Module vipy.batch
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import os
import sys
from vipy.util import try_import, islist, tolist, tempdir, remkdir, chunklistbysize, listpkl, filetail, filebase, tempdir
from itertools import repeat
import dill
dill.extend(False) #
try_import('dask', 'dask distributed')
from dask.distributed import as_completed, wait
try_import('torch', 'torch'); import torch
import dask
import dask.config
from dask.distributed import Client
from dask.distributed import as_completed, wait
from dask.distributed import get_worker
import numpy as np
import tempfile
import warnings
import vipy.globals
import hashlib
import uuid
import shutil
dill.extend(True) #
class Dask(object):
"""Dask distributed client"""
def __init__(self, num_processes=None, dashboard=False, verbose=False, address=None, num_gpus=None):
assert address is not None or num_processes is not None or num_gpus is not None, "Invalid input"
if num_gpus is not None:
assert num_processes is None, "Cannot specify both num_gpus and num_processes"
num_processes = num_gpus # coercing
self._num_processes = num_processes
os.environ['DASK_LOGGING__DISTRIBUTED'] = 'warning' if not verbose else 'info'
# Worker env
env = {'VIPY_BACKEND':'Agg', # headless in workers
'PYTHONOPATH':os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] if 'PYTHONPATH' in os.environ else '',
'PATH':os.environ['PATH'] if 'PATH' in os.environ else ''}
if 'VIPY_CACHE' in os.environ:
if 'VIPY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID' in os.environ:
if 'VIPY_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY' in os.environ:
for (k,v) in os.environ.items():
if k.startswith('DASK_'):
env[k] = v
if address is not None:
# Distributed scheduler
self._client = Client(name='vipy', address=address)
# Update key environment variables on remote workers using out of band function (yuck)
# Make sure that any environment variables are accessible on all machines! (e.g. VIPY_CACHE)
# If not, then you need to unset these variables from os.environ prior to calling Dask()
def _f_setenv_remote(localenv):
import os; os.environ.update(localenv)
localenv = {k:v for (k,v) in os.environ.items() if k.startswith('VIPY_')}
localenv.update( {'VIPY_BACKEND':'Agg'} ) env=localenv: _f_setenv_remote(env))
# Local scheduler
self._client = Client(name='vipy',
address=address, # to connect to distributed scheduler HOSTNAME:PORT
scheduler_port=0, # random
dashboard_address=None if not dashboard else ':0', # random port
#silence_logs=20 if verbose else 40,
self._num_gpus = num_gpus
if self._num_gpus is not None:
assert isinstance(self._num_gpus, int) and self._num_gpus > 0, "Number of GPUs must be >= 0 not '%s'" % (str(self._num_gpus))
assert self._num_gpus == self._num_processes
wait([self._client.submit(vipy.globals.gpuindex, k, workers=wid) for (k, wid) in enumerate(self._client.scheduler_info()['workers'].keys())])
def __repr__(self):
if self._num_processes is not None or self._num_gpus is not None:
# Local
return str('<vipy.globals.dask: %s%s>' % ('gpus=%d' % self.num_gpus() if self.num_gpus() is not None else 'processes=%d' % self.num_processes(), ', dashboard="%s"' % str(self._client.dashboard_link) if self.has_dashboard() else ''))
elif self._client is not None:
# Distributed
return str('<vipy.globals.dask: %s>' % (str(self._client)))
return str('<vipy.globals.dask: shutdown')
def num_gpus(self):
return self._num_gpus
def has_dashboard(self):
return len(self._client.dashboard_link) > 0 if self._client is not None else False
def dashboard(self): if len(self._client.dashboard_link)>0 else None
def num_processes(self):
return len(self._client.nthreads()) if self._client is not None else 0
def shutdown(self):
self._num_processes = None
self._num_gpus = None
vipy.globals.GLOBAL['DASK_CLIENT'] = None
return self
def client(self):
return self._client
class Batch():
"""vipy.batch.Batch class
This class provides a representation of a set of vipy objects. All of the object types must be the same. If so, then an operation on the batch is performed on each of the elements in the batch in parallel.
