Module vipy.globals

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import os
import webbrowser
import tempfile
import vipy.math
from vipy.util import remkdir, tempdir
import builtins
import logging as python_logging
import warnings

# Global mutable dictionary
GLOBAL = {'VERBOSE': True,       # If False, will silence everything, equivalent to calling vipy.globals.silent()
          'VERBOSITY': 2,        # 0=debug, 1=warn, 2=info, only if VERBOSE=True
          'DASK_CLIENT': None,   # Global Dask() client for distributed processing
          'CACHE':os.environ['VIPY_CACHE'] if 'VIPY_CACHE' in os.environ else None,   # Cache directory for and vipy.image donwloads
          'GPU':None,            # GPU index assigned to this process
          'LOGGING':False,       # If True, use python logging (handler provided by end-user) intead of print 
          'LOGGER':None,         # The global logger used by vipy.globals.print() and vipy.globals.warn() if LOGGING=True
          'AWS':{'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID':os.environ['VIPY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] if 'VIPY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID' in os.environ else None,
                 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY':os.environ['VIPY_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] if 'VIPY_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY' in os.environ else None,
                 'AWS_SESSION_TOKEN':os.environ['VIPY_AWS_SESSION_TOKEN'] if 'VIPY_AWS_SESSION_TOKEN' in os.environ else None},
          'LATEX':os.environ['VIPY_LATEX'] if 'VIPY_LATEX' in os.environ else None}

def logging(enable=None, format=None):
    """Single entry point for enabling/disabling logging vs. printing
       All vipy functions overload "from vipy.globals import print" for simplified readability of code.
       This global function redirects print or warn to using the standard logging module.
       If format is provided, this will create a basicConfig handler, but this should be configured by the end-user.    
    if enable is not None:
        assert isinstance(enable, bool)
        GLOBAL['LOGGING'] = enable
        if format is not None:
            python_logging.basicConfig(level=python_logging.INFO, format=format)
        GLOBAL['LOGGER'] = python_logging.getLogger('vipy')
        GLOBAL['LOGGER'].propagate = True if enable else False
    return GLOBAL['LOGGING']

def warn(s):
        warnings.warn(s) if (not GLOBAL['LOGGING'] or GLOBAL['LOGGER'] is None) else GLOBAL['LOGGER'].warn(s)

def print(s, end='\n'):
    """Main entry point for all print statements in the vipy package. All vipy code calls this to print helpful messages.

    .. notes::
        -Printing can be disabled by calling vipy.globals.silent()
        -Printing can be redirected to logging by calling vipy.globals.logging(True)
        -All print() statements in vipy.* are overloaded to call vipy.globals.print() so that it can be redirected to logging
        -System print is flushed for buffered stdout (e.g. tee logging)
        builtins.print(s, end=end, flush=True) if (not GLOBAL['LOGGING'] or GLOBAL['LOGGER'] is None) else GLOBAL['LOGGER'].info(s)

def verbose():
    """The global verbosity level, only really used right now for FFMPEG messages"""
    GLOBAL['VERBOSE'] = True

def isverbose():
    return GLOBAL['VERBOSE']

def silent():
    """Silence the global verbosity level, only really used right now for FFMPEG messages"""
    GLOBAL['VERBOSE'] = False    

def issilent():
    """Is the global verbosity silent?"""
    return GLOBAL['VERBOSE'] == False 

def verbosity(v):
    """Set the global verbosity level [0,1,2]=debug, warn, info"""
    assert v in [0,1,2]    # debug, warn, info

def debug():

def isdebug():
    return GLOBAL['VERBOSE'] and GLOBAL['VERBOSITY'] == 0

def cache(cachedir=None):
    """The cache is the location that URLs are downloaded to on your system.  This can be set here, or with the environment variable VIPY_CACHE

