping keyframes
             - replace [bool]:  replace the box with other if other and self overlap at a keyframe
             - keep [bool]:  keep the box from self (discard other) at a keyframe
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "Invalid input - must be vipy.object.Track()"
        assert other.category() == self.category(), "Category mismatch"
        assert overlap in ['average', 'replace', 'keep'], "Invalid input - 'overlap' must be in [average, replace, keep]"
        T = self.clone()
        keyframes = sorted(set(T._keyframes+other._keyframes))
        T._keyboxes = [((self[k].average(other[k]) if (overlap == 'average') else (self[k] if (overlap == 'keep') else other[k]))
                        if (self.during(k) and other.during(k)) else 
                        (self[k] if (self.during(k) and not other.during(k)) else (other[k])))
                       for k in keyframes] 
        T._keyframes = keyframes
        return T  

    def average(self, other):
        """Compute the average of two tracks by the framewise interpolated boxes at the keyframes of this track"""
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "Invalid input - must be vipy.object.Track()"
        assert other.category() == self.category(), "Category mismatch"
        T = self.clone()
        T._keyboxes = [(self[k].average(other[k]) 
                        if (self.during(k) and other.during(k)) else (self[k] if (self.during(k) and not other.during(k)) else (other[k])))
                       for k in T._keyframes]  
        return T  

    def temporal_distance(self, other):
        """The temporal distance between two tracks is the minimum number of frames separating them"""
        assert isinstance(other, Track), "Invalid input - must be vipy.object.Track()"
        return max(max(self.startframe() - other.endframe(), other.startframe() - self.endframe()), 0)

    def smooth(self, width):
        """Track smoothing by averaging neighboring keyboxes"""
        assert isinstance(width, int) and width > 0
        if len(self._keyboxes) > width:
            self._keyboxes = [bb.clone().average(bbnbrs) for (bb, bbnbrs) in zip(self._keyboxes, chunklistwithoverlap(self._keyboxes, width, width-1))] 
        return self

    def smoothshape(self, width):
        """Track smoothing by averaging width and height of neighboring keyboxes"""
        assert isinstance(width, int) and width > 0
        if len(self._keyboxes) > width:
            self._keyboxes = [bb.clone().averageshape(bbnbrs) for (bb, bbnbrs) in zip(self._keyboxes, chunklistwithoverlap(self._keyboxes, width, width-1))]
        return self

    def medianshape(self, width):
        """Track smoothing by median width and height of neighboring keyboxes"""
        assert isinstance(width, int) and width > 0
        if len(self._keyboxes) > width:
            self._keyboxes = [bb.clone().medianshape(bbnbrs) for (bb, bbnbrs) in zip(self._keyboxes, chunklistwithoverlap(self._keyboxes, width, width-1))]
        return self

    def spline(self, smoothingfactor=None, strict=True, startframe=None, endframe=None):
        """Track smoothing by cubic spline fit, will return resampled dt=1 track.  Smoothing factor will increase with smoothing > 1 and decrease with 0 < smoothing < 1
           This function requires optional package scipy
        try_import('scipy', 'scipy');  import scipy.interpolate;
        assert smoothingfactor is None or smoothingfactor > 0
        t = self.clone().resample(dt=1)
        (startframe, endframe) = (self.startframe() if startframe is None else startframe, self.endframe() if endframe is None else endframe)
            assert len(t._keyframes) > 4, "Invalid length for spline interpolation"        
            s = smoothingfactor * len(self._keyframes) if smoothingfactor is not None else None
            (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) = zip(*[bb.to_ulbr() for bb in t._keyboxes])
            f_xmin = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(t._keyframes, xmin, check_finite=False, s=s)
            f_ymin = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(t._keyframes, ymin, check_finite=False, s=s)
            f_xmax = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(t._keyframes, xmax, check_finite=False, s=s)
            f_ymax = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(t._keyframes, ymax, check_finite=False, s=s)
            (self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) = zip(*[(k, BoundingBox(xmin=float(f_xmin(k)), ymin=float(f_ymin(k)), xmax=float(f_xmax(k)), ymax=float(f_ymax(k)))) for k in range(startframe, endframe)])
        except Exception as e:
            if not strict:
                print('[vipy.object.track]: spline smoothing failed with error "%s" - Returning unsmoothed track' % (str(e)))
                return self
        return self

    def linear_extrapolation(self, k, shape=False, dt=30):
        """Track extrapolation by linear fit.
           * Requires at least 2 keyboxes.
           * Returned boxes may be degenerate.
           * shape=True then both the position and shape (width, height) of the box is extrapolated
        if self.during(k):
            return self[k]
        elif len(self._keyboxes) == 1:
            return self.nearest_keybox(k)
            n = self.endframe() if k > self.endframe() else self.startframe()+1
            d = self.endbox().clone() if k > self.endframe() else self.startbox().clone()
            (vx, vy) = self.shape_invariant_velocity(n, dt=dt) if not shape else self.velocity(n, dt=dt)
            (vw, vh) = (self.velocity_w(n, dt=dt), self.velocity_h(n, dt=dt)) if shape else (0,0)
            d = d.translate((k-n)*vx, (k-n)*vy)
            return d if not shape else ((k-n)*vh)/2.0).bottom( ((k-n)*vh)/2.0).left( ((k-n)*vw)/2.0).right( ((k-n)*vw)/2.0)
    def imclip(self, width, height):
        """Clip the track to the image rectangle (width, height).  If a keybox is outside the image rectangle, remove it otherwise clip to the image rectangle. 
           This operation can change the length of the track and the size of the keyboxes.  The result may be an empty track if the track is completely outside
           the image rectangle, which results in an exception.
        clipped = [(f, bb.imclip(width=width, height=height)) for (f,bb) in zip(self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) if bb.hasoverlap(width=width, height=height)]
        if len(clipped) > 0:
            (self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) = zip(*clipped)
            (self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) = (list(self._keyframes), list(self._keyboxes))
            return self
            raise ValueError('All key boxes for track outside image rectangle')

    def resample(self, dt):
        """Resample the track using a stride of dt frames.  This reduces the density of keyframes by interpolating new keyframes as a uniform stride of dt.  This is useful for track compression"""
        assert dt >= 1 and dt < len(self)
        frames =  list(range(self.startframe(), self.endframe(), dt)) + [self.endframe()]
        (self._keyboxes, self._keyframes) = zip(*[(self[k], k) for k in frames])
        (self._keyboxes, self._keyframes) = (list(self._keyboxes), list(self._keyframes))
        return self

    def significant_digits(self, n):
        """Round the coordinates of all boxes so that they have n significant digits for efficient serialization"""
        self._keyboxes = [bb.significant_digits(n) for bb in self._keyboxes]
        return self

    def bearing(self, f, dt=30, minspeed=1):
        """The bearing of a track at frame f is the angle of the velocity vector relative to the (x,y) image coordinate frame, in radians [-pi, pi]"""
        v = self.shape_invariant_velocity(f, dt)
        return float(np.arctan2(v[1], v[0])) if self.speed(f, dt) > minspeed else None  # atan2(y,x)

    def bearing_change(self, f1=None, f2=None, dt=30, minspeed=1, samples=None):
        """The bearing change of a track from frame f1 (or start) and frame f2 (or end) is the relative angle of the velocity vectors in radians [-pi,pi].
            f1: [int] the start frame for computing the bearing change.  If None, then use self.startframe()
            f2: [int] the end frame for computing the bearing change.  if None, then use self.endframe()
            dt: [int] The number of frames between computations of the velocity vector for bearing
            minspeed: [float] The minimum speed in frames per second used to threshold bearing computations if there is no motion
            samples: [int] The number of samples to average for computing the bearing change
            The floating point bearing change in radians in [-pi, pi] from (f1,f2) where bearing is computed at samples=n points, and each bearing is computed with a velocity stride of dt frames.

