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import os
import vipy.util
from vipy.util import filetail, remkdir, readjson, groupbyasdict, filefull, readlist, readcsv, filebase
import vipy.downloader
from import VideoCategory, Video, Scene
import numpy as np
from vipy.object import Track, BoundingBox
from vipy.activity import Activity

URL = ''

class AVA(object):
    def __init__(self, datadir):
        """AVA, provide a datadir='/path/to/store/ava' """
        self.datadir = remkdir(datadir)
        if not self._isdownloaded():

    def __repr__(self):
        return str('< "%s">' % self.datadir)

    def download(self):
        zipfile = os.path.join(self.datadir, filetail(URL)), zipfile)
        vipy.downloader.unpack(zipfile, self.datadir)
        return self

    def _isdownloaded(self):
        return os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.datadir, 'ava_train_v2.2.csv'))
    def _dataset(self, csvfile, downloaded=False):
        # AVA csv format: video_id, middle_frame_timestamp, scaled_person_box (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), action_id, person_id

        # video_id: YouTube identifier
        # middle_frame_timestamp: in seconds from the start of the YouTube.
        # person_box: top-left (x1, y1) and bottom-right (x2,y2) normalized with respect to frame size, where (0.0, 0.0) corresponds to the top left, and (1.0, 1.0) corresponds to bottom right.
        # action_id: identifier of an action class, see ava_action_list_v2.2.pbtxt
        # person_id: a unique integer allowing this box to be linked to other boxes depicting the same person in adjacent frames of this video.
        assert self._isdownloaded(), "Dataset not downloaded.  download() first or manually download '%s' into '%s'" % (URL, self.datadir)
        csv = readcsv(csvfile)
        d_videoid_to_rows = groupbyasdict(csv, lambda x: x[0])

        vidlist = []
        d_category_to_index = self.categories()
        d_index_to_category = {v:k for (k,v) in d_category_to_index.items()}

        # Parallel download
        # >>> D ='/path/to')
        # >>> with vipy.globals.parallel(8):
        # >>>     V = D.valset()
        videos = ['' % video_id, filename=os.path.join(self.datadir, video_id)) for (k_video, (video_id, rowlist)) in enumerate(d_videoid_to_rows.items())]
        d = {filebase(f):f for f in vipy.util.findvideo(self.datadir)}  # already downloaded, youtube videos are tricky since we don't know the extension until it is downloaded...
        videos = [v.filename(d[filebase(v.filename())]) if filebase(v.filename()) in d else v for v in videos]
        videos = ([v.filename(d[filebase(v.filename())]) if filebase(v.filename()) in d else None for v in videos] if downloaded else   # only the videos that have been downloaded so far
                  vipy.batch.Batch(videos, warnme=False).map(lambda v: if not v.isdownloaded() else v).result())
        for (k_video, (video_id, rowlist)) in enumerate(d_videoid_to_rows.items()):
            v = videos[k_video]
            if v is None:
            print('[][%d/%d]: Parsing "%s" with %d activities' % (k_video, len(d_videoid_to_rows), v.url(), len(rowlist)))            

            # Download or skip
            if not v.isdownloaded():
                print('[][%d/%d]: Download failed - SKIPPING' % (k_video, len(d_videoid_to_rows)))

            framerate = v.framerate_of_videofile()
            startframe = max(0, framerate*(min([float(x[1]) for x in rowlist])-1.5))
            endframe = framerate*(max([float(x[1]) for x in rowlist])+1.5)            
            v = v.framerate(framerate).clip(startframe, endframe)
            (height, width) = v.shape() 

            # Tracks are "actor_id" across the video
            tracks = groupbyasdict(rowlist, lambda x: x[7])
            d_tracknum_to_track = {}
            for (tracknum, tracklist) in tracks.items():
                (keyframes, boxes) = zip(*[((float(x[1])*framerate)-startframe, BoundingBox(xmin=width*float(x[2]), ymin=height*float(x[3]), xmax=width*float(x[4]), ymax=height*float(x[5]))) for x in tracklist])
                t = Track(keyframes=keyframes, boxes=boxes, category=tracknum, framerate=framerate)
                d_tracknum_to_track[tracknum] = t