    >>> vipy.globals.cache('/path/to/.vipy')
    >>> cachedir = vipy.globals.cache()

        cachedir:  the location to store cached files when downloaded.  Can also be set using the VIPY_CACHE environment variable.  if none, return the current cachedir
        The current cachedir if cachedir=None else None
    if cachedir is not None:
        os.environ['VIPY_CACHE'] = remkdir(cachedir)
        GLOBAL['CACHE'] = cachedir
    return os.environ['VIPY_CACHE'] if 'VIPY_CACHE' in os.environ else None

def _user_hit_escape(b=None):
    """Did the user hit the escape key?  Useful for matplotlib GUI to stop displaying video"""
    if b is None:
        if GLOBAL['GUI']['escape']:
            GLOBAL['GUI']['escape'] = False  # toggle it
            return True
            return False
        # Set in vipy.gui.using_matplotlib.escape_to_exit()
        assert isinstance(b, bool)
        GLOBAL['GUI']['escape'] = b  
def cpuonly():
    GLOBAL['GPU'] = None

def gpuindex(gpu=None):
    if gpu == 'cpu':
    elif gpu is not None:
        GLOBAL['GPU'] = gpu
    return GLOBAL['GPU']

def dask(num_processes=None, num_gpus=None, dashboard=False, address=None, pct=None):
    """Return the current Dask client, can be accessed globally for parallel processing.
        pct: float in [0,1] the percentage of the current machine to use
        address:  the dask scheduler of the form 'HOSTNAME:PORT'
        num_processes:  the number of prpcesses to use on the current machine
        num_gpus:  the number of GPUs to use on the current machine
        dashboard: [bool] whether to inialize the dask client with a web dashboard

        The `vipy.batch.Dask` object pointing to the Dask Distrbuted object
    from vipy.batch import Dask
    if pct is not None:
        assert pct > 0 and pct <= 1
        import multiprocessing
        num_processes = vipy.math.poweroftwo(pct*multiprocessing.cpu_count())        
    if (address is not None or (num_processes is not None and (GLOBAL['DASK_CLIENT'] is None or GLOBAL['DASK_CLIENT'].num_processes() != num_processes)) or num_gpus is not None):
        GLOBAL['DASK_CLIENT'] = Dask(num_processes, dashboard=dashboard, verbose=isverbose(), address=address, num_gpus=num_gpus)        
    return GLOBAL['DASK_CLIENT']

def parallel(n=None, pct=None, scheduler=None):
    """Enable parallel processing with n>=1 processes or a percentage of system core (pct in [0,1]) or a dask scheduler .

    This can be be used as a context manager
    >>> with vipy.globals.parallel(n=4):
    >>>     vipy.batch.Batch(...)

    or using the global variables:

    >>> vipy.globals.parallel(n=4):
    >>> vipy.batch.Batch(...)
    >>> vipy.globals.noparallel()
    To check the current parallelism level:
    >>> num_processes = vipy.globals.parallel()

    To run with a dask scheduler:
    >>> with vipy.globals.parallel(scheduler='')
    >>>    vipy.batch.Batch(...)

        n: [int] number of parallel processes
        pct: [float] the percentage [0,1] of system cores to dedicate to parallel processing
        scheduler: [str]  the dask scheduler of the form 'HOSTNAME:PORT' like ''.  See <>

    class Parallel():
        def __init__(self, n=None, pct=None, scheduler=None):
            assert n is not None or pct is not None or scheduler is not None
            assert sum([x is not None for x in (n, pct, scheduler)]) == 1, "Exactly one"
            assert n is None or (isinstance(n, int) and n>=1)
            assert pct is None or (pct > 0 and pct <= 1)
            dask(num_processes=n, pct=pct, address=scheduler)
            self._n = n
            self._pct = pct
            self._scheduler = scheduler
        def __enter__(self):

        def __exit__(self, *args):
            if self._scheduler is None:

    if n is None and pct is None and scheduler is None:
        return GLOBAL['DASK_CLIENT'].num_processes() if  GLOBAL['DASK_CLIENT'] is not None else 0
        assert n is not None or pct is not None or scheduler is not None
        assert sum([x is not None for x in (n, pct, scheduler)]) == 1, "Exactly one"
        return Parallel(n=n, pct=pct, scheduler=scheduler) 

def noparallel():
    """Disable all parallel processing"""
    if GLOBAL['DASK_CLIENT'] is not None:
        del GLOBAL['DASK_CLIENT']

def nodask():
    """Alias for `vipy.globals.noparallel`"""
    return noparallel()


def cache(cachedir=None)

The cache is the location that URLs are downloaded to on your system. This can be set here, or with the environment variable VIPY_CACHE

>>> vipy.globals.cache('/path/to/.vipy')
>>> cachedir = vipy.globals.cache()


the location to store cached files when downloaded. Can also be set using the VIPY_CACHE environment variable. if none, return the current cachedir


The current cachedir if cachedir=None else None

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def cache(cachedir=None):
    """The cache is the location that URLs are downloaded to on your system.  This can be set here, or with the environment variable VIPY_CACHE