        dt = min(dt, len(self))
        (sf, ef) = (f1 if f1 is not None else self.startframe(), f2 if f2 is not None else self.endframe())
        df = 1 if samples is None else int(np.floor((ef-sf)/samples))
        B = [self.bearing(k, dt=dt, minspeed=minspeed) for k in range(sf, ef+df, df) if k>=sf and k<=ef]
        B = [b for b in B if b is not None]  # valid bearing estimates only
        dr = np.sum(np.diff(B)) if len(B) > 0 else 0  # cumulative bearing angle change 
        return float(dr if np.abs(dr)<=np.pi else ((2*np.pi - dr) if (dr > np.pi) else (2*np.pi + dr)))

    def acceleration(self, f, dt=30):
        """Return the (x,y) track acceleration magnitude at frame f computed using central finite differences of velocity.
            acceleration in (pixels / seconds^2) using velocity computed at (f-2*dt, f-dt), (f+dt, f+2*dt)
        (u, v) = (self.shape_invariant_velocity(f-dt, dt), self.shape_invariant_velocity(f+2*dt, dt))  # ((f-2*dt, (f-dt)), (f+dt, f+2*dt))
        (ax, ay) = ((v[0] - u[0])/float(2*dt), (v[1] - u[1])/float(2*dt))
        return float(np.sqrt(ax**2 + ay**2))  # acceleration magnitude in pixels    
    def velocity(self, f, dt=30):
        """Return the (x,y) track velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by mean finite difference of the box centroid"""
        return (self.velocity_x(f, dt), self.velocity_y(f, dt))

    def speed(self, f, dt=30):
        (u,v) = self.shape_invariant_velocity(f, dt)
        return float(np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2))
    def boxmap(self, f):
        """Apply the lambda function to each keybox"""
        assert callable(f)
        self._keyboxes = [f(bb) for bb in self._keyboxes]        
        return self

    def shape_invariant_velocity(self, f, dt=30):
        """Return the (x,y) track velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by minimum mean finite differences of any box corner independent of changes in shape, over a finite time window of [f-dt, f]"""
        assert f >= 0 and dt > 0
        if len(self) < 2 or not (self.during(f) and self.during(f-dt)) :
            return (0,0)
        kb = [((f-dt), self.linear_interpolation(f-dt, id=False))] + [(kf, bb) for (kf,bb) in zip(self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) if (kf > f-dt) and (kf < f)]
        (kfe, bbe) = (f, self.linear_interpolation(f, id=False))
        vx = float((1.0/len(kb))*sum([min([(bbe._xmin - bb._xmin), (bbe._xmax - bb._xmax)], key=abs)/float(kfe-kf) for (kf,bb) in kb]))
        vy = float((1.0/len(kb))*sum([min([(bbe._ymin - bb._ymin), (bbe._ymax - bb._ymax)], key=abs)/float(kfe-kf) for (kf,bb) in kb]))
        return (vx, vy)

    def velocity_x(self, f, dt=30):
        """Return the left/right velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by mean finite difference over a fixed time window (dt, frames) of the box centroid"""
        assert f >= 0 and dt > 0
        return float(np.mean([(self[f].centroid_x() - self[f-k].centroid_x())/float(k) for k in range(1,dt) if self.during(f-k)])) if (self.during(f-1) and self.during(f)) else 0

    def velocity_y(self, f, dt=30):
        """Return the up/down velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by mean finite difference over a fixed time window (dt, frames) of the box centroid"""
        assert f >= 0 and dt > 0
        return float(np.mean([(self[f].centroid_y() - self[f-k].centroid_y())/float(k) for k in range(1,dt) if self.during(f-k)])) if (self.during(f-1) and self.during(f)) else 0

    def velocity_w(self, f, dt=30):
        """Return the width velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by finite difference"""
        assert f >= 0 and dt > 0 and self.during(f)
        return float(np.mean([(self[f]._width() - self[f-k]._width())/float(k) for k in range(1,dt) if self.during(f-k)])) if self.during(f-1) else 0

    def velocity_h(self, f, dt=30):
        """Return the height velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by finite difference"""
        assert f >= 0 and dt > 0 and self.during(f)
        return float(np.mean([(self[f]._height() - self[f-k]._height())/float(k) for k in range(1,dt) if self.during(f-k)])) if self.during(f-1) else 0
    def nearest_keyframe(self, f):
        """Nearest keyframe to frame f"""
        assert len(self._keyframes) > 0
        return self._keyframes[int(np.abs(np.array(self._keyframes) - f).argmin())]

    def nearest_keybox(self, f):
        """Nearest keybox to frame f"""
        assert len(self._keyframes) > 0
        return self._keyboxes[int(np.abs(np.array(self._keyframes) - f).argmin())]  # by-reference
    def ismoving(self, startframe=None, endframe=None, mincover=0.9):
        """Is the track moving in the frame range (startframe,endframe)?"""
        (bbs, bbe) = (self[max(self.startframe(), startframe)] if startframe is not None else self.startbox(), self[min(self.endframe(), endframe)] if endframe is not None else self.endbox())
        return (bbs.maxcover(bbe) < mincover) if (bbs is not None and bbe is not None) else False

Static methods

def from_json(s)
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def from_json(cls, s):
    d = json.loads(s) if not isinstance(s, dict) else s
    d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in d.items()}  # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes)                                
    return cls(keyframes=tuple(int(f) for f in d['keyframes']),
               boxes=tuple([Detection.from_json(bbs) for bbs in d['keyboxes']]),
               category=d['label'] if 'label' in d else None,
               shortlabel=d['shortlabel'] if 'shortlabel' in d else None,


def acceleration(self, f, dt=30)

Return the (x,y) track acceleration magnitude at frame f computed using central finite differences of velocity.


acceleration in (pixels / seconds^2) using velocity computed at (f-2dt, f-dt), (f+dt, f+2dt)

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def acceleration(self, f, dt=30):
    """Return the (x,y) track acceleration magnitude at frame f computed using central finite differences of velocity.
        acceleration in (pixels / seconds^2) using velocity computed at (f-2*dt, f-dt), (f+dt, f+2*dt)
    (u, v) = (self.shape_invariant_velocity(f-dt, dt), self.shape_invariant_velocity(f+2*dt, dt))  # ((f-2*dt, (f-dt)), (f+dt, f+2*dt))
    (ax, ay) = ((v[0] - u[0])/float(2*dt), (v[1] - u[1])/float(2*dt))
    return float(np.sqrt(ax**2 + ay**2))  # acceleration magnitude in pixels    
def add(self, keyframe, bbox, strict=True)

Add a new keyframe and associated box to track, preserve sorted order of keyframes. If keyframe is already in track, throw an exception. In this case use update() instead

-strict [bool]: If box is degenerate, throw an exception if strict=True, otherwise just don't add it

Note: The BoundingBox is added by reference. If you want to this to be a copy, pass in bbox.clone()

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def add(self, keyframe, bbox, strict=True):
    """Add a new keyframe and associated box to track, preserve sorted order of keyframes.  If keyframe is already in track, throw an exception.  In this case use update() instead

       -strict [bool]:  If box is degenerate, throw an exception if strict=True, otherwise just don't add it
    .. note::  The BoundingBox is added by reference.  If you want to this to be a copy, pass in bbox.clone()
    assert isinstance(bbox, BoundingBox), "Invalid input - Box must be vipy.geometry.BoundingBox()"
    assert strict is False or bbox.isvalid(), "Invalid input - Box must be non-degenerate"
    assert int(keyframe) not in self._keyframes, "Invalid input - repeated keyframe"
    if not bbox.isvalid():            
        return self  # just don't add it 
    self._keyboxes.append(bbox)  # not cloned()
    if len(self._keyframes) > 1 and keyframe < self._keyframes[-2]:
        # Preserve sorted order if inserting into the middle somewhere
        (self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) = zip(*sorted([(f,bb) for (f,bb) in zip(self._keyframes, self._keyboxes)], key=lambda x: x[0]))        
        self._keyframes = list(self._keyframes)
        self._keyboxes = list(self._keyboxes)
    return self
def average(self, other)

Compute the average of two tracks by the framewise interpolated boxes at the keyframes of this track

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def average(self, other):
    """Compute the average of two tracks by the framewise interpolated boxes at the keyframes of this track"""
    assert isinstance(other, Track), "Invalid input - must be vipy.object.Track()"
    assert other.category() == self.category(), "Category mismatch"
    T = self.clone()
    T._keyboxes = [(self[k].average(other[k]) 
                    if (self.during(k) and other.during(k)) else (self[k] if (self.during(k) and not other.during(k)) else (other[k])))
                   for k in T._keyframes]  
    return T  
def bearing(self, f, dt=30, minspeed=1)

The bearing of a track at frame f is the angle of the velocity vector relative to the (x,y) image coordinate frame, in radians [-pi, pi]

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def bearing(self, f, dt=30, minspeed=1):
    """The bearing of a track at frame f is the angle of the velocity vector relative to the (x,y) image coordinate frame, in radians [-pi, pi]"""
    v = self.shape_invariant_velocity(f, dt)
    return float(np.arctan2(v[1], v[0])) if self.speed(f, dt) > minspeed else None  # atan2(y,x)
def bearing_change(self, f1=None, f2=None, dt=30, minspeed=1, samples=None)

The bearing change of a track from frame f1 (or start) and frame f2 (or end) is the relative angle of the velocity vectors in radians [-pi,pi].