>>> b = vipy.batch.Batch([Image(filename='img_%06d.png' % k) for k in range(0,100)])
>>> im: im.bgr())
>>> im: np.sum(im.array()))
>>> im, f: im.saveas(f), args=['out%d.jpg' % k for k in range(0,100)])
>>> v =
>>> b = vipy.batch.Batch(v, n_processes=16)
>>> v,k: v[k], args=[(k,) for k in range(0, len(v))]) # paralle interpolation
>>> d ='/path/to/kinetics').download().trainset()
>>> b = vipy.batch.Batch(d, n_processes=32)
>>> v: # will download and clip dataset in parallel
>>> b.result() # retrieve results after a sequence of map or filter chains
>>> list(b) # equivalent to b.result()
strict: [bool] if distributed processing fails, return None for that element and print the exception rather than raise
as_completed: [bool] Return the objects to the scheduler as they complete, this can introduce instabilities for large complex objects, use with caution
ordered: [bool]: If True, then preserve the order of objects in objlist in distributed processing
def __init__(self, objlist, strict=False, as_completed=False, warnme=False, minscatter=None, ordered=False):
"""Create a batch of homogeneous vipy.image objects from an iterable that can be operated on with a single parallel function call
assert isinstance(objlist, list), "Input must be a list"
self._batchtype = type(objlist[0]) if len(objlist)>0 else type(None)
assert all([isinstance(im, self._batchtype) for im in objlist]), "Invalid input - Must be homogeneous list of the same type"
# Move this into map and disable using localmap
if vipy.globals.dask() is None and warnme:
print('[vipy.batch.Batch]: vipy.batch.Batch() is not set to use parallelism. This is set using:\n >>> with vipy.globals.parallel(n) for multi-processing with n processes\n >>> vipy.globals.parallel(pct=0.8) for multiprocessing that uses a percentage of the current system resources\n >>> vipy.globals.dask(address="SCHEDULER:PORT") which connects to a Dask distributed scheduler.\n >>> vipy.globals.noparallel() to completely disable all parallelism.')
# FIXME: this needs to go into Dask()
#self._ngpu = ngpu
#if ngpu is not None:
# assert isinstance(ngpu, int) and ngpu > 0, "Number of GPUs must be >= 0 not '%s'" % (str(ngpu))
# wait([self._client.submit(vipy.globals.gpuindex, k, workers=wid) for (k, wid) in enumerate(self._client.scheduler_info()['workers'].keys())])
self._strict = strict
self._as_completed = as_completed # this may introduce instabilities for large complex objects, use with caution
self._minscatter = minscatter
self._ordered = ordered
self._objlist = [(k,o) for (k,o) in enumerate(objlist)] if ordered else objlist
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
return self
def __len__(self):
return len(self._objlist)
def __repr__(self):
return str('<vipy.batch: type=%s, len=%d%s>' % (str(self._batchtype), len(self), (', client=%s' % str(vipy.globals.dask())) if vipy.globals.dask() is not None else ''))
def _client(self):
return vipy.globals.dask()._client if vipy.globals.dask() is not None else None
def _batch_wait(self, futures):
results = []
for (k, batch) in enumerate(as_completed(futures, with_results=True, raise_errors=False).batches()):
for (future, result) in batch:
if future.status != 'error':
results.append(result) # not order preserving, will restore order in result()
if self._strict:
typ, exc, tb = result
raise exc.with_traceback(tb)
print('[vipy.batch]: future %s failed with error "%s" - SKIPPING' % (str(future), str(result)))
del future, result # distributed memory cleanup
# Distributed memory cleanup
del batch
return results
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# warnings.warn('[vipy.batch]: batch cannot be restarted after killing with ctrl-c - You must create a new Batch()')
#self._client = None
return results
# warnings.warn('[vipy.batch]: batch cannot be restarted after exception - Recreate Batch()')
def _wait(self, futures):
assert islist(futures) and all([hasattr(f, 'result') for f in futures])
if self._as_completed:
return self._batch_wait(futures)
results = []
for f in futures:
if self._strict:
print('[vipy.batch]: future %s failed with error "%s" for batch "%s"' % (str(f), str(f.exception()), str(self)))
print('[vipy.batch]: future failed')
return results
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# warnings.warn('[vipy.batch]: batch cannot be restarted after killing with ctrl-c - You must create a new Batch()')
#self._client = None
return None
# warnings.warn('[vipy.batch]: batch cannot be restarted after exception - Recreate Batch()')
def result(self):
"""Return the result of the batch processing, ordered"""
if self._ordered:
objlist = {int(v[0]):v[1] for v in self._objlist if v is not None}
return [objlist[k] if k in objlist else None for k in range(len(self._objlist))] # restore order
return self._objlist
def __iter__(self):
for x in self.result():
yield x
def map(self, f_lambda, args=None):
"""Run the lambda function on each of the elements of the batch and return the batch object.
>>> iml = [vipy.image.RandomScene(512,512) for k in range(0,1000)]
>>> imb = vipy.image.Batch(iml)
>>> im: im.rgb())
The lambda function f_lambda should not include closures. If it does, construct the lambda with default parameter capture:
>>> f = lambda x, prm1=42: x+prm1
instead of:
>>> prm1 = 42
>>> f = lambda x: x+prm1
c = self._client()
if c is None:
f_lambda_ordered = (lambda x,f=f_lambda: (x[0], f(x[1]))) if self._ordered else f_lambda
self._objlist = [f_lambda_ordered(o) for o in self._objlist] # no parallelism
f_lambda_ordered = (lambda x,f=f_lambda: (x[0], f(x[1]))) if self._ordered else f_lambda
objlist = c.scatter(self._objlist) if (self._minscatter is not None and len(self._objlist) >= self._minscatter) else self._objlist
self._objlist = self._wait(, objlist))
return self
def filter(self, f_lambda):
"""Run the lambda function on each of the elements of the batch and filter based on the provided lambda keeping those elements that return true
c = self._client()
f_lambda_ordered = (lambda x,f=f_lambda: (x[0], f(x[1]))) if self._ordered else f_lambda
if c is None:
self._objlist = [o for o in self._objlist if f_lambda_ordered(o)[1]] # no parallelism
objlist = self._objlist # original list
is_filtered = self._wait(, c.scatter(self._objlist))) # distributed filter (replaces self._objlist)
self._objlist = [obj for (f, obj) in zip(is_filtered, objlist) if f[1] is True] # keep only elements that filter true
return self
def scattermap(self, f_lambda, obj):
"""Scatter obj to all workers, and apply lambda function f(obj, im) to each element in batch
>>> Batch(mylist, ngpu=8).scattermap(lambda net, im: net(im), net).result()
This will scatter the large object net to all workers, and pin it to a specific GPU. Within the net object, you can call to retrieve your assigned GPU index, which can be used by torch.cuda.device(). Then, the net
object processes each element in the batch using net according to the lambda, and returns the results. This function
includes ngpu processes, and assumes there are ngpu available on the target machine. Each net is replicated in a different
process, so it is the callers responsibility for getting from within the process and setting
net to take advantage of this GPU rather than using the default cuda:0.
c = self._client()
f_lambda_ordered = (lambda net,x,f=f_lambda: (x[0], f(net,x[1]))) if self._ordered else (lambda net,x,f=f_lambda: f(net, x))
if c is None:
self._objlist = [f_lambda_ordered(obj, o) for o in self._objlist] # no parallelism
objdist = c.scatter(obj, broadcast=True)
objlist = c.scatter(self._objlist) if (self._minscatter is not None and len(self._objlist) >= self._minscatter) else self._objlist
self._objlist = self._wait([c.submit(f_lambda_ordered, objdist, im) for im in objlist])
return self
class Batch (objlist, strict=False, as_completed=False, warnme=False, minscatter=None, ordered=False)
vipy.batch.Batch class
This class provides a representation of a set of vipy objects. All of the object types must be the same. If so, then an operation on the batch is performed on each of the elements in the batch in parallel.
