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import dill # first import (do we still need this?)
import os
import matplotlib
# Matplotlib Backend
# - Specify this environment variable VIPY_BACKEND
# - Headless operation: 'Agg'
# - Linux (X11-forwarded): 'GTK3Cairo', 'QtAgg', 'TkAgg'
# - Valid backends:
if 'VIPY_BACKEND' in os.environ and 'DISPLAY' in os.environ:
matplotlib.use(os.environ['VIPY_BACKEND']) # 'Agg' is required unless there is a DISPLAY set
import importlib
BACKEND = importlib.import_module('vipy.gui.using_matplotlib')
def figure(fignum=None):
return BACKEND.figure(fignum)
def close(fignum=None):
return BACKEND.close(fignum)
def closeall():
return BACKEND.closeall()
def show(fignum):
def noshow(fignum):
return BACKEND.noshow(fignum)
def imshow(im, fignum=None, nowindow=False, timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor=None, flush=False):
"""Show an image in the provided figure number"""
if nowindow:
h = BACKEND.imshow(im, fignum=fignum)
if timestamp is not None:
text(str(timestamp), 4, 15, fontsize=10, alpha=0.8 if timestampfacecolor is not None else 1.0, textfacealpha=0.6, facealpha=0.6, textcolor=timestampcolor, textfacecolor=timestampfacecolor)
if not nowindow:
if flush:
return h
def imbbox(img, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, bboxcaption=None, fignum=None, nowindow=False):
if nowindow:
h = BACKEND.imshow(img, fignum=fignum)
h = BACKEND.boundingbox(img, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, bboxcaption, fignum=h)
if not nowindow:
return h
def imdetection(img, detlist, fignum=None, bboxcolor='green', facecolor='white', facealpha=0.5, do_caption=True, fontsize=10, textcolor='green', textfacecolor='white', textfacealpha=1.0, captionoffset=(0,0), nowindow=False, timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor=None, timestampoffset=(0,0)):
"""Show a list of vipy.object.Detections overlayed on img. Image must be RGB"""
if nowindow:
h = BACKEND.imdetection(img, detlist, fignum=fignum, bboxcolor=bboxcolor, do_caption=do_caption, facecolor=facecolor, facealpha=facealpha, fontsize=fontsize, textcolor=textcolor, captionoffset=captionoffset, textfacecolor=textfacecolor, textfacealpha=textfacealpha)
if timestamp is not None:
text(str(timestamp), 10+timestampoffset[0], 21+timestampoffset[1], fontsize=fontsize, textfacealpha=0.6, facealpha=0.6, alpha=0.8 if timestampfacecolor is not None else 1.0, textcolor=timestampcolor, textfacecolor=timestampfacecolor, pad=0.75)
if not nowindow:
BACKEND.flush() if len(detlist)>0 else BACKEND.imflush()
return h
def frame(fmr, im=None, color='b.', caption=False, markersize=10, fignum=1):
return BACKEND.frame(fr, im=im, color=color, caption=caption, markersize=markersize, fignum=fignum)
def imframe(img, fr, color='b', markersize=20, label=None, fignum=None):
return BACKEND.imframe(img=img, fr=fr, color=color, markersize=markersize, label=label, fignum=fignum)
def savefig(filename=None, fignum=None, pad_inches=0, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=None, format=None):
return BACKEND.savefig(filename, fignum, pad_inches=pad_inches, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches=bbox_inches, format=format)
def colorlist():
return BACKEND.colorlist()
def text(caption, xmin, ymin, fignum=None, textcolor='black', textfacecolor=None, textfacealpha=1.0, fontsize=10, linewidth=3, facecolor='white', facealpha=0.5, alpha=1.0, pad=0.5):
return BACKEND.text(caption, xmin, ymin, fignum, textcolor, textfacecolor, textfacealpha, fontsize, linewidth, facecolor, facealpha, alpha, pad=pad)
def close(fignum=None)
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def close(fignum=None): return BACKEND.close(fignum)
def closeall()
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def closeall(): return BACKEND.closeall()
def colorlist()
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def colorlist(): return BACKEND.colorlist()
def figure(fignum=None)
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def figure(fignum=None): return BACKEND.figure(fignum)
def frame(fmr, im=None, color='b.', caption=False, markersize=10, fignum=1)
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def frame(fmr, im=None, color='b.', caption=False, markersize=10, fignum=1): return BACKEND.frame(fr, im=im, color=color, caption=caption, markersize=markersize, fignum=fignum)