[int] the start frame for computing the bearing change. If None, then use self.startframe()
[int] the end frame for computing the bearing change. if None, then use self.endframe()
[int] The number of frames between computations of the velocity vector for bearing
[float] The minimum speed in frames per second used to threshold bearing computations if there is no motion
[int] The number of samples to average for computing the bearing change


The floating point bearing change in radians in [-pi, pi] from (f1,f2) where bearing is computed at samples=n points, and each bearing is computed with a velocity stride of dt frames.

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def bearing_change(self, f1=None, f2=None, dt=30, minspeed=1, samples=None):
    """The bearing change of a track from frame f1 (or start) and frame f2 (or end) is the relative angle of the velocity vectors in radians [-pi,pi].
        f1: [int] the start frame for computing the bearing change.  If None, then use self.startframe()
        f2: [int] the end frame for computing the bearing change.  if None, then use self.endframe()
        dt: [int] The number of frames between computations of the velocity vector for bearing
        minspeed: [float] The minimum speed in frames per second used to threshold bearing computations if there is no motion
        samples: [int] The number of samples to average for computing the bearing change
        The floating point bearing change in radians in [-pi, pi] from (f1,f2) where bearing is computed at samples=n points, and each bearing is computed with a velocity stride of dt frames.

    dt = min(dt, len(self))
    (sf, ef) = (f1 if f1 is not None else self.startframe(), f2 if f2 is not None else self.endframe())
    df = 1 if samples is None else int(np.floor((ef-sf)/samples))
    B = [self.bearing(k, dt=dt, minspeed=minspeed) for k in range(sf, ef+df, df) if k>=sf and k<=ef]
    B = [b for b in B if b is not None]  # valid bearing estimates only
    dr = np.sum(np.diff(B)) if len(B) > 0 else 0  # cumulative bearing angle change 
    return float(dr if np.abs(dr)<=np.pi else ((2*np.pi - dr) if (dr > np.pi) else (2*np.pi + dr)))
def biggestbox(self)

The biggest box of a track is the largest spatial box in area along the track

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def biggestbox(self):
    """The biggest box of a track is the largest spatial box in area along the track"""
    k = np.argmax([bb.area() for bb in self._keyboxes]) if len(self._keyboxes) > 0 else None
    return self._keyboxes[k] if k is not None else None
def boundary(self, b=None)
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def boundary(self, b=None):
    if b is None:
        return self._boundary
        assert b in ['strict', 'extend']
        self._boundary = b
        return self
def boundingbox(self, startframe=None, endframe=None)

The bounding box of a track is the smallest spatial box that contains all of the BoundingBoxes of the track within startframe and endframe, or None if there are no detections.


[int] the startframe of the track to compute the bounding box.
[int] the endframe of the track to compute the bounding box.


BoundingBox which is the smallest box that contains all boxes of the track from (startframe, endframe)

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def boundingbox(self, startframe=None, endframe=None):
    """The bounding box of a track is the smallest spatial box that contains all of the BoundingBoxes of the track  within startframe and endframe, or None if there are no detections.
        startframe: [int] the startframe of the track to compute the bounding box.
        endframe: [int] the endframe of the track to compute the bounding box.
        `vipy.geometry.BoundingBox` which is the smallest box that contains all boxes of the track from (startframe, endframe)
    t = self.clone() if (startframe is None and endframe is None) else self.clone().truncate(startframe, endframe)
    d = t._keyboxes[0].clone() if len(t._keyboxes) >= 1 else None
    return d.union([bb for (k,bb) in zip(t._keyframes[1:], t._keyboxes[1:]) if t.during(k)]) if (d is not None and len(t._keyboxes) >= 2) else d
def boxmap(self, f)

Apply the lambda function to each keybox

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def boxmap(self, f):
    """Apply the lambda function to each keybox"""
    assert callable(f)
    self._keyboxes = [f(bb) for bb in self._keyboxes]        
    return self
def category(self, label=None, shortlabel=True)

Set the track category to label, and update thte shortlabel also. Updates all keyboxes

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def category(self, label=None, shortlabel=True):
    """Set the track category to label, and update thte shortlabel also.  Updates all keyboxes"""
    if label is not None:
        self._label = str(label)  # coerce to string
        self._shortlabel = str(label) if shortlabel else self._shortlabel  # coerce to string
        self.boxmap(lambda bb: bb.shortlabel(self._shortlabel) if shortlabel and isinstance(bb, Detection) else bb)
        self.boxmap(lambda bb: bb.category(self._label) if isinstance(bb, Detection) else bb)
        return self
        return self._label
def categoryif(self, ifcategory, tocategory=None)

If the current category is equal to ifcategory, then change it to newcategory.


ifcategory [dict, str]: May be a dictionary {ifcategory:tocategory}, or just an ifcategory tocategory [str]: the target category


this object with the category changed.

Note: This is useful for converting synonyms such as self.categoryif('motorbike', 'motorcycle')

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def categoryif(self, ifcategory, tocategory=None):
    """If the current category is equal to ifcategory, then change it to newcategory.

        ifcategory [dict, str]: May be a dictionary {ifcategory:tocategory}, or just an ifcategory
        tocategory [str]:  the target category 

        this object with the category changed.

    .. note:: This is useful for converting synonyms such as self.categoryif('motorbike', 'motorcycle')
    assert (isinstance(ifcategory, dict) and tocategory is None) or tocategory is not None

    if isinstance(ifcategory, dict):
        for (k,v) in ifcategory.items():
            self.categoryif(k, v)
    elif self.category() == ifcategory:
        self.category(tocategory, shortlabel=False)
    return self
def clip(self, startframe, endframe)

Clip a track to be within (startframe,endframe) with strict boundary handling

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def clip(self, startframe, endframe):
    """Clip a track to be within (startframe,endframe) with strict boundary handling"""
    if self[startframe] is not None:
        self.add(startframe, self[startframe])
    if self[endframe] is not None:
        self.add(endframe, self[endframe])
    keyframes = [f for (f,bb) in zip(self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) if f>=startframe and f<=endframe]  # may be empty
    keyboxes = [bb for (f,bb) in zip(self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) if f>=startframe and f<=endframe]  # may be empty
    if len(keyframes) == 0 or len(keyboxes) == 0:
        raise ValueError('Track does not contain any keyboxes within the requested frames (%d,%d)' % (startframe, endframe))
    self._keyframes = keyframes
    self._keyboxes = keyboxes
    self._boundary = 'strict'
    return self
def clone(self, startframe=None, endframe=None, rekey=False)
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def clone(self, startframe=None, endframe=None, rekey=False):
    #return copy.deepcopy(self)  
    t = Track.from_json(self.json(encode=False)) if (startframe is None and endframe is None) else self.clone_during(startframe, endframe)  # 2x faster than deepcopy
    if rekey:
        global DETECTION_GUID;[2:]);  DETECTION_GUID = DETECTION_GUID + 1;  # faster, increment package level UUID4 initialized GUID
    return t
def clone_during(self, startframe, endframe)

Clone a track during a specific interval (startframe, endframe) relative to the framerate of the track.

  • This is useful for copying a small segment of a long track without the expense of copying the whole track.
  • All keyframes and keyboxes not in (startframe, endframe) are not copied.
  • Boundary keyframes are copied to enable proper interpolation.
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def clone_during(self, startframe, endframe):
    """Clone a track during a specific interval (startframe, endframe) relative to the framerate of the track.