>>> b = vipy.batch.Batch([Image(filename='img_%06d.png' % k) for k in range(0,100)]) >>> im: im.bgr()) >>> im: np.sum(im.array())) >>> im, f: im.saveas(f), args=['out%d.jpg' % k for k in range(0,100)])
>>> v = >>> b = vipy.batch.Batch(v, n_processes=16) >>> v,k: v[k], args=[(k,) for k in range(0, len(v))]) # paralle interpolation
>>> d ='/path/to/kinetics').download().trainset() >>> b = vipy.batch.Batch(d, n_processes=32) >>> v: # will download and clip dataset in parallel
>>> b.result() # retrieve results after a sequence of map or filter chains >>> list(b) # equivalent to b.result()
- [bool] if distributed processing fails, return None for that element and print the exception rather than raise
- [bool] Return the objects to the scheduler as they complete, this can introduce instabilities for large complex objects, use with caution
- [bool]: If True, then preserve the order of objects in objlist in distributed processing
Create a batch of homogeneous vipy.image objects from an iterable that can be operated on with a single parallel function call
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class Batch(): """vipy.batch.Batch class This class provides a representation of a set of vipy objects. All of the object types must be the same. If so, then an operation on the batch is performed on each of the elements in the batch in parallel. Examples: >>> b = vipy.batch.Batch([Image(filename='img_%06d.png' % k) for k in range(0,100)]) >>> im: im.bgr()) >>> im: np.sum(im.array())) >>> im, f: im.saveas(f), args=['out%d.jpg' % k for k in range(0,100)]) >>> v = >>> b = vipy.batch.Batch(v, n_processes=16) >>> v,k: v[k], args=[(k,) for k in range(0, len(v))]) # paralle interpolation >>> d ='/path/to/kinetics').download().trainset() >>> b = vipy.batch.Batch(d, n_processes=32) >>> v: # will download and clip dataset in parallel >>> b.result() # retrieve results after a sequence of map or filter chains >>> list(b) # equivalent to b.result() Args: strict: [bool] if distributed processing fails, return None for that element and print the exception rather than raise as_completed: [bool] Return the objects to the scheduler as they complete, this can introduce instabilities for large complex objects, use with caution ordered: [bool]: If True, then preserve the order of objects in objlist in distributed processing """ def __init__(self, objlist, strict=False, as_completed=False, warnme=False, minscatter=None, ordered=False): """Create a batch of homogeneous vipy.image objects from an iterable that can be operated on with a single parallel function call """ assert isinstance(objlist, list), "Input must be a list" self._batchtype = type(objlist[0]) if len(objlist)>0 else type(None) assert all([isinstance(im, self._batchtype) for im in objlist]), "Invalid input - Must be homogeneous list of the same type" # Move this into map and disable using localmap if vipy.globals.dask() is None and warnme: print('[vipy.batch.Batch]: vipy.batch.Batch() is not set to use parallelism. This is set using:\n >>> with vipy.globals.parallel(n) for multi-processing with n processes\n >>> vipy.globals.parallel(pct=0.8) for multiprocessing that uses a percentage of the current system resources\n >>> vipy.globals.dask(address="SCHEDULER:PORT") which connects to a Dask distributed scheduler.\n >>> vipy.globals.noparallel() to completely disable all parallelism.') # FIXME: this needs to go into Dask() #self._ngpu = ngpu #if ngpu is not None: # assert isinstance(ngpu, int) and ngpu > 0, "Number of GPUs must be >= 0 not '%s'" % (str(ngpu)) # wait([self._client.submit(vipy.globals.gpuindex, k, workers=wid) for (k, wid) in enumerate(self._client.scheduler_info()['workers'].keys())]) self._strict = strict self._as_completed = as_completed # this may introduce instabilities for large complex objects, use with caution self._minscatter = minscatter self._ordered = ordered self._objlist = [(k,o) for (k,o) in