Module vipy.torch

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import vipy
import numpy as np
import copy
import os
import random
import dill
import time
import json

import vipy.util

import torch
from import DataLoader, random_split

class TorchDataset(
    """Converter from a pycollector dataset to a torch dataset"""
    def __init__(self, f_transformer, d):
        import vipy.dataset
        assert isinstance(d, vipy.dataset.Dataset), "Invalid input"
        assert callable(f_transformer), "Invalid input"
        self._f_transformer = dill.dumps(f_transformer)  # for torch serialization of lambda functions        
        self.dataset = d
    def _unpack(self):
        if isinstance(self._f_transformer, bytes):
            self._f_transformer = dill.loads(self._f_transformer)        
        return self

    def __iter__(self):
        for k in range(len(self)):
            yield self[k]
    def __getitem__(self, k):
        """Should return tuple(tensor, index)"""
        return self._unpack()._f_transformer(self.dataset[k])

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.dataset)

class Tensordir(
    """A torch dataset stored as a directory of .pkl.bz2 files each containing a list of [(tensor, str=json.dumps(label)), ...] tuples used for data augmented training.
    This is useful to use the default Dataset loaders in Torch.

    vipy.torch.Tensordir( ('/path/to/1', '/path/to/2') )
    .. note:: This requires python random() and not numpy random 
    def __init__(self, tensordir, verbose=True, reseed=True, take=None, mutator=None):
        assert (isinstance(tensordir, str) and os.path.isdir(tensordir)) or all([os.path.isdir(d) for d in tensordir])
        assert mutator is None or callable(mutator)

        self._dirlist = [s for d in vipy.util.tolist(tensordir) for s in vipy.util.extlist(d, '.pkl.bz2')]
        self._verbose = verbose
        self._reseed = reseed
        self._mutator = mutator 

    def __getitem__(self, k):
        if self._reseed:
            random.seed()  # force randomness after fork()

        assert k >= 0 and k < len(self._dirlist)
        for j in range(0,3):
                obj = vipy.util.bz2pkl(self._dirlist[k])  # load me
                assert len(obj) > 0, "Invalid augmentation"
                (t, lbl) = obj[random.randint(0, len(obj)-1)]  # choose one tensor at random
                assert t is not None and json.loads(lbl) is not None, "Invalid augmentation"  # get another one if the augmentation was invalid
                return (t, lbl if self._mutator is None else json.dumps(self._mutator(json.loads(lbl))))
                time.sleep(1)  # try again after a bit if another process is augmenting this .pkl.bz2 in parallel
        if self._verbose:
            print('[vipy.dataset.TorchTensordir][WARNING]: %s corrupted or invalid' % self._dirlist[k])
        return self.__getitem__(random.randint(0, len(self)-1))  # maximum retries reached, get another one

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._dirlist)

    def take(self, n):
        self._dirlist = [self._dirlist[k] for k in np.random.permutation(range(len(self._dirlist)))[0:n]]
        return self

    def filter(self, f):
        """Keep elements that lambda evaluates true. The lambda operates on the *absolute path filename* for the tensordir and not the contents.  This is useful for filtering by instanceid in the `vipy.util.filebase`."""
        assert callable(f)
        self._dirlist = [x for x in self._dirlist if f(x)]
        return self
    def clone(self):
        return copy.deepcopy(self)

class TorchTensordir(Tensordir):
    pass  # alias for backwards compatibility


class Tensordir (tensordir, verbose=True, reseed=True, take=None, mutator=None)

A torch dataset stored as a directory of .pkl.bz2 files each containing a list of [(tensor, str=json.dumps(label)), …] tuples used for data augmented training.