            # Every row is a separate three second long activity centered at startsec involving one actor
            for (video_id, startsec, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, activity_id, actor_id) in rowlist:
                t = d_tracknum_to_track[actor_id]
                act_startframe = (float(startsec)*framerate)-startframe
                    a = Activity(startframe=max(0, int(np.round((act_startframe-1.5*framerate)))), endframe=int(np.round((act_startframe+1.5*framerate))),
                                 tracks={}, framerate=framerate)

                except KeyboardInterrupt:
                except Exception as e:
                    print('[]: actor_id=%s, activity_id=%s, video_id=%s - SKIPPING with error "%s"' % (actor_id, activity_id, video_id, str(e)))                   
        return vidlist

    def categories(self):
        rowlist = readlist(os.path.join(self.datadir, 'ava_action_list_v2.2.pbtxt'))
        rowlist = [r.strip() for r in rowlist]  # remove whitespace
        d_category_to_index = {}
        for (k,r) in enumerate(rowlist):
            if 'name' in r:

                category = str(r.replace('name: ', '').replace('"',''))
                index = int(rowlist[k+1].replace('label_id: ','').replace('"',''))
                d_category_to_index[category] = index
        return d_category_to_index

    def trainset(self):
        return self._dataset(os.path.join(self.datadir, 'ava_train_v2.2.csv'))

    def valset(self):
        return self._dataset(os.path.join(self.datadir, 'ava_val_v2.2.csv'))



class AVA (datadir)

AVA, provide a datadir='/path/to/store/ava'

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class AVA(object):
    def __init__(self, datadir):
        """AVA, provide a datadir='/path/to/store/ava' """
        self.datadir = remkdir(datadir)
        if not self._isdownloaded():

    def __repr__(self):
        return str('< "%s">' % self.datadir)

    def download(self):
        zipfile = os.path.join(self.datadir, filetail(URL)), zipfile)
        vipy.downloader.unpack(zipfile, self.datadir)
        return self

    def _isdownloaded(self):
        return os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.datadir, 'ava_train_v2.2.csv'))
    def _dataset(self, csvfile, downloaded=False):
        # AVA csv format: video_id, middle_frame_timestamp, scaled_person_box (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), action_id, person_id

        # video_id: YouTube identifier
        # middle_frame_timestamp: in seconds from the start of the YouTube.
        # person_box: top-left (x1, y1) and bottom-right (x2,y2) normalized with respect to frame size, where (0.0, 0.0) corresponds to the top left, and (1.0, 1.0) corresponds to bottom right.
        # action_id: identifier of an action class, see ava_action_list_v2.2.pbtxt
        # person_id: a unique integer allowing this box to be linked to other boxes depicting the same person in adjacent frames of this video.
        assert self._isdownloaded(), "Dataset not downloaded.  download() first or manually download '%s' into '%s'" % (URL, self.datadir)
        csv = readcsv(csvfile)
        d_videoid_to_rows = groupbyasdict(csv, lambda x: x[0])

        vidlist = []
        d_category_to_index = self.categories()
        d_index_to_category = {v:k for (k,v) in d_category_to_index.items()}

        # Parallel download
        # >>> D ='/path/to')
        # >>> with vipy.globals.parallel(8):
        # >>>     V = D.valset()
        videos = ['' % video_id, filename=os.path.join(self.datadir, video_id)) for (k_video, (video_id, rowlist)) in enumerate(d_videoid_to_rows.items())]
        d = {filebase(f):f for f in vipy.util.findvideo(self.datadir)}  # already downloaded, youtube videos are tricky since we don't know the extension until it is downloaded...
        videos = [v.filename(d[filebase(v.filename())]) if filebase(v.filename()) in d else v for v in videos]
        videos = ([v.filename(d[filebase(v.filename())]) if filebase(v.filename()) in d else None for v in videos] if downloaded else   # only the videos that have been downloaded so far
                  vipy.batch.Batch(videos, warnme=False).map(lambda v: if not v.isdownloaded() else v).result())
        for (k_video, (video_id, rowlist)) in enumerate(d_videoid_to_rows.items()):
            v = videos[k_video]
            if v is None:
            print('[][%d/%d]: Parsing "%s" with %d activities' % (k_video, len(d_videoid_to_rows), v.url(), len(rowlist)))            