    - This is useful for copying a small segment of a long track without the expense of copying the whole track.  
    - All keyframes and keyboxes not in (startframe, endframe) are not copied.
    - Boundary keyframes are copied to enable proper interpolation.        
    # Update (startframe,endframe) to be the keyframes just before startframe and the keyframe just after endframe so that interpolation will work correctly
    (startframe, endframe) = (([kf for kf in self._keyframes if kf <= startframe][-1]) if self.during(startframe, startframe) else startframe,
                              ([kf for kf in self._keyframes if kf >= endframe][0]) if self.during(endframe, endframe) else endframe)
    kfkb = [(kf,kb.clone()) for (kf,kb) in zip(self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) if ((startframe is None or kf >= startframe) and (endframe is None or kf <= endframe))]
    (kf, kb) = zip(*kfkb) if len(kfkb) > 0 else ([], [])        
    return Track(keyframes=kf, boxes=kb, category=self._label, framerate=self._framerate, interpolation=self._interpolation, boundary=self._boundary, shortlabel=self._shortlabel, attributes=self.attributes, trackid=self._id)
def confidence(self, last=None, samples=None)

The confidence of a track is the mean confidence of all (or just last=last frames, or samples=samples uniformly spaced) keyboxes (if confidences are available) else 0

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def confidence(self, last=None, samples=None):
    """The confidence of a track is the mean confidence of all (or just last=last frames, or samples=samples uniformly spaced) keyboxes (if confidences are available) else 0"""
    if samples is not None:
        dt = max(1, int(round(len(self._keyframes)/float(samples))))
        C = [self._keyboxes[i]._confidence for i in range(len(self._keyframes)-1, -1, -dt) if (hasattr(self._keyboxes[i], '_confidence') and self._keyboxes[i]._confidence is not None)]
    elif last == 1:
        return self.endbox().confidence() if len(self)>0 else 0
        ef = self.endframe() - last if last is not None else 0
        C = [d._confidence for (f,d) in zip(self.keyframes(), self.keyboxes()) if f >= ef and (hasattr(d, '_confidence') and d._confidence is not None)]
    return C[0] if len(C) == 1 else (float(np.mean(C)) if len(C) > 0 else 0)
def delete(self, keyframe)

Replace a keyframe and associated box to track, preserve sorted order of keyframes

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def delete(self, keyframe):
    """Replace a keyframe and associated box to track, preserve sorted order of keyframes"""
    while keyframe in self._keyframes:
        k = self._keyframes.index(keyframe)
        del self._keyboxes[k]
        del self._keyframes[k]
    return self
def dict(self)

Return a python dictionary containing the relevant serialized attributes suitable for JSON encoding

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def dict(self):
    """Return a python dictionary containing the relevant serialized attributes suitable for JSON encoding"""
    return self.json(encode=False)
def dilate(self, s)

Dilate track boxes by scale factor s

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def dilate(self, s):
    """Dilate track boxes by scale factor s"""
    self._keyboxes = [bb.dilate(s) for bb in self._keyboxes]
    return self
def duration(self)

The length of the track in seconds.


The duration in seconds of this track object

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def duration(self):
    """The length of the track in seconds.

        The duration in seconds of this track object
    assert self.framerate() is not None, "Framerate must be set in constructor"
    return len(self) / float(self.framerate())
def during(self, k_start, k_end=None)

Does the track contain a keyframe during the time interval (startframe, endframe) inclusive?

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def during(self, k_start, k_end=None):
    """Does the track contain a keyframe during the time interval (startframe, endframe) inclusive?"""        
    k_end = k_start+1 if k_end is None else k_end
    (startframe, endframe) = (self.startframe(), self.endframe())
    return len(self)>0 and ((k_start >= startframe and k_start <= endframe) or (k_end >= startframe and k_end <= endframe) or (k_start <= startframe and k_end >= endframe))
def during_interval(self, k_start, k_end)

Does the track contain a keyframe during the inclusive frame interval (startframe, endframe)?

Note: The start and end frames are inclusive

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def during_interval(self, k_start, k_end):
    """Does the track contain a keyframe during the inclusive frame interval (startframe, endframe)?

    .. note:: The start and end frames are inclusive
    return self.during(k_start, k_end)
def endbox(self)

The endbox is the last box in the track

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def endbox(self):
    """The endbox is the last box in the track"""
    return self._keyboxes[-1] if len(self._keyboxes) > 0 else None
def endframe(self)

Return the endframe of the track or None if there are no keyframes.

The frame index is relative to the framerate set in the constructor.

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def endframe(self):
    """Return the endframe of the track or None if there are no keyframes.

    The frame index is relative to the framerate set in the constructor.
    return self._keyframes[-1] if len(self._keyframes)>0 else None  # assumes sorted order
def endpointiou(self, other)

Compute the mean spatial IoU between two tracks at the two overlapping endpoints. useful for track continuation

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def endpointiou(self, other):
    """Compute the mean spatial IoU between two tracks at the two overlapping endpoints.  useful for track continuation"""        
    assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"
    startframe = max(self.startframe(), other.startframe())
    endframe = min(self.endframe(), other.endframe())
    return float(np.mean([self[startframe].iou(other[startframe]), self[endframe].iou(other[endframe])]) if endframe > startframe else 0.0)
def fliplr(self, H, W)

Flip an image left and right (mirror about vertical axis)

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def fliplr(self, H, W):
    """Flip an image left and right (mirror about vertical axis)"""
    self._keyboxes = [bb.fliplr(width=W) for bb in self._keyboxes]
    return self
def flipud(self, H, W)

Flip an image left and right (mirror about vertical axis)

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def flipud(self, H, W):
    """Flip an image left and right (mirror about vertical axis)"""
    self._keyboxes = [bb.flipud(height=H) for bb in self._keyboxes]
    return self
def fragmentiou(self, other, dt=5)

A fragment is a track that is fully contained within self

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def fragmentiou(self, other, dt=5):
    """A fragment is a track that is fully contained within self"""
    assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"        
    startframe = max(self.startframe(), other.startframe())
    endframe = min(self.endframe(), other.endframe())
    return float(np.min([self[min(k,endframe)].iou(other[min(k,endframe)]) for k in range(startframe, endframe, dt)])) if (other.startframe() >= self.startframe() and other.endframe() <= self.endframe() and endframe > startframe) else 0
def frameoffset(self, dx, dy)

Offset boxes by (dx,dy) in each frame.

This is used to apply a different offset for each frame. To apply one offset to all frames, use Track.offset().


[list] This should be a list of frame offsets at each keyframe the same length as the number of keyboxes
[list] This should be a list of frame offsets at each keyframe the same length as the number of keyboxes


This track updated in place

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def frameoffset(self, dx, dy):
    """Offset boxes by (dx,dy) in each frame.
    This is used to apply a different offset for each frame.  To apply one offset to all frames, use `vipy.object.Track.offset`.
        dx: [list]  This should be a list of frame offsets at each keyframe the same length as the number of keyboxes
        dy: [list]  This should be a list of frame offsets at each keyframe the same length as the number of keyboxes

        This track updated in place
    assert isinstance(dx, list) or isinstance(dx, tuple)
    assert isinstance(dy, list) or isinstance(dy, tuple)
    assert len(self.keyboxes()) == len(dx) and len(self.keyboxes()) == len(dy)
    self._keyboxes = [bb.offset(dx=x, dy=y) for (bb, (x, y)) in zip(self._keyboxes, zip(dx, dy))]
    return self
def framerate(self, fps=None, speed=None)

Resample keyframes from known original framerate set by constructor to be new framerate fps.


[float] The new frame rate in frames per second
[float] An optional speed factor which will multiply the current framerate by this factor (e.g. speed=2 –> fps=self.framerate()*2)


This track object with the keyframes resampled to the new framerate

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def framerate(self, fps=None, speed=None):
    """Resample keyframes from known original framerate set by constructor to be new framerate fps.

        fps: [float]  The new frame rate in frames per second
        speed: [float]  An optional speed factor which will multiply the current framerate by this factor (e.g. speed=2 --> fps=self.framerate()*2)

        This track object with the keyframes resampled to the new framerate

    if fps is None and speed is None:
        return self._framerate
    assert self._framerate is not None, "Framerate conversion requires that the framerate is known for current keyframes.  This must be provided to the vipy.object.Track() constructor."
    assert fps is not None or speed is not None, "Invalid input"
    assert not (fps is not None and speed is not None), "Invalid input"
    assert speed is None or speed > 0, "Invalid speed, must specify speed multiplier s=1, s=2 for 2x faster, s=0.5 for half slower"
    fps = float(fps) if fps is not None else (1.0/speed)*self._framerate
    self._keyframes = [int(np.round(f*(fps/float(self._framerate)))) for f in self._keyframes]
    self._framerate = fps
    return self
def id(self, newid=None)
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def id(self, newid=None):
    if newid is None:
        return self._id
        self._id = newid
        return self
def imclip(self, width, height)

Clip the track to the image rectangle (width, height). If a keybox is outside the image rectangle, remove it otherwise clip to the image rectangle. This operation can change the length of the track and the size of the keyboxes. The result may be an empty track if the track is completely outside the image rectangle, which results in an exception.