This is useful to use the default Dataset loaders in Torch.


vipy.torch.Tensordir( ('/path/to/1', '/path/to/2') )

Note: This requires python random() and not numpy random

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class Tensordir(
    """A torch dataset stored as a directory of .pkl.bz2 files each containing a list of [(tensor, str=json.dumps(label)), ...] tuples used for data augmented training.
    This is useful to use the default Dataset loaders in Torch.

    vipy.torch.Tensordir( ('/path/to/1', '/path/to/2') )
    .. note:: This requires python random() and not numpy random 
    def __init__(self, tensordir, verbose=True, reseed=True, take=None, mutator=None):
        assert (isinstance(tensordir, str) and os.path.isdir(tensordir)) or all([os.path.isdir(d) for d in tensordir])
        assert mutator is None or callable(mutator)

        self._dirlist = [s for d in vipy.util.tolist(tensordir) for s in vipy.util.extlist(d, '.pkl.bz2')]
        self._verbose = verbose
        self._reseed = reseed
        self._mutator = mutator 

    def __getitem__(self, k):
        if self._reseed:
            random.seed()  # force randomness after fork()

        assert k >= 0 and k < len(self._dirlist)
        for j in range(0,3):
                obj = vipy.util.bz2pkl(self._dirlist[k])  # load me
                assert len(obj) > 0, "Invalid augmentation"
                (t, lbl) = obj[random.randint(0, len(obj)-1)]  # choose one tensor at random
                assert t is not None and json.loads(lbl) is not None, "Invalid augmentation"  # get another one if the augmentation was invalid
                return (t, lbl if self._mutator is None else json.dumps(self._mutator(json.loads(lbl))))
                time.sleep(1)  # try again after a bit if another process is augmenting this .pkl.bz2 in parallel
        if self._verbose:
            print('[vipy.dataset.TorchTensordir][WARNING]: %s corrupted or invalid' % self._dirlist[k])
        return self.__getitem__(random.randint(0, len(self)-1))  # maximum retries reached, get another one

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._dirlist)

    def take(self, n):
        self._dirlist = [self._dirlist[k] for k in np.random.permutation(range(len(self._dirlist)))[0:n]]
        return self

    def filter(self, f):
        """Keep elements that lambda evaluates true. The lambda operates on the *absolute path filename* for the tensordir and not the contents.  This is useful for filtering by instanceid in the `vipy.util.filebase`."""
        assert callable(f)
        self._dirlist = [x for x in self._dirlist if f(x)]
        return self
    def clone(self):
        return copy.deepcopy(self)


  • typing.Generic



def clone(self)
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def clone(self):
    return copy.deepcopy(self)
def filter(self, f)

Keep elements that lambda evaluates true. The lambda operates on the absolute path filename for the tensordir and not the contents. This is useful for filtering by instanceid in the filebase().

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def filter(self, f):
    """Keep elements that lambda evaluates true. The lambda operates on the *absolute path filename* for the tensordir and not the contents.  This is useful for filtering by instanceid in the `vipy.util.filebase`."""
    assert callable(f)
    self._dirlist = [x for x in self._dirlist if f(x)]
    return self
def take(self, n)
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def take(self, n):
    self._dirlist = [self._dirlist[k] for k in np.random.permutation(range(len(self._dirlist)))[0:n]]
    return self
class TorchDataset (f_transformer, d)

Converter from a pycollector dataset to a torch dataset

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class TorchDataset(
    """Converter from a pycollector dataset to a torch dataset"""
    def __init__(self, f_transformer, d):
        import vipy.dataset
        assert isinstance(d, vipy.dataset.Dataset), "Invalid input"
        assert callable(f_transformer), "Invalid input"
        self._f_transformer = dill.dumps(f_transformer)  # for torch serialization of lambda functions        
        self.dataset = d
    def _unpack(self):
        if isinstance(self._f_transformer, bytes):
            self._f_transformer = dill.loads(self._f_transformer)        
        return self

    def __iter__(self):
        for k in range(len(self)):
            yield self[k]
    def __getitem__(self, k):
        """Should return tuple(tensor, index)"""
        return self._unpack()._f_transformer(self.dataset[k])

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.dataset)


  • typing.Generic
class TorchTensordir (tensordir, verbose=True, reseed=True, take=None, mutator=None)

A torch dataset stored as a directory of .pkl.bz2 files each containing a list of [(tensor, str=json.dumps(label)), …] tuples used for data augmented training.

This is useful to use the default Dataset loaders in Torch.


vipy.torch.Tensordir( ('/path/to/1', '/path/to/2') )

Note: This requires python random() and not numpy random

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class TorchTensordir(Tensordir):
    pass  # alias for backwards compatibility


  • Tensordir
  • typing.Generic

Inherited members