def imbbox(img, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, bboxcaption=None, fignum=None, nowindow=False)
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def imbbox(img, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, bboxcaption=None, fignum=None, nowindow=False): if nowindow: noshow(fignum) h = BACKEND.imshow(img, fignum=fignum) h = BACKEND.boundingbox(img, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, bboxcaption, fignum=h) if not nowindow: show(fignum) BACKEND.flush() return h
def imdetection(img, detlist, fignum=None, bboxcolor='green', facecolor='white', facealpha=0.5, do_caption=True, fontsize=10, textcolor='green', textfacecolor='white', textfacealpha=1.0, captionoffset=(0, 0), nowindow=False, timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor=None, timestampoffset=(0, 0))
Show a list of vipy.object.Detections overlayed on img. Image must be RGB
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def imdetection(img, detlist, fignum=None, bboxcolor='green', facecolor='white', facealpha=0.5, do_caption=True, fontsize=10, textcolor='green', textfacecolor='white', textfacealpha=1.0, captionoffset=(0,0), nowindow=False, timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor=None, timestampoffset=(0,0)): """Show a list of vipy.object.Detections overlayed on img. Image must be RGB""" if nowindow: noshow(fignum) h = BACKEND.imdetection(img, detlist, fignum=fignum, bboxcolor=bboxcolor, do_caption=do_caption, facecolor=facecolor, facealpha=facealpha, fontsize=fontsize, textcolor=textcolor, captionoffset=captionoffset, textfacecolor=textfacecolor, textfacealpha=textfacealpha) if timestamp is not None: text(str(timestamp), 10+timestampoffset[0], 21+timestampoffset[1], fontsize=fontsize, textfacealpha=0.6, facealpha=0.6, alpha=0.8 if timestampfacecolor is not None else 1.0, textcolor=timestampcolor, textfacecolor=timestampfacecolor, pad=0.75) if not nowindow: show(fignum) BACKEND.flush() if len(detlist)>0 else BACKEND.imflush() return h
def imframe(img, fr, color='b', markersize=20, label=None, fignum=None)
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def imframe(img, fr, color='b', markersize=20, label=None, fignum=None): return BACKEND.imframe(img=img, fr=fr, color=color, markersize=markersize, label=label, fignum=fignum)
def imshow(im, fignum=None, nowindow=False, timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor=None, flush=False)
Show an image in the provided figure number
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def imshow(im, fignum=None, nowindow=False, timestamp=None, timestampcolor='black', timestampfacecolor=None, flush=False): """Show an image in the provided figure number""" if nowindow: noshow(fignum) h = BACKEND.imshow(im, fignum=fignum) if timestamp is not None: text(str(timestamp), 4, 15, fontsize=10, alpha=0.8 if timestampfacecolor is not None else 1.0, textfacealpha=0.6, facealpha=0.6, textcolor=timestampcolor, textfacecolor=timestampfacecolor) if not nowindow: show(fignum) if flush: BACKEND.imflush() return h
def noshow(fignum)
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def noshow(fignum): return BACKEND.noshow(fignum)
def savefig(filename=None, fignum=None, pad_inches=0, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=None, format=None)
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def savefig(filename=None, fignum=None, pad_inches=0, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=None, format=None): return BACKEND.savefig(filename, fignum, pad_inches=pad_inches, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches=bbox_inches, format=format)
def show(fignum)
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def show(fignum): return
def text(caption, xmin, ymin, fignum=None, textcolor='black', textfacecolor=None, textfacealpha=1.0, fontsize=10, linewidth=3, facecolor='white', facealpha=0.5, alpha=1.0, pad=0.5)
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def text(caption, xmin, ymin, fignum=None, textcolor='black', textfacecolor=None, textfacealpha=1.0, fontsize=10, linewidth=3, facecolor='white', facealpha=0.5, alpha=1.0, pad=0.5): return BACKEND.text(caption, xmin, ymin, fignum, textcolor, textfacecolor, textfacealpha, fontsize, linewidth, facecolor, facealpha, alpha, pad=pad)