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def imclip(self, width, height):
    """Clip the track to the image rectangle (width, height).  If a keybox is outside the image rectangle, remove it otherwise clip to the image rectangle. 
       This operation can change the length of the track and the size of the keyboxes.  The result may be an empty track if the track is completely outside
       the image rectangle, which results in an exception.
    clipped = [(f, bb.imclip(width=width, height=height)) for (f,bb) in zip(self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) if bb.hasoverlap(width=width, height=height)]
    if len(clipped) > 0:
        (self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) = zip(*clipped)
        (self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) = (list(self._keyframes), list(self._keyboxes))
        return self
        raise ValueError('All key boxes for track outside image rectangle')
def iou(self, other, dt=1)

Compute the spatial IoU between two tracks as the mean IoU per frame in the range (self.startframe(), self.endframe())

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def iou(self, other, dt=1):
    """Compute the spatial IoU between two tracks as the mean IoU per frame in the range (self.startframe(), self.endframe())"""
    return self.rankiou(other, rank=len(self), dt=dt)
def isdegenerate(self)

Is the track degenerate?

A degenerate track has: - Unequal length keyboxes and keyframes - length zero track - Non increasing keyframes - Invalid keyboxes

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def isdegenerate(self):
    """Is the track degenerate?  
    A degenerate track has:
        - Unequal length keyboxes and keyframes
        - length zero track
        - Non increasing keyframes
        - Invalid keyboxes
    return not (len(self.keyboxes()) == len(self.keyframes()) and
                (len(self) == 0 or all([bb.isvalid() for bb in self.keyboxes()])) and
                sorted(self.keyframes()) == list(self.keyframes()))
def isempty(self)
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def isempty(self):
    return self.__len__() == 0
def ismoving(self, startframe=None, endframe=None, mincover=0.9)

Is the track moving in the frame range (startframe,endframe)?

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def ismoving(self, startframe=None, endframe=None, mincover=0.9):
    """Is the track moving in the frame range (startframe,endframe)?"""
    (bbs, bbe) = (self[max(self.startframe(), startframe)] if startframe is not None else self.startbox(), self[min(self.endframe(), endframe)] if endframe is not None else self.endbox())
    return (bbs.maxcover(bbe) < mincover) if (bbs is not None and bbe is not None) else False
def json(self, encode=True)
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def json(self, encode=True):
    d = {k:v if k != '_keyboxes' else tuple([bb.json(encode=False) for bb in v]) for (k,v) in self.__dict__.items()}
    d = {k.lstrip('_'):v for (k,v) in d.items()}  # prettyjson (remove "_" prefix to attributes)                
    d['keyframes'] = tuple([int(f) for f in self._keyframes])
    return json.dumps(d) if encode else d
def keyboxes(self, boxes=None, keyframes=None)

Return keyboxes where there are track observations

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def keyboxes(self, boxes=None, keyframes=None):
    """Return keyboxes where there are track observations"""
    if boxes is None and keyframes is None:
        return self._keyboxes
        assert all([isinstance(bb, BoundingBox) for bb in boxes])
        self._keyboxes = boxes
        self._keyframes = keyframes if keyframes is not None else self._keyframes
        assert not self.isdegenerate()
        return self
def keyframes(self)

Return keyframe frame indexes where there are track observations

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def keyframes(self):
    """Return keyframe frame indexes where there are track observations"""
    return self._keyframes
def label(self, label)

Alias for category

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def label(self, label):
    """Alias for category"""
    return self.category(label, shortlabel=True)
def linear_extrapolation(self, k, shape=False, dt=30)

Track extrapolation by linear fit.

  • Requires at least 2 keyboxes.
  • Returned boxes may be degenerate.
  • shape=True then both the position and shape (width, height) of the box is extrapolated
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def linear_extrapolation(self, k, shape=False, dt=30):
    """Track extrapolation by linear fit.
       * Requires at least 2 keyboxes.
       * Returned boxes may be degenerate.
       * shape=True then both the position and shape (width, height) of the box is extrapolated
    if self.during(k):
        return self[k]
    elif len(self._keyboxes) == 1:
        return self.nearest_keybox(k)
        n = self.endframe() if k > self.endframe() else self.startframe()+1
        d = self.endbox().clone() if k > self.endframe() else self.startbox().clone()
        (vx, vy) = self.shape_invariant_velocity(n, dt=dt) if not shape else self.velocity(n, dt=dt)
        (vw, vh) = (self.velocity_w(n, dt=dt), self.velocity_h(n, dt=dt)) if shape else (0,0)
        d = d.translate((k-n)*vx, (k-n)*vy)
        return d if not shape else ((k-n)*vh)/2.0).bottom( ((k-n)*vh)/2.0).left( ((k-n)*vw)/2.0).right( ((k-n)*vw)/2.0)
def linear_interpolation(self, f, id=True)

Linear bounding box interpolation at frame=k given observed boxes (x,y,w,h) at keyframes.

This returns a Detection which is the interpolation of the Track at frame k

  • If self._boundary='extend', then boxes are repeated if the interpolation is outside the keyframes
  • If self._boundary='strict', then interpolation returns None if the interpolation is outside the keyframes


  • The returned BoundingBox object is not cloned when possible for speed purposes, be careful when modifying this object. clone() the returned object if necessary
  • This means that we return a reference to the underlying keybox upgraded with track properties and cast as Detection. If you modify this object, then the track keybox will be modfied.
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def linear_interpolation(self, f, id=True):
    """Linear bounding box interpolation at frame=k given observed boxes (x,y,w,h) at keyframes.  

    This returns a `vipy.object.Detection` which is the interpolation of the `vipy.object.Track` at frame k

    - If self._boundary='extend', then boxes are repeated if the interpolation is outside the keyframes
    - If self._boundary='strict', then interpolation returns None if the interpolation is outside the keyframes
    .. note::  
        - The returned BoundingBox object is not cloned when possible for speed purposes, be careful when modifying this object.  clone() the returned object if necessary
        - This means that we return a reference to the underlying keybox upgraded with track properties and cast as `vipy.object.Detection`.  If you modify this object, then the track keybox will be modfied.
    assert len(self._keyboxes) > 0, "Degenerate object for interpolation"   # not self.isempty()
    if len(self._keyboxes) == 1:
        return Detection.cast(self._keyboxes[0].clone(), category=self.category(), shortlabel=self.shortlabel()).noattributes().setattribute('trackid', if (self._boundary == 'extend' or self.during(f)) else None
    if f in reversed(self._keyframes):            
        return Detection.cast(self._keyboxes[self._keyframes.index(f)], category=self.category(), shortlabel=self.shortlabel()).noattributes().setattribute('trackid',  # by reference, do not clone

    kf = self._keyframes
    ft = min(max(f, kf[0]), kf[-1])  # truncated frame index
    for i in reversed(range(0, len(kf)-1)):
        if kf[i] <= ft and kf[i+1] >= ft:
            break  # floor keyframe index
    c = (ft - kf[i]) / max(1, float(kf[i+1] - kf[i]))  # interpolation coefficient
    (bi, bj) = (self._keyboxes[i], self._keyboxes[i+1])
    d = Detection(xmin=bi._xmin + c*(bj._xmin - bi._xmin),   # float(np.interp(k, self._keyframes, [bb._xmin for bb in self._keyboxes])),
                  ymin=bi._ymin + c*(bj._ymin - bi._ymin),   # float(np.interp(k, self._keyframes, [bb._ymin for bb in self._keyboxes])),
                  xmax=bi._xmax + c*(bj._xmax - bi._xmax),   # float(np.interp(k, self._keyframes, [bb._xmax for bb in self._keyboxes])),
                  ymax=bi._ymax + c*(bj._ymax - bi._ymax),   # float(np.interp(k, self._keyframes, [bb._ymax for bb in self._keyboxes])),
                  confidence=bi.confidence(),  # may be None
    d.attributes['trackid'] =  # for correspondence of detections to tracks
    d.attributes['__trackid'] = d.attributes['trackid'] # trackid to be deprecated
    return d if self._boundary == 'extend' or self.during(f) else None
def loop_closure_distance(self)

The loop closure track distance is the Euclidean distance in pixels between the start frame bounding box and end frame bounding box

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def loop_closure_distance(self):
    """The loop closure track distance is the Euclidean distance in pixels between the start frame bounding box and end frame bounding box"""
    return self.startbox().dist(self.endbox()) if not self.isdegenerate() else None
def maxiou(self, other, dt=1)

Compute the maximum spatial IoU between two tracks per frame in the range (self.startframe(), self.endframe())

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def maxiou(self, other, dt=1):
    """Compute the maximum spatial IoU between two tracks per frame in the range (self.startframe(), self.endframe())"""        
    return self.rankiou(other, rank=1, dt=dt)
def maxsquare(self)

Set all of the track boxes to maxsquare

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def maxsquare(self):
    """Set all of the track boxes to maxsquare"""
    self._keyboxes = [bb.maxsquare() for bb in self._keyboxes]
    return self
def meanbox(self)