enumerate(objlist)] if ordered else objlist def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): return self def __len__(self): return len(self._objlist) def __repr__(self): return str('<vipy.batch: type=%s, len=%d%s>' % (str(self._batchtype), len(self), (', client=%s' % str(vipy.globals.dask())) if vipy.globals.dask() is not None else '')) def _client(self): return vipy.globals.dask()._client if vipy.globals.dask() is not None else None def _batch_wait(self, futures): try: results = [] for (k, batch) in enumerate(as_completed(futures, with_results=True, raise_errors=False).batches()): for (future, result) in batch: if future.status != 'error': results.append(result) # not order preserving, will restore order in result() else: if self._strict: typ, exc, tb = result raise exc.with_traceback(tb) else: print('[vipy.batch]: future %s failed with error "%s" - SKIPPING' % (str(future), str(result))) results.append(None) del future, result # distributed memory cleanup # Distributed memory cleanup del batch return results except KeyboardInterrupt: # warnings.warn('[vipy.batch]: batch cannot be restarted after killing with ctrl-c - You must create a new Batch()') #vipy.globals.dask().shutdown() #self._client = None return results except: # warnings.warn('[vipy.batch]: batch cannot be restarted after exception - Recreate Batch()') raise def _wait(self, futures): assert islist(futures) and all([hasattr(f, 'result') for f in futures]) if self._as_completed: return self._batch_wait(futures) try: results = [] wait(futures) for f in futures: try: results.append(f.result()) except: if self._strict: raise try: print('[vipy.batch]: future %s failed with error "%s" for batch "%s"' % (str(f), str(f.exception()), str(self))) except: print('[vipy.batch]: future failed') results.append(None) return results except KeyboardInterrupt: # warnings.warn('[vipy.batch]: batch cannot be restarted after killing with ctrl-c - You must create a new Batch()') #vipy.globals.dask().shutdown() #self._client = None return None except: # warnings.warn('[vipy.batch]: batch cannot be restarted after exception - Recreate Batch()') raise def result(self): """Return the result of the batch processing, ordered""" if self._ordered: objlist = {int(v[0]):v[1] for v in self._objlist if v is not None} return [objlist[k] if k in objlist else None for k in range(len(self._objlist))] # restore order else: return self._objlist def __iter__(self): for x in self.result(): yield x def map(self, f_lambda, args=None): """Run the lambda function on each of the elements of the batch and return the batch object. >>> iml = [vipy.image.RandomScene(512,512) for k in range(0,1000)] >>> imb = vipy.image.Batch(iml) >>> im: im.rgb()) The lambda function f_lambda should not include closures. If it does, construct the lambda with default parameter capture: >>> f = lambda x, prm1=42: x+prm1 instead of: >>> prm1 = 42 >>> f = lambda x: x+prm1 """ c = self._client() if c is None: f_lambda_ordered = (lambda x,f=f_lambda: (x[0], f(x[1]))) if self._ordered else f_lambda self._objlist = [f_lambda_ordered(o) for o in self._objlist] # no parallelism else: f_lambda_ordered = (lambda x,f=f_lambda: (x[0], f(x[1]))) if self._ordered else f_lambda objlist = c.scatter(self._objlist) if (self._minscatter is not None and len(self._objlist) >= self._minscatter) else self._objlist self._objlist = self._wait(, objlist)) return self def filter(self, f_lambda): """Run the lambda function on each of the elements of the batch and filter based on the provided lambda keeping those elements that return true """ c = self._client() f_lambda_ordered = (lambda x,f=f_lambda: (x[0], f(x[1]))) if self._ordered else f_lambda if c is None: self._objlist = [o for o in self._objlist if f_lambda_ordered(o)[1]] # no parallelism else: objlist = self._objlist # original list is_filtered = self._wait(, c.scatter(self._objlist))) # distributed filter (replaces self._objlist) self._objlist = [obj for (f, obj) in zip(is_filtered, objlist) if f[1] is True] # keep only elements that filter true return self def scattermap(self, f_lambda, obj): """Scatter obj to all workers, and apply lambda function f(obj, im) to each element in batch Usage: >>> Batch(mylist, ngpu=8).scattermap(lambda net, im: net(im), net).result() This will scatter the large object net to all workers, and pin it to a specific GPU. Within the net object, you can call to retrieve your assigned GPU index, which can be used by torch.cuda.device(). Then, the net object processes each element in the batch using net according to the lambda, and returns the results. This function includes ngpu processes, and assumes there are ngpu available on the target machine. Each net is replicated in a different process, so it is the callers responsibility for getting from within the process and setting net to take advantage of this GPU rather than using the default cuda:0. """ c = self._client() f_lambda_ordered = (lambda net,x,f=f_lambda: (x[0], f(net,x[1]))) if self._ordered else (lambda net,x,f=f_lambda: f(net, x)) if c is None: self._objlist = [f_lambda_ordered(obj, o) for o in self._objlist] # no parallelism else: objdist = c.scatter(obj, broadcast=True) objlist = c.scatter(self._objlist) if (self._minscatter is not None and len(self._objlist) >= self._minscatter) else self._objlist self._objlist = self._wait([c.submit(f_lambda_ordered, objdist, im) for im in objlist]) return self
def filter(self, f_lambda)
Run the lambda function on each of the elements of the batch and filter based on the provided lambda keeping those elements that return true
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def filter(self, f_lambda): """Run the lambda function on each of the elements of the batch and filter based on the provided lambda keeping those elements that return true """ c = self._client() f_lambda_ordered = (lambda x,f=f_lambda: (x[0], f(x[1]))) if self._ordered else f_lambda if c is None: self._objlist = [o for o in self._objlist if f_lambda_ordered(o)[1]] # no parallelism else: objlist = self._objlist # original list is_filtered = self._wait(, c.scatter(self._objlist))) # distributed filter (replaces self._objlist) self._objlist = [obj for (f, obj) in zip(is_filtered, objlist) if f[1] is True] # keep only elements that filter true return self
def map(self, f_lambda, args=None)
Run the lambda function on each of the elements of the batch and return the batch object.
>>> iml = [vipy.image.RandomScene(512,512) for k in range(0,1000)] >>> imb = vipy.image.Batch(iml) >>> im: im.rgb())
The lambda function f_lambda should not include closures. If it does, construct the lambda with default parameter capture:
>>> f = lambda x, prm1=42: x+prm1
instead of:
>>> prm1 = 42 >>> f = lambda x: x+prm1
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def map(self, f_lambda, args=None): """Run the lambda function on each of the elements of the batch and return the batch object. >>> iml = [vipy.image.RandomScene(512,512) for k in range(0,1000)] >>> imb = vipy.image.Batch(iml) >>> im: im.rgb()) The lambda function f_lambda should not include closures. If it does, construct the lambda with default parameter capture: >>> f = lambda x, prm1=42: x+prm1 instead of: >>> prm1 = 42 >>> f = lambda x: x+prm1 """ c = self._client() if c is None: f_lambda_ordered = (lambda x,f=f_lambda: (x[0], f(x[1]))) if self._ordered else f_lambda self._objlist = [f_lambda_ordered(o) for o in self._objlist] # no parallelism else: f_lambda_ordered = (lambda x,f=f_lambda: (x[0], f(x[1]))) if self._ordered else f_lambda objlist = c.scatter(self._objlist) if (self._minscatter is not None and len(self._objlist) >= self._minscatter) else self._objlist self._objlist = self._wait(, objlist)) return self
def result(self)
Return the result of the batch processing, ordered