    >>> vipy.globals.cache('/path/to/.vipy')
    >>> cachedir = vipy.globals.cache()

        cachedir:  the location to store cached files when downloaded.  Can also be set using the VIPY_CACHE environment variable.  if none, return the current cachedir
        The current cachedir if cachedir=None else None
    if cachedir is not None:
        os.environ['VIPY_CACHE'] = remkdir(cachedir)
        GLOBAL['CACHE'] = cachedir
    return os.environ['VIPY_CACHE'] if 'VIPY_CACHE' in os.environ else None
def cpuonly()
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def cpuonly():
    GLOBAL['GPU'] = None
def dask(num_processes=None, num_gpus=None, dashboard=False, address=None, pct=None)

Return the current Dask client, can be accessed globally for parallel processing.


float in [0,1] the percentage of the current machine to use
the dask scheduler of the form 'HOSTNAME:PORT'
the number of prpcesses to use on the current machine
the number of GPUs to use on the current machine
[bool] whether to inialize the dask client with a web dashboard


The Dask object pointing to the Dask Distrbuted object

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def dask(num_processes=None, num_gpus=None, dashboard=False, address=None, pct=None):
    """Return the current Dask client, can be accessed globally for parallel processing.
        pct: float in [0,1] the percentage of the current machine to use
        address:  the dask scheduler of the form 'HOSTNAME:PORT'
        num_processes:  the number of prpcesses to use on the current machine
        num_gpus:  the number of GPUs to use on the current machine
        dashboard: [bool] whether to inialize the dask client with a web dashboard

        The `vipy.batch.Dask` object pointing to the Dask Distrbuted object
    from vipy.batch import Dask
    if pct is not None:
        assert pct > 0 and pct <= 1
        import multiprocessing
        num_processes = vipy.math.poweroftwo(pct*multiprocessing.cpu_count())        
    if (address is not None or (num_processes is not None and (GLOBAL['DASK_CLIENT'] is None or GLOBAL['DASK_CLIENT'].num_processes() != num_processes)) or num_gpus is not None):
        GLOBAL['DASK_CLIENT'] = Dask(num_processes, dashboard=dashboard, verbose=isverbose(), address=address, num_gpus=num_gpus)        
    return GLOBAL['DASK_CLIENT']
def debug()
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def debug():
def gpuindex(gpu=None)
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def gpuindex(gpu=None):
    if gpu == 'cpu':
    elif gpu is not None:
        GLOBAL['GPU'] = gpu
    return GLOBAL['GPU']
def isdebug()
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def isdebug():
    return GLOBAL['VERBOSE'] and GLOBAL['VERBOSITY'] == 0
def issilent()

Is the global verbosity silent?

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def issilent():
    """Is the global verbosity silent?"""
    return GLOBAL['VERBOSE'] == False 
def isverbose()
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def isverbose():
    return GLOBAL['VERBOSE']
def logging(enable=None, format=None)

Single entry point for enabling/disabling logging vs. printing

All vipy functions overload "from vipy.globals import print" for simplified readability of code. This global function redirects print or warn to using the standard logging module. If format is provided, this will create a basicConfig handler, but this should be configured by the end-user.

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def logging(enable=None, format=None):
    """Single entry point for enabling/disabling logging vs. printing
       All vipy functions overload "from vipy.globals import print" for simplified readability of code.
       This global function redirects print or warn to using the standard logging module.
       If format is provided, this will create a basicConfig handler, but this should be configured by the end-user.    
    if enable is not None:
        assert isinstance(enable, bool)
        GLOBAL['LOGGING'] = enable
        if format is not None:
            python_logging.basicConfig(level=python_logging.INFO, format=format)
        GLOBAL['LOGGER'] = python_logging.getLogger('vipy')
        GLOBAL['LOGGER'].propagate = True if enable else False
    return GLOBAL['LOGGING']
def nodask()

Alias for noparallel()

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def nodask():
    """Alias for `vipy.globals.noparallel`"""
    return noparallel()
def noparallel()

Disable all parallel processing

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def noparallel():
    """Disable all parallel processing"""
    if GLOBAL['DASK_CLIENT'] is not None:
        del GLOBAL['DASK_CLIENT']
def parallel(n=None, pct=None, scheduler=None)

Enable parallel processing with n>=1 processes or a percentage of system core (pct in [0,1]) or a dask scheduler .