Return the mean bounding box during the track, or None if the track is degenerate

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def meanbox(self):
    """Return the mean bounding box during the track, or None if the track is degenerate"""
    return BoundingBox(ulbr=np.mean([bb.ulbr() for bb in self.keyboxes()], axis=0)) if len(self.keyboxes()) > 0 else None 
def meanshape(self)

Return the mean (width,height) of the box during the track, or None if the track is degenerate

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def meanshape(self):
    """Return the mean (width,height) of the box during the track, or None if the track is degenerate"""
    s = np.mean([bb.shape() for bb in self.keyboxes()], axis=0) if len(self.keyboxes()) > 0 else None
    return (float(s[0]), float(s[1])) if s is not None else None
def medianshape(self, width)

Track smoothing by median width and height of neighboring keyboxes

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def medianshape(self, width):
    """Track smoothing by median width and height of neighboring keyboxes"""
    assert isinstance(width, int) and width > 0
    if len(self._keyboxes) > width:
        self._keyboxes = [bb.clone().medianshape(bbnbrs) for (bb, bbnbrs) in zip(self._keyboxes, chunklistwithoverlap(self._keyboxes, width, width-1))]
    return self
def nearest_keybox(self, f)

Nearest keybox to frame f

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def nearest_keybox(self, f):
    """Nearest keybox to frame f"""
    assert len(self._keyframes) > 0
    return self._keyboxes[int(np.abs(np.array(self._keyframes) - f).argmin())]  # by-reference
def nearest_keyframe(self, f)

Nearest keyframe to frame f

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def nearest_keyframe(self, f):
    """Nearest keyframe to frame f"""
    assert len(self._keyframes) > 0
    return self._keyframes[int(np.abs(np.array(self._keyframes) - f).argmin())]
def num_keyframes(self)
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def num_keyframes(self):
    return len(self._keyframes)
def offset(self, dt=0, dx=0, dy=0)

Apply a temporal shift of dt frames, and a spatial shift of (dx, dy) pixels.


[int] frame offset
[float] horizontal spatial offset
[float] vertical spatial offset


This box updated in place

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def offset(self, dt=0, dx=0, dy=0):
    """Apply a temporal shift of dt frames, and a spatial shift of (dx, dy) pixels.
        dt: [int] frame offset
        dx: [float] horizontal spatial offset 
        dy: [float] vertical spatial offset 

        This box updated in place
    self._keyboxes = [bb.offset(dx, dy) for bb in self._keyboxes]
    self._keyframes = [int(f+dt) for f in self._keyframes]
    return self
def pathlength(self)

The path length of a track is the cumulative Euclidean distance in pixels that the box travels

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def pathlength(self):
    """The path length of a track is the cumulative Euclidean distance in pixels that the box travels"""
    return float(np.sum([bb_next.dist(bb_prev) for (bb_next, bb_prev) in zip(self._keyboxes[1:], self._keyboxes[0:-1])])) if len(self._keyboxes)>1 else 0.0
def percentileiou(self, other, percentile, samples=100)

Percentile iou returns rankiou for rank=percentile*len(overlap(self, other))

-other [Track] -percentile [0,1]: The top-k best overlaps to average when computing rankiou -samples: The number of uniformly spaced samples to take along the track for computing the rankiou

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def percentileiou(self, other, percentile, samples=100):
    """Percentile iou returns rankiou for rank=percentile*len(overlap(self, other))
       -other [Track]
       -percentile [0,1]:  The top-k best overlaps to average when computing rankiou
       -samples:  The number of uniformly spaced samples to take along the track for computing the rankiou
    assert percentile > 0 and percentile <= 1
    assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"
    assert self.framerate() == other.framerate()
    startframe = max(self.startframe(), other.startframe())
    endframe = min(self.endframe(), other.endframe())
    segmentlen = endframe - startframe
    dt = max(1, int(np.floor(segmentlen/samples)))
    return self.rankiou(other, max(1, int(segmentlen*percentile)), dt=dt) if segmentlen > 0 else 0
def rankiou(self, other, rank, dt=1)

Compute the mean spatial IoU between two tracks per frame in the range (self.startframe(), self.endframe()) using only the top-k (rank) frame overlaps Sample tracks at endpoints and n uniformly spaced frames or a stride of dt frames.

  • rank [>1]: The top-k best IOU overlaps to average when computing the rank IOU
  • This is useful for track continuation where the box deforms in the overlapping segment at the end due to occlusion.
  • This is useful for track correspondence where a ground truth box does not match an estimated box precisely (e.g. loose box, non-visually grounded box)
  • This is the robust version of segmentiou.
  • Use percentileiou to determine the rank based a fraction of the length of the overlap, which will be more efficient for long tracks
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def rankiou(self, other, rank, dt=1):
    """Compute the mean spatial IoU between two tracks per frame in the range (self.startframe(), self.endframe()) using only the top-k (rank) frame overlaps
       Sample tracks at endpoints and n uniformly spaced frames or a stride of dt frames.  
       - rank [>1]:  The top-k best IOU overlaps to average when computing the rank IOU
       - This is useful for track continuation where the box deforms in the overlapping segment at the end due to occlusion. 
       - This is useful for track correspondence where a ground truth box does not match an estimated box precisely (e.g. loose box, non-visually grounded box)
       - This is the robust version of segmentiou.
       - Use percentileiou to determine the rank based a fraction of the length of the overlap, which will be more efficient for long tracks
    assert rank >= 1 and rank <= len(self)
    assert isinstance(other, Track), "Invalid input - must be vipy.object.Track()"
    assert dt >= 1
    frames = [self.startframe()] + list(range(self.startframe()+dt, self.endframe(), dt)) + [self.endframe()]
    return float(np.mean(sorted([self[k].iou(other[k]) if (self.during(k) and other.during(k)) else 0.0 for k in frames])[-rank:]))
def replace(self, keyframe, box)

Replace the keyframe and associated box(es), preserve sorted order of keyframes

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def replace(self, keyframe, box):
    """Replace the keyframe and associated box(es), preserve sorted order of keyframes"""
    return self.delete(keyframe).add(keyframe, box)
def resample(self, dt)

Resample the track using a stride of dt frames. This reduces the density of keyframes by interpolating new keyframes as a uniform stride of dt. This is useful for track compression

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def resample(self, dt):
    """Resample the track using a stride of dt frames.  This reduces the density of keyframes by interpolating new keyframes as a uniform stride of dt.  This is useful for track compression"""
    assert dt >= 1 and dt < len(self)
    frames =  list(range(self.startframe(), self.endframe(), dt)) + [self.endframe()]
    (self._keyboxes, self._keyframes) = zip(*[(self[k], k) for k in frames])
    (self._keyboxes, self._keyframes) = (list(self._keyboxes), list(self._keyframes))
    return self
def rescale(self, s)

Rescale track boxes by scale factor s

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def rescale(self, s):
    """Rescale track boxes by scale factor s"""
    if s != 1.0:
        self._keyboxes = [bb.rescale(s) for bb in self._keyboxes]
    return self
def rot90ccw(self, H, W)

Rotate an image with (H,W)=shape 90 degrees clockwise and update all boxes to be consistent

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def rot90ccw(self, H, W):
    """Rotate an image with (H,W)=shape 90 degrees clockwise and update all boxes to be consistent"""
    self._keyboxes = [bb.rot90ccw(H, W) for bb in self._keyboxes]
    return self
def rot90cw(self, H, W)

Rotate an image with (H,W)=shape 90 degrees clockwise and update all boxes to be consistent

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def rot90cw(self, H, W):
    """Rotate an image with (H,W)=shape 90 degrees clockwise and update all boxes to be consistent"""
    self._keyboxes = [bb.rot90cw(H, W) for bb in self._keyboxes]
    return self
def scale(self, s)

Alias for rescale

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def scale(self, s):
    """Alias for rescale"""
    return self.rescale(s)
def scalex(self, sx)

Rescale track boxes by scale factor sx

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def scalex(self, sx):
    """Rescale track boxes by scale factor sx"""
    self._keyboxes = [bb.scalex(sx) for bb in self._keyboxes]
    return self
def scaley(self, sy)

Rescale track boxes by scale factor sx

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def scaley(self, sy):
    """Rescale track boxes by scale factor sx"""
    self._keyboxes = [bb.scaley(sy) for bb in self._keyboxes]
    return self
def segment_maxiou(self, other, startframe, endframe)

Return the maximum framewise bounding box IOU between self and other in the range (startframe, endframe)