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def result(self): """Return the result of the batch processing, ordered""" if self._ordered: objlist = {int(v[0]):v[1] for v in self._objlist if v is not None} return [objlist[k] if k in objlist else None for k in range(len(self._objlist))] # restore order else: return self._objlist
def scattermap(self, f_lambda, obj)
Scatter obj to all workers, and apply lambda function f(obj, im) to each element in batch
>>> Batch(mylist, ngpu=8).scattermap(lambda net, im: net(im), net).result()
This will scatter the large object net to all workers, and pin it to a specific GPU. Within the net object, you can call to retrieve your assigned GPU index, which can be used by torch.cuda.device(). Then, the net object processes each element in the batch using net according to the lambda, and returns the results. This function includes ngpu processes, and assumes there are ngpu available on the target machine. Each net is replicated in a different process, so it is the callers responsibility for getting from within the process and setting net to take advantage of this GPU rather than using the default cuda:0.
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def scattermap(self, f_lambda, obj): """Scatter obj to all workers, and apply lambda function f(obj, im) to each element in batch Usage: >>> Batch(mylist, ngpu=8).scattermap(lambda net, im: net(im), net).result() This will scatter the large object net to all workers, and pin it to a specific GPU. Within the net object, you can call to retrieve your assigned GPU index, which can be used by torch.cuda.device(). Then, the net object processes each element in the batch using net according to the lambda, and returns the results. This function includes ngpu processes, and assumes there are ngpu available on the target machine. Each net is replicated in a different process, so it is the callers responsibility for getting from within the process and setting net to take advantage of this GPU rather than using the default cuda:0. """ c = self._client() f_lambda_ordered = (lambda net,x,f=f_lambda: (x[0], f(net,x[1]))) if self._ordered else (lambda net,x,f=f_lambda: f(net, x)) if c is None: self._objlist = [f_lambda_ordered(obj, o) for o in self._objlist] # no parallelism else: objdist = c.scatter(obj, broadcast=True) objlist = c.scatter(self._objlist) if (self._minscatter is not None and len(self._objlist) >= self._minscatter) else self._objlist self._objlist = self._wait([c.submit(f_lambda_ordered, objdist, im) for im in objlist]) return self
class Dask (num_processes=None, dashboard=False, verbose=False, address=None, num_gpus=None)
Dask distributed client
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class Dask(object): """Dask distributed client""" def __init__(self, num_processes=None, dashboard=False, verbose=False, address=None, num_gpus=None): assert address is not None or num_processes is not None or num_gpus is not None, "Invalid input" if num_gpus is not None: assert num_processes is None, "Cannot specify both num_gpus and num_processes" num_processes = num_gpus # coercing self._num_processes = num_processes os.environ['DASK_LOGGING__DISTRIBUTED'] = 'warning' if not verbose else 'info' os.environ['DASK_DISTRIBUTED__COMM__TIMEOUTS__CONNECT'] = "30s" os.environ['DASK_DISTRIBUTED__COMM__TIMEOUTS__TCP'] = "30s" os.environ['DASK_DISTRIBUTED__DEPLOY__LOST_WORKER_TIMEOUT'] = "30s" dask.config.set({'DISTRIBUTED.COMM.TIMEOUTS.CONNECT'.lower():os.environ['DASK_DISTRIBUTED__COMM__TIMEOUTS__CONNECT']}) dask.config.set({'DISTRIBUTED.COMM.TIMEOUTS.TCP'.lower():os.environ['DASK_DISTRIBUTED__COMM__TIMEOUTS__TCP']}) dask.config.set({'DISTRIBUTED.DEPLOY.LOST_WORKER_TIMEOUT'.lower():os.environ['DASK_DISTRIBUTED__DEPLOY__LOST_WORKER_TIMEOUT']}) dask.config.refresh() # Worker env env = {'VIPY_BACKEND':'Agg', # headless in workers 'PYTHONOPATH':os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] if 'PYTHONPATH' in os.environ else '', 'PATH':os.environ['PATH'] if 