This can be be used as a context manager

>>> with vipy.globals.parallel(n=4):
>>>     vipy.batch.Batch(...)

or using the global variables:

>>> vipy.globals.parallel(n=4):
>>> vipy.batch.Batch(...)
>>> vipy.globals.noparallel()

To check the current parallelism level:

>>> num_processes = vipy.globals.parallel()

To run with a dask scheduler:

>>> with vipy.globals.parallel(scheduler='')
>>>    vipy.batch.Batch(...)


[int] number of parallel processes
[float] the percentage [0,1] of system cores to dedicate to parallel processing
[str] the dask scheduler of the form 'HOSTNAME:PORT' like ''. See
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def parallel(n=None, pct=None, scheduler=None):
    """Enable parallel processing with n>=1 processes or a percentage of system core (pct in [0,1]) or a dask scheduler .

    This can be be used as a context manager
    >>> with vipy.globals.parallel(n=4):
    >>>     vipy.batch.Batch(...)

    or using the global variables:

    >>> vipy.globals.parallel(n=4):
    >>> vipy.batch.Batch(...)
    >>> vipy.globals.noparallel()
    To check the current parallelism level:
    >>> num_processes = vipy.globals.parallel()

    To run with a dask scheduler:
    >>> with vipy.globals.parallel(scheduler='')
    >>>    vipy.batch.Batch(...)

        n: [int] number of parallel processes
        pct: [float] the percentage [0,1] of system cores to dedicate to parallel processing
        scheduler: [str]  the dask scheduler of the form 'HOSTNAME:PORT' like ''.  See <>

    class Parallel():
        def __init__(self, n=None, pct=None, scheduler=None):
            assert n is not None or pct is not None or scheduler is not None
            assert sum([x is not None for x in (n, pct, scheduler)]) == 1, "Exactly one"
            assert n is None or (isinstance(n, int) and n>=1)
            assert pct is None or (pct > 0 and pct <= 1)
            dask(num_processes=n, pct=pct, address=scheduler)
            self._n = n
            self._pct = pct
            self._scheduler = scheduler
        def __enter__(self):

        def __exit__(self, *args):
            if self._scheduler is None:

    if n is None and pct is None and scheduler is None:
        return GLOBAL['DASK_CLIENT'].num_processes() if  GLOBAL['DASK_CLIENT'] is not None else 0
        assert n is not None or pct is not None or scheduler is not None
        assert sum([x is not None for x in (n, pct, scheduler)]) == 1, "Exactly one"
        return Parallel(n=n, pct=pct, scheduler=scheduler) 
def print(s, end='\n')

Main entry point for all print statements in the vipy package. All vipy code calls this to print helpful messages.


-Printing can be disabled by calling vipy.globals.silent() -Printing can be redirected to logging by calling vipy.globals.logging(True) -All print() statements in vipy.* are overloaded to call vipy.globals.print() so that it can be redirected to logging -System print is flushed for buffered stdout (e.g. tee logging)

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def print(s, end='\n'):
    """Main entry point for all print statements in the vipy package. All vipy code calls this to print helpful messages.

    .. notes::
        -Printing can be disabled by calling vipy.globals.silent()
        -Printing can be redirected to logging by calling vipy.globals.logging(True)
        -All print() statements in vipy.* are overloaded to call vipy.globals.print() so that it can be redirected to logging
        -System print is flushed for buffered stdout (e.g. tee logging)
        builtins.print(s, end=end, flush=True) if (not GLOBAL['LOGGING'] or GLOBAL['LOGGER'] is None) else GLOBAL['LOGGER'].info(s)
def silent()

Silence the global verbosity level, only really used right now for FFMPEG messages

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def silent():
    """Silence the global verbosity level, only really used right now for FFMPEG messages"""
    GLOBAL['VERBOSE'] = False    
def verbose()

The global verbosity level, only really used right now for FFMPEG messages

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def verbose():
    """The global verbosity level, only really used right now for FFMPEG messages"""
    GLOBAL['VERBOSE'] = True
def verbosity(v)

Set the global verbosity level [0,1,2]=debug, warn, info

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def verbosity(v):
    """Set the global verbosity level [0,1,2]=debug, warn, info"""
    assert v in [0,1,2]    # debug, warn, info
def warn(s)
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def warn(s):
        warnings.warn(s) if (not GLOBAL['LOGGING'] or GLOBAL['LOGGER'] is None) else GLOBAL['LOGGER'].warn(s)