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def segment_maxiou(self, other, startframe, endframe):
    """Return the maximum framewise bounding box IOU between self and other in the range (startframe, endframe)"""
    assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"
    assert startframe < endframe
    return max([self[k].iou(other[k]) if (self[k] is not None) else 0 for k in range(startframe, endframe)])
def segment_percentilecover(self, other, percentile, samples=100)

percentile cover on the overlapping segment with other

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def segment_percentilecover(self, other, percentile, samples=100):
    """percentile cover on the overlapping segment with other"""
    assert percentile > 0 and percentile <= 1
    assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"
    assert self.framerate() == other.framerate()
    startframe = max(self.startframe(), other.startframe())
    endframe = min(self.endframe(), other.endframe())
    segmentlen = endframe - startframe
    rank = int(segmentlen*percentile)
    dt = max(1, int(np.floor(segmentlen/samples)))
    bblist = [(self[min(k,endframe)], other[min(k,endframe)]) for k in range(startframe, endframe, dt)] if endframe > startframe else []
    cover = [max(bbself.cover(bbother), bbother.cover(bbself)) for (bbself, bbother) in bblist]
    return float(np.mean(cover[-rank:]) if endframe > startframe else 0.0)
def segment_percentileiou(self, other, percentile, samples=100)

percentiliou on the overlapping segment with other

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def segment_percentileiou(self, other, percentile, samples=100):
    """percentiliou on the overlapping segment with other"""
    assert percentile > 0 and percentile <= 1
    assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"
    assert self.framerate() == other.framerate()
    startframe = max(self.startframe(), other.startframe())
    endframe = min(self.endframe(), other.endframe())
    segmentlen = endframe - startframe
    rank = int(segmentlen*percentile)
    dt = max(1, int(np.floor(segmentlen/samples)))
    iou = sorted([self[min(k,endframe)].iou(other[min(k,endframe)]) for k in range(startframe, endframe, dt)]) if endframe > startframe else []
    return float(np.mean(iou[-rank:]) if endframe > startframe else 0.0)
def segmentcover(self, other, dt=5)

Compute the mean spatial cover between two tracks at the overlapping segment, sampling by dt. Useful for track continuation for densely overlapping tracks

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def segmentcover(self, other, dt=5):
    """Compute the mean spatial cover between two tracks at the overlapping segment, sampling by dt.  Useful for track continuation for densely overlapping tracks"""
    assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"
    startframe = max(self.startframe(), other.startframe())
    endframe = min(self.endframe(), other.endframe())   # inclusive
    return float(np.mean([self[min(k,endframe)].maxcover(other[min(k,endframe)]) for k in range(startframe, endframe, dt)]) if endframe > startframe else 0.0)
def segmentiou(self, other, dt=5)

Compute the mean spatial IoU between two tracks at the overlapping segment, sampling by dt. Useful for track continuation for densely overlapping tracks

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def segmentiou(self, other, dt=5):
    """Compute the mean spatial IoU between two tracks at the overlapping segment, sampling by dt.  Useful for track continuation for densely overlapping tracks"""
    assert isinstance(other, Track), "invalid input - Must be vipy.object.Track()"
    startframe = max(self.startframe(), other.startframe())
    endframe = min(self.endframe(), other.endframe())   # inclusive
    return float(np.mean([self[min(k,endframe)].iou(other[min(k,endframe)]) for k in range(startframe, endframe, dt)]) if endframe > startframe else 0.0)
def shape_invariant_velocity(self, f, dt=30)

Return the (x,y) track velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by minimum mean finite differences of any box corner independent of changes in shape, over a finite time window of [f-dt, f]

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def shape_invariant_velocity(self, f, dt=30):
    """Return the (x,y) track velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by minimum mean finite differences of any box corner independent of changes in shape, over a finite time window of [f-dt, f]"""
    assert f >= 0 and dt > 0
    if len(self) < 2 or not (self.during(f) and self.during(f-dt)) :
        return (0,0)
    kb = [((f-dt), self.linear_interpolation(f-dt, id=False))] + [(kf, bb) for (kf,bb) in zip(self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) if (kf > f-dt) and (kf < f)]
    (kfe, bbe) = (f, self.linear_interpolation(f, id=False))
    vx = float((1.0/len(kb))*sum([min([(bbe._xmin - bb._xmin), (bbe._xmax - bb._xmax)], key=abs)/float(kfe-kf) for (kf,bb) in kb]))
    vy = float((1.0/len(kb))*sum([min([(bbe._ymin - bb._ymin), (bbe._ymax - bb._ymax)], key=abs)/float(kfe-kf) for (kf,bb) in kb]))
    return (vx, vy)
def shapevariance(self)

Return the variance (width, height) of the box shape relative to Track.meanbox() during the track or None if the track is degenerate.

This is useful for filtering spurious tracks where the aspect ratio changes rapidly and randomly


(width_variance, height_variance) of the box shape during the track (or None)

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def shapevariance(self):
    """Return the variance (width, height) of the box shape relative to `vipy.object.Track.meanbox` during the track or None if the track is degenerate.  

    This is useful for filtering spurious tracks where the aspect ratio changes rapidly and randomly

        (width_variance, height_variance) of the box shape during the track (or None)
    m = self.meanshape()
    return (float(np.mean([(bb._width() - m[0])**2 for bb in self.keyboxes()])), 
            float(np.mean([(bb._height() - m[1])**2 for bb in self.keyboxes()]))) if m is not None else None
def shortlabel(self, label=None)

A optional shorter label string to show as a caption in visualizations. Updates all keyboxes

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def shortlabel(self, label=None):
    """A optional shorter label string to show as a caption in visualizations.  Updates all keyboxes"""                
    if label is not None:
        self._shortlabel = str(label)  # coerce to string
        self.boxmap(lambda bb: bb.shortlabel(self._shortlabel) if isinstance(bb, Detection) else bb)
        return self
        return self._shortlabel
def significant_digits(self, n)

Round the coordinates of all boxes so that they have n significant digits for efficient serialization

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def significant_digits(self, n):
    """Round the coordinates of all boxes so that they have n significant digits for efficient serialization"""
    self._keyboxes = [bb.significant_digits(n) for bb in self._keyboxes]
    return self
def smallestbox(self)

The smallest box of a track is the smallest spatial box in area along the track

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def smallestbox(self):
    """The smallest box of a track is the smallest spatial box in area along the track"""
    k = np.argmin([bb.area() for bb in self._keyboxes]) if len(self._keyboxes) > 0 else None
    return self._keyboxes[k] if k is not None else None
def smooth(self, width)

Track smoothing by averaging neighboring keyboxes

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def smooth(self, width):
    """Track smoothing by averaging neighboring keyboxes"""
    assert isinstance(width, int) and width > 0
    if len(self._keyboxes) > width:
        self._keyboxes = [bb.clone().average(bbnbrs) for (bb, bbnbrs) in zip(self._keyboxes, chunklistwithoverlap(self._keyboxes, width, width-1))] 
    return self
def smoothshape(self, width)

Track smoothing by averaging width and height of neighboring keyboxes

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def smoothshape(self, width):
    """Track smoothing by averaging width and height of neighboring keyboxes"""
    assert isinstance(width, int) and width > 0
    if len(self._keyboxes) > width:
        self._keyboxes = [bb.clone().averageshape(bbnbrs) for (bb, bbnbrs) in zip(self._keyboxes, chunklistwithoverlap(self._keyboxes, width, width-1))]
    return self
def speed(self, f, dt=30)
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def speed(self, f, dt=30):
    (u,v) = self.shape_invariant_velocity(f, dt)
    return float(np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2))
def spline(self, smoothingfactor=None, strict=True, startframe=None, endframe=None)

Track smoothing by cubic spline fit, will return resampled dt=1 track. Smoothing factor will increase with smoothing > 1 and decrease with 0 < smoothing < 1

This function requires optional package scipy

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def spline(self, smoothingfactor=None, strict=True, startframe=None, endframe=None):
    """Track smoothing by cubic spline fit, will return resampled dt=1 track.  Smoothing factor will increase with smoothing > 1 and decrease with 0 < smoothing < 1
       This function requires optional package scipy
    try_import('scipy', 'scipy');  import scipy.interpolate;
    assert smoothingfactor is None or smoothingfactor > 0
    t = self.clone().resample(dt=1)
    (startframe, endframe) = (self.startframe() if startframe is None else startframe, self.endframe() if endframe is None else endframe)
        assert len(t._keyframes) > 4, "Invalid length for spline interpolation"        
        s = smoothingfactor * len(self._keyframes) if smoothingfactor is not None else None
        (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) = zip(*[bb.to_ulbr() for bb in t._keyboxes])
        f_xmin = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(t._keyframes, xmin, check_finite=False, s=s)
        f_ymin = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(t._keyframes, ymin, check_finite=False, s=s)
        f_xmax = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(t._keyframes, xmax, check_finite=False, s=s)
        f_ymax = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(t._keyframes, ymax, check_finite=False, s=s)
        (self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) = zip(*[(k, BoundingBox(xmin=float(f_xmin(k)), ymin=float(f_ymin(k)), xmax=float(f_xmax(k)), ymax=float(f_ymax(k)))) for k in range(startframe, endframe)])
    except Exception as e:
        if not strict:
            print('[vipy.object.track]: spline smoothing failed with error "%s" - Returning unsmoothed track' % (str(e)))
            return self
    return self
def startbox(self)

The startbox is the first bounding box in the track

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def startbox(self):
    """The startbox is the first bounding box in the track"""
    return self._keyboxes[0] if len(self._keyboxes) > 0 else None
def startframe(self)

Return the startframe of the track or None if there are no keyframes.