'PATH' in os.environ else ''} if 'VIPY_CACHE' in os.environ: env.update({'VIPY_CACHE':os.environ['VIPY_CACHE']}) if 'VIPY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID' in os.environ: env.update({'VIPY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID':os.environ['VIPY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID']}) if 'VIPY_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY' in os.environ: env.update({'VIPY_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY':os.environ['VIPY_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']}) for (k,v) in os.environ.items(): if k.startswith('DASK_'): env[k] = v if address is not None: # Distributed scheduler self._client = Client(name='vipy', address=address) # Update key environment variables on remote workers using out of band function (yuck) # Make sure that any environment variables are accessible on all machines! (e.g. VIPY_CACHE) # If not, then you need to unset these variables from os.environ prior to calling Dask() def _f_setenv_remote(localenv): import os; os.environ.update(localenv) localenv = {k:v for (k,v) in os.environ.items() if k.startswith('VIPY_')} localenv.update( {'VIPY_BACKEND':'Agg'} ) env=localenv: _f_setenv_remote(env)) else: # Local scheduler self._client = Client(name='vipy', address=address, # to connect to distributed scheduler HOSTNAME:PORT scheduler_port=0, # random dashboard_address=None if not dashboard else ':0', # random port processes=True, threads_per_worker=1, n_workers=num_processes, env=env, direct_to_workers=True, #memory_limit='auto', #silence_logs=20 if verbose else 40, local_directory=tempfile.mkdtemp()) self._num_gpus = num_gpus if self._num_gpus is not None: assert isinstance(self._num_gpus, int) and self._num_gpus > 0, "Number of GPUs must be >= 0 not '%s'" % (str(self._num_gpus)) assert self._num_gpus == self._num_processes wait([self._client.submit(vipy.globals.gpuindex, k, workers=wid) for (k, wid) in enumerate(self._client.scheduler_info()['workers'].keys())]) def __repr__(self): if self._num_processes is not None or self._num_gpus is not None: # Local return str('<vipy.globals.dask: %s%s>' % ('gpus=%d' % self.num_gpus() if self.num_gpus() is not None else 'processes=%d' % self.num_processes(), ', dashboard="%s"' % str(self._client.dashboard_link) if self.has_dashboard() else '')) elif self._client is not None: # Distributed return str('<vipy.globals.dask: %s>' % (str(self._client))) else: return str('<vipy.globals.dask: shutdown') def num_gpus(self): return self._num_gpus def has_dashboard(self): return len(self._client.dashboard_link) > 0 if self._client is not None else False def dashboard(self): if len(self._client.dashboard_link)>0 else None def num_processes(self): return len(self._client.nthreads()) if self._client is not None else 0 def shutdown(self): self._client.close() self._num_processes = None self._num_gpus = None vipy.globals.GLOBAL['DASK_CLIENT'] = None return self def client(self): return self._client
def client(self)
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def client(self): return self._client
def dashboard(self)
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def dashboard(self): if len(self._client.dashboard_link)>0 else None
def has_dashboard(self)
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def has_dashboard(self): return len(self._client.dashboard_link) > 0 if self._client is not None else False
def num_gpus(self)
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def num_gpus(self): return self._num_gpus
def num_processes(self)
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def num_processes(self): return len(self._client.nthreads()) if self._client is not None else 0
def shutdown(self)
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def shutdown(self): self._client.close() self._num_processes = None self._num_gpus = None vipy.globals.GLOBAL['DASK_CLIENT'] = None return self