            # Download or skip
            if not v.isdownloaded():
                print('[][%d/%d]: Download failed - SKIPPING' % (k_video, len(d_videoid_to_rows)))

            framerate = v.framerate_of_videofile()
            startframe = max(0, framerate*(min([float(x[1]) for x in rowlist])-1.5))
            endframe = framerate*(max([float(x[1]) for x in rowlist])+1.5)            
            v = v.framerate(framerate).clip(startframe, endframe)
            (height, width) = v.shape() 

            # Tracks are "actor_id" across the video
            tracks = groupbyasdict(rowlist, lambda x: x[7])
            d_tracknum_to_track = {}
            for (tracknum, tracklist) in tracks.items():
                (keyframes, boxes) = zip(*[((float(x[1])*framerate)-startframe, BoundingBox(xmin=width*float(x[2]), ymin=height*float(x[3]), xmax=width*float(x[4]), ymax=height*float(x[5]))) for x in tracklist])
                t = Track(keyframes=keyframes, boxes=boxes, category=tracknum, framerate=framerate)
                d_tracknum_to_track[tracknum] = t

            # Every row is a separate three second long activity centered at startsec involving one actor
            for (video_id, startsec, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, activity_id, actor_id) in rowlist:
                t = d_tracknum_to_track[actor_id]
                act_startframe = (float(startsec)*framerate)-startframe
                    a = Activity(startframe=max(0, int(np.round((act_startframe-1.5*framerate)))), endframe=int(np.round((act_startframe+1.5*framerate))),
                                 tracks={}, framerate=framerate)

                except KeyboardInterrupt:
                except Exception as e:
                    print('[]: actor_id=%s, activity_id=%s, video_id=%s - SKIPPING with error "%s"' % (actor_id, activity_id, video_id, str(e)))                   
        return vidlist

    def categories(self):
        rowlist = readlist(os.path.join(self.datadir, 'ava_action_list_v2.2.pbtxt'))
        rowlist = [r.strip() for r in rowlist]  # remove whitespace
        d_category_to_index = {}
        for (k,r) in enumerate(rowlist):
            if 'name' in r:

                category = str(r.replace('name: ', '').replace('"',''))
                index = int(rowlist[k+1].replace('label_id: ','').replace('"',''))
                d_category_to_index[category] = index
        return d_category_to_index

    def trainset(self):
        return self._dataset(os.path.join(self.datadir, 'ava_train_v2.2.csv'))

    def valset(self):
        return self._dataset(os.path.join(self.datadir, 'ava_val_v2.2.csv'))


def categories(self)
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def categories(self):
    rowlist = readlist(os.path.join(self.datadir, 'ava_action_list_v2.2.pbtxt'))
    rowlist = [r.strip() for r in rowlist]  # remove whitespace
    d_category_to_index = {}
    for (k,r) in enumerate(rowlist):
        if 'name' in r:

            category = str(r.replace('name: ', '').replace('"',''))
            index = int(rowlist[k+1].replace('label_id: ','').replace('"',''))
            d_category_to_index[category] = index
    return d_category_to_index
def download(self)
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def download(self):
    zipfile = os.path.join(self.datadir, filetail(URL)), zipfile)
    vipy.downloader.unpack(zipfile, self.datadir)
    return self
def trainset(self)
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def trainset(self):
    return self._dataset(os.path.join(self.datadir, 'ava_train_v2.2.csv'))
def valset(self)
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def valset(self):
    return self._dataset(os.path.join(self.datadir, 'ava_val_v2.2.csv'))