The frame index is relative to the framerate set in the constructor.

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def startframe(self):
    """Return the startframe of the track or None if there are no keyframes.  
    The frame index is relative to the framerate set in the constructor.

    return self._keyframes[0] if len(self._keyframes)>0 else None  # assumes sorted order
def temporal_distance(self, other)

The temporal distance between two tracks is the minimum number of frames separating them

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def temporal_distance(self, other):
    """The temporal distance between two tracks is the minimum number of frames separating them"""
    assert isinstance(other, Track), "Invalid input - must be vipy.object.Track()"
    return max(max(self.startframe() - other.endframe(), other.startframe() - self.endframe()), 0)
def truncate(self, startframe=None, endframe=None)

Truncate a track so that any keyframes less than startframe or greater than endframe (inclusive) are removed. Interpolate keyboxes at (startframe, endframe) endpoints.


[int] The startframe of the truncation relative to the track framerate. All keyframes less than or equal to startframe are included. If the keyframe does not exist at startframe, one is interpolated and added.
[int] The endframe of the truncation relative to the track framerate. All keyframes greater than or equal to the endframe are included. If the keyfrmae does not exist at endframe, one is interpolated and added.


This track such that all keyboxes <= startframe or >= endframe are removed.

Note: The startframe and endframe for truncation are inclusive.

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def truncate(self, startframe=None, endframe=None):
    """Truncate a track so that any keyframes less than startframe or greater than endframe (inclusive) are removed.  Interpolate keyboxes at (startframe, endframe) endpoints.

        startframe: [int] The startframe of the truncation relative to the track framerate.  All keyframes less than or equal to startframe are included.  If the keyframe does not exist at startframe, one is interpolated and added.
        endframe: [int] The endframe of the truncation relative to the track framerate.  All keyframes greater than or equal to the endframe are included.  If the keyfrmae does not exist at endframe, one is interpolated and added.

        This track such that all keyboxes <= startframe or >= endframe are removed.

    .. note::  The startframe and endframe for truncation are inclusive.  
    if startframe is not None and startframe not in self._keyframes and self[startframe] is not None:
        self.add(startframe, self[startframe].clone())  # interpolated boundary condition
    if endframe is not None and endframe not in self._keyframes and self[endframe] is not None:
        self.add(endframe, self[endframe].clone())  # intepolated boundary condition
    kfkb = [(kf,kb) for (kf,kb) in zip(self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) if ((startframe is None or kf >= startframe) and (endframe is None or kf <= endframe))]
    (self._keyframes, self._keyboxes) = zip(*kfkb) if len(kfkb) > 0 else ([], [])
    return self
def uncrop(self, bb, s=1)

Apply a transformation to the track that will undo a crop of a bounding box with an optional scale factor.

A typical operation is as follows. A video is cropped and zommed in order to run a detector on a region of interest. However, we want to align the resulting tracks on the original video before the crop and zoom.


[vipy.geometry.BoundingBox]. A bounding box which was used to crop this track
[float] A scale factor applied after the bounding box crop


This track after undoing the scale and crop

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def uncrop(self, bb, s=1):
    """Apply a transformation to the track that will undo a crop of a bounding box with an optional scale factor.

    A typical operation is as follows.  A video is cropped and zommed in order to run a detector on a region of interest.  However, we want to align the resulting tracks on the original video before the crop and zoom.  

        bb: [`vipy.geometry.BoundingBox`].  A bounding box which was used to crop this track
        s: [float]  A scale factor applied after the bounding box crop

        This track after undoing the scale and crop 
    assert isinstance(bb, BoundingBox)
    return self.rescale(1/s).offset(dt=0, dx=bb.xmin(), dy=bb.ymin())
def union(self, other, overlap='average')

Compute the union of two tracks. Overlapping boxes between self and other:

Inputs - average [bool]: average framewise interpolated boxes at overlapping keyframes - replace [bool]: replace the box with other if other and self overlap at a keyframe - keep [bool]: keep the box from self (discard other) at a keyframe

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def union(self, other, overlap='average'):
    """Compute the union of two tracks.  Overlapping boxes between self and other:
         - average [bool]:  average framewise interpolated boxes at overlapping keyframes
         - replace [bool]:  replace the box with other if other and self overlap at a keyframe
         - keep [bool]:  keep the box from self (discard other) at a keyframe
    assert isinstance(other, Track), "Invalid input - must be vipy.object.Track()"
    assert other.category() == self.category(), "Category mismatch"
    assert overlap in ['average', 'replace', 'keep'], "Invalid input - 'overlap' must be in [average, replace, keep]"
    T = self.clone()
    keyframes = sorted(set(T._keyframes+other._keyframes))
    T._keyboxes = [((self[k].average(other[k]) if (overlap == 'average') else (self[k] if (overlap == 'keep') else other[k]))
                    if (self.during(k) and other.during(k)) else 
                    (self[k] if (self.during(k) and not other.during(k)) else (other[k])))
                   for k in keyframes] 
    T._keyframes = keyframes
    return T  
def update(self, keyframe, bbox)
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def update(self, keyframe, bbox):
    if keyframe in self._keyframes:
    self.add(keyframe, bbox)
    return self
def velocity(self, f, dt=30)

Return the (x,y) track velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by mean finite difference of the box centroid

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def velocity(self, f, dt=30):
    """Return the (x,y) track velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by mean finite difference of the box centroid"""
    return (self.velocity_x(f, dt), self.velocity_y(f, dt))
def velocity_h(self, f, dt=30)

Return the height velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by finite difference

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def velocity_h(self, f, dt=30):
    """Return the height velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by finite difference"""
    assert f >= 0 and dt > 0 and self.during(f)
    return float(np.mean([(self[f]._height() - self[f-k]._height())/float(k) for k in range(1,dt) if self.during(f-k)])) if self.during(f-1) else 0
def velocity_w(self, f, dt=30)

Return the width velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by finite difference

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def velocity_w(self, f, dt=30):
    """Return the width velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by finite difference"""
    assert f >= 0 and dt > 0 and self.during(f)
    return float(np.mean([(self[f]._width() - self[f-k]._width())/float(k) for k in range(1,dt) if self.during(f-k)])) if self.during(f-1) else 0
def velocity_x(self, f, dt=30)

Return the left/right velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by mean finite difference over a fixed time window (dt, frames) of the box centroid

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def velocity_x(self, f, dt=30):
    """Return the left/right velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by mean finite difference over a fixed time window (dt, frames) of the box centroid"""
    assert f >= 0 and dt > 0
    return float(np.mean([(self[f].centroid_x() - self[f-k].centroid_x())/float(k) for k in range(1,dt) if self.during(f-k)])) if (self.during(f-1) and self.during(f)) else 0
def velocity_y(self, f, dt=30)

Return the up/down velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by mean finite difference over a fixed time window (dt, frames) of the box centroid

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def velocity_y(self, f, dt=30):
    """Return the up/down velocity at frame f in units of pixels per frame computed by mean finite difference over a fixed time window (dt, frames) of the box centroid"""
    assert f >= 0 and dt > 0
    return float(np.mean([(self[f].centroid_y() - self[f-k].centroid_y())/float(k) for k in range(1,dt) if self.during(f-k)])) if (self.during(f-1) and self.during(f)) else 0
def within(self, starframe, endframe)

Is the track within the frame range (startframe, endframe)?

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def within(self, starframe, endframe):
    """Is the track within the frame range (startframe, endframe)?"""
    return self.startframe() >= startframe and self.endframe() <= endframe